The ACQ - USB Acquisition Program

        The Acq Data Acquisition Program acquires and processes
      data from specific USB I/O modules designed for this
      application.  The currently supported modules are:

          1.  USB_ADC_NNNN  -  ADC I/O modules which interface
                               with Northern Instruments models
                               NS-62x ADCs and Tracor Northern
                               Instruments models TN-12xx ADCs.

          2.  USB_TMR_NNNN  -  Timer I/O modules with time-bases
                               of from 100 microseconds (us) to
                               10 seconds for multichannel scaling

        The I/O modules are organized into 'chains' of from
      1 to 8 modules per chain.  The acquisition program supports
      upto 8 chains.

        The I/O modules in each chain can be configured for
      independent operation (i.e. singles mode) where acquired
      events are channeled through their corresponding I/O
      module USB connections.  The I/O modules in each chain
      may be combined for multiparameter acquisition operation
      where a single event consists of acquiring data from each
      multiparameter I/O module simultaneously and transferring
      all the data through the first multiparameter I/O module
      in the chain.  A single multiparameter group and multiple
      singles mode devices are allowed in each chain of I/O modules.

  1. Acquisition Hardware Configuration

  2. ACQ Program Startup

  3. Advisor Menu: File

  4. Advisor Menu: Execute Advisory

  5. Advisor Menu: Configure

  6. Advisor Menu: Help

  7. USB_ADC and USB_TMR Hardware Reference