.z80 Directive Format: .z80 The .z80 directive enables processing of only the z80 specific mnemonics. HD64180/Z180 mnemonics encountered without the .hd64 directive will be flagged with anerror. The .z80 directive also selects the Z80 specific cycles count to be output. .hd64 Directive Format: .hd64 The .hd64 directive enables processing of the HD64180/Z180 specific mnemonics not included in the Z80 instruction set. HD64180/Z180 mnemonics encountered without the .hd64 directive will be flagged with an error. A synonym of .hd64 is .z180. The .hd64 directive also selects the HD64180/Z180 specific cycles count to be output. .8085 Directive Format: .8085 The .8085 directive enables processing of the standard 8085 in- structions using the z80 style syntax. Extended (unspecified) 8085 instructions will be flagged with an error. Addressing modes not supported by the 8085 will be flagged with an <a> er- ror. The .8085 directive also selects the 8085 specific cycles count to be output. .8085x Directive Format: .8085x The .8085x directive enables processing of the standard and ex- tended 8085 instructions using the z80 style syntax. Addressing modes not supported by the 8085 will be flagged with an <a> er- ror. The .8085x directive also selects the 8085 specific cycles count to be output. See the AS8085 appendix for a description of the extended (unspecified) instructions enabled by the .8085x directive. .8080 Directive Format: .8080 The .8080 directive enables processing of the standard 8080 in- structions using the z80 style syntax. All non 8080 instruc- tions will be flagged with an error. Addressing modes not supported by the 8080 will be flagged with an <a> error. The .8080 directive also selects the 8080 specific cycles count to be output. THE .__.CPU. VARIABLE The value of the pre-defined symbol '.__.CPU.' corresponds to the selected processor type. The default value is 0 which corresponds to the default processor type. The following table lists the processor types and associated values for the ASZ80 assembler: Processor Type .__.CPU. Value -------------- -------------- .z80 0 .hd64 / .z180 1 .8085 2 .8085x 3 .8080 4 The variable '.__.CPU.' is by default defined as local and will not be output to the created .rel file. The assembler com- mand line options -g or -a will not cause the local symbol to be output to the created .rel file. The assembler .globl directive may be used to change the the variable type to global causing its definition to be output to the .rel file. The inclusion of the definition of the vari- able '.__.CPU.' might be a useful means of validating that separately assembled files have been compiled for the same pro- cessor type. The linker will report an error for variables with multiple non equal definitions. Z80 REGISTER SET AND CONDITIONS The following is a complete list of register designations and condition mnemonics: byte registers - a,b,c,d,e,h,l,i,r register pairs - af,af',bc,de,hl word registers - pc,sp,ix,iy C - carry bit set M - sign bit set NC - carry bit clear NZ - zero bit clear P - sign bit clear PE - parity even PO - parity odd Z - zero bit set Z80 INSTRUCTION SET The following list specifies the format for each addressing mode supported by ASZ80: #data immediate data byte or word data n byte value rg a byte register a,b,c,d,e,h,l rp a register pair bc,de,hl (hl) implied addressing or register indirect addressing (label) direct addressing offset(ix) indexed addressing with an offset label call/jmp/jr label The terms data, dir, offset, and ext may all be expressions. Note that not all addressing modes are valid with every in- struction, refer to the Z80/HD64180/Z180 technical data for valid modes. The following tables list all Z80/HD64180/Z180 mnemonics recognized by the ASZ80 assembler. The designation [] refers to a required addressing mode argument. Inherent Instructions ccf cpd cpdr cpi cpir cpl daa di ei exx halt neg nop reti retn rla rlca rld rra rrca rrd scf Implicit Operand Instructions adc a,[] adc [] add a,[] add [] and a,[] and [] cp a,[] cp [] dec a,[] dec [] inc a,[] inc [] or a,[] or [] rl a,[] rl [] rlc a,[] rlc [] rr a,[] rr [] rrc a,[] rrc [] sbc a,[] sbc [] sla a,[] sla [] sra a,[] sra [] srl a,[] srl [] sub a,[] sub [] xor a,[] xor [] Load Instruction ld rg,[] ld [],rg ld (bc),a ld a,(bc) ld (de),a ld a,(de) ld (label),a ld a,(label) ld (label),rp ld rp,(label) ld i,a ld r,a ld a,i ld a,r ld sp,hl ld sp,ix ld sp,iy ld rp,#data ldd lddr ldi ldir Call/Return Instructions call C,label ret C call M,label ret M call NC,label ret NC call NZ,label ret NZ call P,label ret P call PE,label ret PE call PO,label ret PO call Z,label ret Z call label ret Jump and Jump to Subroutine Instructions jp C,label jp M,label jp NC,label jp NZ,label jp P,label jp PE,label jp PO,label jp Z,label jp (hl) jp (ix) jp (iy) jp label djnz label jr C,label jr NC,label jr NZ,label jr Z,label jr label Bit Manipulation Instructions bit n,[] res n,[] set n,[] Interrupt Mode and Reset Instructions im n im n im n rst n Input and Output Instructions in a,(n) in rg,(c) ind indr ini inir out (n),a out (c),rg outd otdr outi otir Register Pair Instructions add hl,rp add ix,rp add iy,rp adc hl,rp sbc hl,rp ex (sp),hl ex (sp),ix ex (sp),iy ex de,hl ex af,af' push rp pop rp HD64180/Z180 Specific Instructions in0 rg,(n) out0 (n),rg otdm otdmr otim otimr mlt bc mlt de mlt hl mlt sp slp tst a tstio #data
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