
ASGB Assembler


   Thanks  to  Roger Ivie for his contribution of the ASGB cross

        Roger Ivie
        ivie at cc dot usu dot edu

   And  to  Sebastian Riedel for updating and adding the various
alternate instruction formats found in the  SDCC  implementation
of the Gameboy assembler.  

        Sebastian Riedel
        sdcc at basxto dot de


   The  Gameboy uses an 8-bit processor which is closely related
to the 8080.  It is usually described as a modified Z80, but may
be more closely understood as an enhanced 8080;  it has the 8080
register set and many, but not all, enhanced  Z80  instructions.
However,  even  this is not accurate, for the Gameboy also lacks
some basic 8080 instructions (most annoyingly  SHLD  and  LHLD).
ASGB is based on ASZ80 and therefore uses the Z80 mnemonic set. 


   The following is a complete list of register designations and
condition mnemonics:  

        byte registers - a,b,c,d,e,h,l
        register pairs - af, bc, de, hl
        word registers - pc, sp

        C  - carry bit set
        NC - carry bit clear
        NZ - zero bit clear
        Z  - zero bit set


   The following tables list all Gameboy mnemnoics recognized by
the ASGB assembler.  The designation [] refers to a required ad-
dressing mode argument.  The following list specifies the format
for each addressing mode supported by ASGB:  

        #data           immediate data
                        byte or word data

        n               byte value

        rg              a byte register

        rp              a register pair or 16-bit register

        (hl)            implied addressing or
                        register indirect addressing

        (label)         direct addressing

        label           call/jmp/jr label

   The terms data, n, label, and address may all be expressions.

   Note  that  not all addressing modes are valid with every in-
struction.  Although official information is not, as  far  as  I
know, publically available for the Gameboy processor, many unof-
ficial sources are available on the internet.  

.tile Directive 


        .tile  /string/         or 

        .tile ^/string/ 

where:  string  is  a  string of ascii characters taken from the
                set ' ', '.', '+', '*', '0', '1', '2', and  '3'.
                The   string   must   be  a  multiple  of  eight
                characters long.  

        /  /     represent  the  delimiting  characters.   These
                delimiters   may   be   any   paired    printing
                characters,  as  long  as the characters are not
                contained within  the  string  itself.   If  the
                delimiting  characters  do  not match, the .tile
                directive will give the <q> error.  

     The Gameboy displays information on the screen using a pro-
grammable character set (referred to as  "tiles"  among  Gameboy
developers).   The ASGB cross assembler has a processor-specific
assembler directive  to  aid  in  the  creation  of  the  game's
character set.  

     Each  character is created from an 8x8 grid of pixels, each
pixel of which is composed of two bits.  The .tile directive ac-
cepts  a single string argument which is processed to create the
byte  values  corresponding  to  the  lines  of  pixels  in  the
character.   The  string  argument  must  be  some multiple of 8
characters long, and be one of these characters:  

        ' ' or '0' - for the pixel value 00
        '.' or '1' - for the pixel value 01
        '+' or '2' - for the pixel value 10
        '*' or '3' - for the pixel value 11

     The .tile directive processes each 8-character group of its
string argument to create the two-byte  value  corresponding  to
that  line of pixels.  The example in the popular extant litera-
ture could be done using ASGB like this:  

   0000 7C 7C                 1         .tile " *****  "
   0002 00 C6                 2         .tile "++   ++ "
   0004 C6 00                 3         .tile "..   .. "
   0006 00 FE                 4         .tile "+++++++ "
   0008 C6 C6                 5         .tile "**   ** "
   000A 00 C6                 6         .tile "++   ++ "
   000C C6 00                 7         .tile "..   .. "
   000E 00 00                 8         .tile "        "

     Or, using the synonym character set, as:  

   0010 7C 7C                10         .tile "03333300"
   0012 00 C6                11         .tile "22000220"
   0014 C6 00                12         .tile "11000110"
   0016 00 FE                13         .tile "22222220"
   0018 C6 C6                14         .tile "33000330"
   001A 00 C6                15         .tile "22000220"
   001C C6 00                16         .tile "11000110"
   001E 00 00                17         .tile "00000000"

     Since .tile is perfectly willing to assemble multiple lines
of a character at once (as long as it is given complete rows  of
pixels), it could even be done as:  

        .tile " *****  ++   ++ ..   .. +++++++ "
        .tile "**   ** ++   ++ ..   ..         "

Potentially Controversial Mnemonic Selection 

     Although the Gameboy processor is based on the Z80, it does
include some features which are not present in the Z80.  The Z80
mnemonic  set  is  not  sufficient  to describe these additional
operations;  mnemonics must be created for the  new  operations.
The  mnemonics ASGB uses are not the same as those used by other
publically-available Gameboy assemblers.  

Auto-Indexing Loads  - 

     The  Gameboy provides instructions to load or store the ac-
cumulator indirectly via HL and then subsequently  increment  or
decrement HL.  ASGB uses the mnemonic 'ldd' for the instructions
which decrement HL and 'ldi' for the instructions  which  incre-
ment  HL.   Because the Gameboy lacks the Z80's block moves, the
mnemonics are not otherwise needed by ASGB.  

        ldd a,(hl)      ldd (hl),a
        ldi a,(hl)      ldi (hl),a

Input and Output Operations  - 

     The  Gameboy  replaces the Z80's separate address space for
I/O with a mechanism similar to the zero page addressing of pro-
cessors  such  as  the  6800  or 6502.  All I/O registers in the
Gameboy reside in the address range between 0xff00  and  0xffff.
The  Gameboy adds special instructions to load and store the ac-
cumulator from and into this page of memory.   The  instructions
are  analogous to the Z80's in and out instructions and ASGB re-
tains the 'in' and 'out' mnemonics for them.  

        in a,(n)        out (n),a
        in a,(c)        out (c),a

     From  ASGB's  perspective,  the  RAM  available from 0xff80
through 0xffff is composed of unused I/O locations  rather  than
direct-page RAM.  

The 'stop' Instruction  - 

     The  publicly available documentation for the Gameboy lists
the 'stop' instruction as the two-byte instruction  10  00,  and
the  other  freely  available  Gameboy assemblers assemble it in
that manner.  


     'stop'  is  actually  just  one byte long.  There is a
     hardware bug on Gameboy Classic that  causes  the  in-
     struction following a 'stop' instruction to be skipped
     under certain conditions.  Nintendo apparently started
     to tell developers to always add a 'nop' after 'stop'. 

Inherent Instructions 

        ccf             cpl
        daa             di
        ei              nop
        halt            rla
        rlca            rra
        rrca            scf
        reti            stop

        |  Recommended  |  Alternates   |
        |    rla        |     rl a      |
        |    rlca       |     rlc a     |
        |    rra        |     rr a      |
        |    rrca       |     rrc a     |

Implicit Operand Instructions 

        |  Recommended  |   Aliases     |
        |   adc a,[]    |    adc []     |
        |   add a,[]    |    add []     |
        |   and a,[]    |    and []     |
        |   cp a,[]     |    cp []      |
        |   or a,[]     |    or []      |
        |   sbc a,[]    |    sbc []     |
        |   sub a,[]    |    sub []     |
        |   xor a,[]    |    xor []     |
            [] = a, b, c, d, e, h, l, (hl), or #

Increment and Decrement Instructions 

        dec []
        inc []
            [] = a, b, c, d, e, h, l, (hl),
                 (be), (de), (hl+), (hl-), or sp

Single Operand Instructions 

        rl []
        rlc []
        rr []
        rrc []
        sla []
        sra []
        srl []
        swap []
            [] = a, b, c, d, e, h, l, or (hl)

Load Instructions 

        |  Recommended  |   Aliases     |
        |   ld a,[]     |    lda []     |
        |               |    ld []      |
            [] = a, b, c, d, e, h, l, (c), (hl),
                 (bc), (de), (hl+), (hl-),
                 (address), or #data

        ld [1],[2]
            [1] = a, b, c, d, e, h, l, or (hl)
            [2] = a, b, c, d, e ,h, l, or (hl)
            except when  [1] = (hl) and [2] = (hl)

        |  Recommended  |    Aliases    |
        |  ld hl,#data  |  lda hl,#data |
        |               |               |
        |               |  ldhl #data   |

        ld [],#data
            [] = bc, de, or sp

        ld a,[]
        ld [],a
            [] = (bc), (de), or (address)

         |  Recommended  |   Aliases     |
        |  ld a,(hl-)   |  ldd a,(hl)   |
        |               |               |
        |               |  ld a,(hld)   |
        |               |  lda (hld)    |
        |               |  ld (hld)     |
        |               |  lda (hl-)    |
        |               |  ld (hl-)     |
        |  ld (hl-),a   |  ldd (hl),a   |
        |               |               |
        |               |  ld (hld),a   |
        |  ld a,(hl+)   |  ldi a,(hl)   |
        |               |               |
        |               |  ld a,(hli)   |
        |               |  lda (hli)    |
        |               |  ld (hli)     |
        |               |  lda (hl+)    |
        |               |  ld (hl+)     |
        |  ld (hl+),a   |  ldi (hl),a   |
        |               |               |
        |               |  ld (hli),a   |

        ld (address),sp
        ld sp,hl

        |  Recommended  |   Aliases     |
        |  ld hl,n(sp)  |  ldhl n(sp)   |
        |               |               |
        |               |  ld hl,(sp)+n |
        |               |  ld hl,(sp+n) |
        |               |  ld hl,sp+n   |
        |               |               |
        |               |  ldhl (sp)+n  |
        |               |  ldhl (sp+n)  |
        |               |  ldhl sp+n    |
        |  ld hl,0(sp)  |  ld hl,(sp)   |
        |  ldhl 0(sp)   |  ldhl (sp)    |
        |               |               |
        |               |  ld hl,(sp+0) |
        |               |  ld hl,sp+0   |
        |               |  ld hl,sp     |
            Note: -128 <= n <= 127

Call/Return Instructions 

        call C,label    ret C
        call NC,label   ret NC
        call Z,label    ret Z
        call NZ,label   ret NZ
        call label      ret

        rst n

Jump Instructions 

        jp C,label      jp NC,label
        jp Z,label      jp NZ,label

        jp (hl)         jp label

        jr C,label      jr NC,label
        jr Z,label      jr NZ,label
        jr label

Bit Manipulation Instructions 

        bit n,[]
        res n,[]
        set n,[]
            0 <= n <= 7
            [] = a, b, c, d, e, h, l, or (hl)

Input and Output Instructions 

        |  Recommended  |  Aliases/Alternates   |
        |   ldh a,(n)   |   in a,(n)            |
        |               |                       |
        |               |   ld (n + 0xFF00)     |
        |               |   lda (n + 0XFF00)    |
        |               |   ld a,(n + 0xFF00)   |
        |   ldh a,(c)   |   in a,(c)            |
        |               |                       |
        |               |   ld (c)              |
        |               |   lda (c)             |
        |               |   ld a,(c)            |
        |   ldh (n),a   |   out n,a             |
        |               |                       |
        |               |   ld (n + 0xFF00),a   |
        |   ldh (c),a   |   out (c),a           |
        |               |                       |
        |               |   ld (c),a            |
            Note: 0 <= n <= 255

Register Pair Instructions 

        add hl,[]
            [] = bc, de, hl, or sp

        |  Recommended  |   Aliases     |
        |  add sp,#n    | ld sp,#n(sp)  |
        |               | ld sp,n(sp)   |
        |               |               |
        |               | lda sp,#n(sp) |
        |               | lda sp,n(sp)  |
            Note: -128 <= n <= 127

        push []
        pop []
            [] = af, bc, de, or hl

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Last Updated: September 2023