
ASPDP11 Assembler

     The  assembler  supports  the full instruction set of PDP11
processors.  Each of the original PDP11 cores  supports  a  dif-
ferent  subset of the full PDP11 instruction set.  It is left to
the programmer to  use  only  the  instructions  native  to  the
particular processor core used in your application.  

     The  assembler  supports  the basic PDP11 core instructions
and the various subsets:  EIS, FIS, FPP, and  CIS  instructions.
Various  alternate  instruction sequences used in the early UNIX
(R) V7 assembler developed at AT&T are also implemented.  

     The  cycle  counts for each instruction were extracted from
the DCJ11 documentation and is  expressed  in  microcycles  (one
microcyle  is  four clock cycles).  For other processors see the
individual data books for instruction execution times.   If  the
number  of microcycles exceeds 99 then the cycle count will show


.rad50 Directive 


        .rad50          /string 1/, ..., /string N/ 

where:  string  represents a series of characters to be
                packed.  The string must consist of the
                characters A through Z, 0 through 9,
                dollar sign ($), period (.), and a
                space ( ).  An illegal printing character
                causes a 'q' error.

                If fewer than three characters are to be
                packed, the string is packed left justified
                within the word, and trailing spaces are

        ^/  /   represent delimiting characters.  These
                delimiters may be any paired printable
                characters other than the left angle
                bracket (<) or semicolon (;), providing
                that the delimiting character is not
                contained within the text string itself.

     The  .RAD50  directive  allows the user to generate data in
Radix-50 packed format.  Radix-50 form allows  three  characters
to  be  packed  into  sixteen  bits  (one  word);  therefor, any
6-character symbol can be stored in two consecutive words.   Ex-
amples of a .RAD50 directives are shown below:  

    .RAD50   ^/ABC/     ;Packs ABC into one word.
    .RAD50   ^/AB/      ;Packs AB (SPACE) into one word
    .RAD50   ^/ABCD/    ;Packs ABC into the first word and
                        ;D (SPACE) (SPACE) into second word
    .RAD50   ^/ABCDEF/  ;Packs ABC into the first word and
                        ;Packs DEF into the second word.

     Each  character is translated into its Radix-50 equivalent,
as indicated in the following table (values in octal):  

        (space)                 0
        A-Z                     1-32
        $                       33
        .                       34
        (undefined)             35
        0-9                     36-47

     The  Radix-50  equivalents  for characters 1 through 3 (C1,
C2, C3) are combined as follows:  

        Radix-50 Value = ((C1*50)+C2)*50+C3

     Angle  brackets  (<>)  must be used in the .RAD50 directive
whenever special codes are to be inserted into the text  string,
as shown in the example below:  

        .RAD50  ^/AB/<35>       Stores 3255 in one word

   CHR1 = 1
   CHR2 = 2
   CHR3 = 3     then

        .RAD50  ^//   ; .RAD50  ^/ABC/

^R - The Temporary Radix-50 Control Operator 



where:  ccc     represents a maximum of three characters
                to be converted to a 16-bit  Radix-50
                value.  If more than three characters
                are specified, any following the third
                are ignored.  If fewer than three are
                specified, it is assumed that the
                trailing characters are blank.

     The  ^R  operator  specifies that an argument is to be con-
verted to Radix-50 format.  This allows up to  three  characters
to be stored in one word.  The following example shows how the R
operator might be used to pack a 3-character file type specifier
(ASM) into a single 16-bit word:  

        MOV  #^RASM,FILEXT      ;Store RAD50 ASM
                                ;as file extension

     The  number  sign  (#)  is  used to indicate immediate data
(data to be assembled directly into object code).  ^R  specifies
that  the  characters ASM are to be converted to Radix-50.  This
value is then stored in location FILEXT.  



        .int32 arg1, arg2, ...  

where:  arg1, arg2, ...    represent one or more integers.
                           .int32 creates a 32-bit integer.

     .int32 causes two words of storage to be generated for each
argument.   As  in  the  .word  directive,  the  arguments   are
evaluated and the results are stored in the object module.  Glo-
bal values are not allowed in the argument and will give an  'r'

.flt16, .flt32 and .flt64 


        .flt16 arg1, arg2, ...  
        .flt32 arg1, arg2, ...  
        .flt64 arg1, arg2, ...  

where:  arg1, arg2, ...    represent one or more
                           floating-point numbers.
                           .flt16 creates a 16-bit float.
                           .flt32 creates a 32-bit float.
                           .flt64 creates a 64-bit float.

     .flt16  causes one word of storage to be generated for each
argument, .flt32 causes two words of storage to be generated for
each  argument,  while  .flt64  generates 4 words of storage for
each argument.  As in the .word  directive,  the  arguments  are
evaluated  and the results are stored in the object module.  Un-
like the .word directive only the sign operators (+) and (-) may
be  used  in  the  evaluation  of a floating-point argument.  No
arithmetic operations are allowed in  the  floating-point  argu-

     A  floating-point  number  is  represented  by  a string of
decimal digits.  The string (which can  be  a  single  digit  in
length)  may  contain  an optional decimal point and may be fol-
lowed by an optional exponent indicator in the form  of  'E'  or
'e'  followed  by a signed decimal integer exponent.  The number
may not contain embedded blanks, tabs, or angle brackets and may
not be an expression.  

     The  list  below  of numeric representations contains seven
distinct,  valid  representations  of  the  same  floating-point


     As can be inferred, the list could be extended almost inde-
finitely (3000E-3, .03E2, and so no).  A leading  plus  sign  is
optional (3.0 is considered +3.0).  A leading minus sign comple-
ments the sign bit.  No other operators are allowed  (for  exam-
ple, 3.0 + N is illegal).  

     Internally  all  floating-point numbers are evaluated as 64
bits in the following format:  

        63      62    55        54        0
         S      EEEEEEEE        MMM.....MMM

                Mantissa  (55 bits)
                Exponent  (8 bits
                Sign      (1 bit)

     The  ASPDP11  assembler  returns a value of the appropriate
size and precision via one  of  the  floating-point  directives.
The  values  returned may be truncated or rounded as selected by
'.enable (fpt)' or '.dsabl (fpt)' respectively.  

     Floating-point numbers are normally rounded.  That is, when
a floating-point number exceeds the limits of the field in which
it is to be stored, the high-order bit of the unretained portion
is added to the low-order bit of the retained portion.  

     All  numeric  operands  associated  with the Floating Point
Processor instructions are  automatically  evaluated  as  single
word,  decimal,  floating-point  values unless a temporary radix
control operator is specified.  For example, to  add  (floating)
the  octal  constant  #0Q41040 to the contents of floating-point
accumulator 0, the following instruction must be used:  

        addf    #0Q41040,ac0

^F - The One Word Floating-Point Operator 



     ^F is a unary operator for numeric control which allows you
to specify an argument that is a 1-word  floating-point  number.
For example, the following statement:  

        A:      MOV     #^F3.7,R0

creates  a 1-word floating-point number at location A+2 contain-
ing the value 3.7 formatted as shown below:  

     Bit 15     14     7     6     0
          S     EEEEEEEE     MMMMMMM

        Sign     (1 bit)
        Exponent (8 bits)
        Mantissa (7 bits)

     The ^F operator is only allowed in an instruction.  

.enabl and .dsabl 


        .enabl (arg1, arg2, ...) 
        .dsabl (arg1, arg2, ...) 

where:  arg1, arg2, ...    represent one or more
                           of the following options

                fpt     Floating-Point Truncation
                ama     Absolute Memory Addressing
                smi     Self Modifying Instruction
                awg     Automatic .WORD Generation
                rtyp    Require Floating Register Types

     fpt:  controls whether floating-point truncation is active.
Normal mode is fpt disabled and rounding is enabled.  

     ama:   controls whether relative addressing is converted to
absolute addressing.  This may be useful  when  debugging  code.
Normal  mode is ama disabled and relative addressing is enabled.
The addressing mode affected is the relative mode 'A', a special
form  of  X(Rn)  where Rn is the program counter R7 or PC.  This
form  is  converted  to  the  absolute  addressing  form   '@#A'
equivalent  to form @X(Rn) where Rn is again the program counter
R7 or PC.  

     smi:   controls  whether  self  modifying  instructions, ie
those that modify the current instruction's  program  code,  are
allowed.  The default is to report an error.  For example:  

        MOV     (PC)+,(PC)+     Moves the second word
SCND:   .word   0               of the instruction to
THRD:   .word   0               the third word.

would normally be reported as an error.  

     awg:   controls whether assembly lines not having assembler
or macro directives are treated as arguments of a  .word  direc-
tive.   This  allows lists to be created without using the .word
directive.  eg:  

        ASK             ; <lt;--  .WORD   ASK
        SAVE            ; <lt;--  .WORD   SAVE

        104400,0        ; <lt;--  .WORD   104400,0
        104401,1        ; <lt;--  .WORD   104401,1

The  default  is  to  report an error without the explicit .WORD
directive.  Note that when awg is enabled any misspelled  direc-
tive  or  macro gets treated as a .WORD argument which will lead
to some unexpected coding.  

     rtyp:   The default is to allow any valid register designa-
tion in floating point instructions.  Setting rtyp to a non-zero
value  will  require floating register types to be used.  (These
include ACn, Fn, or FRn where 0 <= n <= 5) 


     The  following  is  a  list  of the PDP11 registers used by
ASPDP11.  Eight 16-bit registers provide addresses and data  and
six  floating-point registers handle single and double precision

        r0  /  %0          -    working register r0
        r1  /  %1          -    working register r1
        r2  /  %2          -    working register r2
        r3  /  %3          -    working register r3
        r4  /  %4          -    working register r4
        r5  /  %5          -    working register r5
        r6  /  %6  /  sp   -    stack pointer
        r7  /  %7  /  pc   -    program counter

        ac0 /  f0  /  fr0  -    floating-point register ac0
        ac1 /  f1  /  fr1  -    floating-point register ac1
        ac2 /  f2  /  fr2  -    floating-point register ac2
        ac3 /  f3  /  fr3  -    floating-point register ac3
        ac4 /  f4  /  fr4  -    floating-point register ac4
        ac5 /  f5  /  fr5  -    floating-point register ac5


Addressing modes suported by ASPDP11:

Mode Addressing Mode  Syntax           Description
---- ---------------  ------  ----------------------------
  0    Register         Rn    Register content is operand.

  1    Register        (Rn)   Register contains the
        Deferred              address of the operand.

  2    Autoincrement   (Rn)+  Register is used as a
                              pointer to sequential data
                              then incremented.

  3    Autoincrement  @(Rn)+  Register is first used as a
        Deferred              pointer to a word containing
                              the address of the operand
                              then incremented (always by 2,
                              even for byte instructions).

  4    Autodecrement  -(Rn)   Register is decremented and
                              then used as a pointer.

  5    Autodecrement  @-(Rn)  Register is decremented
        Deferred              (always by 2, even for
                              byte instructions) and then
                              used as a pointer to a word
                              containing the address of
                              the operand.

  6    Index           X(Rn)  Value of X is added to the
                              contents of Rn to produce
                              address of operand. Neither
                              X or Rn are modified.

  7    Index          @X(Rn)  Value X (stored in the word
        Deferred              following the instruction)
                              and Rn are added and the sum
                              is used as a pointer to a
                              word containing the address
                              of the operand.  Neither X
                              or Rn are modified.

        The following short forms are also supported:
                @Rn     <==>    (Rn)
                @Rn+    <==>    (Rn)+
                -@Rn    <==>    -(Rn)
                @(Rn)   <==>    @X(Rn) when X is blank (0)

     Although  register 7 is a general purpose register, it dou-
bles  in  function  as  the  Program  Counter  for  the  PDP-11.
Whenever  the  processor  uses  the program counter to acquire a
word of memory, the program counter is automatically incremented
by  two  to contain the address of the next word of the instruc-
tion being executed or the address of the next instruction to be
executed.   (When  the  program uses the PC to locate byte data,
the PC is still incremented by two.) 

     The  PC  responds  to  all  the  standard PDP-11 addressing
modes.  However, There are four of these modes which  have  spe-
cial forms:  

Mode Addressing Mode  Syntax           Description
---- ---------------  ------  ----------------------------
  2    Immediate        #n    Operand follows instruction.

  3    Absolute        @#A    Absolute Address Follows

  6    Relative          A    Relative Address (index value)
                              follows the instruction.

  7    Relative         @A    Index value (stored in the
        Deferred              word following the instruction)
                              is the relative address for the
                              for the address of the operand.

     These  special  forms  are  the same as the modes described
earlier, but the general register selected is  R7,  the  program


     The following table lists all the instructions found in all
models of the PDP-11 (except as noted *).  The (B) indicates  an
instruction has a byte option and the brackets '[]' indicate one
of the described addressing modes.  The EIS, FIS, FPP,  and  CIS
Instruction  Sets are present depending upon the specific PDP-11

Single Operand 

        CLR(B)  []      Clear Destination
        COM(B)  []      Complement Destination
        INC(B)  []      Increment Destination
        DEC(B)  []      Decrement Destination
        NEG(B)  []      Negate Destination
        TST(B)  []      Test Destination

    Shift & Rotate
        ASR(B)  []      Arithmetic Shift Right
        ASL(B)  []      Arithmetic Shift Left
        ROR(B)  []      Rotate Right
        ROL(B)  []      Rotate Left
        SWAB    []      Swap Bytes

    Multiple Precision
        ADC(B)  []      Add Carry
        SBC(B)  []      Subtract Carry
      * SXT     []      Sign Extend

Double Operand 

        MOV(B)  [],[]   Move Source To Destination
        CMP(B)  [],[]   Compare Source To Destination
        ADD     [],[]   Add Source To Destination
        SUB     [],[]   Subtract Source From Destination

        BIT(B)  [],[]   Test A Bit
        BIC(B)  [],[]   Clear A Bit
        BIS(B)  [],[]   Set A Bit

      * XOR     Rn,[]   Exclusive OR

Program Control 

     The  branch instructions have a range of -127 to +128 words
of the current program counter value.   The  branch  instruction
argument is normally an address.  

        BR      Branch (Unconditional)
        BNE     Branch If Not Equal (To Zero)
        BEQ     Branch If Equal (To Zero)
        BPL     Branch If Plus
        BMI     Branch If Minus
        BVC     Branch If Overflow Is Clear
        BVS     Branch If Overflow Is Set
        BCC     Branch If Carry Is Clear
        BCS     Branch If Carry Is Set

    Signed Conditional Branch
        BGE     Branch If Greater Than Or Equal To Zero
        BLT     Branch If Less Than (Zero)
        BGT     Branch If Greater Than (Zero)
        BLE     Branch If Less Than (Zero)

    Unsigned Conditional Branch
        BHI     Branch If Higher
        BLOS    Branch If Lower Or Same
        BHIS    Branch If Higher Or Same
        BLO     Branch If Lower

    Jump & Subroutine
        JMP     []      Jump  ([] Not Rn)
        JSR     Rn,[]   Jump To Subroutine  ([] Not Rn)
        RTS     Rn      Return From Subroutine

      * CSM     []      Call To Supervisor Mode 
      * MARK            Mark
      * SOB     Rn      Subtract One And Branch (If Not Zero)
      * SPL     #N      Set Priority Level

    Trap & Interrupt
        EMT     #N      Emulator Trap (N = 0 To 255)
        TRAP    #N      Trap (N = 0 To 255)
        BPT             Break Point Trap
        IOT             Input/Output Trap
        RTI             Return From Interrupt
      * RTT             Return From Interrupt (Trace)

        HALT            Halt Processor
        WAIT            Wait For Interrupt
      * MFPT            Move Processor Type
      * MTPD    []      Move To Previous Data Space
      * MTPI    []      Move To Previous Instruction Space
      * MFPD    []      Move From Previous Data Space
      * MFPI    []      Move From Previous Data Space
      * WRTLCK          Write R0 With Bus Lock
        RESET           Reset External Bus
      * TSTSET          Lock/Read/Write/Unlock

    Condition Code Operation
        CLC, CLV, CLZ, CLN, CCC         Clear Condition Code
        SEC, SEV, SEZ, SEN, SCC         Set Condition Code
        NOP             Do Nothing

    PS Word Operators
      * MFPS            Move Byte From Processor Status Word
      * MTPS            Move Byte To Processor Status Word

EIS - Extended Instruction Set 

        ASH     [],Rn   Single Register Shifted Arithmetically
        ASHC    [],Rn   Double Register Shifted Arithmetically
                [] Specifies The Shift Count of -32 To +31

        DIV     [],Rn   Divide    (R, R|1)/(src) --> R, R|1
                The 32-bit 2's Complement integer In R And R|1
                Is Divided By The Source Operand. The Quotient
                Is Left In R; The Remainder Is Left In R|1 With
                The Same Sign As The Dividend. R Must Be Even.

        MUL     [],Rn   Multiply  (src) x Rn --> R, R|1
                The Contents Of The Destination Register And
                Source Taken As 2's Complement Integers Are
                Multiplied And Stored In The Destination
                Register And The Succeeding Register, If R Is
                Even.  If R Is Odd, Only The Low-Order Product
                Is Stored.

FIS - Floating-Point Instruction Set 

        R Contains The Address Of A Block Of Memory Where:
                (R)     Is High B Argument Address
                (R)+2   Is Low  B Argument Address      
                (R)+4   Is High A Argument Address
                (R)+6   Is Low  A Argument Address

        After The Floating-Point Operation, The Answer Is
        Stored As Follows:
                (R)+4   Is Address For High Part Of Answer
                (R)+6   Is Address For Low  Part Of Answer

        If The Result Of The Floating-Point Instruction
        Is < 2 ** (-128) Then The Argument Is Left Unchanged.

        FADD    R       Floating-Point Add
            [(R)+4, (R)+6] <- [(R)+4, (R)+6] + [(R), (R)+2]

        FSUB    R       Floating Point Subtract
            [(R)+4, (R)+6] <- [(R)+4, (R)+6] - [(R), (R)+2]

        FMUL    R       Floating-Point Multiplication
            [(R)+4, (R)+6] <- [(R)+4, (R)+6] X [(R), (R)+2]

        FDIV    R       Floating-Point Division
            [(R)+4, (R)+6] <- [(R)+4, (R)+6] / [(R), (R)+2]

FPP - Floating-Point Processor Instructions 

     The  FPP (Floating-Point Processor) instructions process 16
/ 32-Bit integer and 32 / 64-Bit floating-point operations.  The
instructions  use  the  regular addressing modes denoted by '[]'
and floating addressing modes denoted by '*[].  The floating ad-
dressing modes substitute a floating-point register when the ad-
dressing mode is  only  a  register  (mode  0)  and  allow  only
AC0-AC5.   The  double  operand floating-point instruction argu-
ments are a register (AC0-AC3) and *[].  Arguments in  ()  indi-
cate contents of.  

     For  all  floating-point  arguments the precision is deter-
mined by the floating double precision mode bit (FD).   FD  =  0
Single(F) or FD = 1 Double(D).  

     For  all  integer  arguments the precision is determined by
the floating long integer mode bit (FL) FL = 0 is 16-Bit Integer
or FL = 1 is 32-Bit Long Integer.  

    Double Operands
        ADDF/D     *[],ACn      (AC)   <-- (AC) + (*[])
        CMPF/D     *[],ACn                 (*[]) - (AC)
        DIVF/D     *[],ACn      (AC)   <-- (AC) / (*[])
        LDCDF/FD   *[],ACn      (AC)   <-- Cxy(*[])
        STCFD/DF   ACn,*[]      (*[])  <-- Cxy(AC)
                     Where Cxy Specifies Conversion From
                     Floating Mode x To Floating Mode y
                     x = D, y = F  If FD = 0 (Single) LDCDF
                     x = F, y = D  If FD = 1 (Double) LDCFD
        LDF/D      *[],ACn      (AC)   <-- (*[])
        STF/D      ACn,*[]      (*[])  <-- (AC)
        MODF/D     *[],ACn      PROD   <-- INT((AC) X (*[]))
                     AC(Even)   (AC)   <-- INT(PROD)
                                (AC|1) <-- PROD - INT(PROD)
                     AC(Odd)    (AC)   <-- PROD - INT(PROD)
        MULF/D     *[],ACn      (AC)   <-- (AC) X (*[])
        SUBF/D     *[],ACn      (AC)   <-- (AC) - (*[])
        LDEXP      [],ACn       Load ACn Exponent From []
        STEXP      ACn,[]       Store ACn Exponent Into []

    Single Operand
        ABSF/D     *[]          (*[])  <-- | (*[]) |
        CLRF/D     *[]          (*[])  <-- 0
        NEGF/D     *[]          (*[])  <-- - (*[])
        TSTF/D     *[]          Test Contents Of *[]
                     FC=0, FV=0,
                     FZ <-- 1 If (*[]) Is = Zero Else FZ <-- 0
                     FN <-- 1 If (*[]) Is < Zero Else FN <-- 0

    Mixed Integer And Floating
        LDCIF/ID/LF/LD  [],ACn          (AC)  <-- Cjx(SRC)
                        Where Cjx Specifies Conversion From
                        Integer Mode j To Floating Mode x
        STCFI/FL/DI/DL  ACn,[]          (*[]) <-- Cxj(AC)
                        Where Cxj Specifies Conversion From
                        Floating Mode x To Integer Mode j

                        j = I If FL = 0, j = L If FL = 1
                        x = F If FD = 0, x = D If FD = 1

    Support Instructions
        CFCC            Copy Floating Condition Codes
        LDFPS   []      Load Floating-Point Status From []
        STFPS   []      Store Floating-Point Status Into []
        SETD            FD <-- 1        Set Double-Precision
        SETF            FD <-- 0        Set Single-Precision
        SETL            FL <-- 1        Set Long-Integer
        SETI            FL <-- 0        Set Short-Integer
        STST    []      ([])    <-- FEC Floating Exception
                        ([]+2)  <-- FEA Floating Address

CIS - Commercial Instruction Set 

     The  PDP-11  Commercial Instruction SET (CIS11) consists of
the following extended instruction groups:  

        Commercial Load 2 Descriptors
        Commercial Load 3 Descriptors

        Character String Move
        Character String Search
        Numeric String
        Packed String

        Character String Move (In Line)
        Character String Search (In Line)
        Numeric String (In Line)
        Packed String (In Line)

     As seen from the table each generic type of instruction has
two forms:  The first uses the general registers and the  second
uses  'In  Line' parameters following the opcode of the instruc-

     The  CIS  instruction  set  was  used  only  in  two PDP-11
machines but is included here for completeness.  

    Load Descriptor Instructions
        L2Dn            Load 2 Descriptors Using @(Rn)+
        LD3n            Load 3 Descriptors Using @(Rn)+

    Character String Move Instructions
        MOVC(I)         Move Character
        MOVRC(I)        Move Reverse Justified Character
        MOVTC(I)        Move Translated Character

    Character String Search Instructions
        LOCC(I)         Locate Character
        SKPC(I)         Skip Character
        SCANC(I)        Scan Character
        SPANC(I)        Span Character
        CMPC(I)         Compare Character
        MATC(I)         Match Character

    Numeric String Instructions
        ADDN(I)         Add Numeric
        SUBN(I)         Subtract Numeric
        ASHN(I)         Arithmetic Shift Numeric
        CMPN(I)         Compare Numeric

    Packed String Instructions
        ADDP(I)         Add Packed
        SUBP(I)         Subtract Packed
        MULP(I)         Multiply Packed
        DIVP(I)         Divide Packed
        ASHP(I)         Arithmetic Shift Packed
        CMPP(I)         Compare Packed

    Convert Instructions
        CVTNL           Convert Numeric To Long
        CVTLN           Convert Long To Numeric
        CVTPL           Convert Packed Yo Long
        CVTLP           Convert Long To Packed
        CVTNP           Convert Numeric To Packed
        CVTPN           Convert Packed To Numeric


     Several  assembler  mnemonics  used by the V7 assembler are
included as alternates to those generally used by the PDP-11 as-
semblers.  These sections describe those instructions.  

    General Instructions 

        SYS     #N      Equivalent To 'Trap  #N'

        BEC             Branch On Error Clear
        BES             Branch On Error Set
                        These Were Used When The 'C' Bit
                        Was Used For Error Reporting

        MPY     [],Rn   EIS - 'MUL'
        DVD     [],Rn   EIS - 'DIV'
        ALS     [],Rn   EIS - 'ASH'
        ALSC    [],Rn   EIS - 'ASHC'

    Extended Branch Instructions 

     The  extended  branch  instructions  are  implemented  as a
normal branch if close enough or a converse branch  over  a  JMP
instruction when the range is more than +128 or -127 words rela-
tive to the current program counter.  

                Assembles as a regular branch
                instruction if close enough,
                else as a relative JMP when the
                destination is outside the range
                of a regular BR instruction.

        JNE     JEQ     JGE     JLT
        JGT     JLE     JPL     JMI
        JHI     JLOS    JVC     JVS
        JHIS    JEC     JCC     JLO
        JCS     JES
                Assembled as a regular conditional
                branch instruction if close enough,
                else as a converse branch followed
                by a relative JMP when the
                destination is outside the range
                of a regular branch instruction.

The Floating-Point MOVE Instructions 

     The  Unix V7 mnemonics for various instructions were a con-
solidation of the DEC mnemonics.  For example, the  single  MOVF
mnemonic  replaced  the  LDF, LDD, STF, and STD mnemonics by not
specifying single or double mode.  The mode is specified by  the
FL  and FD bits using the same single mnemonic.  Thus MOVF means
move float (single or double precision) or MOVIF means move  in-
teger (16 or 32 bit) to float (single or double precision).  The
following table describes the combined mnemonics:  

        MOVF    *[],ACn         =  LDF/LDD      *[],ACn
        MOVF    ACn,*[]         =  STF/STD      ACn,*[]

        MOVIF   [],ACn          =  LDCxy        [],ACn
                                xy = IF, LF, ID, LD

        MOVFI   ACn,[]          =  STCxy        ACn,[]
                                xy = FI, FL, DI, DL

        MOVOF   *[],ACn         = LDCxy         *[],ACn
        MOVFO   ACn,*[]         = STCxy         ACn,*[]
                                xy = FD, DF

        MOVIE   [],ACn          = LDEXP         [],ACn
        MOVEI   ACn,[]          = STEXP         ACn,[]

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