
TCP/IP Package For TSX-Plus Documentation

-... Building the TCP/IP Package

C Compiler

   The DECUS C Compiler and Assembler and the RT-11 Macro Assem-
bler and Linker are required to build the the TCP/IP Package for
TSX-Plus  from  the  source  files included in the distribution.
The DECUS C Compiler is from  the  DECUS  11-SP-18  distribution
with  bug  fixes made to the compiler and the library.  (The up-
dates are on logical disk CCDSK2.DSK).  EIS and non-EIS versions
of  the  compiler  along  with  the  assembler, library, and the
necesary header files are included with the distribution to  al-
low  the  package to be recompiled.  The CC.SAV files were modi-
fied by the TSX-Plus SETSIZ  program  to  allow  it  to  use  an
extended program space of 64Kb.  

     1.  Create CDISK.DSK[1500] as C:, 
         a logical disk for the C compiler 

     2.  Copy the contents of the logical disk CCDSK1.DSK to C:.
         The  device  containing  the  compiler,  assembler  and
         header  files  should  be  assigned  as device C:.  The
         build procedures assume that the  compiler  and  header
         files are on the logical device 'C:'.  

     3.  Copy  the  compiler  helper  files  from  logical  disk
         CCXDSK.DSK to C:.  

     4.  Use  the  command  file  C:CCSET.EIS  to  copy  the EIS
         specific  files  into  the  C:   directory   with   the
         appropriate .SAV and .OBJ file types.  

     5.  Copy the command files C:CC.TSX and C:ASM.TSX as CC.COM
         and ASM.COM to the system device.  These TSX-Plus  com-
         mand files are used to invoke the C compiler and AS as-

=> Section Index

TCP/IP Package

   The  TCP/IP Package is supplied with the complete source code
as an assemblage of C files (*.c), macro files  (*.mac),  header
files (*.h), and an assortment of command files (*.com).  

     1.  Copy   the   logical   disks   SRDSK1.DSK,  SRDSK2.DSK,
         SRDSK3.DSK, and SRDSK4.DSK to a disk  or  logical  disk
         having at least 10000 blocks of free space.  

     2.  Use  the command file BLDTSX.SET to create the TSX-Plus
         conditional files.  

     3.  The  command  file BLDALL.COM will compile and link the
         complete TCP/IP Package.  Inspect BLDALL.COM to see how
         each  individual component is built.  An unloaded 11/73
         processor will take from 40 to 50  minutes  to  compile
         and link the complete package.  

     4.  Rename all .SAV files to .STV files.  

     5.  The  file  TSX.INS  may  be  used to copy all the files
         necessary to configure a complete implementation of the
         TCP/IP  Package  for  TSX-Plus  to the TCP:  directory.
         (This includes all the files  found  on  logical  disks
         TSDSK1.DSK, TSDSK2.DSK, and TSDSK3.DSK).  

=> Section Index

Compiling Options

   The TCP/IP Package components may be compiled with or without
the diagnostic options (the default is  no  diagnostics).   Each
component  has  an  individual  header  file, e.g.  VTCPIP.H for
TCPIP.SAV, which contains define statements that have been  com-
mented  out  to exclude the diagnostics.  Several other programs
have optional sections that may be disabled  by  commenting  out
selected define statements.  

=> Section Index

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Last Updated: June 2008