
The Assembler Description

-... Invoking ASxxxx

   Starting  an  ASxxxx assembler without any arguments provides
the following option list and then exits:  

Usage: [-Options] [-Option with arg] file1 [file2 ...]
  -h   or NO ARGUMENTS  Show this help list
  -o   Enable  object output  (-o+ change file1[.rel])
    -o+  Conditional Options   -o+[ ][name][.ext]
    '-o+.ext'      (or)  '-o+  .ext'      ->  file1.ext
    '-o+name'      (or)  '-o+  name'      ->  name[.rel]
    '-o+name.ext'  (or)  '-o+  name.ext'  ->   name.ext
  -l   Create list   file1[.lst]   (file1  <-  name)
  -s   Create symbol file1[.sym]   (file1  <-  name)
  -d   Decimal listing
  -q   Octal   listing
  -x   Hex     listing (default)
  -b   Display .define substitutions in listing
  -bb  and display without .define substitutions
  -c   Disable instruction cycle count in listing
  -f   Flag relocatable references by  `   in listing file
  -ff  Flag relocatable references by mode in listing file
  -k   Disable error messages to listing file
  -p   Disable automatic listing pagination
  -u   Disable .list/.nlist processing
  -w   Wide listing format for symbol table
  -i   Insert assembler line before input file(s)
  -v   Enable out of range signed / unsigned errors
  -n#  Set the maximum number of 'Pass 2' scans
  -a   All user symbols made global
  -g   Undefined symbols made global
  -z   Disable case sensitivity for symbols
  -j   Enable NoICE Debug Symbols
  -y   Enable SDCC  Debug Symbols

   The ASxxxx assemblers are command line oriented.  Most sytems
require the option(s) and file(s) arguments to follow the ASxxxx
assembler name:  

  as6809 [-Options] [-Option with arg] file1 [file2 ...]

Some  systems  may  request the arguments after the assembler is
started at a system specific prompt:  

  argv: [-Options] [-Option with arg] file1 [file2 ...]

The ASxxxx options in some more detail:  

        -h      List the ASxxxx options

        -o      enable  object output file1.rel

        The object output file name and/or extension can
        be changed as desired using the -o+ option.
        The list and symbol file names are changed to match
        that of the object output file name.  The list and
        symbol file extensions cannot be changed as the
        linker requires a .LST extension in order to create
        the relocated, .RST, listing file.

          -o+   Conditional Options -o+[ ][name][.ext]
          '-o+.ext'      (or)  '-o+ .ext'      ->  file1.ext
          '-o+name'      (or)  '-o+ name'      ->   name.rel
          '-o+name.ext]  (or)  '-o+ name.ext'  ->   name.ext

        -l      create list   file1[.lst] (file1 <- name)

                If -s (symbol table output) is not
                specified then the symbol table is
                included at the end of the listing file.

        -s      create symbol file1[.sym] (file1 <- name)

        -d      decimal listing
        -q      octal   listing
        -x      hex     listing (default)

                The listing radix affects the
                .lst, .rel, .hlr, and .sym files.

        -b      display .define substitutions in listing

                If a .define substitution has been applied
                to an assembler source line the source
                line is printed with the substitution.

        -bb     and display without .define substitutions

                If a .define substitution has been applied
                to an assembler source line the source
                line is first printed without substitution
                followed by the line with the substitution.

        -c      Disable instruction cycle count in listing

                This option overrides the listing option
                'cyc' in the .list and .nlist directives.
                Instruction cycle counts cannot be enabled
                if the -c option is specified.

        -f      by  `   in the listing file
        -ff     by mode in the listing file

                Relocatable modes are flagged by byte
                position (LSB, Byte 2, Byte 3, MSB)
                *nMN    paged,
                uvUV    unsigned,
                rsRS    signed,
                pqPQ    program counter relative.

        -k      disable error messages to listing file

                This option inhibits the listing of
                error messages in the listing file

        -p      disable listing pagination

                This option inhibits the generation
                of a form-feed character and its
                associated page header in the
                assembler listing.

        -u      disable .list/.nlist processing

                This option disables all .list and
                .nlist directives. The listing mode
                is .list with the options err, loc,
                bin, eqt, cyc, lin, src, pag, lst,
                and md. The options cyc and pag are
                overridden by the -c and -p command
                line options.

        -w      wide listing format for symbol table

        -i      Insert assembler line before input file(s)

                This option inserts an assembly source
                line before the first file to be assembled.
                e.g.:  -i BUILD=2
                If the insert contains white space then
                delimit the insert.  Inserted lines are
                by default not listed. To list an inserted
                line preced the insert with a .list insert.
                e.g.:   -i .list -i BUILD=2

        -v      Enable out of range signed / unsigned errors

                This option enables checking for out of
                range signed / unsigned values in symbol
                equates and arithmetic operations.  This
                option has some ambiguities as internally
                the assemblers use unsigned arithmetic
                for calculations. (e.g. for a 2-byte machine
                -32768 and 32768 are both represented as 0x8000)

        -n#     Set the maximum number of 'Pass 2' scans

                Specify a maximum number of 'Pass 2' scans
                to resolve multiple level forward referencing
                and variable length instruction formats.
        -a      all user symbols made global

                All defined (not local or external)
                variables and symbols are flagged
                as global.

        -g      undefined symbols made global

                Unresolved (external) variables
                and symbols are flagged as global.

        -z      disable case sensitivity for symbols

        -j      enable NOICE debug symbols
        -y      enable SDCC debug symbols

   The file name for the .lst, .rel, .hlr, and .sym files is the
first file name specified in the command line.  All output files
are ascii text files which may be edited, copied, etc.  The out-
put files are the concatenation of all the input files, if files
are  to be assembled independently invoke the assembler for each

   The  .rel  file contains a radix directive so that the linker
will use the proper conversion for this file.  Linked files  may
have different radices.  

   The  ASxxxx  assemblers  also  have  several 'hidden' options
which are not shown in the usage message.  These are:  

        -r      Include assembler line numbers
                in the .hlr hint file
        -rr     Also include non listed line
                numbers in the .hlr hint file

        -t      Show Assembler Pass Count (-n#),
                Include File and Macro Expansion
                levels, and memory allocations for
                the assembler and macro processor

        -tt     Show Assembler Pass Count (-n#),
                Include File and Macro Expansion
                levels, and memory allocations for the
                assembler and macro processor without
                the macro allocation optimization

Return to the Assembler Index

-... Errors

   The  ASxxxx assemblers provide limited diagnostic error codes
during the assembly process, these errors will be noted  in  the
listing file and printed on the stderr device.  

   The assembler reports the errors on the stderr device as 

        ?ASxxxx-Error-<*> in line nnn of filename

where  * is the error code, nnn is the line number, and filename
is the source/include file.  This line is followed by a  generic
error message for the <*> error code.

   The errors are:  

      <.>   This  error  is caused by an absolute direct assign-
            ment of the current location counter 
                  . = expression (incorrect) 
            rather than the correct 
                  . = . + expression 

      <a>   Indicates  a machine specific addressing or address-
            ing mode error.  

      <b>   Indicates a direct page boundary error.  

      <c>   Indicates modulus of .bndry directives to large.  

      <d>   Indicates a direct page addressing error.  

      <e>   Caused by a .error or .assume directive.  

      <i>   Caused  by  an  .include file error or an .if/.endif

      <m>   Multiple  definitions  of  the  same label, multiple
            .module directives, multiple conflicting  attributes
            in  an  .area or .bank directive or the use of .hilo
            and lohi within the same assembly.  

      <n>   An  .mexit,  .endm,  or .narg directive outside of a
            macro, repeat block or indefinite repeat block.  

      <o>   Directive  or  mnemonic error or the use of the .org
            directive in a relocatable area.  

      <p>   Phase error:  label location changing between passes
            2 and 3.  Normally caused by having  more  than  one
            level of forward referencing.  

      <q>   Questionable syntax:  missing or improper operators,
            terminators, or delimiters.  

      <r>   Relocation  error:   logic  operation attempted on a
            relocatable term, addition of two relocatable terms,
            subtraction  of two relocatable terms not within the
            same programming area or external symbols.  

      <s>   String Substitution / recursion error.  

      <u>   Undefined symbol encountered during assembly.  

      <z>   Divide by 0 or Modulus by 0 error:  result is 0.  

   Most  assemblers  now include more descriptive error messages
for <a>, <o>, and <q> errors.  Those assemblers updated to  pro-
vide  the  expanded  error messages will show three lines on the
stdout device as shown by this error:  

    ?ASxxxx-Error-<a> in line 1867 of tez80e.asm
                  <a> '1867         ld.l    sp,(var1)       ;a'
                  <a> Only .SIS and .LIL suffixes allowed.

   The  first line is the basic error in line xxxx message.  The
second line lists the actual line in error followed by  a  third
line containing the more specific error.  

   The  listing  file (.lst) will have the first and third lines
of the error message inserted preceding the line containing  the

Return to the Assembler Index

-... Listing File

   The  (-l) option produces an ascii output listing file.  Each
page of output contains a five line header:  

     1.  The ASxxxx program name and page number 

     2.  Assembler Radix, Address Bits, Date, and Time

     3.  Title from a .title directive (if any) 

     4.  Subtitle from a .sbttl directive (if any) 

     5.  Blank line 

Each succeeding line contains five fields:  

     1.  Error field (first two characters of line) 

     2.  Current location counter 

     3.  Generated code in byte format 

     4.  Opcode cycles count 

     5.  Source text line number 

     6.  Source text 

   The error field may contain upto 2 error flags indicating any
errors encountered while assembling this line of source code.  

   The  current  location  counter  field  displays  the 16-bit,
24-bit, or 32-bit program position.  This field will be  in  the
selected radix.  

   The generated code follows the program location.  The listing
radix determines the number of bytes that will be  displayed  in
this field.  Hexidecimal listing allows six bytes of data within
the field, decimal and octal allow four bytes within the  field.
If more than one field of data is generated from the assembly of
a single line of source code, then the data field is repeated on
successive lines.  

   The  opcode cycles count is printed within the delimiters [ ]
on the line with the source text.  This reduces  the  number  of
generated code bytes displayed on the line with the source list-
ing by one.  (The -c option disables all opcode cycle listing.) 

   The source text line number is printed in decimal and is fol-
lowed by the source text.  A Source line with a .page  directive
is never listed.  (The -u option overrides this behavior.) 

   Two  additional options are available for printing the source
line text.  If the -b option is specified then the listed source
line  contains all the .define substitutions.  If the -bb option
is specified then the original source line is printed before the
source line with substitutions.  

   Two  data  field  options  are  available to flag those bytes
which will be relocated by the linker.   If  the  -f  option  is
specified then each byte to be relocated will be preceded by the
'`' character.  If the -ff option is specified then each byte to
be   relocated   will  be  preceded  by  one  of  the  following

     1.  *   paged relocation 

     2.  u   low  byte of unsigned word or unsigned byte 

     3.  v   high byte of unsigned word 

     4.  p   PCR low  byte of word relocation or PCR byte 

     5.  q   PCR high byte of word relocation 

     6.  r   low  byte relocation or byte relocation 

     7.  s   high byte relocation 

   Assemblers  which  use 24-bit or 32-bit addressing use an ex-
tended flagging mode:  

     1.  *   paged relocation 

     2.  u   1st  byte of unsigned value 

     3.  v   2nd  byte of unsigned value 

     4.  U   3rd  byte of unsigned value 

     5.  V   4th  byte of unsigned value 

     6.  p   PCR 1st  byte of relocation value or PCR byte 

     7.  q   PCR 2nd  byte of relocation value 

     8.  P   PCR 3rd  byte of relocation value 

     9.  Q   PCR 4th  byte of relocation value 

    10.  r   1st  byte of relocation value or byte relocation 

    11.  s   2nd  byte of relocation value 

    12.  R   3rd  byte of relocation value 

    13.  S   4th  byte of relocation value 

Return to the Assembler Index

-... Symbol Table File

   The symbol table has two parts:  

     1.  The alphabetically sorted list of symbols and/or labels
         defined or referenced in the source program.  

     2.  A  list of the program areas defined during assembly of
         the source program.  

   The sorted list of symbols and/or labels contains the follow-
ing information:  

     1.  Program  area  number (none if absolute value or exter-

     2.  The symbol or label 

     3.  Directly assigned symbol is denoted with an (=) sign 

     4.  The  value of a symbol, location of a label relative to
         the program area base address (=0), or a ****  indicat-
         ing the symbol or label is undefined.  

     5.  The characters: G - global, L - local, R - relocatable,
         and X - external.  

   The list of program areas provides the correspondence between
the program area numbers and the defined program areas, the size
of the program areas, and the area flags (attributes).  

Return to the Assembler Index

-... Object File

   The  object  file is an ascii file containing the information
needed by the linker to bind multiple object modules into a com-
plete  loadable  memory  image.   The object module contains the
following designators:  

                X       Hexidecimal radix
                D       Decimal radix
                Q       Octal radix

                H       Most significant byte first
                L       Least significant byte first

                2       16-Bit Addressing
                3       24-Bit Addressing
                4       32-Bit Addressing

        H       Header 
        M       Module
        G       Merge Mode
        B       Bank
        A       Area
        S       Symbol
        T       Object code
        R       Relocation information
        P       Paging information

   Refer to the linker for a detailed description of each of the
designators and the format of the information contained  in  the
object file.  

Return to the Assembler Index

-... Hint File

   The  hint file is an ascii file containing information needed
by the linker to convert the listing file into a relocated list-
ing  file.   Each  line in the .hlr file corresponds to a single
line in the listing file.  The text line usually contains 3 or 4
parameters  in  the radix selected for the assembler as shown in
the following table:  

Line Position:  123456789012
Octal:           111 222 333
Decimal:         111 222 333
Hex:             11 22 33

Parameter 1 specifies the parameters listed in the line.
A bit is set for each listing option enabled during the
assembly of the line.

        BIT 0   - LIST_ERR      Error Code(s)
        BIT 1   - LIST_LOC      Location
        BIT 2   - LIST_BIN      Generated Binary Value(s)
        BIT 3   - LIST_EQT      Assembler Equate Value
        BIT 4   - LIST_CYC      Opcode Cycles
        BIT 5   - LIST_LIN      Line Numbers
        BIT 6   - LIST_SRC      Assembler Source Code
        BIT 7   - HLR_NLST      Listing Inhibited

Parameter 2 is the internal assembler listing mode
value specified for this line during the assembly process:

        0 - NLIST       No listing
        1 - SLIST       Source only
        2 - ALIST       Address only
        3 - BLIST       Address only with allocation
        4 - CLIST       Code
        5 - ELIST       Equate only
        6 - ILIST       IF conditional evaluation

Parameter 3 is the number of output bytes listed
for this line.

   The  4th  parameter  is only output if an equate references a
value in a different area.  The area name is output in the  fol-
lowing format following the 3 parameters described above:  

Line Position:  123456789012
Area Name:       equatearea

   When  the  line number is output to the .hlr file (-r option)
the line number is prepended to the 3 or 4 parameters  described
above.   The  line  number is always in decimal in the following

Line Position:  1234567
Decimal:          LLLLL

   Thus the four formats (for each radix) that may be present in
a .hlr file are:  

Line Position:  123456789012345678901234567890
                 11 22 33
                 11 22 33 equatearea
                  LLLLL 11 22 33
                  LLLLL 11 22 33 equatearea

   The  linker understands these formats without any user inter-

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Last Updated: September 2023