
Documentation for the
ASxxxx Assemblers and
ASlink Relocating Linker

ASxxxx Cross Assemblers, Version 5.50, September 2023

   The  ASxxxx  assemblers are a series of microprocessor assem-
blers written in the C programming  language.   This  collection
contains   cross   assemblers   for   the  1802,  S2650,  SC/MP,
4040(4004),  MPS430,   6100,   61860,   6500,   6800(6802/6808),
6801(6803/HD6303),   6804,   6805,   68HC(S)08,   6809,  68HC11,
68HC(S)12, 68HC16, 68CF 68K, 740, 78K/0,  78K/0S,  8008,  8008S,
8048(8041/8022/8021),  8051,  8085(8080),  AT89LP, 8X300(8X305),
COP4,  COP8,  DS8XCXXX,  AVR,  EZ8,  EZ80,  F2MC8L/FX,  F8/3870,
GameBoy(Z80),  H8/3xx,  Cypress  PSoC(M8C),  PDP11,  PIC, Rabbit
2000/3000, RS08, ST6, ST7, ST8, SX, Z8, Z80(HD64180),  and  Z280
series  microprocessors.

- ... The Assembler Description
- ... The Macro Processor Description
- ... The Linker Description
- ... Assembly and Linking Example
- ... Building ASxxxx and ASlink
- ... ASxxxx Utility Programs
- ... ASxxxx Notes and Tips
- ... ASxxxx Change Log

- ... ASxxxx Documentation as a Single HTML File
- ... ASxxxx Documentation as a Single TEXT File
- ... ASxxxx Documentation as a Single RTF File
- ... ASxxxx Documentation as a Single PDF File

- ... Contributors

- ... Exit the ASxxxx Documentation

- ... The Assemblers:

  - AS1802    CDP1802 COSMAC
  - AS2650    Signetics 2650
  - AS4040    Intel 4040 and 4004
  - AS430     MSP430  Series Microprocessors
  - AS6100    IM6100, HM6100
  - AS61860   SC61860
  - AS6500    6500 Series Microprocessors
  - AS6800    MC6800, MC6802, and MC6808
  - AS6801    MC6801 and HD6301
  - AS6804    MC6804
  - AS6805    MC6805
  - AS6808    MC68HC(S)08
  - AS6809    MC6809
  - AS6811    MC68HC11
  - AS6812    MC68HC(S)12
  - AS6816    MC68HC16
  - AS68CF    ColdFire                        - See Update u01550
  - AS68K     68000, 68008, 68010, and 68020  - See Update u01550
  - AS740     740 Series Microprocessors
  - AS78K0    Renesas/NEC 78K/0 Series Microprocessors
  - AS78K0S   Renesas/NEC 78K/0S Series Microprocessors
  - AS8008    8008
  - AS8008S   8008 (MCS-8 syntax of SIM-8)
  - AS8048    8048, 8041, 8022, and 8021
  - AS8051    8051
  - AS8085    8085 and 8080
  - AS89LP    AT89LP Series Microprocessors
  - AS8X300   8X300 and 8X305 Microcontrollers
  - AS8XCXXX  DS8xCxxx Series Microprocessors
  - ASAVR     AVR Series Microprocessors
  - ASCOP4    NS COP400 Series Microprocessors
  - ASCOP8    NS COP800 Series Microprocessors
  - ASEZ8     EZ8
  - ASEZ80    EZ80
  - ASF2MC8   Fujitsu F2MC8L/FX Microprocessors
  - ASF8      Fairchild F8 / Mostek 3870 Microprocessors
  - ASGB      GameBoy(Z80)
  - ASH8      H8/3xx
  - ASM8C     Cypress PSoC (M8C)
  - ASPDP11   PDP-11 Processors
  - ASPIC     PIC Series Microprocessors
  - ASRAB     Rabbit 2000/3000
  - ASRS08    Freescale/NXP RS08 Series Microprocessors
  - ASST6     STMicroelectronics ST6
  - ASST7     STMicroelectronics ST7
  - ASST8     STMicroelectronics STM8
  - ASSX      Ubicom SX Family
  - ASZ8      Z8
  - ASZ80     Z80, HD64180, 8085, and 8080
  - ASZ280    Z280, Z180, and Z80

... Exit the ASxxxx Documentation

... Home Page

Last Updated: September 2023