
AS8048 Assembler

  AS8048  supports the 8048, 8041, 8022, and 8021 variations of
the 8048 microprocessor family.  





The .8048 directive enables processing of only the 8048 specific
mnemonics.  8041/8022/8021 mnemonics encountered will be flagged
with an <o> error.  




The  .8041  directive  enables  processing  of the 8041 specific
mnemonics.  8041 mnemonics encountered without the .8041  direc-
tive will be flagged with an <o> error.  




The  .8022  directive  enables  processing  of the 8022 specific
mnemonics.  8022 mnemonics encountered without the .8022  direc-
tive will be flagged with an <o> error.  




The  .8021  directive  enables  processing  of the 8021 specific
mnemonics.  8021 mnemonics encountered without the .8021  direc-
tive will be flagged with an <o> error.  


   The value of the pre-defined symbol '.__.CPU.' corresponds to
the selected processor type.  The default value is 0 which  cor-
responds  to  the  default  processor type.  The following table
lists the processor types and associated values for  the  AS8048

        Processor Type            .__.CPU. Value
        --------------            --------------
            .8048                        0
            .8041                        1
            .8022                        2
            .8021                        3

   The  variable  '.__.CPU.'  is by default defined as local and
will not be output to the created .rel file.  The assembler com-
mand line options -g or -a will not cause the local symbol to be
output to the created .rel file.  

   The  assembler  .globl  directive  may  be used to change the
variable type to global causing its definition to be  output  to
the  .rel file.  The inclusion of the definition of the variable
'.__.CPU.' might be a useful means of validating that seperately
assembled  files have been compiled for the same processor type.
The linker will report an error for variables with multiple  non
equal definitions.  


The following is a list of the 8048 registers used by AS8048:  

        a               -       8-bit accumulator
        r0,r1,r2,r3     -       8-bit registers
        bus,p1,p2       -       bus and ports
        an0,an1         -       analog input select
        rb0,rb1         -       register bank select
        mb0,mb1         -       memory bank select
        c               -       carry (bit in status word)
        clk             -       timer
        cnt             -       counter
        dbb             -       data bus buffer
        f0              -       f0 bit in psw
        f1              -       f1 bit in psw
        i               -       interrupt
        psw             -       program status word
        t               -       timer register
        tcnt            -       timer counter
        tcnti           -       timer interrupt


   The  following  tables  list all 8048 mnemonics recognized by
the AS8048 assembler.  The following list specifies  the  format
for each addressing mode supported by AS8048:  

        #data           immediate data
                        byte or word data

        r               register r0,r1
        rn              register r0,r1,r2,r3,r4,r5,r6, or r7

        @r              indirect on register r0 or r1
        @a              indirect on accumulator

        addr            direct memory address
        addr8           current page 8-bit jmp address

        #data           immediate data

        pn              ports p1 or p2
        port            ports p1,p2 or bus
        ep              ports p4,p5,p6, or p7

        bus             i/o bus

        s               f0 or f1 bits in psw
        bitaddr         bit address

        label           call or jump label

The terms data, addr, and label may all be expressions.  

   Note  that  not all addressing modes are valid with every in-
struction.  Refer to the 8048, 8041, 8022,  and  8021  technical
data for valid modes.  

Alphabetical Instruction Listing 

                                8021    8022    8041    8048
        add     a,@r            x       x       x       x
        add     a,#data         x       x       x       x
        add     a,rn            x       x       x       x

        addc    a,@r            x       x       x       x
        addc    a,#data         x       x       x       x
        addc    a,rn            x       x       x       x

        anl     port,#data                      x       x
        anl     bus,#data                               x
        anl     a,@r            x       x       x       x
        anl     a,rn            x       x       x       x

        anld    ep,a            x       x       x       x

        call    addr            x       x       x       x

        clr     a               x       x       x       x
        clr     c               x       x       x       x
        clr     s                               x       x

        cpl     a               x       x       x       x
        cpl     c               x       x       x       x
        cpl     s                               x       x

        daa     a               x       x       x       x

        dec     rn                              x       x
        dec     a               x       x       x       x

        dis     tcnti                           x       x
        dis     i                               x       x

        djnz    rn,addr8        x       x       x       x

        en      tcnti                           x       x
        en      i                               x       x

        ent0    clk                                     x

                                8021    8022    8041    8048
        in      a,dbb                           x
        in      a,pn            x       x       x       x

        inc     a               x       x       x       x
        inc     a,@r                            x       x
        inc     rn              x       x       x       x

        ins     a,bus                                   x

        jmp     addr            x       x       x       x

        jmpp    @a              x       x       x       x

        jb0     addr8                           x       x
        jb1     addr8                           x       x
        jb2     addr8                           x       x
        jb3     addr8                           x       x
        jb4     addr8                           x       x
        jb5     addr8                           x       x
        jb6     addr8                           x       x
        jb7     addr8                           x       x

        jc      addr8           x       x       x       x
        jf0     addr8                           x       x
        jf1     addr8                           x       x
        jnc     addr8           x       x       x       x
        jni     addr8                                   x
        jnibf   addr8                           x
        jnt0    addr8                           x       x
        jnt1    addr8                           x       x
        jnz     addr8           x       x       x       x
        jobf    addr8                                   x
        jtf     addr8           x       x       x       x
        jt0     addr8                           x       x
        jt1     addr8           x       x       x       x
        jz      addr8           x       x       x       x

                                8021    8022    8041    8048
        mov     a,#data         x       x       x       x
        mov     a,psw                           x       x
        mov     a,@r            x       x       x       x
        mov     a,rn            x       x       x       x
        mov     a,t             x       x       x       x
        mov     psw,a                           x       x
        mov     rn,a            x       x       x       x
        mov     @r,a            x       x       x       x
        mov     rn,#data        x       x       x       x
        mov     @r,#data        x       x       x       x
        mov     t,a             x       x       x       x

        movd    a,ep            x       x       x       x
        movd    ep,a            x               x       x

        movp    a,@a            x       x       x       x

        movp3   a,@a                            x       x

        movx    a,@r                                    x
        movx    @r,a                                    x

        nop                     x               x       x

        orl     a,#data         x       x       x       x
        orl     a,rn            x       x       x       x
        orl     a,@r            x       x       x       x
        orl     bus,#data                               x
        orl     port,#data                      x       x

        orld    ep,a            x       x       x       x

        out     dbb,a                           x

        outl    bus,a                   x
        outl    port,a          x       x       x       x

        rad     a                       x

        ret                     x       x       x       x

        retr                                    x       x

                                8021    8022    8041    8048
        rl      a               x       x       x       x

        rlc     a               x       x       x       x

        rr      a               x       x       x       x

        rrc     a               x       x       x       x

        sel     an0                     x
        sel     an1                     x
        sel     mb0                                     x
        sel     mb1                                     x
        sel     rb0                                     x
        sel     rb1                                     x

        swap    a               x       x       x       x

        stop    tcnt            x       x       x       x
        strt    cnt             x       x       x       x
        strt    t               x       x       x       x

        xch     a,@r            x       x       x       x

        xchd    a,@r            x       x       x       x

        xrl     a,@r            x       x       x       x

        xrl     a,#data         x       x       x       x

        xch     a,rn            x       x       x       x

        xrl     a,rn            x       x       x       x

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Last Updated: September 2023