FDMgr - The Floppy Disk Manager

        FDMgr, The Floppy Disk Manager, is a program to
      manage the floppy images of a floppy drive emulator.
      One such emulator is the SFR1M44-U100K GoTek 1.44MB
      USB SSD Floppy Drive Emulator which supports upto
      1000 1.44MB floppy images on a single small USB device.
      ( 1000 1.44MB floppy images require 1.5GB of storage. )

      The program supports the following functionality:

       1) RAW reading, RAW writing, and
          formatting of a floppy disk.

       2) Formatting a USB device to hold
          1000 floppy images.

       3) Saving or Loading the USB image of
          1000 floppy images to/from a file.

       4) Reading, Writing, and Formatting of individual
          floppy images on the 1000 floppy image
          USB drive.

       5) The adding/editing descriptions for each
          individual floppy image saved to the
          1000 floppy image USB drive.

        FDMgr is normally invoked with 'Administrative Privileges'
      which allows the manipulation of the USB device which
      contains or will contain the 1000 floppy images.  If the
      program is started without the appropriate privileges the
      following dialog box will open:


      If the 'Continue' button is selected then only floppy
      disk operations are enabled.  Select 'Exit' and then
      restart the program with 'Administrative Privileges'
      to enable full functionality with access to USB devices.

        Once the 'Floppy Disk Manager' window is open only
      the allowed operations will be active.  The main window:


  1. File Menu - USB Image Manipulation

  2. Image Menu - Internal Image Buffer Options

  3. Help Menu - Documentation

  4. The Disk Description Editor