Summary of changes/additions to the ASxxxx Assemblers from version 5.50.
2024_10_28 Version 5.50 Update 3 An update is performed by merging the update directories with the asxv5pxx directories. New files will be added and changed files will be replaced. 1) added the 'wit' instruction, short for wait, which has the same opcode as the 'slw' instruction, short for slow. 2) added the 'fst' instruction, short for fast, which has the same opcode as the 'div' instruction, short for divide. Only one of the instructions in each pair, wit/slw or fst/div, can be present in any specific version of a 740 series processor. You must recompile the as740 assembler to incorporate the update.
2024_09_30 Version 5.50 Update 2 An update is performed by merging the update directories with the asxv5pxx directories. New files will be added and changed files will be replaced. 1) push and pop registers (r0-r7) in as8051 fixed. 1) push and pop registers (r0-r7) in as8xcxxx fixed. You must recompile the as8051 and as8xcxxx assemblers to incorporate the update.
2024_04_28 Version 5.50 Update 1 An update is performed by merging the update directories with the asxv5pxx directories. New files will be added and changed files will be replaced. 1) movem error in as68k assembler fixed. 2) Added missing bls.s and beq.s mnemonics and added blos (same as bls) and bhis (same as bhs) instructions to as68k and as68cf assemblers. 3) Added dbhis (same as dbhs) and dblos (same as dbls) forms to as68k and as68cf assemblers. 4) Added shis (same as shs) and slos (same as sls) forms to as68k and as68cf assemblers. 5) Test files for the AS68K and AS68CF assemblers are updated. You must recompile the AS68K and AS68CF assemblers to incorporate the update.
ASxxxx/ASlink version 5.50 is considered a major release version. M A J O R C H A N G E S THE ASSEMBLERS The assembler command argument structure has changed. Previ- ous versions specified that the first file of a multifile argu- ment was the output file. This has been changed: THE OUTPUT FILE HAS THE NAME OF THE FIRST INPUT FILE The output file name and/or extension can be changed by using the -o+ naming option. When the object file extension is changed from the default .rel then the linker input file must explicitly specify the extension. Additional 'Pass 2' scans to resolve mutilevel forward refer- ences are available using the -n option. The temporary hex radix prefix '$$' has been changed to '$@'. The decimal point, '.', following decimal digits is now con- sidered a temporary decimal radix. The string ascii, ascis, and asciz directives can now include byte values. The following new assembler directives have been added: .psharea save and restore area contexts .poparea to/from a 16 element stack .trace trace insert, include, assembler .ntrace files, macros, and repeat macros .dl and .long create 4-byte values .blkl allocate 4-byte blocks (only in specific assemblers) The linker command argument structure has changed. Previous versions specified that the first file of a multifile argument was the output file. This has been changed: THE OUTPUT FILE HAS THE NAME OF THE FIRST INPUT FILE The output hex format now uses the generally accepted format for Intel Hex. In addition, the default output file name and/or extension for the Intel, Motorola, or Tandy linked code can be changed with the extended -i+/-s+/-t+ renaming options. The previous linker command line -b option, set base address of area, has been changed to the -a option. The redefined command line option -b now sets the base ad- dress of a bank. Given: .area A (bank=BankA) .bank BankA (base=0x100) .area B (bank=BankB) .bank BankB (base=0x200) Then: -a A=0x1000 sets the start address of area A to 0x1000 (this overrides any bank calculated address) -b BankB=0x4000 sets the start address of BankB to 0x4000 (this overrides any defined base address) Version 5.5 consolidates all the updates since version 5.4 which includes the addition of nine assemblers: AS4040 (supports the 4004) AS68CF (ColdFire) AS68K (68000, 68008, 68010, and 68020) ASCOP4 ASCOP8 ASEZ8 ASPDP11 (with EIS, FIS, FPP, and CIS) ASRS08 (reduced version of the HCS08) ASSX A much updated ASGB assembler is now more compatible with the instruction syntax found in the SDCC Gameboy assembler. The internals of the AS6500 assembler have been updated to use core functionality unavailable when the assembler was originally written. Summary of changes/additions to the ASxxxx Assemblers from version 5.40. 2022_01_17 Version 5.40 Update 5 UPDATE_02, UPDATE_03, AND UPDATE_04 MUST BE INSTALLED BEFORE INSTALLING THIS UPDATE. An update is performed by merging the update directories with the asxv5pxx directories. New files will be added and changed files will be replaced. 1) Addressing mode errors fixed in the AS78K0 and AS78K0S assemblers. 2) Test files for the AS78K0 and AS78K0S assemblers are updated. You must recompile the AS78K0 and AS78K0S assemblers to incorporate the update. 2021_12_16 Version 5.40 Update 4 This update brings the assembler and linker to version 5.44 There is NO version 5.43 UPDATE_02 MUST BE INSTALLED AND UPDATE_03 MUST BE INSTALLED BEFORE INSTALLING THIS UPDATE. An update is performed by merging the update directories with the asxv5pxx directories. New files will be added and changed files will be replaced. 1) New Assembler: ASRS08 supports the Freescale/NXP RS08 series of microprocessors. 2) Updates to build files. 3) Documentation updated. You must recompile the ASxxxx Assemblers and Linker to incorporate the 2021_10_25 Version 5.40 Update 3 This update brings the assembler and linker to version 5.42 UPDATE_02 MUST BE INSTALLED BEFORE INSTALLING THIS UPDATE. 2) Assembler and Linker errors are now reported in a more consistant manner. 2) Assembler and Linker exit codes have been updated. 3) Corrected the handling of the -h option in aslink. 4) Fix the ascop8 test file tcop8.asm 5) Miscellaneous build and cleanup file corrections Assembler and Linker files modified: assemblers: asdata.c, asmain.c, asout.c, assym.c, and asxxxx.h aslink: lkarea.c, lkbank.c, kkeval.c, lkhead.c, lklex.c, lklibr.c, lkmain.c, lkroc.c, lkrloc3.c, lkrloc4.c, lksym.c, and aslink.h You must recompile the ASxxxx Assemblers and Linker to incorporate the 2021_09_01 Version 5.40 Update 2 This update brings the assembler and linker to version 5.41 Includes: 2021_05_11 Version 5.40 Update 1 and the following: assemblers: asmain - 'cnt' variable changed to 'a_uint' type. asxxxx.h - Version 5.41 aslink: lklist.c - linking errors now reported in .rst file lkrloc4.c - corrected problem in reported error location lkrloc3.c - " aslink.h - Version 5.41 as8x300: s8xmch.c - line 351 changed to if ((v2 == 0x07) | (v2 == 0x0F)) { New Assemblers: as4040 - Intel 4040 and 4004 ascop4 - National Semiconductor COP400 Series Of Microprocessors ascop8 - National Semiconductor COP800 Series Of Microprocessors Updates to build/make files, assembler test files, and documentation. 2021_05_11 Version 5.40 Update 1 AS78K0 and AS78K0S - Instructions CMP, XOR, AND, OR, ADD, SUB, ADDC, SUBC, and XCH with register to register operations of the form Rn,Rn failed to report an error if one of the arguments was not A. Instruction MOVW with an addressing mode of SADDRP failed to report an ODD address as an error. Note: An externally defined SADDRP address which is ODD will not be reported as an error by the assembler or the linker.
VERSION 5.40 RELEASE NOTES Asxxxx/ASlink version 5.40 is considered a major release version. March 2021 Version 5.40 (1) Added a new assembler: AS89LP, which supports the AT89LP series of advanced 8051 clones with extensions. SFR files and a Macro Library are included. (2) A rewrite of the AS6816 assembler to provide full 20 bit addressing and fixes to the code generation. (3) ASZ80 assembler has been updated to support the 8085 and 8080 using the Z80 syntax. (4) AS8085 assembler has been updated to support the 8080. (5) Assemblers flagging <# and ># as syntax errors have been fixed to be equivalent to #< and #>. (6) Added the .incbin directive to allow verbatim inclusion of a byte stream. (7) Added extended error reporting to all assemblers for most <a>, <o>, and <q> errors. (8) Fixed bug in macro processor related to missing or malformed arguments. (9) Update sections of code using strncpy() giving errors when compiled with GCC 10.2.0 (no other compiler flagged this code with an error). 2019_03_10 Version 5.30 Update 1 This update for Version 5.30 of the ASxxxx Cross Assemblers includes fixes for the following errors: (1) The as78k0 assembler had numerous register 'H' and 'L' errors which have been corrected. (2) The linker reported the wrong version and has been corrected. January 2019 Version 5.3 (1) Added new assemblers: as78k0, as8008, as8008s, as8x300, and asz280 (2) General assembler updates added -i to insert assember lines before input files fixed .macro listing options fixes related to <q> errors and the -bb option fix the escape processing of the '\' character .include file location illustrations (3) General linker updates fix library path file strings rewrite of .lst to .rst translation (4) Assembler specific fixes as740 changed 2-byte code to 1-byte code definition as8048 Corrected bug in "sel" instruction in .8041 mode. asf2mc Corrected documentation for asf2mc processor types. aspic Fixed missing machine type variable definition Fixed 'tris' instruction asst8 Included add/addw/sub/subw sp,#byte modes. Added the int opcode. Cleaned up st8addr.c addressing mode comments and code. January 2017 Version 5.20 (1) Completed the functionality for propagating the boundary specifications .odd, .even, and .bndry processed during assembly to the linker. (2) Restored the correct functionality of the .org directive in areas of REL type. (3) Added Intel Hex legacy start address record type 1 as an option. Summary of changes/additions to the ASxxxx Assemblers from Ver- sion 5.11 to Version 4.11. 2015_06_27 Version 5.10 Update 1 This update for Version 5.10 of the ASxxxx Cross Assemblers includes fixes for the following errors: (1) The as6500 assembler incorrectly assembled cpx # and cpy # instructions. (2) An error in asmain.c inhibited the listing of all .if.. assembly directives. 2014_10_31 Version 5.10 (1) Rewrite of listing to relocated listing translation code in the assembler and the linker base code. The Assemblers now create a .lst to .rst hint file with the extension .hlr (when both .lst and .rel files are created by the assembler). (2) Add as6100 assembler (Intersil IM6100 / Harris HM6100) (3) Add as78k0s assembler (Renesas/NEC 78K/0S) 2013_05_12 Version 5.00 Update 6 This update for Version 5.00 of the ASxxxx Cross Assemblers rolls up updates 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 with fixes for the following: (1) Fix asscmp assembler (pre-increment on fetch). (2) Fix aslink error reporting for PC relative modes. 2012_08_01 Version 5.00 Update 5 Update_05 for the ASxxxx Assembler and Linker Version 5.00 (use 'pkunzip -d' for extraction with MS-DOS) (use 'unzip -L -a' for extraction with Linux) See the note about merging this update with the asxv5pxx distribution. This update for Version 5.00 of the ASxxxx Cross Assemblers rolls up updates 1, 2, 3, and 4 with the addition of a new assembler and fixes: (1) A new cross assembler for the Fairchild F8 microprocessor (or Mostek 3870). (2) Minor syntactical changes for ANSI C compatability, fix type conversion warnings, and update the various build, make, and test files. Update 4 Items (1) The AS8048 base opcode value for the JMPP instruction should be B3 and NOT 83. (2) The AS8051 assembler calculates incorrect offsets when using the program counter, ".", as a destination in the instructions having a PC-Relative addressing mode. These instructions include: jbc, jb, jbn, jc, jnc, jz, jnz, cjne, and djnz. Update 3 Items (1) A new cross assembler for the Fairchild F8 microprocessor (or Mostek 3870). (2) Minor syntactical changes for ANSI C compatability, fix type conversion warnings, and update the various build, make, and test files. (3) New cross assemblers for STMicroelectronics ST6, ST7, and STM8 microprocessors. (4) An ASlink list file update error fix (-u option) causing some errors not to be inserted into the created .rst file. (5) An additional ASxxxx assembler option (-v) which enables checking for out of range signed / unsigned values in symbol equates and arithmetic operations. This option has some ambiguities as internally the assemblers use unsigned arithmetic for calculations. (e.g. for a 2-byte machine -32768 and 32768 are both represented as 0x8000) Update 2 Items (1) When using the assembler directive .end to specify the code entry address the assembler fails to set the variable .__.END. as a global. Therefor the value of .__.END. is not passed to the linker and the start address frame is always zero. (2) The linker will fail to create a start address frame when there is no code generated within the area/bank referenced by the .__.END. variable. Update 1 Items (1) The newest versions of gcc (and perhaps other compilers) give warnings about missing arguments in the fprintf() function. This update replaces fprintf(arg1, arg2) with fprintf(arg1, "%s", arg2) in each affected line of code. (2) The newest versions of gcc (and perhaps other compilers) have defined 'getline' as a standard function in 'stdio.h'. This conflicts with the function 'getline()' in the ASxxxx package. All references to 'getline()' have been changed to 'nxtline()'. Before merging the asxv5pxx directory and subdirectories with the V5.00 distribution the following files/directories must be deleted: [asxv5pxx\asf2mc8\f8mch.c [asxv5pxx\asf2mc8\f8adr.c [asxv5pxx\asf2mc8\f8pst.c [asxv5pxx\asf2mc8\f8.h [asxv5pxx\asxmak\vc6\asf2mc8] [asxv5pxx\asxmak\vs05\asf2mc8] 2011_07_24 Version 5.00 Update 4 This update for Version 5.00 of the ASxxxx Cross Assemblers includes fixes for the following errors: (1) The AS8048 base opcode value for the JMPP instruction should be B3 and NOT 83. (2) The AS8051 assembler calculates incorrect offsets when using the program counter, ".", as a destination in the instructions having a PC-Relative addressing mode. These instructions include: jbc, jb, jbn, jc, jnc, jz, jnz, cjne, and djnz. 2010_10_31 Version 5.00 Update 3 This update for Version 5.00 of the ASxxxx Cross Assemblers rolls up updates 1 and 2 with the addition of three new assemblers and fixes: (1) New cross assemblers for STMicroelectronics ST6, ST7, and STM8 microprocessors. (2) An ASlink list file update error fix (-u option) causing some errors not to be inserted into the created .rst file. (3) An additional ASxxxx assembler option (-v) which enables checking for out of range signed / unsigned values in symbol equates and arithmetic operations. This option has some ambiguities as internally the assemblers use unsigned arithmetic for calculations. (e.g. for a 2-byte machine -32768 and 32768 are both represented as 0x8000) Update 2 Items (1) When using the assembler directive .end to specify the code entry address the assembler fails to set the variable .__.END. as a global. Therefor the value of .__.END. is not passed to the linker and the start address frame is always zero. (2) The linker will fail to create a start address frame when there is no code generated within the area/bank referenced by the .__.END. variable. Update 1 Items (1) The newest versions of gcc (and perhaps other compilers) give warnings about missing arguments in the fprintf() function. This update replaces fprintf(arg1, arg2) with fprintf(arg1, "%s", arg2) in each affected line of code. (2) The newest versions of gcc (and perhaps other compilers) have defined 'getline' as a standard function in 'stdio.h'. This conflicts with the function 'getline()' in the ASxxxx package. All references to 'getline()' have been changed to 'nxtline()'. 2010_04_01 Version 5.00 Update 2 This update for Version 5.00 of the ASxxxx Cross Assemblers includes fixes for the following errors: (1) When using the assembler directive .end to specify the code entry address the assembler fails to set the variable .__.END. as a global. Therefor the value of .__.END. is not passed to the linker and the start address frame is always zero. (2) The linker will fail to create a start address frame when there is no code generated within the area/bank referenced by the .__.END. variable. 2010_03_03 Version 5.00 Update 1 This update for Version 5.00 of the ASxxxx Cross Assemblers includes fixes for the following errors: (1) The newest versions of gcc (and perhaps other compilers) give warnings about missing arguments in the fprintf() function. This update replaces fprintf(arg1, arg2) with fprintf(arg1, "%s", arg2) in each affected line of code. (2) The newest versions of gcc (and perhaps other compilers) have defined 'getline' as a standard function in 'stdio.h'. This conflicts with the function 'getline()' in the ASxxxx package. All references to 'getline()' have been changed to 'nxtline()'. 2009_04_01 (Version 5.00) Added a general purpose macro processor to the ASxxxx assem- blers. Added true (t), false (f), and true or false (tf) condition- als to the .if / .else / .endif construct. The conditionals .ift, .iff, and .iftf allow replacement of the .else directive making the .if / .endif construct more readable. e.g. .ift if condition is true An alternate .if construction has been added to the ASxxxx assemblers: e.g. .if eq,... if argument == 0 The immediate conditional statements have been added to the ASxxxx assemblers. These conditionals can replace the .if / ... / .endif construct for a single assembler source line: e.g. .iifeq arg label: .word 0x1234 The alternate immediate conditional statements have also been added to the ASxxxx assemblers: e.g. .iif eq,arg label: .word 0x1234 The listing options for the ASxxxx assemblers has been up- dated to enable/disable any of the following parameters from be- ing output to a generated listing file: err error codes loc code location bin assembler binary code eqt symbolic equates / if evaluations cyc machine cycles lin assembler source line number src assembler source code pag paging control lst listing of .list / .nlist md macro definition me macro expansion meb macro expansion binary code ! sets the listing mode to !(.list) or !(.nlist) before applying the sublist options e.g. .nlist (lst,pag) ; disable .list/.nlist listing ; and pagination The NOT parameter, !, is used to set the listing mode to the opposite sense of the .list or .nlist directive. For example: .nlist (!) is equivalent to .list and .list (!) is equivalent to .nlist To enable listing and simultaneously disable the cycle count use the directive: .nlist (!,cyc) or if you wish to suppress the listing of the .list / .nlist directives: .nlist ; disables all listing .nlist (!,lst) ; enables all listing except : .list (...) and .nlist Normally the .list and .nlist directives are not evaluated when encountered within a FALSE conditional block. This default behavior can be modified by specifying a non zero argument in the .list or .nlist directive: .nlist 1,(!,lst) ; enables listing even within ; a FALSE conditional block The .bndry assembler directive has been added to ASxxxx. The .bndry directive changes the current location address to be evenly divisible by a specified integer value. e.g. .org 0 .bndry 4 ; . == 0 .org 1 .bndry 4 ; . == 4 2009_02 Added the Cypress PSoc (M8C) ASM8C assembler to ASxxxx. 2008_09 Added the 8048 (8021, 8022, and 8041) AS8048 assembler to Asxxxx. 2008_02 Added the SC/MP ASSCMP assembler to ASxxxx. 2008_02_03 (Version 4.11 Update 4) An update to the AS2650 assembler to fix the following errors: 1) The indexed addressing mode generates invalid code by using the first argument register as the index register: (addr = 0x1234) loda r0,[addr,r1] 0C F2 34 this should give 0D F2 34 2) The index addressing mode did not generate an addressing error when the first argument register was not r0: stra r1,[addr,r2] should give an <a> error, the source must be r0 loda r2,[addr,r3] should give an <a> error, the destination must be r0 3) The S2650 auto increment and decrement indexing modes always perform the register update before the register is used. i.e. +Rn or -Rn. The assembler now accepts +Rn or Rn+ as meaning pre-increment and -Rn or Rn- as meaning pre-decrement. The AS2650 assembler tstscn files have been updated for testing the assemblers. 2007_10_21 (Version 4.11 Fix) In the AS6816 assembler the instruction ANDP gives wrong object code. Changed from 37 2A to 37 3A. 2007_04_01 (Version 4.11 Update 3) An update to the ASPIC assembler and associated fix to ASLINK: 1) Change the pic addressing to lo/hi from hi/lo byte ordering. 2) The update fixes an error in the pic17 series LCALL instruction. 3) A rewrite of the pic18 series assembler to change the PC addressing from 1 per 16-bit word to 1 per 8-bit byte and add the extended instruction set. 4) Modify the Linker Merge Mode processing to take into account the discarded low order bits for PC Relative Addressing. 5) New tstscn files for testing the assemblers. 2006_11_01 (Version 4.11 Optional Update 2) 1) OS9 definition files and an OS9 assembler module which creates the OS9 header, code and data areas, and the module CRC block: os9_mod.def OS9 Module Definitions os9_sys.def OS9 Sytem Definitions os9_mod.asm OS9 Module Begin / End Code 2) a program, s19os9, to post-process assembled OS9 modules in S19 format into binary OS9 modules with the appropriate header checksum and module CRC values calculated. 3) new make and project files which may be used to compile the s19os9 program. 2006_11_01 (Version 4.11 Optional Update 01) The .list and .nlist directives are now modified by .if / .else / .endif processing so that they are active only in a TRUE clause. The .page and .include directives are now modified by the .list and .nlist directives so that pagination occurs only when listing is active. The new default functionality for the .list, .nlist and .page directives may be modified by including an optional argument in the directive as shown here for the the .list directive: .list arg a non-zero argument invokes the directive irrespective of the .if / .else / .endif status. 2006_07_26 (Version 4.11 Patch 01) The assembly of a direct page instruction with a numeric constant causes a program crash when a .rel file is created. e.g.: andb *0x02 The use of a symbolic constant or symbol plus a a constant compiles normally. val = 0x02 andb *val andb *extern+0x01 The assemblers effected are: as6809 as6812 ash8 aspic Summary of changes/additions to the ASxxxx Assemblers from Version 4.10 to Version 4.11. 1. Incorporated the patches contained in which corrected a coding error that affected BANKS containing multiple ABS areas or mixed AREA types. 2. Incorporated the patches contained in which corrected improper use of R_USGN in most addressing modes in AS6500. This caused unexpected <a> errors in V4.xx because of the ASxxxx core change to 32-bit in- tegers and arithmetic. 3. Incorporated the patches contained in which corrected errors in the .local and .globl assembler directive processing routine that introduced unwanted side effects for variable and symbol definition files. These effects included improper definitions and incor- rect error warnings. 4. The following new subdirectories and their files have been added to the asxtst directory: * areabank Area and Bank Processing Test This directory contains several test programs: ts.asm (single file - multiple areas), tm1.asm and tm2.asm (multiple file - multiple areas), and tbm.asm, tbm1.asm, and tbm2.asm ( multiple file - multiple areas within a bank) and several other files which verify the correct operation of the linker when used with a single linked file, multi- ple linked files having no banking, and multiple linked files with banking. These reference files show in detail how the .area and .bank directives work together. * equtst Equate Processing Test This directory contains a test file for verifying the operation of the .globl, .local, .equ, .gblequ, and .lclequ directives and the =, ==, and =: equalities. * inctst Nested Include File Test * itst Include File Error Reporting Test 5. Incorporated the updates contained in which added 10 undocumented 8085 instructions to the AS8085 assembler. Summary of changes/additions to the ASxxxx Assemblers from Version 4.00 to Version 4.10. 1. Added new assemblers for the Zilog EZ80, Zilog Z8, Sig- netics 2650, and Fujitsu F2MC8(L,FX) processors. 2. Added the processor cycle count option (-c) to all pro- cessors. 3. Several of the assemblers (ASZ80, ASRAB, AS6805, AS6808, AS6812, ASF2MC8, ...) now support subsets or supersets of their basic opcodes by the use of assem- bler specific directives. 4. Added .ifeq, .ifne, .iflt, .ifgt, .ifle, and .ifge con- ditional assembly directives. 5. Added support for the Tandy Color Computer Disc Basic binary file format to ASLINK. 6. Problem: When an area size is equal to the 'address space size' the size parameter is reported as 0. (A normal condi- tion caused by address rollover to 0.) Aslink inter- preted this as a 0 size. Fix: A new area 'Output Code Flag' bit was defined to indi- cate when data is defined in an area. ASxxxx and Aslink have been updated to set and process this area flag bit. 7. Problem: The use of the .end assembler directive in an Asxxxx assembler would cause Aslink to output the optional start address in all output files. Fix: Updated Aslink to output the optional start address only in the output file associated with the area/bank containing the .end directive. 8. Problem: Aslink creates output files for banks with no output data. Fix: Aslink now deletes any created output file for banks with no data. 9. Incorporated the patches contained in for files t1802.asm and 1802pst.c to correct for an error in the opcodes generated for the BM, BL, and BNF mnemonics. 10. Incorporated the patches contained in for file ds8adr.c to correct for an error in the direct page addressing mode of AS8xCxxx. 11. Incorporated the patches contained in for file rabmch.c to correct for an error in the processing of the "ret cc" instruction. 12. Made many corrections to internal code comments.
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