
ASZ280 Assembler


     The ASZ280 cross assembler was written by John Coffman.  

        John Coffman
        johninsd at gmail dot com

     The  ASZ280  assembler  is a completely table driven assem-
bler.   This  assembler  can  process  Z280  (default),  HD64180
(Z180),  and  Z80 code.  The following processor specific assem-
bler directives specify  which  processor  to  target  and  with
specific instruction options when processing the input assembler


.z80 Directive 



The  .z80  directive  enables  processing  of  the  Z80 specific
mnemonics.  Z180 (HD64180) and Z280 mnemonics  will  be  flagged
with  an  <o>  error.  Addressing modes not supported by the z80
will be flagged with an <a> error.  

     The  .z80  directive  also  selects the Z80 specific cycles
count to be output.  

.z80u Directive 



The  .z80u  directive enables processing of the Z80 specific and
Z80 undocumented instructions.  Z180 (HD64180) and Z280  mnemon-
ics  will  be  flagged  with an <o> error.  Addressing modes not
supported by the z80 will be flagged with an <a> error.  

     The  .z80u  directive  also selects the Z80 specific cycles
count to be output.  

.z180 Directive 



The  .z180  directive  enables  processing  of the Z180 specific
mnemonics not included in the Z80 instruction  set.   Addressing
modes  not supported by the Z180 will be flagged with an <a> er-
ror.  A synonym of .z180 is .hd64.  

     The  .z180/.hd64  directive  also  selects the Z180/HD64180
specific cycles count to be output.  

.z280 Directive 



The  .z280  directive  enables  processing  of the Z280 specific
mnemonics,  includes  i/o   instructions,   but   excludes   all
privileged  instructions.  Addressing modes not supported by the
Z280 will be flagged with an <a> error.  

     The  .z280  directive also selects the Z280 specific cycles
count to be output.  

.z280n Directive 



The  .z280n  directive  enables  processing of the Z280 specific
mnemonics,  excludes  i/o   instructions,   and   excludes   all
privileged  instructions.  Addressing modes not supported by the
Z280 will be flagged with an <a> error.  

     The  .z280n directive also selects the Z280 specific cycles
count to be output.  

.z280p Directive 



The  .z280p  directive  enables  processing of the Z280 specific
mnemonics,  includes  i/o   instructions,   and   includes   all
privileged  instructions.  Addressing modes not supported by the
Z280 will be flagged with an <a> error.  

     The  .z280p directive also selects the Z280 specific cycles
count to be output.  

The .__.CPU.  Variable 

The  value  of  the pre-defined symbol '.__.CPU.' corresponds to
the selected processor type.  The following table lists the pro-
cessor types and associated values for the ASZ280 assembler:  

        Processor Type            .__.CPU. Value
        --------------            --------------
            .z80                        0x83
            .z80u                       0x87
            .z180/.hd64                 0x8B
            .z280                       0x33
            .z280n                      0x11
            .z280p                      0xF3

     The  variable '.__.CPU.' is by default defined as local and
will not be output to the created .rel file.  The assembler com-
mand line options -g or -a will not cause the local symbol to be
output to the created .rel file.  

     The  assembler  .globl  directive may be used to change the
variable type to global causing its definition to be  output  to
the  .rel file.  The inclusion of the definition of the variable
'.__.CPU.' might be a useful means of validating that separately
assembled  files have been compiled for the same processor type.
The linker will report an error for variables with multiple  non
equal definitions.  



 Recognized Registers
  8-bit  data registers:        A,B,C,D,E,H,L,I,R
  16-Bit data registers:        BC,DE,HL,IX,IY
  Accumulator/Flag registers:   AF,AF'
  Program Counter:              PC
  Stack Pointer:                SP

Condition Codes 

 Condition Codes for Jump, Call, and Return Instructions
        NZ -    Not Zero        zero bit clear
        Z  -    Zero            zero bit set
        NC -    No Carry        carry bit clear
        C  -    Carry           carry bit set
        NV -    No Overflow     overflow bit clear
        V  -    Overflow        overflow bit set
        PE -    Parity Even     (overflow bit set)
        PO -    Parity Odd      (overflow bit clear)
        NS -    No Sign         sign bit clear
        P  -    Plus            sign bit clear
        S -     Sign            sign bit set
        M  -    Minus           sign bit set

     Condition Codes for Jump Relative Instruction
        NZ -    Not Zero        zero bit clear
        Z  -    Zero            zero bit set
        NC -    No Carry        carry bit clear
        C  -    Carry           carry bit set

Instruction Modes

 Addressing Mode Notes
  R     8-bit registers:        A,B,C,D,E,H,L,I,R,AF,AF'

  RX    16-Bit registers:       BC,DE,HL,IX,IY,SP

  IM    Immediate               #byte, #word

  IR    Indirect Register       (HL)

  DA    Direct Address          (address)

  X     Indexed                 (HL+ofst),ofst(HL)

  SX    Short Index             (HL+ofst),ofst(HL)
                                -128 <= ofst <= 127

  RA    PC Relative Address     [address]
                8-bit offset:   -128 <= ofst <= 127
                16-bit offset:  -32768 <= ofst <= 32767

  SR    Stack Pointer Relative  (SP+ofst)

  BX    Base Index              (HL+IX),(HL+IY),(IX+IY)

  The  instruction  format  arguments  are  described in this
table.  Note that not all addressing  arguments  are  valid  for
every mode, refer to the z280 technical data for valid operands.

 Argument Formats
 A,B,C,D,E,H,L,AF,AF'   Explicit 8-Bit Register

 BC,DE,HL,IX,IY,SP,PC   Explicit 16-Bit Register

 DEHL                   Explicit 32-Bit Register

 r                      A,B,C,D,E,H,L Register

 rr                     BC, DE, or HL Register

 src                    Any Valid Source Argument
                        (Instruction Dependent)

 dst                    Any Valid Destination Argument
                        (Instruction Dependent)

 n                      Byte Argument

 nn                     Word Argument

 XY                     IX or IY Register

 XX                     HL, IX, or IY Register

 cc                     Condition Codes

 dat                    RST Number       0 <= dat <= 7

 p                      IM Interrupt Mode  0 <= p <= 3

8-Bit Load Group Instructions  - 
                     Addressing Modes Available
 Format         R   RX  IM  IR  DA  X   SX  RA  SR  BX
 ------        --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
 EX A,src       *   *       *   *   *   *   *   *   *
 LD A,src       *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *
 LD dst,A       *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *
 LD dst,n       *   *       *   *   *   *   *   *   *
 LD r,src       *   *   *   *           *
 LD dst,r       *   *       *           *
 LDUD A,src                 *           *
 LDUD dst,A                 *           *
 LDUP A,src                 *           *
 LDUP dst,A                 *           *

16-Bit Load and Exchange Group Instructions  - 
                     Addressing Modes Available
 Format           R   IM  IR  DA  X   SX  RA  SR  BX
 ------          --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
 LD XX,src            *       *   *       *   *   *
 LD dst,XX                    *   *       *   *   *
 LD RR,src            *   *   *       *
 LD dst,RR                *   *       *
 LD dst,nn        *       *   *           *
 LD SP,src        *   *   *   *       *
 LD dst,SP                *   *       *
 LDA XX,src                   *   *       *   *   *
 POP dst          *       *   *           *
 PUSH src         *   *   *   *           *

Block Transfer and Search Group Instructions  - 
 Format                         Format
 ------                         ------
 CPD                            LDD
 CPDR                           LDDR
 CPI                            LDI
 CPIR                           LDIR

8-Bit Arithmetic and Logic Group  - 
                     Addressing Modes Available
 Format         R   RX  IM  IR  DA  X   SX  RA  SR  BX
 ------        --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
 ADC A,src      *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *
 ADD A,src      *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *
 AND A,src      *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *
 CP A,src       *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *
 DEC dst        *   *       *   *   *   *   *   *   *
 DIV A,src      *   *   *       *   *   *   *   *   *
 DIVU A,src     *   *   *       *   *   *   *   *   *
 INC dst        *   *       *   *   *   *   *   *   *
 MULT A,src     *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *
 MULTU A,src    *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *
 OR A,src       *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *
 SBC A,src      *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *
 SUB A,src      *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *
 XOR A,src      *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

16-Bit Arithmetic Operation Instructions  - 
                     Addressing Modes Available
 Format                 R   IM  IR  DA  X   RA
 ------                --- --- --- --- --- ---
 ADC XX,src             *
 ADD XX,src             *
 ADDW HL,src            *   *       *   *   *
 CPW HL,src             *   *       *   *   *
 DECW dst               *       *   *   *   *
 DIV DEHL,src           *   *       *   *   *
 DIVU DEHL,src          *   *       *   *   *
 INCW dst               *       *   *   *   *
 MULT HL,src            *   *       *   *   *
 MULTU HL,src           *   *       *   *   *
 SBC XX,src             *
 SUBW HL,src            *   *       *   *   *

Bit Manipulation, Rotate and Shift Group  - 
                     Addressing Modes Available
 Format                     IR  DA  RA
 ------                    --- --- ---
 BIT dst                    *   *   *
 RES dst                    *   *   *
 RL dst                     *   *   *
 RLC dst                    *   *   *
 RLD                            *
 RR dst                     *   *   *
 RRC dst                    *   *   *
 RRD                            *
 SET dst                    *   *   * 
 SLA dst                    *   *   * 
 SRA dst                    *   *   * 
 SRL dst                    *   *   * 
 TSET dst                   *   *   * 

Program Control Group Instructions  - 
                     Addressing Modes Available
 Format                     IR  DA  RA
 ------                    --- --- ---
 CALL cc,dst                *   *   *
 DJNZ dst                           *
 JAF dst                            *
 JAR dst                            *
 JP cc,dst                  *   *   *
 JR cc,dst                          *
 RET cc
 RST dat
 SC nn

Program Control Group Instructions  - 
 Format                         Format
 ------                         ------
 IN dst,(C)                     OUT (C),src
 IN A,(n)                       OUT (n),A
 INW HL,(C)                     OUTW (C),HL
 IND                            OUTD
 INDW                           OUTDW
 INDR                           OTDR
 INDRW                          OTDRW
 INI                            OUTI
 INIW                           OTIW
 INIR                           OTIR
 INIRW                          OTIRW

CPU Control Group Instructions  - 
 Format                         Format
 ------                         ------
 DI mask                        LDCTL dst,src
 EI mask                        NOP
 HALT                           PCACHE
 IM p                           RETI
 LD A,src                       RETIL
 LD src,A                       RETN

Extended Instructions  - 
 Format                         Format
 ------                         ------
 EPUM src                       EPUF
 MEPU dst                       EPUI

Z280 Excution Cycles 

     The  instruction  cycle timing was taken from Appendix E of
the Z280 CPU manual.  They are greatly influenced  by  the  con-
tents of the cache.  

                 Z280 Manual Appendix E Excerpt

     The  autonomous  operation  of the three stages in the
     Z280 cpu instruction pipeline makes  it  difficult  to
     calculate exact instruction execution times.  Further-
     more, execution times are affected by cache  activity;
     the current cache contents determine the number of ex-
     ternal memory transactions made during the fetch  exe-
     cution of a given instruction.  

     Thus  all timings are approximate and should be looked upon
as the smallest number of cycles.  


     The   following   list   specifies   the  format  for  each
Z80/HD64180 addressing mode supported by ASZ280:  

        #data           immediate data
                        byte or word data
        n               byte value
        rg              a byte register
        rp              a register pair
        (hl)            implied addressing or
                        register indirect addressing
        (label)         direct addressing
        (ix+offset)     indexed addressing with
         offset(ix)     an offset
        label           call/jmp/jr label

The  terms  data,  n, label, and offset, may all be expressions.
The terms dir and offset are not allowed to be  external  refer-
ences.   The  following  tables  list  all Z80/HD64180 mnemonics
recognized by the ASRAB assembler.  The designation [] refers to
a required addressing mode argument.  

     Note that not all addressing modes are valid with every in-
struction, refer to the Z80/HD64180  technical  data  for  valid

Inherent Instructions 

        ccf             cpd
        cpdr            cpi
        cpir            cpl
        daa             di
        ei              exx
        halt            neg
        nop             reti
        retn            rla
        rlca            rld
        rra             rrca
        rrd             scf

Implicit Operand Instructions 

        adc     a,[]            adc     []
        add     a,[]            add     []
        and     a,[]            and     []
        cp      a,[]            cp      []
        dec     a,[]            dec     []
        inc     a,[]            inc     []
        or      a,[]            or      []
        rl      a,[]            rl      []
        rlc     a,[]            rlc     []
        rr      a,[]            rr      []
        rrc     a,[]            rrc     []
        sbc     a,[]            sbc     []
        sla     a,[]            sla     []
        sra     a,[]            sra     []
        srl     a,[]            srl     []
        sub     a,[]            sub     []
        xor     a,[]            xor     []

Load Instruction 

        ld      rg,[]           ld      [],rg
        ld      (bc),a          ld      a,(bc)
        ld      (de),a          ld      a,(de)
        ld      (label),a       ld      a,(label)
        ld      (label),rp      ld      rp,(label)
        ld      i,a             ld      r,a
        ld      a,i             ld      a,r
        ld      sp,hl           ld      sp,ix
        ld      sp,iy           ld      rp,#data

        ldd                     lddr
        ldi                     ldir

Call/Return Instructions 

        call    C,label         ret     C
        call    M,label         ret     M
        call    NC,label        ret     NC
        call    NZ,label        ret     NZ
        call    P,label         ret     P
        call    PE,label        ret     PE
        call    PO,label        ret     PO
        call    Z,label         ret     Z
        call    label           ret

Jump and Jump to Subroutine Instructions 

        jp      C,label         jp      M,label
        jp      NC,label        jp      NZ,label
        jp      P,label         jp      PE,label
        jp      PO,label        jp      Z,label

        jp      (hl)            jp      (ix)
        jp      (iy)            jp      label

        djnz    label

        jr      C,label         jr      NC,label
        jr      NZ,label        jr      Z,label
        jr      label

Bit Manipulation Instructions 

        bit     n,[]
        res     n,[]
        set     n,[]

Interrupt Mode and Reset Instructions 

        im      n
        im      n
        im      n
        rst     n

Input and Output Instructions 

        in      a,(n)           in      rg,(c)
        ind                     indr
        ini                     inir

        out     (n),a           out     (c),rg
        outd                    otdr
        outi                    otir

Register Pair Instructions 

        add     hl,rp           add     ix,rp
        add     iy,rp

        adc     hl,rp           sbc     hl,rp

        ex      (sp),hl         ex      (sp),ix
        ex      (sp),iy
        ex      de,hl
        ex      af,af'

        push    rp              pop     rp

HD64180 Specific Instructions 

        in0     rg,(n)
        out0    (n),rg

        otdm                    otdmr
        otim                    otimr

        mlt     bc              mlt     de
        mlt     hl              mlt     sp


        tst     a
        tstio   #data

Z80 Undocumented Instructions 

    op = adc, add, and, cp, or, sbc, sub, xor
        op      a,ixh           op      a,ixl
        op      a,iyh           or      a,iyl

    op = dec, inc
        op      ixh             inc     ixl
        op      iyh             inc     iyl

        in      ixh,(c)         in      ixl,(c)
        in      iyh,(c)         in      iyl,(c)

        ld      ixh,r           r = a, b, c, d, e
        ld      ixl,r           r = a, b, c, d, e

        ld      iyh,r           r = a, b, c, d, e
        ld      iyl,r           r = a, b, c, d, e

        ld      r,ixh           r = a, b, c, d, e
        ld      r,ixl           r = a, b, c, d, e

        ld      r,iyh           r = a, b, c, d, e
        ld      r,iyl           r = a, b, c, d, e

        ld      ixh,#n          ld      ixl,#n
        ld      iyh,#n          ld      iyl,#n

        ld      ixh,ixh         ld      ixl,ixh
        ld      ixh,ixl         ld      ixl,ixl
        ld      iyh,iyh         ld      iyl,iyh
        ld      iyh,iyl         ld      iyl,iyl

        sll     offset(ix)      sll     offset(iy)
        sll     a               sll     b
        sll     c               sll     d
        sll     e               sll     h
        sll     l

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Last Updated: September 2023