ASxxxx Cross Assemblers, Version 5.50, September 2023 The ASxxxx assemblers are a series of microprocessor assem- blers written in the C programming language. This collection contains cross assemblers for the 1802, S2650, SC/MP, 4040(4004), MPS430, 6100, 61860, 6500, 6800(6802/6808), 6801(6803/HD6303), 6804, 6805, 68HC(S)08, 6809, 68HC11, 68HC(S)12, 68HC16, 68CF 68K, 740, 78K/0, 78K/0S, 8008, 8008S, 8048(8041/8022/8021), 8051, 8085(8080), AT89LP, 8X300(8X305), COP4, COP8, DS8XCXXX, AVR, EZ8, EZ80, F2MC8L/FX, F8/3870, GameBoy(Z80), H8/3xx, Cypress PSoC(M8C), PDP11, PIC, Rabbit 2000/3000, RS08, ST6, ST7, ST8, SX, Z8, Z80(HD64180), and Z280 series microprocessors.
AS1802 CDP1802 COSMAC AS2650 Signetics 2650 AS4040 Intel 4040 and 4004 AS430 MSP430 Series Microprocessors AS6100 IM6100, HM6100 AS61860 SC61860 AS6500 6500 Series Microprocessors AS6800 MC6800, MC6802, and MC6808 AS6801 MC6801 and HD6301 AS6804 MC6804 AS6805 MC6805 AS6808 MC68HC(S)08 AS6809 MC6809 AS6811 MC68HC11 AS6812 MC68HC(S)12 AS6816 MC68HC16 AS68CF ColdFire - See Update u01550 AS68K 68000, 68008, 68010, and 68020 - See Update u01550 AS740 740 Series Microprocessors AS78K0 Renesas/NEC 78K/0 Series Microprocessors AS78K0S Renesas/NEC 78K/0S Series Microprocessors AS8008 8008 AS8008S 8008 (MCS-8 syntax of SIM-8) AS8048 8048, 8041, 8022, and 8021 AS8051 8051 AS8085 8085 and 8080 AS89LP AT89LP Series Microprocessors AS8X300 8X300 and 8X305 Microcontrollers AS8XCXXX DS8xCxxx Series Microprocessors ASAVR AVR Series Microprocessors ASCOP4 NS COP400 Series Microprocessors ASCOP8 NS COP800 Series Microprocessors ASEZ8 EZ8 ASEZ80 EZ80 ASF2MC8 Fujitsu F2MC8L/FX Microprocessors ASF8 Fairchild F8 / Mostek 3870 Microprocessors ASGB GameBoy(Z80) ASH8 H8/3xx ASM8C Cypress PSoC (M8C) ASPDP11 PDP-11 Processors ASPIC PIC Series Microprocessors ASRAB Rabbit 2000/3000 ASRS08 Freescale/NXP RS08 Series Microprocessors ASSCMP SC/MP ASST6 STMicroelectronics ST6 ASST7 STMicroelectronics ST7 ASST8 STMicroelectronics STM8 ASSX Ubicom SX Family ASZ8 Z8 ASZ80 Z80, HD64180, 8085, and 8080 ASZ280 Z280, Z180, and Z80
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Last Updated: September 2023