
TCP/IP Package For TSX-Plus Documentation

-... Client / Server Program Options

Special Printing Client Program

   NTSND  is a program for transferring data to a remote printer
without any translation (good for binary files).   This  program
supports  products  such  as the Emulex NETJET for the HP 4Si/Mx
printer.  The command options are:  

  NTSND [?] [-inpq argument] file [file [...]]
        ?               List the Help Text and Exit NTSND
        i  IP Address   Remote Server Name / IP Address
        n  Port Number  Remote Server Port Number
        p  filespec     Password File
        q               Query for File Name

The NTSND program is invoked from the command file NTSND.COM:  

run/single TCP:ntsnd
-bp PAS:/paswrd/paswrd.fil ^1 ^2 ^3 ^4 ^5 ^6

=> Section Index

HTTP Server Program

   RHTTP  is  an  HTTP/0.9 server supporting only simple request
and response formats for GET, HEAD, and POST methods.  The  POST
method  always  responds  as  unimplemented.  HTTP transfers are
always in BINARY format except for files of type HTM, DOC,  TXT,
and LST which are in ASCII format.  The command options are:  

  RHTTP [?] [-p filespec] [-aeqrvwz] [parameters]
        ?       List the Help Text and Exit RHTTP
        a       Attach to Service
        e       Enable Monitoring of all RHTTP Transactions
        p       Specify the HTTP Directory and Home File
        q  n    Specify an Alternate Connection Port
        r       Restart RHTTP after Disconnect
        v       Verbose Mode
        w       Write Duplicate Packets
        z  s    Inactivity Timeout in seconds

   The HTTP directory and home file must be specified, using the
-p option.  The directory path is used as the base directory for
all HTTP accesses.  

   The program may be started interactively (for diagnostic pur-
poses) by the command file RHTTP.COM:  

        mount ld0: dl1:http.dsk
        assign ld0: HTP:
        run/single TCP:rhttp
        -rspz 1 2 HTP:/home.htm 30 ^1 ^2 ^3 ^4 ^5 ^6

The program is normally invoked by the TCPIP network server pro-
gram by the command file RHTTP.SRV:  

        dismount ld0:
        dismount ld1:
        dismount ld2:
        dismount ld3:
        dismount ld4:
        dismount ld5:
        dismount ld6:
        dismount ld7:
        assign sy: wf:
        mount ld0: dl1:http.dsk
        assign ld0: HTP:
        mount ld7: dl1:tsxtcp.dsk
        assign ld7: TCP:
        run/single TCP:rhttp
        -aspz 1 2 HTP:/file.ext 30


     The  slashs,  /.../,  are required to delimit the HTTP
     base directory.   If  a  device  or  (logical)  device
     specification  is  used,  HTP:,  then the slash is re-
     quired after the colon.  

The  service entry in the TCP/IP configuration file reflects the
default RHTTP port of 80.  If an alternate port is specified for
RHTTP  using  the '-q' option then the TCP/IP configuration file
must be changed to match the port selection.  A  server  program
may  be configured to respond to multiple TCP/IP ports by creat-
ing a service specification entry / service  command  file  pair
for each additional port.  

   All accesses to files outside the http directory are not per-
mitted and are reported as  unauthorized.   Absolute  references
are  not allowed (e.g.  dl1:/http.dsk/file.ext) even if they are
in the http directory, these are also reported as  unauthorized.
Use  only  relative  paths  in  file  specifications to the http
directory and subdirectories  (e.g.   /subdir/file.ext).   These
requirements  provide  the most security for http requests which
require no password authentication.  

   The  home  file  is an HTML file and should be written to re-
flect the functionality of the browsers you wish to support with
this http server.  

=> Section Index

Gopher Server Program

   RGOPH is a simple Gopher server supporting transfers of text,
binary, and image files and linking to other  network  resources
using basic ASCII text constructs.  The command options are:  

  RGOPH [?] [-p filespec] [-aeqrvwz] [parameters]
        ?       List the Help Text and Exit RGOPH
        a       Attach to Service
        e       Enable Monitoring of all RGOPH Transactions
        p       Specify the Master GOPHER File
        q  n    Specify an Alternate Connection Port
        r       Restart RGOPH after Disconnect
        v       Verbose Mode
        w       Write Duplicate Packets
        z  s    Inactivity Timeout in seconds

The  Gopher  master file must be specified, using the -p option.
The master file contains the access specifications for  the  go-
pher  server.  The format of the master file is described in the
file RGOPH.CFG and included here for reference:  

# This is the Master Gopher List
# Each entry has the following format:
#      <TAB>file or list specification
#      <TAB>machine name or IP address
#      <TAB>port number
# End list with '.' and <CRLF>
# Common item types specified by <code> are:
#       0       item is a file
#       1       item is a directory
#       2       item is a CSO phone-book server
#       3       Error
#       4       item is a NINHEXed MacIntosh file
#       5       item is DOS archive of some sort
#       6       item is a UNIX uuencoded file
#       7       item is an Index-Search server
#       8       item points to a text-based telnet server
#       9       item is a binary file
#       +       item is a redundant server
#       T       item points to a text-based TN3270 session
#       g       item is a GIF format graphics file
#       I       item is some kind of image file
#       All references are described in RFC1436

The master list contains file and list references which denote a
tree structure of accessible resources.  A typical  master  list
is shown here to clarify the specification.  

   The top level follows:  

        0       About This GOPHER Site
        1       TCP/IP Package For TSX-Plus, ...
        1       ASxxxx Assemblers and Linker

The  'List1/'  (<code>  =  1)  specification indicates this is a
directory of subitems:  

        # Elements of List1/
        0       Abstract [2K]
        0       Documentation [158K]
        9       Minimal  Package, Logical Disk Image, [300K]
        9       Complete Package, Multilevel Logical ...
        9       Disk1 of Package, RX02 Image [494K]
        9       Disk2 of Package, RXO2 Image [494k]
        9       Disk3 of Package, RXO2 Image [494k]
        9       Disk4 of Package, RXO2 Image [494k]
        9       Disk5 of Package, RXO2 Image [494k]
        9       Disk6 of Package, RXO2 Image [494k]
        9       Disk7 of Package, RXO2 Image [494k]
        9       Documentation Source, RX02 Image [494K]
        9       Current Updates, Logical Disk Image [988K]

The  'List2/'  (<code> = 1) specification indicates the presence
of a second directory of available resources:  

        # Elements of List2/
        1       ASxxxx for PDP-11 and LSI-11 Computers
        1       ASxxxx for PC Compatible Computers

These  elements  also contain references to additional subdirec-
tories of resources.  Nesting to any level may  be  accomplished
using this syntax.  Ensure that all subdirectory references have
unique names.  The use of 'xxxxx/' is not required,  any  unique
character string may be used to reference a subdirectory entry. 

The  program  may  be started interactively (for diagnostic pur-
poses) by the command file RGOPH.COM:  

        run/single TCP:rgoph
        -rsp 0 4 TCP:rgoph.cfg ^1 ^2 ^3 ^4 ^5 ^6

The program is normally invoked by the TCPIP network server pro-
gram by the command file RGOPH.SRV:  

        dismount ld0:
        dismount ld1:
        dismount ld2:
        dismount ld3:
        dismount ld4:
        dismount ld5:
        dismount ld6:
        dismount ld7:
        assign sy: wf:
        mount ld6: dl1:paswrd.dsk
        assign ld6: PAS:
        mount ld7: dl1:tsxtcp.dsk
        assign ld7: TCP:
        run/single TCP:rgoph
        -aspz 0 4 TCP:rgoph.cfg 600

The  service entry in the TCP/IP configuration file reflects the
default RGOPH port of 70.  If an alternate port is specified for
RGOPH  using  the '-q' option then the TCP/IP configuration file
must be changed to match the port selection.  A  server  program
may  be configured to respond to multiple TCP/IP ports by creat-
ing a service specification entry / service  command  file  pair
for each additional port.  

=> Section Index

Remote Authentication Server Program

   The  program  RAUTH implements the Authentication Server Pro-
tocol (RFC931) which provides a means  to  determine  whether  a
particular  TCP  connection  is  active.   Once  a connection is
established, the server reads one line of data  which  specifies
the  connection of interest.  If it exists, the system dependent
user identifier of the connection of interest is  sent  out  the
connection.  The service closes the connection after sending the
user identifier.  

   Queries  are  permitted only for fully specified connections.
The local/foreign host pair used to fully specify the connection
are  taken from the query connection.  This means a user on Host
A may only query the server on Host B about connections  between
A and B.  

   The server accepts simple text query requests of the form 

        <local-port>, <foreign-port> 

   where  <local-port>  is  the TCP port (decimal) on the target
(server) system, and <foreign-port> is the TCP port (decimal) on
the source (user) system.  

   For example:  

       23, 6191 

   The only responses supported by RAUTH are 

       <local-port>, <foreign-port> :  USERID :  OTHER :  system 

       <local-port>, <foreign-port> :  ERROR :  NO-USER 

which  correspond to active and not active connections repec-

  The program startup options are:  

  RAUTH [?] [-aenqrvyz] [parameters]
        ?       List the Help Text and Exit RAUTH
        a       Attach to Service
        e       Enable Monitoring of all RAUTH Transactions
        n       Never authorize
        q  n    Specify an Alternate Connection Port
        r       Restart RAUTH after Disconnect
        v       Verbose Mode
        y       Always authorize
        z  s    Inactivity Timeout in seconds

   The program may be started interactively (for diagnostic pur-
poses) by the command file RAUTH.COM:  

        run/single TCP:rauth
        -rz 30

The program is normally invoked by the TCPIP network server pro-
gram by the command file RAUTH.SRV:  

        dismount ld0:
        dismount ld1:
        dismount ld2:
        dismount ld3:
        dismount ld4:
        dismount ld5:
        dismount ld6:
        dismount ld7:
        mount ld7: dl1:tsxtcp.dsk
        assign ld7: TCP:
        run/single TCP:rauth
        -az 30

The  service entry in the TCP/IP configuration file reflects the
default RAUTH port of 113.  If an alternate  port  is  specified
for  RAUTH  using  the '-q' option then the TCP/IP configuration
file must be changed to match the port selection.  A server pro-
gram  may  be  configured to respond to multiple TCP/IP ports by
creating a service specification entry /  service  command  file
pair for each additional port.  

=> Section Index

Port Monitor Program

   PMON  is  a utility program which monitors a TCP port for ac-
tivity.  The program startup options are:  

  PMON port [?] [-h]
        ?       List the Help Text and Exit PMON
        h       List the Help Text

   The specified port is opened for listening.  When the port is
opened by a remote computer  all  incoming  data  is  displayed.
Data entered from the keyboard is transported to the remote com-

   The PMON program supports the following command line options,
as found in the TELNET and CNCT programs, which are activated by
the META character 'control A':  

        M->C    open capture file
        M->D    close capture file
        M->F    FTP [internet address]
        M->H    this help screen
        M->I    type my internet address
        M->K    erase character
        M->O    abort output
        M->Q    are you there?
        M->R    toggle <CR> follow character
        M->S    skip to end of buffer
        M->T    toggle backspace/delete
        M->U    erase line
        M->X    close connection
        M->Y    interrupt process
        M->@    send a true null character
        ^?      abort Telnet session

   The startup command file PMON.COM follows:  

        run/single TCP:pmon
        -h ^1 ^2 ^3 ^4 ^5 ^6

=> Section Index

... Exit TCP/IP Documentation

... Home Page

Last Updated: June 2008