
ASRS08 Assembler

     The  ASRS08 assembler supports the RS08 series of micropro-
cessors.  Processor specific definition files are  included  for
the  KA2(KA1),  KA8(KA4),  KB8( KB2, KB4, and KB6), LA8, and LE4
variations of peripheral options with the RS08 core.  


The following is a list of the RS08 registers used by ASRS08:  

        a       - the accumulator
        x       - the index register


        a       8 bit accumulator register
        x       8 bit index register

        #opr8i  8 bit immediate value

        (#)n    3 bit data

        M       is a memory address

        opr16a  16 bit address
        opr8a   8 bit address
        opr5a   5 bit address   (0 <= opra5 <= 31)
        opra4   4 bit address   (0 <= opra4 <= 15)

        Force the opr8a address form using the * prefix
        Force the opr5a or opr4a form using the <* prefix

        rel     -128 to +127 relative address

        ,x      indexed addressing
        D[X]    indexed addressing

The  terms opr8i, n, opr16a, opr8a, opra5, opra4, and rel may be

   Note  that  not all addressing modes are valid with every in-
struction.  Refer to the RS08 reference manual for more details.


   The  following tables list the mnemonics and arguments recog-
nized by the ASRS08 assembler.  

  The operational description of the instructions may
contain one or more of the following forms:

        A is a register
        X is a register
        C is the Carry Bit

        n is a 3 Bit Value

        # is an immediate value

        (arg) - 'The Contents Of' arg

        (Mx)  - 'The Contents Of M Addressed By (x)'

    Load and Store Instructions

        lda     #opr8i          A <- #
        lda     opr8a           A <- (M)
        lda     opra5           A <- (M)
        lda     ,x              A <- (Mx)
        lda     D[X]            A <- (Mx)

        ldx     #opr8i          X <- #
        ldx     opr8a           X <- (M)
        ldx     ,x              X <- (Mx)
        ldx     D[X]            X <- (Mx)

        sta     opr8a           (M) <- (A)
        sta     opr5a           (M) <- (A)
        sta     ,x              (Mx) <- (A)
        sta     D[X]            (Mx) <- (A)

        stx     opr8a           (M) <- (X)

        tax                     X <- (A)
        txa                     A <- (X)

    BSET, BCLR, and Move Instructions

        bclr    n,opr8a         Bit n of (M) <- 0
        bclr    n,x             Bit n of (Mx) <- 0
        bclr    n,D[X]          Bit n of (Mx) <- 0

        bset    n,opr8a         Bit n of (M) <- 1
        bset    n,x             Bit n of (Mx) <- 1
        bset    n,D[X]          Bit n of (Mx) <- 1

        mov     opr8a,opr8a     (M)dst <- (M)src
        mov     #opr8i,opr8a    (M) <- #
        mov     ,x,opr8a        (M) <- (Mx)
        mov     D[X],opr8a      (M) <- (Mx)
        mov     opr8a,D[X]      (Mx) <- (M)
        mov     #opr8i,D[X]     (Mx) <- #

    Add and Subtract Instructions

        adc     #opr8i          A <- (A) + (C) + #
        adc     opr8a           A <- (A) + (C) + (M)
        adc     ,x              A <- (A) + (C) + (Mx)
        adc     D[X]            A <- (A) + (C) + (Mx)
        adc     x               A <- (A) + (C) + (x)
        adcx                    A <- (A) + (C) + (x)

        add     #opr8i          A <- (A) + #
        add     opr8a           A <- (A) + (M)
        add     opr4a           A <- (A) + (M)
        add     ,x              A <- (A) + (Mx)
        add     D[X]            A <- (A) + (Mx)
        add     x               A <- (A) + (x)
        addx                    A <- (A) + (x)

        sbc     #opr8i          A <- (A) - (C) - #
        sbc     opr8a           A <- (A) - (C) - (M)
        sbc     ,x              A <- (A) - (C) - (Mx)
        sbc     D[X]            A <- (A) - (C) - (Mx)
        sbc     x               A <- (A) - (C) - (x)
        sbcx                    A <- (A) - (C) - (x)

        sub     #opr8i          A <- (A) - #
        sub     opr8a           A <- (A) - (M)
        sub     opr4a           A <- (A) - (M)
        sub     ,x              A <- (A) - (Mx)
        sub     D[X]            A <- (A) - (Mx)
        sub     x               A <- (A) - (x)
        subx                    A <- (A) - (x)

    Other Arithmetic Instructions

        inc     opr8a           (M) <- (M) + 1
        inc     opr4a           (M) <- (M) + 1
        inc     ,x              (Mx) <- (Mx) + 1
        inc     D[X]            (Mx) <- (Mx) + 1
        inc     a               A <- (A) + 1
        inc     x               X <- (X) + 1
        inca                    A <- (A) + 1
        incx                    X <- (X) + 1

        dec     opr8a           (M) <- (M) - 1
        dec     opr4a           (M) <- (M) - 1
        dec     ,x              (Mx) <- (Mx) - 1
        dec     D[X]            (Mx) <- (Mx) - 1
        dec     a               A <- (A) - 1
        dec     x               X <- (X) - 1
        deca                    A <- (A) - 1
        decx                    X <- (X) - 1

        clr     opr8a           (M) <- 0
        clr     opr4a           (M) <- 0
        clr     ,x              (Mx) <- 0
        clr     D[X]            (Mx) <- 0
        clr     a               A <- 0
        clr     x               X <- 0
        clra                    A <- 0
        clrx                    X <- 0

        cmp     #opr8i          (A) - #
        cmp     opr8a           (A) - (M)
        cmp     ,x              (A) - (Mx)
        cmp     D[X]            (A) - (Mx)
        cmp     x               (A) - (X)
        cmpx                    (A) - (X)

        tst     opr8a           (M) - 0
        tst     ,x              (Mx) - 0
        tst     D[X]            (Mx) - 0
        tst     a               (A) - 0
        tst     x               (X) - 0
        tsta                    (A) - 0
        tstx                    (X) - 0

    Logical Operation Instructions

        and     #opr8i          A <- (A) & #
        and     opr8a           A <- (A) & (M)
        and     ,x              A <- (A) & (Mx)
        and     D[X]            A <- (A) & (Mx)
        and     x               A <- (A) & (X)
        andx                    A <- (A) & (X)

        ora     #opr8i          A <- (A) | #
        ora     opr8a           A <- (A) | (M)
        ora     ,x              A <- (A) | (Mx)
        ora     D[X]            A <- (A) | (Mx)
        ora     x               A <- (A) | (X)
        orax                    A <- (A) | (X)

        eor     #opr8i          A <- (A) ^ #
        eor     opr8a           A <- (A) ^ (M)
        eor     ,x              A <- (A) ^ (Mx)
        eor     D[X]            A <- (A) ^ (Mx)
        eor     x               A <- (A) ^ (X)
        eorx                    A <- (A) ^ (X)

        com     a               A <- ~(A)
        coma                    A <- ~(A)

    Shift and Rotate Instructions

        asl     a               C <- (A7) Left Shift (A0) <- 0
        asla                    C <- (A7) Left Shift (A0) <- 0

        lsl     a               C <- (A7) Left Shift (A0) <- 0
        lsla                    C <- (A7) Left Shift (A0) <- 0

        lsr     a               0 -> (A7) Right Shift (A0) -> C
        lsra                    0 -> (A7) Right Shift (A0) -> C

        rol     a               C <- (A7) Left Rotate (A0) <- C
        rola                    C <- (A7) Left Rotate (A0) <- C

        ror     a               C -> (A7) Right Rotate (A0) -> C
        rora                    C -> (A7) Right Rotate (A0) -> C

    Jump and Branch Instructions

        jmp     opr16a          PC <- Adrress

        bcc     rel             Branch if Carry Bit Clear
        bcs     rel             Branch if Carry Bit Set (blo)
        beq     rel             Branch if Zero Bit Set
        bhs     rel             Branch if Higher or Same (bcc)
        blo     rel             Branch if Lower (bcs)
        bne     rel             Branh if Zero Bit Clear
        bra     rel             Branch Always
        brn     rel             Branch Never

    Bit Branches and Loop Control Instructions

        brclr   n,opr8a,rel     Branch if Bit n of (M) is Clear
        brclr   n,D[X],rel      Branch if Bit n of (Mx) is Clear
        brclr   n,x,rel         Branch if Bit n of (x) is Clear

        brset   n,opr8a,rel     Branch if Bit n of (M) is Set
        brset   n,D[X],rel      Branch if Bit n of (Mx) is Set
        brset   n,x,rel         Branch if Bit n of (x) is Set

        cbeqa   #opr8i,rel      Branch if (A) = #
        cbeq    a,#opr8i,rel    Branch if (A) = #
        cbeq    opr8a,rel       Branch if (M) = 0
        cbeq    ,x,rel          Branch if (Mx) = 0
        cbeq    D[X],rel        Branch if (Mx) = 0
        cbeqx   rel             Branch if (X) = 0
        cbeq    x,rel           Branch if (X) = 0

        dbnz    opr8a,rel     (M) <- (M) - 1, Branch if (M) != 0
        dbnz    ,x,rel     (Mx) <- (Mx) - 1, Branch if (Mx) != 0
        dbnz    D[X],rel   (Mx) <- (Mx) - 1, Branch if (Mx) != 0
        dbnz    a,rel           A <- (A) - 1, Branch if (A) != 0
        dbnza   rel             A <- (A) - 1, Branch if (A) != 0
        dbnz    x,rel           X <- (X) - 1, Branch if (X) != 0
        dbnzx   rel             X <- (X) - 1, Branch if (X) != 0

    Subroutine Related Instructions

        bsr     rel             Branch to Subroutine

        jsr     opr16a          Jump to Subroutine

        rts                     Return from Subroutine

        sha                     (A) <--> Shadow PC High
        sla                     (A) <--> Shadow PC Low

    Miscellaneous Instructions

        nop                     No Operation

        sec                     (C) <- 1
        clc                     (C) <- 0

        bgnd                    Background
        wait                    Put MCU into wait mode
        stop                    Put MCU into stop mode

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Last Updated: September 2023