
ASxxxx Cross Assembler Documentation


                                ASxxxx Assemblers


                            ASLINK Relocating Linker

                                 Version   5.50
                                 September 2023

                                Table Of Contents

        CHAPTER 1  THE ASSEMBLER                                     1-1 
          1.1     THE ASXXXX ASSEMBLERS                              1-1 
          1.1.1     Assembly Pass 1                                  1-2 
          1.1.2     Assembly Pass 2                                  1-2 
          1.1.3     Assembly Pass 3                                  1-3 
          1.2     SOURCE PROGRAM FORMAT                              1-3 
          1.2.1     Statement Format                                 1-3 
     Label Field                                    1-4 
     Operator Field                                 1-5 
     Operand Field                                  1-6 
     Comment Field                                  1-6 
          1.3     SYMBOLS AND EXPRESSIONS                            1-7 
          1.3.1     Character Set                                    1-7 
          1.3.2     User-Defined Symbols                            1-11 
          1.3.3     Reusable Symbols                                1-12 
          1.3.4     Current Location Counter                        1-13 
          1.3.5     Numbers                                         1-15 
          1.3.6     Terms                                           1-15 
          1.3.7     Expressions                                     1-16 
          1.4     GENERAL ASSEMBLER DIRECTIVES                      1-18 
          1.4.1     .module Directive                               1-18 
          1.4.2     .title Directive                                1-18 
          1.4.3     .sbttl Directive                                1-19 
          1.4.4     .list and .nlist Directives                     1-19 
          1.4.5     .page Directive                                 1-21 
          1.4.6     .msg Directive                                  1-21 
          1.4.7     .error Directive                                1-22 
          1.4.8     .byte, .db, and .fcb Directives                 1-22 
          1.4.9     .word, .dw, and .fdb Directives                 1-23 
          1.4.10    .3byte and .triple Directives                   1-23 
          1.4.11    .dl, .long, .4byte, and .quad Directives        1-24 
          1.4.12    .blkb, .ds, .rmb, and .rs Directives            1-24 
          1.4.13    .blkw, .blkl, .blk3, and .blk4 Directives       1-25 
          1.4.14    .ascii, .str, and .fcc Directives               1-25 
          1.4.15    .ascis and .strs Directives                     1-26 
          1.4.16    .asciz and .strz Directives                     1-26 
          1.4.17    Non-Printing Characters In Strings              1-27 
          1.4.18    .assume Directive                               1-27 
          1.4.19    .radix Directive                                1-28 
          1.4.20    .even Directive                                 1-28 
          1.4.21    .odd Directive                                  1-28 
          1.4.22    .bndry Directive                                1-29 
          1.4.23    .area Directive                                 1-30 
          1.4.24    .psharea and .poparea Directives                1-33 
          1.4.25    .bank Directive                                 1-34 
          1.4.26    .org Directive                                  1-35 
          1.4.27    .globl Directive                                1-35 
          1.4.28    .local Directive                                1-36 
          1.4.29    .equ, .gblequ, and .lclequ Directives           1-37 
          1.4.30    .if, .else, and .endif Directives               1-37 

                                                                 Page ii

          1.4.31    .iff, .ift, and .iftf Directives                1-38 
          1.4.32    .ifxx Directives                                1-39 
          1.4.33    .ifdef Directive                                1-40 
          1.4.34    .ifndef Directive                               1-42 
          1.4.35    .ifb Directive                                  1-43 
          1.4.36    .ifnb Directive                                 1-44 
          1.4.37    .ifidn Directive                                1-45 
          1.4.38    .ifdif Directive                                1-46 
          1.4.39    Alternate .if Directive Forms                   1-47 
          1.4.40    Immediate Conditional Assembly Directives       1-48 
          1.4.41    .incbin Directive                               1-49 
          1.4.42    .include Directive                              1-50 
    Including Files In Windows/DOS                1-52 
    Including Files in Linux                      1-53 
          1.4.43    .define and .undefine Directives                1-54 
          1.4.44    .enabl and .dsabl Directives                    1-55 
          1.4.45    .setdp Directive                                1-55 
          1.4.46    .16bit, .24bit, and .32bit Directives           1-57 
          1.4.47    .msb Directive                                  1-58 
          1.4.48    .lohi and .hilo Directives                      1-59 
          1.4.49    .trace and .ntrace Directives                   1-59 
          1.4.50    .end Directive                                  1-61 
          1.5     INVOKING ASXXXX                                   1-62 
          1.6     ERRORS                                            1-66 
          1.7     LISTING FILE                                      1-68 
          1.8     SYMBOL TABLE FILE                                 1-71 
          1.9     OBJECT FILE                                       1-71 
          1.10    HINT FILE                                         1-72 

        CHAPTER 2  THE MACRO PROCESSOR                               2-1 
          2.1     DEFINING MACROS                                    2-1 
          2.1.1     .macro Directive                                 2-2 
          2.1.2     .endm Directive                                  2-3 
          2.1.3     .mexit Directive                                 2-3 
          2.2     CALLING MACROS                                     2-4 
          2.3.1     Macro Nesting                                    2-6 
          2.3.2     Special Characters in Macro Arguments            2-7 
          2.3.3     Passing Numerical Arguments as Symbols           2-8 
          2.3.4     Number of Arguments in Macro Calls               2-9 
          2.3.5     Creating Local Symbols Automatically             2-9 
          2.3.6     Keyword Arguments                               2-10 
          2.3.7     Concatenation of Macro Arguments                2-12 
          2.4     MACRO ATTRIBUTE DIRECTIVES                        2-13 
          2.4.1     .narg Directive                                 2-13 
          2.4.2     .nchr Directive                                 2-14 
          2.4.3     .ntyp Directive                                 2-15 
          2.4.4     .nval Directive                                 2-16 
          2.5     INDEFINITE REPEAT BLOCK DIRECTIVES                2-16 

                                                                Page iii

          2.5.1     .irp Directive                                  2-17 
          2.5.2     .irpc Directive                                 2-18 
          2.6     REPEAT BLOCK DIRECTIVE                            2-19 
          2.6.1     .rept Directive                                 2-19 
          2.7     MACRO DELETION DIRECTIVE                          2-20 
          2.7.1     .mdelete Directive                              2-20 
          2.8     MACRO INVOCATION DETAILS                          2-20 
          2.9     CONTROLLING MACRO LISTINGS                        2-21 
          2.10    BUILDING A MACRO LIBRARY                          2-22 
          2.10.1    .mlib Macro Directive                           2-22 
          2.10.2    .mcall Macro Directive                          2-23 
          2.11    EXAMPLE MACRO CROSS ASSEMBLERS                    2-25 

        CHAPTER 3  THE LINKER                                        3-1 
          3.1     ASLINK RELOCATING LINKER                           3-1 
          3.2     INVOKING ASLINK                                    3-3 
          3.3     LIBRARY PATH(S) AND FILE(S)                        3-7 
          3.4     ASLINK PROCESSING                                  3-8 
          3.5     ASXXXX VERSION 5.XX (4.XX) LINKING                3-11 
          3.5.1     Object Module Format                            3-11 
          3.5.2     Header Line                                     3-12 
          3.5.3     Module Line                                     3-12 
          3.5.4     Merge Mode Line                                 3-12 
          3.5.5     Bank Line                                       3-13 
          3.5.6     Area Line                                       3-13 
          3.5.7     Symbol Line                                     3-14 
          3.5.8     T Line                                          3-14 
          3.5.9     R Line                                          3-14 
          3.5.10    P Line                                          3-15 
          3.5.11    24-Bit and 32-Bit Addressing                    3-16 
          3.5.12    ASlink V5.xx (V4.xx) Error Messages             3-16 
          3.6     ASXXXX VERSION 3.XX LINKING                       3-19 
          3.6.1     Object Module Format                            3-19 
          3.6.2     Header Line                                     3-20 
          3.6.3     Module Line                                     3-20 
          3.6.4     Area Line                                       3-20 
          3.6.5     Symbol Line                                     3-20 
          3.6.6     T Line                                          3-21 
          3.6.7     R Line                                          3-21 
          3.6.8     P Line                                          3-22 
          3.6.9     24-Bit and 32-Bit Addressing                    3-22 
          3.6.10    ASlink V3.xx Error Messages                     3-23 
          3.7     HINT FILE FORMAT FOR RELOCATED LISTINGS           3-25 
          3.8     INTEL HEX OUTPUT FORMAT                           3-27 
          3.9     MOTOROLA S1-S9 OUTPUT FORMAT (16-BIT)             3-29 
          3.10    MOTOROLA S2-S8 OUTPUT FORMAT (24-BIT)             3-30 
          3.11    MOTOROLA S3-S7 OUTPUT FORMAT (32-BIT)             3-31 
          3.12    TANDY COLOR COMPUTER DISK BASIC FORMAT            3-32 

                                                                 Page iv

        CHAPTER 4  BUILDING ASXXXX AND ASLINK                        4-1 
          4.1     BUILDING ASXXXX AND ASLINK WITH LINUX              4-2 
          4.2     BUILDING ASXXXX AND ASLINK WITH CYGWIN             4-3 
          4.3     BUILDING ASXXXX AND ASLINK WITH DJGPP              4-3 
                  TURBO C++ 3.0                                      4-4 
          4.4.1     Graphical User Interface                         4-4 
          4.4.2     Command Line Interface                           4-4 
                  MS VISUAL C++ 6.0                                  4-5 
          4.5.1     Graphical User Interface                         4-5 
          4.5.2     Command Line Interface                           4-5 
                  MS VISUAL STUDIO 2005                              4-6 
          4.6.1     Graphical User Interface                         4-6 
          4.6.2     Command Line Interface                           4-6 
                  MS VISUAL STUDIO 2010                              4-7 
          4.7.1     Graphical User Interface                         4-7 
          4.7.2     Command Line Interface                           4-8 
                  MS VISUAL STUDIO 2013                              4-9 
          4.8.1     Graphical User Interface                         4-9 
          4.8.2     Command Line Interface                           4-9 
                  MS VISUAL STUDIO 2015                             4-10 
          4.9.1     Graphical User Interface                        4-10 
          4.9.2     Command Line Interface                          4-10 
                  MS VISUAL STUDIO 2019                             4-11 
          4.10.1    Graphical User Interface                        4-11 
          4.10.2    Command Line Interface                          4-11 
                  MS VISUAL STUDIO 2022                             4-12 
          4.11.1    Graphical User Interface                        4-12 
          4.11.2    Command Line Interface                          4-12 
                  OPEN WATCOM V1.9                                  4-13 
          4.12.1    Graphical User Interface                        4-13 
          4.12.2    Command Line Interface                          4-14 
                  SYMANTEC C/C++ V7.2                               4-15 
          4.13.1    Graphical User Interface                        4-15 
          4.13.2    Command Line Interface                          4-15 
          4.14    THE _CLEAN.BAT AND _PREP.BAT FILES                4-16 
          4.15    THE PRECOMPILED ASXXXX EXECUTABLES                4-16 

        APPENDIX A  ASXSCN LISTING FILE SCANNER                      A-1 

                                                                  Page v

        APPENDIX B  ASXCNV LISTING CONVERTER                         B-1 

        APPENDIX C  S19OS9 CONVERSION UTILITY                        C-1 

        APPENDIX D  RELEASE NOTES                                    D-1 

        APPENDIX E  CONTRIBUTORS                                     E-1 

        APPENDIX F  NOTES AND TIPS                                   F-1 

                         ---- Assembler Appendices ----

        APPENDIX AA  ASCHECK ASSEMBLER                              AA-1 

        APPENDIX AB  AS1802 ASSEMBLER                               AB-1 

        APPENDIX AC  AS2650 ASSEMBLER                               AC-1 

        APPENDIX AD  AS4040 ASSEMBLER                               AD-1 

        APPENDIX AE  AS430 ASSEMBLER                                AE-1 

        APPENDIX AF  AS6100 ASSEMBLER                               AF-1 

        APPENDIX AG  AS61860 ASSEMBLER                              AG-1 

        APPENDIX AH  AS6500 ASSEMBLER                               AH-1 

        APPENDIX AI  AS6800 ASSEMBLER                               AI-1 

        APPENDIX AJ  AS6801 ASSEMBLER                               AJ-1 

        APPENDIX AK  AS6804 ASSEMBLER                               AK-1 

        APPENDIX AL  AS68(HC)05 ASSEMBLER                           AL-1 

        APPENDIX AM  AS68(HC[S])08 ASSEMBLER                        AM-1 

        APPENDIX AN  AS6809 ASSEMBLER                               AN-1 

        APPENDIX AO  AS6811 ASSEMBLER                               AO-1 

        APPENDIX AP  AS68(HC[S])12 ASSEMBLER                        AP-1 

        APPENDIX AQ  AS6816 ASSEMBLER                               AQ-1 

        APPENDIX AR  AS68CF ASSEMBLER                               AR-1 

        APPENDIX AS  AS68K ASSEMBLER                                AS-1 

        APPENDIX AT  AS740 ASSEMBLER                                AT-1 

        APPENDIX AU  AS78K0 ASSEMBLER                               AU-1 

        APPENDIX AV  AS78K0S ASSEMBLER                              AV-1 

        APPENDIX AW  AS8008 ASSEMBLER                               AW-1 

        APPENDIX AX  AS8008S ASSEMBLER                              AX-1 

                                                                Page vii

        APPENDIX AY  AS8048 ASSEMBLER                               AY-1 

        APPENDIX AZ  AS8051 ASSEMBLER                               AZ-1 

        APPENDIX BA  AS8085 ASSEMBLER                               BA-1 

        APPENDIX BB  AS89LP ASSEMBLER                               BB-1 

        APPENDIX BC  AS8X300 ASSEMBLER                              BC-1 

        APPENDIX BD  AS8XCXXX ASSEMBLER                             BD-1 

        APPENDIX BE  ASAVR ASSEMBLER                                BE-1 

        APPENDIX BF  ASCOP4 ASSEMBLER                               BF-1 

        APPENDIX BG  ASCOP8 ASSEMBLER                               BG-1 

        APPENDIX BH  ASEZ8 ASSEMBLER                                BH-1 

        APPENDIX BI  ASEZ80 ASSEMBLER                               BI-1 

        APPENDIX BJ  ASF2MC8 ASSEMBLER                              BJ-1 

        APPENDIX BK  ASF8 ASSEMBLER                                 BK-1 

        APPENDIX BL  ASGB ASSEMBLER                                 BL-1 

        APPENDIX BM  ASH8 ASSEMBLER                                 BM-1 

        APPENDIX BN  ASM8C ASSEMBLER                                BN-1 

        APPENDIX BO  ASPDP11 ASSEMBLER                              BO-1 

        APPENDIX BP  ASPIC ASSEMBLER                                BP-1 

        APPENDIX BQ  ASRAB ASSEMBLER                                BQ-1 

        APPENDIX BR  ASRS08 ASSEMBLER                               BR-1 

        APPENDIX BS  ASSCMP ASSEMBLER                               BS-1 

        APPENDIX BT  ASST6 ASSEMBLER                                BT-1 

        APPENDIX BU  ASST7 ASSEMBLER                                BU-1 

        APPENDIX BV  ASST8 ASSEMBLER                                BV-1 

                                                               Page viii

        APPENDIX BW  ASSX ASSEMBLER                                 BW-1 

        APPENDIX BX  ASZ8 ASSEMBLER                                 BX-1 

        APPENDIX BY  ASZ80 ASSEMBLER                                BY-1 

        APPENDIX BZ  ASZ280 ASSEMBLER                               BZ-1 

                     ---- Link To The Assemblers Index ----

                                  P R E F A C E

           The  ASxxxx  assemblers  were  written following the style of
        several unfinished cross assemblers found in the Digital  Equip-
        ment  Corporation  Users  Society  (DECUS) distribution of the C
        programming language.  The incomplete DECUS  code  was  provided
        with  no  documentation  as  to  the  input syntax or the output
        format.  I wish to thank the author for inspiring  me  to  begin
        the development of this set of assemblers.  

           The  ASLINK  program was written as a companion to the ASxxxx
        assemblers, its design and implementation was not  derived  from
        any other work.  

           I  would  greatly  appreciate  receiving  the  details of any
        changes, additions, or errors pertaining to these  programs  and
        will  attempt  to  incorporate  any  fixes  or  generally useful
        changes in a future update to these programs.  

                Alan R.  Baldwin 
                Kent State University 
                Physics Department 
                Kent, Ohio 44242 




                                                                  Page 2

               E N D   U S E R   L I C E N S E   A G R E E M E N T

           Copyright (C) 1989-2023 Alan R.  Baldwin 

           This  program  is  free  software:   you  can redistribute it
        and/or modify it under the  terms  of  the  GNU  General  Public
        License  as  published  by  the Free Software Foundation, either
        version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. 

           This  program is distributed in the hope that it will be use-
        ful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even  the  implied  war-
        See the GNU General Public License for more details.  

           You  should  have  received  a copy of the GNU General Public
        License   along   with    this    program.     If    not,    see

                                                                  Page 3

        ASxxxx Cross Assemblers, Version 5.50, September 2023 

        Submitted by Alan R.  Baldwin, 
        Kent State University, Kent, Ohio 

        Operating System:  Linux, Windows, MS-DOS 
        or other supporting ANSI C.  

        Source Language:  C 


           The  ASxxxx  assemblers are a series of microprocessor assem-
        blers written in the C programming  language.   This  collection
        contains   cross   assemblers   for   the  1802,  S2650,  SC/MP,
        4040(4004),  MPS430,   6100,   61860,   6500,   6800(6802/6808),
        6801(6803/HD6303),   6804,   6805,   68HC(S)08,   6809,  68HC11,
        68HC(S)12, 68HC16, 68CF 68K, 740, 78K/0,  78K/0S,  8008,  8008S,
        8048(8041/8022/8021),  8051,  8085(8080),  AT89LP, 8X300(8X305),
        COP4,  COP8,  DS8XCXXX,  AVR,  EZ8,  EZ80,  F2MC8L/FX,  F8/3870,
        GameBoy(Z80),  H8/3xx,  Cypress  PSoC(M8C),  PDP11,  PIC, Rabbit
        2000/3000, RS08, ST6, ST7, ST8, SX, Z8, Z80(HD64180),  and  Z280
        series  microprocessors.   Each  assembler has a device specific
        section which includes:  (1) device description, byte order, and
        file  extension  information,  (2)  a table of assembler general
        directives, special directives, assembler  mnemonics  and  asso-
        ciated operation codes, (3) machine specific code for processing
        the device mnemonics, addressing modes, and special directives. 

           The assemblers have a common device independent section which
        handles the details of file input/output, symbol  table  genera-
        tion,  program/data  areas,  expression  analysis, and assembler
        directive processing.  

           The  assemblers  provide  the following features:  (1) alpha-
        betized, formatted symbol table listings, (2) relocatable object
        modules, (3) global symbols for linking object modules, (4) con-
        ditional assembly directives, (5) reusable  local  symbols,  (6)
        include-file  processing,  and  (7)  a  general macro processing

           The  companion program ASLINK is a relocating linker perform-
        ing the following functions:  (1) bind multiple  object  modules
        into  a  single  memory  image,  (2) resolve inter-module symbol
        references,  (3)  resolve  undefined  symbols   from   specified
        librarys of object modules, (4) process absolute, relative, con-
        catenated, and overlay attributes in data and program  sections,
        (5)  perform  byte and word program-counter relative (pc or pcr)
        addressing calculations, (6) define absolute  symbol  values  at

                                                                  Page 4

        link  time, (7) define absolute area base address values at link
        time, (8) produce an Intel Hex  record,  Motorola  S  record  or
        Tandy  CoCo  Disk  Basic  output  file, (9) produce a map of the
        linked memory image, and (10) update the ASxxxx assembler  list-
        ing files with the absolute linked addresses and data.  

           The  assemblers  and  linker have been tested using Linux and
        DJGPP, Cygwin, Symantec C/C++ V7.2, Borland Turbo C++ 3.0,  Open
        Watcom V1.9, VC6, Visual Studio 2005, 2010, 2013, 2015, 2019 and
        2022.  Complete source code and documentation for the assemblers
        and  linker  is  included  with the distribution.  Additionally,
        test code for each assembler and several microprocessor monitors
        (  ASSIST05 for the 6805, MONDEB and ASSIST09 for the 6809, BUF-
        FALO 2.5 for the 6811, and MONDEB for 8051 / AT89LP series ) are
        included as working examples of use of these assemblers.  

                                    CHAPTER 1

                                  THE ASSEMBLER


           The  ASxxxx  assemblers are a series of microprocessor assem-
        blers written in the C programming language.  Each assembler has
        a device specific section which includes:  

             1.  device  description, byte order, and file extension in-

             2.  a  table  of  the assembler general directives, special
                 device directives, assembler mnemonics  and  associated
                 operation codes 

             3.  machine specific code for processing the device mnemon-
                 ics, addressing modes, and special directives 

        The device specific information is detailed in the appendices.  

           The assemblers have a common device independent section which
        handles the details of file input/output, symbol  table  genera-
        tion,  program/data  areas,  expression  analysis, and assembler
        directive processing.  

        The assemblers provide the following features:  

             1.  Command string control of assembly functions 

             2.  Alphabetized, formatted symbol table listing 

             3.  Relocatable object modules 

        THE ASSEMBLER                                           PAGE 1-2

             4.  Global symbols for linking object modules 

             5.  Conditional assembly directives 

             6.  Program sectioning directives 

           ASxxxx assembles one or more source files into a single relo-
        catable ascii object file.  The output of the ASxxxx  assemblers
        consists of an ascii relocatable object file(*.rel), an assembly
        listing file(*.lst), and a symbol file(*.sym) each controlled by
        an  assembler  option.  If both the object and listing files are
        specified then a listing to relocated listing hint file  (*.hlr)
        is  created  as  a  helper for the linker to properly create the
        relocated listing file.  

        1.1.1  Assembly Pass 1 

           During  pass  1, ASxxxx opens all source files and performs a
        rudimentary assembly of each source statement.  During this pro-
        cess  all symbol tables are built, program sections defined, and
        number of bytes for each assembled source line is estimated.  

           At the end of pass 1 all undefined symbols may be made global
        (external) using the ASxxxx switch -g, otherwise undefined  sym-
        bols will be flagged as errors during succeeding passes.  

        1.1.2  Assembly Pass 2 

           During  pass  2  the ASxxxx assembler resolves forward refer-
        ences and determines the number  of  bytes  for  each  assembled
        line.   The  number  of bytes used by a particular assembler in-
        struction may depend upon the addressing mode, whether  the  in-
        struction allows multiple forms based upon the relative distance
        to the addressed location, or other factors.   Pass  2  resolves
        these  cases  and  determines the address of all symbols.  Those
        assemblers with multiple forms are able to automatically  repeat
        pass  2 as many times as necessary to resolve all differences in
        instruction lengths and forward references.   All  other  assem-
        blers  can  manually  specify  additional passes to resolve more
        than one level of forward referencing.  

        THE ASSEMBLER                                           PAGE 1-3

        1.1.3  Assembly Pass 3 

           Pass 3 by the assembler generates the listing file, the relo-
        catable output file, the listing to relocated listing hint file,
        and  the  symbol  tables.  Also during pass 3 the errors will be

           The  relocatable object file is an ascii file containing sym-
        bol references and definitions, program  area  definitions,  and
        the  relocatable assembled code, the linker ASLINK will use this
        information to generate an absolute load file  (Intel,  Motorola
        or Tandy CoCo Disk Basic formats).  


        1.2.1  Statement Format 

           A source program is composed of assembly-language statements.
        Each statement must be completed on one line.  A line  may  con-
        tain a maximum of 128 characters, longer lines are truncated and

           An  ASxxxx  assembler  statement  may  have  as  many as four
        fields.  These fields are identified by their order  within  the
        statement  and/or  by separating characters between fields.  The
        general format of the ASxxxx statement is:  

              [label:]  Operator        Operand         [;Comment(s)] 

           The  label and comment fields are optional.  The operator and
        operand fields are interdependent.  The operator field may be an
        assembler  directive or an assembly mnemonic.  The operand field
        may be optional or required as defined in  the  context  of  the

           ASxxxx  interprets  and  processes source statements one at a
        time.  Each statement causes a particular operation to  be  per-

        THE ASSEMBLER                                           PAGE 1-4
  Label Field  - 

           A  label is a user-defined symbol which is assigned the value
        of the current location counter and entered into  the  user  de-
        fined  symbol  table.   The  current location counter is used by
        ASxxxx to assign memory addresses to the source  program  state-
        ments as they are encountered during the assembly process.  Thus
        a label is a means  of  symbolically  referring  to  a  specific

           When  a program section is absolute, the value of the current
        location counter is absolute;  its value references an  absolute
        memory  address.   Similarly, when a program section is relocat-
        able, the value of the current location counter is  relocatable.
        A  relocation  bias  calculated at link time is added to the ap-
        parent value of the current location counter  to  establish  its
        effective  absolute  address  at  execution time.  (The user can
        also force the linker to relocate sections defined as  absolute.
        This may be required under special circumstances.) 

           If  present,  a  label  must  be  the first field in a source
        statement and must be terminated by a colon (:).   For  example,
        if  the  value  of  the  current  location  counter  is absolute
        01F0(H), the statement:  

              abcd:     nop 

        assigns  the  value  01F0(H) to the label abcd.  If the location
        counter value were relocatable, the final value of abcd would be
        01F0(H)+K, where K represents the relocation bias of the program
        section, as calculated by the linker at link time.  

           More  than  one label may appear within a single label field.
        Each label so specified is assigned the same address value.  For
        example,  if  the  value  of  the  current  location  counter is
        1FF0(H), the multiple labels in the following statement are each
        assigned the value 1FF0(H):  

              abcd:     aq:     $abc:   nop 

           Multiple labels may also appear on successive lines.  For ex-
        ample, the statements 

              $abc:     nop 

        likewise  cause  the  same value to be assigned to all three la-

        THE ASSEMBLER                                           PAGE 1-5

           A  double  colon  (::)  defines the label as a global symbol.
        For example, the statement 

              abcd::    nop 

        establishes the label abcd as a global symbol.  The distinguish-
        ing attribute of a global symbol is that it  can  be  referenced
        from  within an object module other than the module in which the
        symbol is defined.  References to this label  in  other  modules
        are  resolved when the modules are linked as a composite execut-
        able image.  

        The legal characters for defining labels are:  

                A through Z 
                a through z 
                0 through 9 
                . (Period) 
                $ (Dollar sign) 
                _ (underscore) 

           A  label  may  be  any  length,  however  only  the  first 79
        characters are significant and, therefore must be  unique  among
        all  labels in the source program (not necessarily among separa-
        tely compiled modules).  An error code(s) (<m> or <p>)  will  be
        generated  in the assembly listing if the first 79 characters in
        two or more labels are the same.  The <m> code is caused by  the
        redeclaration  of  the symbol or its reference by another state-
        ment.  The <p> code is generated because the symbols location is
        changing on each pass through the source file.  

           The  label  must  not  start with the characters 0-9, as this
        designates a reusable symbol with special  attributes  described
        in a later section.  
  Operator Field  - 

           The  operator field specifies the action to be performed.  It
        may consist of an instruction mnemonic (op code) or an assembler

           When  the  operator is an instruction mnemonic, a machine in-
        struction is generated and the assembler evaluates the addresses
        of  the operands which follow.  When the operator is a directive
        ASxxxx performs certain control actions or processing operations
        during assembly of the source program.  

        THE ASSEMBLER                                           PAGE 1-6

           Leading  and  trailing  spaces  or tabs in the operator field
        have no significance;  such characters serve  only  to  separate
        the operator field from the preceding and following fields.  

           An operator is terminated by a space, tab or end of line.  
  Operand Field  - 

           When  the  operator is an instruction mnemonic (op code), the
        operand  field  contains  program  variables  that  are  to   be
        evaluated/manipulated by the operator.  

           Operands  may  be  expressions  or  symbols, depending on the
        operator.  Multiple expressions used in the operand  fields  may
        be  separated  by  a comma.  An operand should be preceded by an
        operator field;  if it is not, the statement will give an  error
        (<q> or <o>).   All operands following instruction mnemonics are
        treated as expressions.  

           The operand field is terminated by a semicolon when the field
        is followed  by  a  comment.   For  example,  in  the  following

              label:    lda     abcd,x          ;Comment field 

        the  tab  between lda and abcd terminates the operator field and
        defines the beginning of the operand field;  a  comma  separates
        the operands abcd and x;  and a semicolon terminates the operand
        field and defines the beginning of the comment field.   When  no
        comment  field  follows,  the operand field is terminated by the
        end of the source line.  
  Comment Field  - 

           The comment field begins with a semicolon and extends through
        the end of the line.  This field is optional and may contain any
        7-bit ascii character except null.  

           Comments  do not affect assembly processing or program execu-

        THE ASSEMBLER                                           PAGE 1-7


           This  section  describes the generic components of the ASxxxx
        assemblers:  the character set, the conventions observed in con-
        structing  symbols,  and  the use of numbers, operators, and ex-

        1.3.1  Character Set 

           The following characters are legal in ASxxxx source programs: 

             1.  The  letters  A  through Z.  Both upper- and lower-case
                 letters are acceptable.  The  assemblers,  by  default,
                 are  case  sensitive,  i.e.   ABCD and abcd are not the
                 same symbols.  (The assemblers can be made case  insen-
                 sitive by using the -z command line option.) 

             2.  The digits 0 through 9 

             3.  The  characters . (period), $ (dollar sign), and _ (un-

             4.  The special characters listed in Tables 1 through 6.  

           Tables  1  through  6  describe  the various ASxxxx label and
        field terminators, assignment operators, operand separators, as-
        sembly, unary, binary, and radix operators.  

        THE ASSEMBLER                                           PAGE 1-8

        Table 1         Label Terminators and Assignment Operators 

                :   Colon               Label terminator.  

                ::  Double colon        Label  Terminator;   defines the
                                        label as a global label.  

                =   Equal sign          Direct assignment operator.  

                ==  Global equal        Direct assignment operator;  de-
                                        fines the  symbol  as  a  global

                =:  Local equal         Direct assignment operator;  de-
                                        fines the symbol as a local sym-


        Table 2         Field Terminators and Operand Separators 

                    Tab                 Item or field terminator.  

                    Space               Item or field terminator.  

                ,   Comma               Operand field separator.  

                ;   Semicolon           Comment field indicator.  


        THE ASSEMBLER                                           PAGE 1-9

        Table 3         Assembler Operators 

                #   Number sign         Immediate expression indicator. 

                .   Period              Current location counter.  

                (   Left parenthesis    Expression delimiter.  

                )   Right parenthesis   Expression delimiter.  


        Table 4         Unary Operators 

                <   Left bracket        <FEDC   Produces  the lower byte
                                                value of the expression.

                >   Right bracket       >FEDC   Produces  the upper byte
                                                value of the expression.

                +   Plus sign           +A      Positive value of A 

                -   Minus sign          -A      Produces   the  negative
                                                (2's complement) of A.  

                ~   Tilde               ~A      Produces the 1's comple-
                                                ment of A.  

                '   Single quote        'D      Produces  the  value  of
                                                the character D.  

                "   Double quote        "AB     Produces the double byte
                                                value for AB.  

                \   Backslash           '\n     Unix style characters 
                                                \b, \f, \n, \r, \t 
                                     or '\001   or octal byte values.  


        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-10

        Table 5         Binary Operators 

                <<  Double          0800 << 4   Produces the 4 bit 
                    Left bracket                left-shifted   value  of
                                                0800.  (8000) 

                >>  Double          0800 >> 4   Produces the 4 bit 
                    Right bracket               right-shifted  value  of
                                                0800.  (0080) 

                +   Plus sign       A + B       Arithmetic      Addition

                -   Minus sign      A - B       Arithmetic   Subtraction

                *   Asterisk        A * B       Arithmetic   Multiplica-
                                                tion operator.  

                /   Slash           A / B       Arithmetic      Division

                &   Ampersand       A & B       Logical AND operator.  

                |   Bar             A | B       Logical OR operator.  

                %   Percent sign    A % B       Modulus operator.  

                ^   Up arrow or     A ^ B       EXCLUSIVE OR operator.  


        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-11

        Table 6         Temporary Radix Operators 

                $%,   ^b, ^B, 0b, 0B    Binary radix operator.  

                $&,   ^o, ^O, 0o, 0O    Octal radix operator.  
                      ^q, ^Q, 0q, 0Q    

                $#,   ^d, ^D, 0d, 0D    Decimal radix operator.  

                $@,   ^x, ^X, 0x, 0X    Hexadecimal radix operator.  
                      ^h, ^H, 0h, 0H 

                Potential  ambiguities arising from the use of 0b and 0d
                as temporary radix operators may be circumvented by pre-
                ceding  all  non-prefixed  hexadecimal  numbers with 00.
                Leading 0's are required in any  case  where  the  first
                hexadecimal  digit is abcdef as the assembler will treat
                the letter sequence as a label.  

                   The  decimal  point, '.', following any numerical se-
                quence not preceded by a temporary radix and  containing
                only  the  decimal  digits  0-9  will  be  treated  as a
                decimal, radix 10, value.  

                   When   the   'C  Style  Numbers'  option  is  enabled
                (see .enabl csn) all temporary radixs beginning with a 0
                (zero),  except  0x  and  0X,  are disabled.  Number se-
                quences beginning with 0x or 0X are interpreted as  hex,
                all other numbers beginning with 0 are octal, and numer-
                ical sequences not beginning with a 0 are decimal.  


        1.3.2  User-Defined Symbols 

           User-defined  symbols are those symbols that are equated to a
        specific value through a direct assignment statement  or  appear
        as  labels.  These symbols are added to the User Symbol Table as
        they are encountered during assembly.  

        The following rules govern the creation of user-defined symbols: 

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-12

             1.  Symbols  can  be  composed  of alphanumeric characters,
                 dollar signs ($),  periods  (.),  and  underscores  (_)

             2.  The  first  character  of a symbol must not be a number
                 (except in the case of reusable symbols).  

             3.  The  first 79 characters of a symbol must be unique.  A
                 symbol  can  be  written  with  more  than   79   legal
                 characters,  but the 80th and subsequent characters are

             4.  Spaces and Tabs must not be embedded within a symbol.  

        1.3.3  Reusable Symbols 

           Reusable  symbols are specially formatted symbols used as la-
        bels within a block of coding that has been delimited as a reus-
        able symbol block.  Reusable symbols are of the form n$, where n
        is a decimal integer from 0 to 65535,  inclusive.   Examples  of
        reusable symbols are:  


           The range of a reusable symbol block consists of those state-
        ments between two normally constructed  symbolic  labels.   Note
        that a statement of the form:  

              ALPHA = EXPRESSION 

        is a direct assignment statement but does not create a label and
        thus does not delimit the range of a reusable symbol block.  

           Note  that  the  range  of a reusable symbol block may extend
        across program areas.  

           Reusable symbols provide a convenient means of generating la-
        bels for branch instructions and other  such  references  within
        reusable symbol blocks.  Using reusable symbols reduces the pos-
        sibility of symbols with multiple definitions appearing within a
        user  program.   In  addition,  the use of reusable symbols dif-
        ferentiates entry-point labels from other labels, since reusable
        labels cannot be referenced from outside their respective symbol

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-13

        blocks.  Thus, reusable symbols of the same name can  appear  in
        other  symbol blocks without conflict.  Reusable symbols require
        less symbol table space  than  normal  symbols.   Their  use  is

           The  use  of  the  same reusable symbol within a symbol block
        will generate one or both of the <m> or <p> errors.  

        Example of reusable symbols:  

                a:      ldx     #atable ;get table address
                        lda     #0d48   ;table length
                1$:     clr     ,x+     ;clear
                        bne     1$
                b:      ldx     #btable ;get table address
                        lda     #0d48   ;table length
                1$:     clr     ,x+     ;clear
                        bne     1$

        1.3.4  Current Location Counter 

           The  period  (.) is the symbol for the current location coun-
        ter.  When used in the operand  field  of  an  instruction,  the
        period   represents  the  address  of  the  first  byte  of  the

                AS:     ldx     #.      ;The period (.) refers to
                                        ;the address of the ldx

           When  used  in  the  operand field of an ASxxxx directive, it
        represents the address of the current byte or word:  

                QK = 0
                .word   0xFFFE,.+4,QK   ;The operand .+4 in the .word
                                        ;directive represents a value
                                        ;stored in the second of the
                                        ;three words during assembly.

           If  we  assume  the  current  value of the program counter is
        0H0200, then during assembly, ASxxxx  reserves  three  words  of
        storage  starting  at  location  0H0200.   The  first  value,  a
        hexadecimal constant FFFE, will be stored  at  location  0H0200.

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-14

        The  second  value represented by .+4 will be stored at location
        0H0202, its value will be 0H0206 ( = 0H0202  +  4).   The  third
        value  defined  by  the  symbol  QK  will  be placed at location

           At the beginning of each assembly pass, ASxxxx resets the lo-
        cation counter.  Normally, consecutive memory locations are  as-
        signed  to  each  byte  of  object code generated.  However, the
        value of the location counter can be changed  through  a  direct
        assignment statement of the following form:  

              . = . + expression 

           The  new  location  counter can only be specified relative to
        the current location counter.  Neglecting to specify the current
        program  counter  along with the expression on the right side of
        the assignment operator will generate the <.> error.   (Absolute
        program areas may use the .org directive to specify the absolute
        location of the current program counter.) 

        The following coding illustrates the use of the current location

                .area   CODE1   (ABS)   ;program area CODE1
                                        ;is ABSOLUTE
                .org    0H100           ;set location to
                                        ;0H100 absolute
        num1:   ldx     #.+0H10         ;The label num1 has
                                        ;the value 0H100.
                                        ;X is loaded with
                                        ;0H100 + 0H10
                .org    0H130           ;location counter
                                        ;set to 0H130
        num2:   ldy     #.              ;The label num2 has
                                        ;the value 0H130.
                                        ;Y is loaded with
                                        ;value 0H130.
                .area   CODE2   (REL)   ;program area CODE2
                                        ;is RELOCATABLE
                . = . + 0H20            ;Set location counter
                                        ;to relocatable 0H20 of

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-15

                                        ;the program section.
        num3:   .word   0               ;The label num3 has
                                        ;the value
                                        ;of relocatable 0H20.
                . = . + 0H40            ;will reserve 0H40
                                        ;bytes of storage as will
                .blkb   0H40            ;or
                .blkw   0H20

           The  .blkb  and .blkw directives are the preferred methods of
        allocating space.  

        1.3.5  Numbers 

           ASxxxx  assumes that all numbers in the source program are to
        be interpreted in decimal radix unless otherwise specified.  The
        .radix  directive  may  be used to specify the default as octal,
        decimal, or hexadecimal.  Individual numbers can  be  designated
        as  binary, octal, decimal, or hexadecimal through the temporary
        radix prefixes shown in table 6.  

           Negative  numbers  must  be preceded by a minus sign;  ASxxxx
        translates such numbers into two's  complement  form.   Positive
        numbers may (but need not) be preceded by a plus sign.  

           Numbers are always considered to be absolute values, therefor
        they are never relocatable.  

        1.3.6  Terms 

           A  term is a component of an expression and may be one of the

             1.  A number.  

             2.  A symbol:  
                 1.  A  period (.) specified in an expression causes the
                     current location counter to be used.  
                 2.  A User-defined symbol.  
                 3.  An undefined symbol is assigned a value of zero and
                     inserted in the User-Defined  symbol  table  as  an
                     undefined symbol.  

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-16

             3.  A single quote followed by a single ascii character, or
                 a double quote followed by two ascii characters.  

             4.  An  expression enclosed in parenthesis.  Any expression
                 so enclosed is evaluated and reduced to a  single  term
                 before  the remainder of the expression in which it ap-
                 pears is evaluated.  Parenthesis, for example,  may  be
                 used  to  alter the left-to-right evaluation of expres-
                 sions, (as in A*B+C versus A*(B+C)), or to apply a  un-
                 ary operator to an entire expression (as in -(A+B)).  

             5.  A unary operator followed by a symbol or number.  

        1.3.7  Expressions 

           Expressions  are  combinations  of  terms  joined together by
        binary operators.  Expressions reduce to a value.   The  evalua-
        tion  of  an expression includes the determination of its attri-
        butes.  A resultant expression value may be one of  three  types
        (as  described  later  in this section):  relocatable, absolute,
        and external.  

        Expressions are evaluate with an operand hierarchy as follows:  

                *       /       %       multiplication,
                                        division, and
                                        modulus first.
                +       -               addition and
                                        subtraction second.
                <      <              left shift and
                                        right shift third.
                ^                       exclusive or fourth.
                &                       logical and fifth.
                |                       logical or last
                except that unary operators take precedence over binary

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-17

           A  missing  or  illegal  operator  terminates  the expression
        analysis, causing error codes <o> and/or  <q>  to  be  generated
        depending upon the context of the expression itself.  

           At assembly time the value of an external (global) expression
        is equal to the value of the absolute part of  that  expression.
        For  example,  the expression external+4, where 'external' is an
        external symbol, has the value of 4.  This expression,  however,
        when  evaluated  at link time takes on the resolved value of the
        symbol 'external', plus 4.  

           Expressions,  when  evaluated  by  ASxxxx,  are  one of three
        types:  relocatable, absolute, or external.  The following  dis-
        tinctions are important:  

             1.  An  expression is relocatable if its value is fixed re-
                 lative to the base address of the program area in which
                 it appears;  it will have an offset value added at link
                 time.  Terms that contain labels defined in relocatable
                 program  areas  will  have  a relocatable value;  simi-
                 larly, a period (.)  in  a  relocatable  program  area,
                 representing  the value of the current program location
                 counter, will also have a relocatable value.  

             2.  An  expression  is  absolute if its value is fixed.  An
                 expression whose terms are numbers and ascii characters
                 will  reduce  to  an absolute value.  A relocatable ex-
                 pression or term minus a relocatable term,  where  both
                 elements  being  evaluated  belong  to the same program
                 area, is an absolute expression.  This is because every
                 term  in  a  program area has the same relocation bias.
                 When one term is subtracted from the other the  reloca-
                 tion bias is zero.  

             3.  An  expression is external (or global) if it contains a
                 single global reference (plus or minus an absolute  ex-
                 pression  value) that is not defined within the current
                 program.  Thus, an external  expression  is  only  par-
                 tially  defined following assembly and must be resolved
                 at link time.  

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-18


           An  ASxxxx  directive  is placed in the operator field of the
        source line.  Only one directive is  allowed  per  source  line.
        Each  directive  may  have  a blank operand field or one or more
        operands.  Legal operands differ with each directive.  

        1.4.1  .module Directive 


                .module name 

           The  .module  directive causes the name to be included in the
        assemblers output file as an identifier for this particular  ob-
        ject module.  The name may be from 1 to 79 characters in length.
        The name may not have any embedded white space (spaces or tabs).
        Only  one  identifier is allowed per assembled module.  The main
        use of this directive  is  to  allow  the  linker  to  report  a
        modules'  use  of undefined symbols.  At link time all undefined
        symbols are  reported  and  the  modules  referencing  them  are

        1.4.2  .title Directive 


                .title  string 

           The .title directive provides a character string to be placed
        on the second line of each page during listing.  The string  be-
        gins  with  the first non white space character (after any space
        or tab) and ends with the end of the line.  

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-19

        1.4.3  .sbttl Directive 


                .sbttl  string 

           The .sbttl directive provides a character string to be placed
        on the third line of each page during listing.  The  string  be-
        gins  with  the first non white space character (after any space
        or tab) and ends with the end of the line.  

        1.4.4  .list and .nlist Directives 


                .list                           ;Basic .list 

                .list   expr                    ;with expression 

                .list   (arg1,arg2,...,argn)    ;with sublist options 

                .nlist                          ;Basic .nlist 

                .nlist  expr                    ;with expression 

                .nlist  (arg1,arg2,...,argn)    ;with sublist options 

        The  .list  and  .nlist directives control the listing output to
        the .lst  file.   The  directives  have  the  following  sublist

                err     -       errors
                loc     -       program location
                bin     -       binary output
                eqt     -       symbol or .if evaluation
                cyc     -       opcode cycle count
                lin     -       source line number
                src     -       source line text
                pag     -       pagination
                lst     -       .list/.nlist line listing
                md      -       macro definition listing
                me      -       macro expansion listing
                meb     -       macro expansion binary only listing
                mel     -       macro expansion binary with source
                !       -       sets the listing mode to
                                !(.list) or !(.nlist) before
                                applying the sublist options

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-20

        The  'normal' listing mode .list is the combination of err, loc,
        bin, eqt, cyc, lin, src, pag, lst, and md enabled with me,  meb,
        and mel disabled.  The 'normal' listing mode .nlist has all sub-
        list items disabled.  When specifying sublist options the option
        list  must  be  enclosed within parenthesis and multiple options
        separated by commas.  

           The NOT option, !, is used to set the listing mode to the op-
        posite of the .list or .nlist directive before applying the sub-
        list options.  For example:  

                .nlist  (!)     is equivalent to .list  and
                .list   (!)     is equivalent to .nlist
                                any additional options will
                                be applied normally

           Normal  .list/.nlist processing is disabled within false con-
        ditional blocks.  However, the .list/.nlist with  an  expression
        can  override  this  behavior  if  the expression has a non zero

           Examples of listing options:  

                .list   (me)    ; listing options are enabled
                                ; during macro processing
                .list   (meb)   ; macro processing lists only
                                ; generated binary and location
                .list   (mel)   ; macro processing lists only
                                ; source lines generating
                                ; binary output
                .nlist  (src)   ; .nlist src lines not listed
                .nlist  (!,lst) ; list all except .nlist
                .nlist          ; combination lists only
                .list   (src)   ; the source line
                .list   (!,src) ; list only the source line
                .list   1       ; enable listing even within
                                ; a FALSE conditional block

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-21

        1.4.5  .page Directive 



           The .page directive causes a page ejection with a new heading
        to be printed.  The new page occurs after the next line  of  the
        source  program is processed, this allows an immediately follow-
        ing .sbttl directive to appear  on  the  new  page.   The  .page
        source  line will not appear in the file listing.  Paging may be
        disabled by invoking the -p directive or by using the directive: 

                .nlist  (pag)

           If  the .page directive is followed by a non zero constant or
        an expression that evaluates to a non zero value then pagination
        will be enabled within a false condition range to allow extended
        textual information to be incorporated  in  the  source  program
        with out the need to use the comment delimiter (;):  

                .if     0
                .page   1       ;Enable pagination within 'if' block.
                This text will be bypassed during assembly
                but appear in the listing file.

        1.4.6  .msg Directive 


                .msg     /string/               or 

                .msg    ^/string/ 

        where:  string  represents a text string.  The string is printed
                        to the console during the final assembly pass.  

                /  /    represent   the  delimiting  characters.   These
                        delimiters   may   be   any   paired    printing
                        characters,  as  long  as the characters are not

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-22

                        contained within  the  string  itself.   If  the
                        delimiting  characters  do  not  match, the .msg
                        directive will give the <q> error.  

           The  .msg  directive  is  useful to report assembly status or
        other information during the assembly process.  

        1.4.7  .error Directive 


                .error exp 

        where:  exp     represents   an  absolute  expression.   If  the
                        evaluation of the expression results  in  a  non
                        zero value then an <e> error is reported and the
                        text line is listed in the generated error.  

           The  .error  directive  is  useful to report configuration or
        value errors during the assembly process.  (The .error directive
        is  identical in function to the .assume directive, just perhaps
        more descriptive.) 

        1.4.8  .byte, .db, and .fcb Directives 


                .byte   exp             ;Stores the binary value
                .db     exp             ;of the expression in the
                .fcb    exp             ;next byte.
                .byte   exp1,exp2,expn  ;Stores the binary values
                .db     exp1,exp2,expn  ;of the list of expressions
                .fcb    exp1,exp2,expn  ;in successive bytes.
        where:  exp,    represent expressions that will be
                exp1,   truncated to 8-bits of data.
                .       Each expression will be calculated,
                .       the high-order byte will be truncated.
                .       Multiple expressions must be
                expn    separated by commas.

           The  .byte, .db, or .fcb directives are used to generate suc-
        cessive bytes of binary data in the object module.  

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-23

        1.4.9  .word, .dw, and .fdb Directives 


                .word   exp             ;Stores the binary value
                .dw     exp             ;of the expression in
                .fdb    exp             ;the next word.
                .word   exp1,exp2,expn  ;Stores the binary values
                .dw     exp1,exp2,expn  ;of the list of expressions
                .fdb    exp1,exp2,expn  ;in successive words.
        where:  exp,    represent expressions that will occupy two
                exp1,   bytes of data. Each expression will be
                .       calculated as a 16-bit word expression.
                .       Multiple expressions must be
                expn    separated by commas.

           The  .word, .dw, or .fdb directives are used to generate suc-
        cessive words of binary data in the object module.  

        1.4.10  .3byte and .triple Directives 


                .3byte  exp             ;Stores the binary value
                .triple exp             ;of the expression in
                                        ;the next triple (3 bytes).
                .3byte  exp1,exp2,expn  ;Stores the binary values
                .triple exp1,exp2,expn  ;of the list of expressions
                                        ;in successive triples
                                        ;(3 bytes).
        where:  exp,    represent expressions that will occupy three
                exp1,   bytes of data. Each expression will be
                .       calculated as a 24-bit word expression.
                .       Multiple expressions must be
                expn    separated by commas.

           The  .3byte  or .triple directive is used to generate succes-
        sive triples of binary data in the object module.  (These direc-
        tives   are  only  available  in  assemblers  supporting  24-bit

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-24

        1.4.11  .dl, .long, .4byte, and .quad Directives 


                .dl     exp             ;Stores the binary value
                .long   exp             ;of the expression in
                .4byte  exp             ;the next quad (4 bytes).
                .quad   exp
                .dl     exp1,exp2,expn  ;Stores the binary values
                .long   exp1,exp2,expn  ;of the list of expressions
                .4byte  exp1,exp2,expn  ;in successive quads
                .quad   exp1,exp2,expn  ;(4 bytes).
        where:  exp,    represent expressions that will occupy three
                exp1,   bytes of data. Each expression will be
                .       calculated as a 32-bit word expression.
                .       Multiple expressions must be
                expn    separated by commas.

           The .dl, .long, .4byte or .quad directive is used to generate
        successive quads of binary data in the  object  module.   (These
        directives  are  only  available in assemblers supporting 32-bit

        1.4.12  .blkb, .ds, .rmb, and .rs Directives 


                .blkb   N       ;reserve N bytes of space
                .ds     N       ;reserve N bytes of space
                .rmb    N       ;reserve N bytes of space
                .rs     N       ;reserve N bytes of space

           The  .blkb, .ds, .rmb, and .rs directives reserve byte blocks
        in the object module;  

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-25

        1.4.13  .blkw, .blkl, .blk3, and .blk4 Directives 


                .blkw   N       ;reserve N words of space
                .blkl   N       ;reserve N quads of space
                .blk3   N       ;reserve N triples of space
                .blk4   N       ;reserve N quads of space

           The .blkw directive reserves word blocks;  the .blk3 reserves
        3  byte  blocks(available  in   assemblers   supporting   24-bit
        addressing);  the .blkl and .blk4 reserves 4 byte blocks (avail-
        able in assemblers supporting 32-bit addressing).  

        1.4.14  .ascii, .str, and .fcc Directives 


                .ascii   /string/               or 

                .ascii  ^/string/ 

                .fcc     /string/               or 

                .fcc    ^/string/ 

                .str     /string/               or 

                .str    ^/string/ 

        where:  string  is a string of printable ascii characters.  

                /  /    represent   the  delimiting  characters.   These
                        delimiters   may   be   any   paired    printing
                        characters,  as  long  as the characters are not
                        contained within  the  string  itself.   If  the
                        delimiting  characters  do not match, the .ascii
                        directive will give the <q> error.  

        The  .ascii,  .fcc, and .str directives place one binary byte of
        data for each character in the string into the object module.  

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-26

        1.4.15  .ascis and .strs Directives 


                .ascis   /string/               or 

                .ascis  ^/string/ 

                .strs    /string/               or 

                .strs   ^/string/ 

        where:  string  is a string of printable ascii characters.  

                /  /    represent   the  delimiting  characters.   These
                        delimiters   may   be   any   paired    printing
                        characters,  as  long  as the characters are not
                        contained within  the  string  itself.   If  the
                        delimiting  characters  do not match, the .ascis
                        and .strs directives will give the <q> error.  

           The .ascis and .strs directives place one binary byte of data
        for each character in the string into the  object  module.   The
        last character in the string will have the high order bit set.  

        1.4.16  .asciz and .strz Directives 


                .asciz   /string/               or 

                .asciz  ^/string/ 

                .strz    /string/               or 

                .strz   ^/string/ 

        where:  string  is a string of printable ascii characters.  

                /  /    represent   the  delimiting  characters.   These
                        delimiters   may   be   any   paired    printing
                        characters,  as  long  as the characters are not
                        contained within  the  string  itself.   If  the
                        delimiting  characters  do not match, the .asciz
                        and .strz directive will give the <q> error.  

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-27

           The .asciz and .strz directives place one binary byte of data
        for each character in the string into the object  module.   Fol-
        lowing  all  the  character data a zero byte is inserted to ter-
        minate the character string.  

        1.4.17  Non-Printing Characters In Strings 

           Non-printing  characters  can  be inserted into any string by
        enclosing the non-printing characters' value in  parenthesis  as
        shown in the following example.  

        .asciz  /Hello World!/(13)(10)

        A  carriage return and line feed character have been appended to
        the string "Hello World!".  The  non-printing  character  values
        are  always  evaluated  in  the current radix (or in a temporary
        radix when specified.) The character  values  may  be  evaluated
        from  any legal expression and are truncated to 8-bit values be-
        fore being inserted into the character string.  

           It   should  be  noted  that  multiple  string  segments  and
        non-printing character segments can  be  included  in  a  single
        string statemment:  

        .asciz  /I Said:/(13)(10)/Hello World!/(13)(10)

        1.4.18  .assume Directive 


                .assume exp 

        where:  exp     represents   an  absolute  expression.   If  the
                        evaluation of the expression results  in  a  non
                        zero value then an <e> error is reported and the
                        text line is listed in the generated error.  

           The  .assume  directive  is useful to check assumptions about
        assembler values.  (The .assume directive is identical in  func-
        tion to the .error directive, just perhaps more descriptive.) 

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-28

        1.4.19  .radix Directive 


                .radix  character 

        where:  character  represents  a single character specifying the
                default radix to be used for  succeeding  numbers.   The
                character may be any one of the following:  

                        B,b     Binary
                        O,o     Octal
                        D,d     Decimal
                        H,h     Hexadecimal

        1.4.20  .even Directive 



           The .even directive ensures that the current location counter
        contains an even boundary value by adding 1 if the current loca-
        tion is odd.  

        1.4.21  .odd Directive 



           The  .odd directive ensures that the current location counter
        contains an odd boundary value by adding one if the current  lo-
        cation is even.  

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-29

        1.4.22  .bndry Directive 


                .bndry  n 

           If  the current location is not an integer multiple of n then
        the location counter is increased to the next  integer  multiple
        of n.  

           As an example:  

                .bndry  4 

        changes  the current location to be at a multiple of 4, a 4-byte

           The boundary specifications are propagated to the linker as a
        boundary modulus, ie the smallest common boundary for all  .odd,
        .even, and .bndry directives contained within the area.  A boun-
        dary value of 1 is equivalent to .odd and a boundary value of  2
        is equivalent to .even.  Because areas are always assembled with
        an initial address of 0, an even address, both  .odd  and  .even
        are modulus 2 boundaries.  

           As  an  example, suppose there are two sections:  a CODE sec-
        tion and a DATA section.  The program code is  written  so  that
        the  data  associated with this section of the program code fol-
        lows immediately.  

                        .area   CODE
                        ; Subroutine 1 Code
                        ; Uses data having a boundary of 6
                        .area   DATA
                        ; Subroutine 1 Data
                        .bndry  6
                        .word   1, 2, 3
                        .area   CODE
                        ; Subroutine 2 Code
                        ; Uses data having a boundary of 8
                        .area   DATA
                        ; Subroutine 2 Data
                        .bndry  8
                        .word   1, 2, 3, 4,

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-30

           Since  the CODE and DATA sections are assembled during a sin-
        gle assembly (also applies to include files) the  the  assembler
        compiles all CODE segments as a single area segment.  The assem-
        bler also compiles all the DATA segments as a single  area  seg-
        ment  which  has  two .bndry directives and will have a boundary
        modulus of 24.  24 is the smallest boundary divisible by 6 and 8
        with  no remainder.  When the assembled file is linked the loca-
        tion of the data in the DATA area will be offset to  an  address
        which has a boundary modulus of 24.  

           When  multiple files containing the same area names (projects
        with multiple independently compiled files or library files) are
        linked  together  each  area segment will be offset to match the
        segments boundary modulus.  

           Boundary  specifications  will also be preserved when an area
        base address is specified with the -a linker option  and/or  the
        area is placed within a bank.  

        1.4.23  .area Directive 


                .area   name    [(options)] 

        where:  name    represents the symbolic name of the program sec-
                        tion.   This  name  may  be  the  same  as   any
                        user-defined  symbol  or  bank as the area names
                        are independent  of  all  symbols,  labels,  and

                options specify the type of program or data area:  
                        ABS     absolute (automatically invokes OVR) 
                        REL     relocatable 
                        OVR     overlay 
                        CON     concatenate 
                        NOPAG   non-paged area 
                        PAG     paged area 

                options specify a code or data segment:  
                        CSEG    Code segment 
                        DSEG    Data segment 

                option  specifies the data area bank:  
                        BANK    Named collection of areas 

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-31

           The .area directive provides a means of defining and separat-
        ing multiple programming and data sections.   The  name  is  the
        area  label used by the assembler and the linker to collect code
        from various separately assembled modules into one section.  The
        name may be from 1 to 79 characters in length.  

           The options are specified within parenthesis and separated by
        commas as shown in the following example:  

                .area  TEST  (REL,CON)  ;This section is relocatable
                                        ;and concatenated with other
                                        ;sections of this program area.
                .area  DATA  (REL,OVR)  ;This section is relocatable
                                        ;and overlays other sections
                                        ;of this program area.
                .area  SYS   (ABS,OVR)  ;(CON not allowed with ABS)
                                        ;This section is defined as
                                        ;absolute. Absolute sections
                                        ;are always overlaid with
                                        ;other sections of this program
                .area  PAGE  (PAG)      ;This is a paged section. The
                                        ;section must be on a 256 byte
                                        ;boundary and its length is
                                        ;checked by the linker to be
                                        ;no larger than 256 bytes.
                                        ;This is useful for direct page

           The  default  area type is REL|CON;  i.e.  a relocatable sec-
        tion which is concatenated with other sections of code with  the
        same area name.  The ABS option indicates an absolute area.  The
        OVR and CON options indicate if program  sections  of  the  same
        name  will overlay each other (start at the same location) or be
        concatenated with each other (appended to each other).  

           The  area can be specified as either a code segment, CSEG, or
        a data segment, DSEG.  The CSEG and DSEG descriptors are  useful
        when  the  microprocessor  code  and  data  unit allocations are
        unequal:  e.g.  the executable code  uses  an  allocation  of  2
        bytes for each instruction and is addressed at an increment of 1
        for every instruction, and the data uses an allocation of 1 byte
        for  each element and is addressed at an increment of 1 for each
        data byte.  The allocation units are defined by the architecture
        of the particular microprocessor.  

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-32

           The  .area  directive also provides a means of specifying the
        bank this area is associated with.  All areas associated with  a
        particular  bank  are  combined  at  link  time  into a block of

           The  CSEG,  DSEG,  and  BANK options are specified within the
        parenthesis as shown in the following examples:  

                .area   C_SEG   (CSEG,BANK=C1)
                                        ;This is a code section
                                        ;and is included in bank C1
                .area   D_SEG   (DSEG,BANK=D1)
                                        ;This is a data section
                                        ;and is included in bank D1.

           Multiple  invocations  of  the  .area directive with the same
        name must specify the same options or leave  the  options  field
        blank,  this  defaults  to  the previously specified options for
        this program area.  

        The   ASxxxx   assemblers   automatically  provide  two  program

                '_CODE'         This  is  the  default  code/data  area.
                                This   program   area   is    of    type

                '_DATA'         This  is the default optional data area.
                                This   program   area   is    of    type

        The .area names and options are never case sensitive.  

           The  linker  -a option allows the repositioning of an area by
        specifying its start address.  

                -a TEST=arg

           Where  TEST  is  the  area name and arg is an expression that
        evaluates to a start address.  

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-33

        1.4.24  .psharea and .poparea Directives 




           The .psharea directive pushes the current area context onto a
        16 element stack.  Attempting a .psharea operation with  a  full
        stack results in a stack overflow error message.  

           The  .poparea directive pops an area context from the 16 ele-
        ment stack.  Attemptimg a .poparea operation form an empty stack
        results in a stack underflow error message.  

           These  directives  can  be  useful  when calling macros which
        place code and/or data into other areas.   As  an  example  this
        macro  saves the current area context, places descriptors into a
        specific area, and then restores the area context.  

                .macro  .descriptor     name, device, block, flags
                  .area Descriptors
                  name: .rad50  device
                        .word   block
                        .word   flags

           Code or data added to an area whose context is in the psh/pop
        stack is not affected by the restoration of the area's  context.
        The  code or data pointer is not part of the stacked area's con-

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-34

        1.4.25  .bank Directive 


                .bank   name    [(options)] 

        where:  name    represents  the  symbolic  name of the bank sec-
                        tion.   This  name  may  be  the  same  as   any
                        user-defined  symbol  or  area as the bank names
                        are independent  of  all  symbols,  labels,  and
                        areas.   The name may be from 1 to 79 characters
                        in length.  

                options specify the parameters of the bank:  
                        BASE    base address of bank 
                        SIZE    maximum size of bank 
                        FSFX    file suffix for this bank 
                        MAP     NOICE mapping 

           The  .bank  directive allows an arbitrary grouping of program
        and/or data areas to be communicated to the  linker.   The  bank
        parameters are all optional and are described as follows:  

             1.  BASE, the  starting  address of the bank (default is 0)
                 may be defined.  This address can be overridden by  us-
                 ing  the  linker -b option.  The bank address is always
                 specified in 'byte' addressing.  A first area which  is
                 not  'byte' addressed (e.g.  a processor addressed by a
                 'word' of 2 or more bytes) has the area address  scaled
                 to begin at the 'byte' address.  

             2.  SIZE, the  maximum  length  of  the  bank  specified in
                 bytes.  The size is always specified in terms of bytes. 

             3.  FSFX, the file suffix to be used by the linker for this
                 bank.  The suffix may not contain embedded white space. 

             4.  MAP,  NOICE   mapping   parameter   for  this  bank  of

           The options are specified within parenthesis and separated by
        commas as shown in the following example:  

                .BANK  C1  (BASE=0x0100,SIZE=0x1000,FSFX=_C1)
                                        ;This bank starts at 0x0100,
                                        ;has a maximum size of 0x1000,
                                        ;and is to be placed into

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-35

                                        ;a file with a suffix of _C1

           The parameters must be absolute (external symbols are not al-

        1.4.26  .org Directive 


                .org    exp 

        where:  exp     is  an absolute expression that becomes the cur-
                        rent location counter.  

        The  .org directive is valid only in an absolute program section
        and will give a <q> error if used in a relocatable program area.
        The  .org  directive specifies that the current location counter
        is to become the specified absolute value.  

        1.4.27  .globl Directive 


                .globl  sym1,sym2,...,symn 

        where:  sym1,           represent legal symbolic names.
                sym2,...        When multiple symbols are specified,
                symn            they are separated by commas.

           A  .globl directive may also have a label field and/or a com-
        ment field.  

           The  .globl directive is provided to export (and thus provide
        linkage to) symbols not  otherwise  defined  as  global  symbols
        within  a  module.   In  exporting  global symbols the directive
        .globl J is similar to:  

              J == expression or J::  

           Because  object  modules  are linked by global symbols, these
        symbols are vital to a program.  All internal symbols  appearing
        within  a  given program must be defined at the end of pass 1 or
        they will be considered undefined.  The assembly directive  (-g)
        can  be  invoked to make all undefined symbols global at the end
        of pass 1.  

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-36

           The  .globl directive and == construct can be overridden by a
        following .local directive.  


             The  ASxxxx  assemblers  use the last occurring symbol
             specification in the source file(s) as the type  shown
             in the symbol table and output to the .rel file.  

        1.4.28  .local Directive 


                .local  sym1,sym2,...,symn 

        where:  sym1,           represent legal symbolic names.
                sym2,...        When multiple symbols are specified,
                symn            they are separated by commas.

           A  .local directive may also have a label field and/or a com-
        ment field.  

           The  .local  directive is provided to define symbols that are
        local to the current assembly process.  Local  symbols  are  not
        effected  by  the assembler option -a (make all symbols global).
        In defining local symbols the directive .local J is similar to: 

              J =: expression 

           The  .local directive and the =:  construct are useful in de-
        fining symbols and constants within a header or definition  file
        that contains many symbols specific to the current assembly pro-
        cess that should not be exported into the .rel output  file.   A
        typical  usage  is  in  the definition of SFRs (Special Function
        Registers) for a microprocessor.  

           The .local directive and =:  construct can be overridden by a
        following .globl directive.  


             The  ASxxxx  assemblers  use the last occurring symbol
             specification in the source file(s) as the type  shown
             in the symbol table and output to the .rel file.  

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-37

        1.4.29  .equ, .gblequ, and .lclequ Directives 


                sym1    .equ    expr    ; equivalent to sym1  = expr
                sym2    .gblequ expr    ; equivalent to sym2 == expr
                sym3    .lclequ expr    ; equivalent to sym3 =: expr
                .equ    sym1,   expr    ; equivalent to sym1  = expr
                .gblequ sym2,   expr    ; equivalent to sym2 == expr
                .lclequ sym3,   expr    ; equivalent to sym3 =: expr

           These  alternate  forms  of equivalence are provided for user

        1.4.30  .if, .else, and .endif Directives 


                .if     expr
                .                       ;}
                .                       ;} range of true condition
                .                       ;}
                .                       ;}
                .                       ;} range of false condition
                .                       ;}

           The  conditional  assembly directives allow you to include or
        exclude blocks of source code during the assembly process, based
        on the evaluation of the test condition.  

           The  range of true condition will be processed if the expres-
        sion 'expr' is not zero (i.e.  true) and the range of false con-
        dition  will  be processed if the expression 'expr' is zero (i.e
        false).  The range of true condition is optional as is the .else
        directive  and  the range of false condition.  The following are
        all valid .if/.else/.endif constructions:  

                .if     A-4             ;evaluate A-4
                .byte   1,2             ;insert bytes if A-4 is
                .endif                  ;not zero
                .if     K+3             ;evaluate K+3

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-38

                .byte   3,4             ;insert bytes if K+3
                .endif                  ;is zero
                .if     J&3             ;evaluate J masked by 3
                .byte   12              ;insert this byte if J&3
                .else                   ;is not zero
                .byte   13              ;insert this byte if J&3
                .endif                  ;is zero

        All .if/.else/.endif directives are limited to a maximum nesting
        of 10 levels.  

           The  use of a .else directive outside a .if/.endif block will
        generate an <i> error.  Assemblies having unequal .if and .endif
        counts will cause an <i> error.  

        1.4.31  .iff, .ift, and .iftf Directives 


                .if     expr    ;'if' range Condition is
                                ;TRUE when expr is not zero
                 .ift                                   ;}
                 .      ;} range of true condition      ;}
                 .iff                                   ;} if
                 .      ;} range of false condition     ;} block
                 .iftf                                  ;}
                 .      ;} unconditional range          ;}
                .else           ;'else' range Condition is
                                ;TRUE when expr is zero
                 .ift                                   ;}
                 .      ;} range of true condition      ;}
                 .iff                                   ;} else
                 .      ;} range of false condition     ;} block
                 .iftf                                  ;}
                 .      ;} unconditional range          ;}

           The  subconditional  assembly directives may be placed within
        conditional assembly blocks to indicate:  

                1. The assembly of an alternate body of code when
                   the condition of the block tests false.
                2. The assembly of non-contiguous body of code
                   within the conditional assembly block,
                   depending upon the result of the conditional

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-39

                   test in entering the block.
                3. The unconditional assembly of a body of code
                   within a conditional assembly block.

        The use of the .iff, .ift, and .iftf directives makes the use of
        the .else directive redundant.  

           Note  that  the  implementation of the .else directive causes
        the .if tested condition to be complemented.  The TRUE and FALSE
        conditions are determined by the .if/.else conditional state.  

           All  .if/.else/.endif  directives  are  limited  to a maximum
        nesting of 10 levels.  

           The  use  of the .iff, .ift, or .iftf directives outside of a
        conditional block results in a <i> error code.  

           The  use of a .else directive outside a .if/.endif block will
        generate an <i> error.  Assemblies having unequal .if and .endif
        counts will cause an <i> error.  

        1.4.32  .ifxx Directives 

           Additional  conditional  directives are available to test the
        value of an evaluated expression:  

                .ifne   expr            ; true if expr != 0
                .ifeq   expr            ; true if expr == 0
                .ifgt   expr            ; true if expr >  0
                .iflt   expr            ; true if expr <  0
                .ifge   expr            ; true if expr >= 0
                .ifle   expr            ; true if expr <= 0


                .ifxx   expr
                .                       ;}
                .                       ;} range of true condition
                .                       ;}
                .                       ;}
                .                       ;} range of false condition
                .                       ;}

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-40

           The  conditional  assembly directives allow you to include or
        exclude blocks of source code during the assembly process, based
        on the evaluation of the test condition.  

           The  range of true condition will be processed if the expres-
        sion 'expr' is not zero (i.e.  true) and the range of false con-
        dition  will  be processed if the expression 'expr' is zero (i.e
        false).  The range of true condition is optional as is the .else
        directive  and  the range of false condition.  The following are
        all valid .ifxx/.else/.endif constructions:  

                .ifne   A-4             ;evaluate A-4
                .byte   1,2             ;insert bytes if A-4 is
                .endif                  ;not zero
                .ifeq   K+3             ;evaluate K+3
                .byte   3,4             ;insert bytes if K+3
                .endif                  ;is zero
                .ifne   J&3             ;evaluate J masked by 3
                .byte   12              ;insert this byte if J&3
                .else                   ;is not zero
                .byte   13              ;insert this byte if J&3
                .endif                  ;is zero

        All .if/.else/.endif directives are limited to a maximum nesting
        of 10 levels.  

           The  use of a .else directive outside a .if/.endif block will
        generate an <i> error.  Assemblies having unequal .if and .endif
        counts will cause an <i> error.  

        1.4.33  .ifdef Directive 


                .ifdef  sym
                .                       ;}
                .                       ;} range of true condition
                .                       ;}
                .                       ;}
                .                       ;} range of false condition
                .                       ;}

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-41

           The  conditional  assembly directives allow you to include or
        exclude blocks of source code during the assembly process, based
        on the evaluation of the test condition.  

           The  range  of true condition will be processed if the symbol
        'sym' has been defined with a .define directive or  'sym'  is  a
        variable  with  an  assigned  value else the false range will be
        processed.  The range of true condition is optional  as  is  the
        .else directive and the range of false condition.  The following
        are all valid .ifdef/.else/.endif constructions:  

                .ifdef  sym$1           ;lookup symbol sym$1
                .byte   1,2             ;insert bytes if sym$1
                .endif                  ;is defined or
                                        ;assigned a value
                .ifdef  sym$2           ;lookup symbol sym$2
                .byte   3,4             ;insert bytes if sym$1
                .endif                  ;is not defined and
                                        ;not assigned a value
                .ifdef  sym$3           ;lookup symbol sym$3
                .byte   12              ;insert this byte if sym$3
                .else                   ;is defined/valued
                .byte   13              ;insert this byte if sym$3
                .endif                  ;is not defined/valued

        Note  that the default assembler configuration of case sensitive
        means the testing for a defined symbol is also case sensitive.  

           All  .if/.else/.endif  directives  are  limited  to a maximum
        nesting of 10 levels.  

           The  use of a .else directive outside a .if/.endif block will
        generate an <i> error.  Assemblies having unequal .if and .endif
        counts will cause an <i> error.  

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-42

        1.4.34  .ifndef Directive 


                .ifndef sym
                .                       ;}
                .                       ;} range of true condition
                .                       ;}
                .                       ;}
                .                       ;} range of false condition
                .                       ;}

           The  conditional  assembly directives allow you to include or
        exclude blocks of source code during the assembly process, based
        on the evaluation of the condition test.  

           The  range  of true condition will be processed if the symbol
        'sym' is not defined by a .define directive and a variable 'sym'
        has  not been assigned a value else the range of false condition
        will be processed.  The range of true condition is  optional  as
        is  the  .else  directive and the range of false condition.  The
        following are all valid .ifndef/.else/.endif constructions:  

                .ifndef sym$1           ;lookup symbol sym$1
                .byte   1,2             ;insert bytes if sym$1 is
                .endif                  ;not defined and
                                        ;not assigned a value
                .ifndef sym$2           ;lookup symbol sym$2
                .byte   3,4             ;insert bytes if sym$1
                .endif                  ;is defined or
                                        ;is assigned a value
                .ifndef sym$3           ;lookup symbol sym$3
                .byte   12              ;insert this byte if sym$3
                .else                   ;is not defined/valued
                .byte   13              ;insert this byte if sym$3
                .endif                  ;is defined/valued

        All .if/.else/.endif directives are limited to a maximum nesting
        of 10 levels.  

           The  use of a .else directive outside a .if/.endif block will
        generate an <i> error.  Assemblies having unequal .if and .endif
        counts will cause an <i> error.  

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-43

        1.4.35  .ifb Directive 


                .ifb    sym
                .                       ;}
                .                       ;} range of true condition
                .                       ;}
                .                       ;}
                .                       ;} range of false condition
                .                       ;}

           The  conditional  assembly directives allow you to include or
        exclude blocks of source code during the assembly process, based
        on the evaluation of the test condition.  

           The  conditional  .ifb  is most useful when used in macro de-
        finitions to determine if the argument is blank.  The  range  of
        true  condition  will be processed if the symbol 'sym' is blank.
        The range of true condition is optional as is the  .else  direc-
        tive  and  the  range of false condition.  The following are all
        valid .ifb/.else/.endif constructions:  

                .ifb    sym$1           ;argument is not blank
                .byte   1,2             ;insert bytes if argument
                .endif                  ;is blank
                .ifb    sym$2           ;argument is not blank
                .byte   3,4             ;insert bytes if argument
                .endif                  ;is not blank
                .ifb                    ;argument is blank
                .byte   12              ;insert this byte if
                .else                   ;argument is blank
                .byte   13              ;insert this byte if
                .endif                  ;argument not blank

        All .if/.else/.endif directives are limited to a maximum nesting
        of 10 levels.  

           The  use of a .else directive outside a .if/.endif block will
        generate an <i> error.  Assemblies having unequal .if and .endif
        counts will cause an <i> error.  

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-44

        1.4.36  .ifnb Directive 


                .ifnb   sym
                .                       ;}
                .                       ;} range of true condition
                .                       ;}
                .                       ;}
                .                       ;} range of false condition
                .                       ;}

           The  conditional  assembly directives allow you to include or
        exclude blocks of source code during the assembly process, based
        on the evaluation of the test condition.  

           The  conditional  .ifnb is most useful when used in macro de-
        finitions to determine if the argument is not blank.  The  range
        of  true  condition will be processed if the symbol 'sym' is not
        blank.  The range of true condition is optional as is the  .else
        directive  and  the range of false condition.  The following are
        all valid .ifnb/.else/.endif constructions:  

                .ifnb   sym$1           ;argument is not blank
                .byte   1,2             ;insert bytes if argument
                .endif                  ;is not blank
                .ifnb   sym$2           ;argument is not blank
                .byte   3,4             ;insert bytes if argument
                .endif                  ;is blank
                .ifnb                   ;argument is blank
                .byte   12              ;insert this byte if
                .else                   ;argument is not blank
                .byte   13              ;insert this byte if
                .endif                  ;argument is blank

        All .if/.else/.endif directives are limited to a maximum nesting
        of 10 levels.  

           The  use of a .else directive outside a .if/.endif block will
        generate an <i> error.  Assemblies having unequal .if and .endif
        counts will cause an <i> error.  

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-45

        1.4.37  .ifidn Directive 


                .ifidn  sym$1,sym$2
                .                       ;}
                .                       ;} range of true condition
                .                       ;}
                .                       ;}
                .                       ;} range of false condition
                .                       ;}

           The  conditional  assembly directives allow you to include or
        exclude blocks of source code during the assembly process, based
        on the evaluation of the test condition.  

           The  conditional .ifidn is most useful when used in macro de-
        finitions to determine if  the  arguments  are  identical.   The
        range  of true condition will be processed if the symbol 'sym$1'
        is identical to 'sym$2' (i.e.  the character strings  for  sym$1
        and  sym$2  are  the  same  consistent with the case sensitivity
        flag).  When this if statement occurs inside a  macro  where  an
        argument  substitution  may  be blank then an argument should be
        delimited with the form /symbol/ for each symbol.  The range  of
        true  condition  is  optional  as is the .else directive and the
        range  of  false  condition.   The  following  are   all   valid
        .ifidn/.else/.endif constructions:  

                .ifidn  sym$1,sym$1     ;arguments are the same
                .byte   1,2             ;insert bytes if arguments
                .endif                  ;are the sane
                .ifidn  sym$1,sym$2     ;arguments are not the same
                .byte   3,4             ;insert bytes if arguments
                .endif                  ;are not the same
                .ifidn  sym$3,sym$3     ;arguments are the same
                .byte   12              ;insert this byte if
                .else                   ;arguments are the same
                .byte   13              ;insert this byte if
                .endif                  ;arguments are not the same

        All .if/.else/.endif directives are limited to a maximum nesting
        of 10 levels.  

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-46

           The  use of a .else directive outside a .if/.endif block will
        generate an <i> error.  Assemblies having unequal .if and .endif
        counts will cause an <i> error.  

        1.4.38  .ifdif Directive 


                .ifdif  sym$1,sym$2
                .                       ;}
                .                       ;} range of true condition
                .                       ;}
                .                       ;}
                .                       ;} range of false condition
                .                       ;}

           The  conditional  assembly directives allow you to include or
        exclude blocks of source code during the assembly process, based
        on the evaluation of the test condition.  

           The  conditional .ifdif is most useful when used in macro de-
        finitions to determine if  the  arguments  are  different.   The
        range  of true condition will be processed if the symbol 'sym$1'
        is different from 'sym$2' (i.e.  the character strings for sym$1
        and  sym$2  are the not the same consistent with the case sensi-
        tivity flag).  When this if  statement  occurs  inside  a  macro
        where  an  argument  substitution  may be blank then an argument
        should be delimited with the form /symbol/ for each symbol.  The
        range  of  true  condition is optional as is the .else directive
        and the range of false condition.  The following are  all  valid
        .ifdif/.else/.endif constructions:  

                .ifdif  sym$1,sym$2     ;arguments are different
                .byte   1,2             ;insert bytes if arguments
                .endif                  ;are different
                .ifdif  sym$1,sym$1     ;arguments are identical
                .byte   3,4             ;insert bytes if arguments
                .endif                  ;are different
                .ifdif  sym$1,sym$3     ;arguments are different
                .byte   12              ;insert this byte if
                .else                   ;arguments are different
                .byte   13              ;insert this byte if
                .endif                  ;arguments are identical

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-47

        All .if/.else/.endif directives are limited to a maximum nesting
        of 10 levels.  

           The  use of a .else directive outside a .if/.endif block will
        generate an <i> error.  Assemblies having unequal .if and .endif
        counts will cause an <i> error.  

        1.4.39  Alternate .if Directive Forms 


                .if     cnd(,)  arg1(, arg2)

           where  the  cnd (followed by an optional comma) may be any of
        the following:  

                 condition              Assemble
                (complement)    Args    Block if:
                eq   ( ne )     expr    equal to zero
                                        (not equal to zero)
                gt   ( le )     expr    greater than zero
                                        (less than or equal to zero)
                lt   ( ge )     expr    less than zero
                                        (greater than or equal to zero)
                def  ( ndef )   symbol  .define'd or user set
                                        (not .define'd or user set)
                b    ( nb )     macro   argument present
                                symbol  (argument not present)
                idn  ( dif )    macro   arguments identical
                                symbol  (arguments not identical)
                f    ( t )      -----   only within a .if/.else/.endif
                                        conditional block
                tf              -----   only within a .if/.else/.endif
                                        conditional block

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-48

        All .if/.else/.endif directives are limited to a maximum nesting
        of 10 levels.  

           The  use of a .else directive outside a .if/.endif block will
        generate an <i> error.  Assemblies having unequal .if and .endif
        counts will cause an <i> error.  

        1.4.40  Immediate Conditional Assembly Directives 

           The  immediate conditional assembly directives allow a single
        line of code to be assembled without  using  a  .if/.else/.endif
        construct.   All  of  the previously described conditionals have
        immediate equivalents.  


                .iif            arg(,)          line_to_assemble
                .iifeq          arg(,)          line_to_assemble
                .iifne          arg(,)          line_to_assemble
                .iifgt          arg(,)          line_to_assemble
                .iifle          arg(,)          line_to_assemble
                .iifge          arg(,)          line_to_assemble
                .iiflt          arg(,)          line_to_assemble
                .iifdef         arg(,)          line_to_assemble
                .iifndef        arg(,)          line_to_assemble
                .iifb        (,)arg(,)          line_to_assemble
                .iifnb       (,)arg(,)          line_to_assemble
                .iifidn      (,)arg1,arg2(,)    line_to_assemble
                .iifdif      (,)arg1,arg2(,)    line_to_assemble
            Valid only within a conditional block:
                .iiff                           line_to_assemble
                .iift                           line_to_assemble
                .iiftf                          line_to_assemble

        Alternate Format:  

                .iif            arg(,)          line_to_assemble
                .iif    eq      arg(,)          line_to_assemble
                .iif    ne      arg(,)          line_to_assemble
                .iif    gt      arg(,)          line_to_assemble
                .iif    le      arg(,)          line_to_assemble
                .iif    ge      arg(,)          line_to_assemble
                .iif    lt      arg(,)          line_to_assemble

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-49

                .iif    def     arg(,)          line_to_assemble
                .iif    ndef    arg(,)          line_to_assemble
                .iif    b    (,)arg(,)          line_to_assemble
                .iif    nb   (,)arg(,)          line_to_assemble
                .iif    idn  (,)arg1,arg2(,)    line_to_assemble
                .iif    dif  (,)arg1,arg2(,)    line_to_assemble
            Valid only within a conditional block:
                .iif    f                       line_to_assemble
                .iif    t                       line_to_assemble
                .iif    tf                      line_to_assemble

        The (,) indicates an optional comma.  

           The  .iif  types b, n, idn, and dif require the commas if the
        argument(s) may be blank.  These commas may be  removed  if  the
        arguments are delimited with the form ^/symbol/ for each symbol. 

           The  immediate  conditional  directives  do  not  change  the
        .if/.else/.endif nesting level.  

        1.4.41  .incbin Directive 


                .incbin          /string/ [,offset [,count]]    or 

                .incbin         ^/string/ [,offset [,count]] 

        where:  string  represents  a string that is the file specifica-
                        tion of any file type.  

                /  /    represent   the  delimiting  characters.   These
                        delimiters   may   be   any   paired    printing
                        characters,  as  long  as the characters are not
                        contained within  the  string  itself.   If  the
                        delimiting  characters do not match, the .incbin
                        directive will give the <q> error.  

           The  .incbin  directive  is  used to insert the contents of a
        file verbatim into the assembler as a byte stream.  This can  be
        handy  (for example) when including some arbitrary data directly
        into the executable output.  However, it is recommended  to  use
        this only for small pieces of data.  

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-50

           The .incbin can be invoked with one or two optional arguments
        which specify the number of bytes to skip in the  file  and  the
        maximum number of bytes to insert into the output file.  

        .incbin "file.dat"              ; include the whole file
        .incbin "file.dat",1024         ; skip the first 1024 bytes
        .incbin "file.dat",1024,512     ; skip first 1024, and
                                        ; include at most 512 bytes

        The ',' delimiters can be any regular delimiter - space, tab, or
        ','.  The offset and count arguments must be local, evaluate  to
        a  constant, and may be 0.  A blank offset is by default 0 and a
        blank count is the remainder of the file.  

           An offset equal to or greater than the file length results in
        an <i> error.  A count that is larger than the  remaining  bytes
        in a file does not result in an error.  

        1.4.42  .include Directive 


                .include         /string/               or 

                .include        ^/string/ 

        where:  string  represents  a string that is the file specifica-
                        tion of an ASxxxx source file.  

                /  /    represent   the  delimiting  characters.   These
                        delimiters   may   be   any   paired    printing
                        characters,  as  long  as the characters are not
                        contained within  the  string  itself.   If  the
                        delimiting characters do not match, the .include
                        directive will give the <q> error.  

           The .include directive is used to insert a source file within
        the source file currently being assembled.  When this  directive
        is encountered, an implicit .page directive is issued.  When the
        end of the specified source file is reached, an  implicit  .page
        directive is issued and input continues from the previous source
        file.  The maximum nesting level of source files specified by  a
        .include directive is five.  

           The  total  number  of separately specified .include files is
        unlimited as each .include file is opened and then closed during
        each pass made by the assembler.  

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-51

           The  default  directory  path,  if none is specified, for any
        .include file is the directory path of the  current  file.   For
        example:   if  the  current  source file, D:\proj\file1.asm, in-
        cludes  a  file  specified   as   "include1"   then   the   file
        D:\proj\include1.asm is opened.  

        THE ASSEMBLER                                                                                          PAGE 1-52
  Including Files In Windows/DOS  - 
            Graphical Illustration of Include File Locations
            for the following command line entry:
                __> bin\ascheck -l -o -s  obj\prjct.rel   src\prjct\prjct.asm
                                  |                                           (rooted)                    |
                      _____       |           _____                                                       |
                     |     |      |          |     |                                                      |
                  ---| inc |  <---/       ---| bin |                                                      |
                  |  |_____|              |  |_____|                                                      |
                  |     |                 |     |                                                         |
                  |     \___ inc4.asm     |     \___ ascheck.exe                                          |
                  |                       |                                                               |
                  |                       |                                                               |
          _____   |   _____       _____   |   _____       _____                                           |
         |     |  |  |     |     |     |  |  |     |     |     |      (in prjct.asm directory)            |
         | C:\ |-----| ..\ |-----| __> |--+--| src |-----|prjct|  <-------------------------------\       |
         |_____|     |_____|  |  |_____|  |  |_____|  |  |_____|                                  |       |
                              |           |           |     |                .include "inc1.asm" -/       |
                              |     ^     |           |     \___ prjct.asm   .include "C:\inc\inc4.asm" --/
                              |     |     |           |     \___ inc1.asm    .include "..\inc\inc3.asm" -------\
             Current          |     |     |           |   _____              .include "src\inc\inc2.asm" -\    |
             Working  ------> | >---/     |           |  |     |                                          |    |
            Directory         |           |           ---| inc |  <---------------------------------------/    |
                              |           |              |_____|   (relative to current working directory)     |
                              |           |                 |                                                  |
                              |           |                 \___ inc2.asm                                      |
                              |           |   _____                                                            |
                              |           |  |     |                                                           |
                              |           ---| obj |                                                           |
                              |              |_____|                                                           |
                              |                 |                                                              |
                              |                 \___ .REL, .SYM, .LST, .HLR                                    |
                              |                                                                                |
                              |   _____                                                                        |
                              |  |     |                          (relative to current working directory)      |
                              ---| inc |  <--------------------------------------------------------------------/
                                    \___ inc3.asm

        THE ASSEMBLER                                                                                          PAGE 1-53
  Including Files in Linux  - 
            Graphical Illustration of Include File Locations
            for the following command line entry:
                __$ bin/ascheck -l -o -s  obj/prjct.rel   src/prjct/prjct.asm
                                  |                                           (rooted)                    |
                      _____       |           _____                                                       |
                     |     |      |          |     |                                                      |
                  ---| inc |  <---/       ---| bin |                                                      |
                  |  |_____|              |  |_____|                                                      |
                  |     |                 |     |                                                         |
                  |     \___ inc4.asm     |     \___ ascheck                                              |
                  |                       |                                                               |
                  |                       |                                                               |
          _____   |   _____       _____   |   _____       _____                                           |
         |     |  |  |     |     |     |  |  |     |     |     |      (in prjct.asm directory)            |
         |  /  |-----| ../ |-----| __$ |--+--| src |-----|prjct|  <-------------------------------\       |
         |_____|     |_____|  |  |_____|  |  |_____|  |  |_____|                                  |       |
                              |           |           |     |                .include "inc1.asm" -/       |
                              |     ^     |           |     \___ prjct.asm   .include "/inc/inc4.asm" ----/
                              |     |     |           |     \___ inc1.asm    .include "../inc/inc3.asm" -------\
             Current          |     |     |           |   _____              .include "src/inc/inc2.asm" -\    |
             Working  ------> | >---/     |           |  |     |                                          |    |
            Directory         |           |           ---| inc |  <---------------------------------------/    |
                              |           |              |_____|   (relative to current working directory)     |
                              |           |                 |                                                  |
                              |           |                 \___ inc2.asm                                      |
                              |           |   _____                                                            |
                              |           |  |     |                                                           |
                              |           ---| obj |                                                           |
                              |              |_____|                                                           |
                              |                 |                                                              |
                              |                 \___ .REL, .SYM, .LST, .HLR                                    |
                              |                                                                                |
                              |   _____                                                                        |
                              |  |     |                          (relative to current working directory)      |
                              ---| inc |  <--------------------------------------------------------------------/
                                    \___ inc3.asm

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-54

        1.4.43  .define and .undefine Directives 


                .define        keyword  /string/        or 

                .define        keyword ^/string/ 

                .undefine      keyword 

        where:  keyword is  the  substitutable  string  which must start
                        with a letter and may contain any combination of
                        digits and letters.  

        where:  string  represents  a string that is substituted for the
                        keyword.  The string may contain any sequence of
                        characters including white space.  

                /  /    represent   the  delimiting  characters.   These
                        delimiters   may   be   any   paired    printing
                        characters,  as  long  as the characters are not
                        contained within  the  string  itself.   If  the
                        delimiting  characters do not match, the .define
                        directive will give the <q> error.  

           The  .define  directive specifies a user defined string which
        is substituted for the keyword.  The substitution string may it-
        self  contain other keywords that are substitutable.  The assem-
        bler resumes the parse of the line at the point the keyword  was
        found.  Care must be excersized to avoid any circular references
        within .define directives, otherwise the assembler may  enter  a
        'recursion runaway' resulting in an <s> error.  

           The  .undefine  directive removes the keyword as a substitut-
        able string.  No error is returned if the keyword  was  not  de-

           When a .define directive specifies a keyword, with or without
        a substitution string, the keyword is defined but is not a  sym-
        bol.   Because  the  keyword is not a symbol the keyword becomes
        undefined at the beginning of the next assembler pass.  

           The   keyword   substitution   is   never  applied  to  these
        directives:   .define,  .undefine,   .ifdef   .ifndef,   iifdef,
        iifndef, or any variation of def or ndef conditionals.  

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-55

        1.4.44  .enabl and .dsabl Directives 


                .enabl  (optn1, optn2, ...)     ;enable options
                .dsabl  (optn1, optn2, ...)     ;disable options

           The  'csn'  option  , C Style Numbers', is currently the only
        option available to all ASxxxx assemblers.  Enabling  the  'csn'
        option disables all the temporary radix options beginning with a
        0 (zero) except the hex radix options  0x  and  0X.   All  other
        numbers  beginning  with 0 are evaluated as octal values and all
        numbers beginning with  digits  1-9  are  evaluated  as  decimal

           Individual assemblers may have additional options specific to
        that assembler and will be described in its documentation.  

        1.4.45  .setdp Directive 


                .setdp [base [,area]] 

        The set direct page directive has a common format in all the as-
        semblers supporting a paged mode.  The .setdp directive is  used
        to  inform  the  assembler of the current direct page region and
        the offset address within the selected area.  The normal invoca-
        tion methods are:  

                .area   DIRECT  (PAG)
                .setdp  0,DIRECT

        for  all  the  68xx microprocessors (the 6804 has only the paged
        ram area).  The commands specify that the direct page is in area
        DIRECT and its offset address is 0 (the only valid value for all
        but the 6809 microprocessor).  Be sure to place the DIRECT  area
        at address 0 during linking.  When the base address and area are
        not specified, then zero and the current area are the  defaults.
        If  a  .setdp directive is not issued the assembler defaults the
        direct page to the area "_CODE" at offset 0.  

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-56

           The  assembler  verifies  that  any  local variable used in a
        direct variable reference is located in this area.  Local  vari-
        able  and  constant value direct access addresses are checked to
        be within the address range from 0 to 255.  

           External direct references are assumed by the assembler to be
        in the correct area and have valid  offsets.   The  linker  will
        check all direct page relocations to verify that they are within
        the correct area.  

           The  6809  microprocessor  allows the selection of the direct
        page to be on any 256 byte boundary by loading  the  appropriate
        value  into the dp register.  Typically one would like to select
        the page boundary at link time, one method follows:  

                .area   DIRECT  (PAG)   ; define the direct page
                .area   PROGRAM
                ldd     #DIRECT         ; load the direct page register
                tfr     a,dp            ; for access to the direct page

        At  link  time specify the base and global equates to locate the
        direct page:  

                -a DIRECT=0x1000
                -g DIRECT=0x1000

        Both  the  area address and offset value must be specified (area
        and variable names are independent).   The  linker  will  verify
        that  the  relocated  direct page accesses are within the direct

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-57

        The  preceding  sequence  could  be  repeated for multiple paged
        areas, however an alternate method is to define a non-paged area
        and use the .setdp directive to specify the offset value:  

                .area   DIRECT          ; define non-paged area
                .area   PROGRAM
                .setdp  0,DIRECT        ; direct page area
                ldd     #DIRECT         ; load the direct page register
                tfr     a,dp            ; for access to the direct page
                .setdp  0x100,DIRECT    ; direct page area
                ldd     #DIRECT+0x100   ; load the direct page register
                tfr     a,dp            ; for access to the direct page

        The  linker  will  verify that subsequent direct page references
        are in the specified area and offset address range.  It  is  the
        programmers responsibility to load the dp register with the cor-
        rect page segment  corresponding  to  the  .setdp  base  address

           For  those  cases  where a single piece of code must access a
        defined data structure within a direct page and there  are  many
        pages,  define  a  dummy  direct page linked at address 0.  This
        dummy page is used only to define  the  variable  labels.   Then
        load the dp register with the real base address but do not use a
        .setdp directive.  This method is equivalent to indexed address-
        ing,  where the dp register is the index register and the direct
        addressing is the offset.  

        1.4.46  .16bit, .24bit, and .32bit Directives 


                .16bit          ;specify 16-bit addressing
                .24bit          ;specify 24-bit addressing
                .32bit          ;specify 32-bit addressing

           The  .16bit, .24bit, and .32bit directives are special direc-
        tives for assembler configuration when default  values  are  not

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-58

        1.4.47  .msb Directive 


                .msb    n 

           The  .msb  directive is only available in selected assemblers
        which support 24 or 32-bit addressing.  

           The  assembler operator '>' selects the upper byte (MSB) when
        included in an assembler  instruction.   The  default  assembler
        mode  is  to  select bits <15:8> as the MSB.  The .msb directive
        allows the programmer to specify a particular byte as the  'MSB'
        when the address space is larger than 16-bits.  

           The assembler directive   .msb n  configures the assembler to
        select a particular byte as MSB.  Given a 32-bit address of MNmn
        (M(3)  is  <31:24>, N(2) is <23:16>, m(1) is <15:8>, and n(0) is
        <7:0>) the following examples show how to  select  a  particular
        address byte:  

                .msb 1          ;select byte 1 of address
                LD A,>MNmn      ;byte m <15:8> ==>> A
                .msb 2          ;select byte 2 of address
                LD A,>MNmn      ;byte N <23:16> ==>> A
                .msb 3          ;select byte 3 of address
                LD A,>MNmn      ;byte M <31:24> ==>> A


        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-59

        1.4.48  .lohi and .hilo Directives 


                .lohi           ;specify LSB first output
                .hilo           ;specify MSB first output

           The .lohi and .hilo directives are special directives for as-
        sembler output configuration.  These  directives  are  currently
        only enabled in assembler 'ascheck'.  

           An  <m> error will be generated if the .lohi and .hilo direc-
        tives are both used within the same assembly source file.  

        1.4.49  .trace and .ntrace Directives 


                .trace                          ;Basic .trace
                .trace  (arg1,arg2,...,argn)    ;with trace options
                .ntrace                         ;Basic .ntrace
                .ntrace (arg1,arg2,...,argn)    ;with trace options

        The  .trace and .ntrace directives are used to trace the process
        of inserting assembler text lines, opening and closing of assem-
        bler  and  include  files,  and  the  processing of macros.  The
        directives have the following tracing options:  

                ins     -       line insertion
                asm     -       assembler files
                inc     -       include files
                mcr     -       macro invocation
                rpt     -       macro repeat invocation
                !       -       sets the tracing mode to
                                !(.trace) or !(.ntrace) before
                                applying the tracing options

        The 'normal' tracing mode .trace is the combination of ins, asm,
        inc, mcr and rpt enabled.  The 'normal' non tracing mode .ntrace
        has all tracing items disabled.  When specifying tracing options
        the option list must be enclosed within parenthesis and multiple
        options separated by commas.  

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-60

           The NOT option, !, is used to set the tracing mode to the op-
        posite of the .trace or .ntrace directive  before  applying  the
        tracing options.  

           For example:  

                .ntrace (!)     is equivalent to .trace  and
                .trace  (!)     is equivalent to .ntrace
                                any additional options will
                                be applied normally

           When  tracing  is invoked each trace option inserts a comment
        line into the  assembler  listing  denoting  when  a  particular
        traced  action  occurs.   The inserted lines contain information
        related to the type of traced action:  

                ins     at insertion    ;N>>
                asm     at entry        ;A>> file.ext
                        at exit         ;A<< file.ext
                        The name of the assembler file
                inc     at entry        ;I>> (N) file.ext
                        at exit         ;I<< (N) file.ext
                        The inclusion depth (N) and
                        the name of the include file
                mcr     at entry        ;M>> (N) file.ext (L)
                        at exit         ;M<< (N) file.ext (L)
                        The macro recursion level,
                        the name of the file defining the macro,
                        and the line number in file.ext
                rpt     at invocation   ;R>> (N) file.ext (L)
                        The macro repeat count,
                        the name of the file defining the macro,
                        and the line number in file.ext

           The initial invocation of a macro or any repeat macro will be
        listed as ;M>> and subsequent repeats will be  listed  as  ;R>>.
        Thus  the first ;R>> will be the second invocation of the repeat

           Examples of tracing options:  

                .trace  (mcr)   ; macro processing lists
                                ; the entry and exit from

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-61

                                ; a non repeating macro.
                .trace  (rpt)   ; macro processing lists
                                ; the entry, exit, and
                                ; repeat of a macro.

        1.4.50  .end Directive 



                .end    exp 

        where:  exp     represents  any expression, including constants,
                        symbols, or labels.  

           The  .end  directive is used to specify a code entry point to
        be included in the linker output file.  Review  the  I86  and  S
        record formats described in the linker section for details.  

           The .end directive without an expression is ignored.  

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-62

        1.5  INVOKING ASXXXX 

           Starting  an  ASxxxx assembler without any arguments provides
        the following option list and then exits:  

        Usage: [-Options] [-Option with arg] file1 [file2 ...]
          -h   or NO ARGUMENTS  Show this help list
          -o   Enable  object output  (-o+ change file1[.rel])
            -o+  Conditional Options   -o+[ ][name][.ext]
            '-o+.ext'      (or)  '-o+  .ext'      ->  file1.ext
            '-o+name'      (or)  '-o+  name'      ->  name[.rel]
            '-o+name.ext'  (or)  '-o+  name.ext'  ->   name.ext
          -l   Create list   file1[.lst]   (file1  <-  name)
          -s   Create symbol file1[.sym]   (file1  <-  name)
          -d   Decimal listing
          -q   Octal   listing
          -x   Hex     listing (default)
          -b   Display .define substitutions in listing
          -bb  and display without .define substitutions
          -c   Disable instruction cycle count in listing
          -f   Flag relocatable references by  `   in listing file
          -ff  Flag relocatable references by mode in listing file
          -k   Disable error messages to listing file
          -p   Disable automatic listing pagination
          -u   Disable .list/.nlist processing
          -w   Wide listing format for symbol table
          -i   Insert assembler line before input file(s)
          -v   Enable out of range signed / unsigned errors
          -n#  Set the maximum number of 'Pass 2' scans
          -a   All user symbols made global
          -g   Undefined symbols made global
          -z   Disable case sensitivity for symbols
          -j   Enable NoICE Debug Symbols
          -y   Enable SDCC  Debug Symbols

           The  ASxxxx  assemblers are command line oriented.  Most sys-
        tems require the option(s) and file(s) arguments to  follow  the
        ASxxxx assembler name:  

          as6809 [-Options] [-Option with arg] file1 [file2 ...]

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-63

        Some  systems  may  request the arguments after the assembler is
        started at a system specific prompt:  

          argv: [-Options] [-Option with arg] file1 [file2 ...]

        The ASxxxx options in some more detail:  

                -h      List the ASxxxx options
                -o      enable  object output file1.rel
                The object output file name and/or extension can
                be changed as desired using the -o+ option.
                The list and symbol file names are changed to match
                that of the object output file name.  The list and
                symbol file extensions cannot be changed as the
                linker requires a .LST extension in order to create
                the relocated, .RST, listing file.
                  -o+   Conditional Options -o+[ ][name][.ext]
                  '-o+.ext'      (or)  '-o+ .ext'      ->  file1.ext
                  '-o+name'      (or)  '-o+ name'      ->   name.rel
                  '-o+name.ext]  (or)  '-o+ name.ext'  ->   name.ext
                -l      create list   file1[.lst] (file1 <- name)
                        If -s (symbol table output) is not
                        specified then the symbol table is
                        included at the end of the listing file.
                -s      create symbol file1[.sym] (file1 <- name)
                -d      decimal listing
                -q      octal   listing
                -x      hex     listing (default)
                        The listing radix affects the
                        .lst, .rel, .hlr, and .sym files.
                -b      display .define substitutions in listing
                        If a .define substitution has been applied
                        to an assembler source line the source

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-64

                        line is printed with the substitution.
                -bb     and display without .define substitutions
                        If a .define substitution has been applied
                        to an assembler source line the source
                        line is first printed without substitution
                        followed by the line with the substitution.
                -c      Disable instruction cycle count in listing
                        This option overrides the listing option
                        'cyc' in the .list and .nlist directives.
                        Instruction cycle counts cannot be enabled
                        if the -c option is specified.
                -f      by  `   in the listing file
                -ff     by mode in the listing file
                        Relocatable modes are flagged by byte
                        position (LSB, Byte 2, Byte 3, MSB)
                        *nMN    paged,
                        uvUV    unsigned,
                        rsRS    signed,
                        pqPQ    program counter relative.
                -k      disable error messages to listing file
                        This option inhibits the listing of
                        error messages in the listing file
                -p      disable listing pagination
                        This option inhibits the generation
                        of a form-feed character and its
                        associated page header in the
                        assembler listing.
                -u      disable .list/.nlist processing
                        This option disables all .list and
                        .nlist directives. The listing mode
                        is .list with the options err, loc,
                        bin, eqt, cyc, lin, src, pag, lst,
                        and md. The options cyc and pag are
                        overridden by the -c and -p command
                        line options.
                -w      wide listing format for symbol table

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-65

                -i      Insert assembler line before input file(s)
                        This option inserts an assembly source
                        line before the first file to be assembled.
                        e.g.:  -i BUILD=2
                        If the insert contains white space then
                        delimit the insert.  Inserted lines are
                        by default not listed. To list an inserted
                        line preced the insert with a .list insert.
                        e.g.:   -i .list -i BUILD=2
                -v      Enable out of range signed / unsigned errors
                        This option enables checking for out of
                        range signed / unsigned values in symbol
                        equates and arithmetic operations.  This
                        option has some ambiguities as internally
                        the assemblers use unsigned arithmetic
                        for calculations. (e.g. for a 2-byte machine
                        -32768 and 32768 are both represented as 0x8000)
                -n#     Set the maximum number of 'Pass 2' scans
                        Specify a maximum number of 'Pass 2' scans
                        to resolve multiple level forward referencing
                        and variable length instruction formats.
                -a      all user symbols made global
                        All defined (not local or external)
                        variables and symbols are flagged
                        as global.
                -g      undefined symbols made global
                        Unresolved (external) variables
                        and symbols are flagged as global.
                -z      disable case sensitivity for symbols
                -j      enable NOICE debug symbols
                -y      enable SDCC debug symbols

           The file name for the .lst, .rel, .hlr, and .sym files is the
        first file name specified in the command line.  All output files

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-66

        are ascii text files which may be edited, copied, etc.  The out-
        put files are the concatenation of all the input files, if files
        are  to be assembled independently invoke the assembler for each

           The  .rel  file contains a radix directive so that the linker
        will use the proper conversion for this file.  Linked files  may
        have different radices.  

           The  ASxxxx  assemblers  also  have  several 'hidden' options
        which are not shown in the usage message.  These are:  

                -r      Include assembler line numbers
                        in the .hlr hint file
                -rr     Also include non listed line
                        numbers in the .hlr hint file
                -t      Show Assembler Pass Count (-n#),
                        Include File and Macro Expansion
                        levels, and memory allocations for
                        the assembler and macro processor
                -tt     Show Assembler Pass Count (-n#),
                        Include File and Macro Expansion
                        levels, and memory allocations for the
                        assembler and macro processor without
                        the macro allocation optimization

        1.6  ERRORS 

           The  ASxxxx assemblers provide limited diagnostic error codes
        during the assembly process, these errors will be noted  in  the
        listing file and printed on the stderr device.  

           The assembler reports the errors on the stderr device as 

                ?ASxxxx-Error-<*> in line nnn of filename

        where  * is the error code, nnn is the line number, and filename
        is the source/include file.  This line is followed by a  generic
        error message for the <*> error code.  

           The errors are:  

              <.>   This  error  is caused by an absolute direct assign-
                    ment of the current location counter 
                          . = expression (incorrect) 

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-67

                    rather than the correct 
                          . = . + expression 

              <a>   Indicates  a machine specific addressing or address-
                    ing mode error.  

              <b>   Indicates a direct page boundary error.  

              <c>   Indicates modulus of .bndry directives to large.  

              <d>   Indicates a direct page addressing error.  

              <e>   Caused by a .error or .assume directive.  

              <i>   Caused  by  an  .include file error or an .if/.endif

              <m>   Multiple  definitions  of  the  same label, multiple
                    .module directives, multiple conflicting  attributes
                    in  an  .area or .bank directive or the use of .hilo
                    and lohi within the same assembly.  

              <n>   An  .mexit,  .endm,  or .narg directive outside of a
                    macro, repeat block or indefinite repeat block.  

              <o>   Directive  or  mnemonic error or the use of the .org
                    directive in a relocatable area.  

              <p>   Phase error:  label location changing between passes
                    2 and 3.  Normally caused by having  more  than  one
                    level of forward referencing.  

              <q>   Questionable syntax:  missing or improper operators,
                    terminators, or delimiters.  

              <r>   Relocation  error:   logic  operation attempted on a
                    relocatable term, addition of two relocatable terms,
                    subtraction  of two relocatable terms not within the
                    same programming area or external symbols.  

              <s>   String Substitution / recursion error.  

              <u>   Undefined symbol encountered during assembly.  

              <z>   Divide by 0 or Modulus by 0 error:  result is 0.  

           Most  assemblers  now include more descriptive error messages
        for <a>, <o>, and  <q>  errors.   Those  assemblers  updated  to

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-68

        provide the expanded error messages will show three lines on the
        stdout device as shown by this error:  

            ?ASxxxx-Error-<a> in line 1867 of tez80e.asm
                          <a> '1867         ld.l    sp,(var1)       ;a'
                          <a> Only .SIS and .LIL suffixes allowed.

           The  first line is the basic error in line xxxx message.  The
        second line lists the actual line in error followed by  a  third
        line containing the more specific error.  

           The  listing  file (.lst) will have the first and third lines
        of the error message inserted preceding the line containing  the

        1.7  LISTING FILE 

           The  (-l) option produces an ascii output listing file.  Each
        page of output contains a five line header:  

             1.  The ASxxxx program name and page number 

             2.  Assembler Radix, Address Bits, Date, and Time 

             3.  Title from a .title directive (if any) 

             4.  Subtitle from a .sbttl directive (if any) 

             5.  Blank line 

        Each succeeding line contains six fields:  

             1.  Error field (first two characters of line) 

             2.  Current location counter 

             3.  Generated code in byte format 

             4.  Opcode cycles count 

             5.  Source text line number 


        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-69

             6.  Source text 

           The error field may contain upto 2 error flags indicating any
        errors encountered while assembling this line of source code.  

           The  current  location  counter  field  displays  the 16-bit,
        24-bit, or 32-bit program position.  This field will be  in  the
        selected radix.  

           The generated code follows the program location.  The listing
        radix determines the number of bytes that will be  displayed  in
        this field.  Hexadecimal listing allows six bytes of data within
        the field, decimal and octal allow four bytes within the  field.
        If more than one field of data is generated from the assembly of
        a single line of source code, then the data field is repeated on
        successive lines.  

           The  opcode cycles count is printed within the delimiters [ ]
        on the line with the source text.  This reduces  the  number  of
        generated code bytes displayed on the line with the source list-
        ing by one.  (The -c option disables all opcode cycle listing.) 

           The source text line number is printed in decimal and is fol-
        lowed by the source text.  A Source line with a .page  directive
        is never listed.  (The -u option overrides this behavior.) 

           Two  additional options are available for printing the source
        line text.  If the -b option is specified then the listed source
        line  contains all the .define substitutions.  If the -bb option
        is specified then the original source line is printed before the
        source line with substitutions.  

           Two  data  field  options  are  available to flag those bytes
        which will be relocated by the linker.   If  the  -f  option  is
        specified then each byte to be relocated will be preceded by the
        '`' character.  If the -ff option is specified then each byte to
        be   relocated   will  be  preceded  by  one  of  the  following

             1.  *   paged relocation 

             2.  u   low  byte of unsigned word or unsigned byte 

             3.  v   high byte of unsigned word 

             4.  p   PCR low  byte of word relocation or PCR byte 


        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-70

             5.  q   PCR high byte of word relocation 

             6.  r   low  byte relocation or byte relocation 

             7.  s   high byte relocation 

           Assemblers  which  use 24-bit or 32-bit addressing use an ex-
        tended flagging mode:  

             1.  *   paged relocation 

             2.  u   1st  byte of unsigned value 

             3.  v   2nd  byte of unsigned value 

             4.  U   3rd  byte of unsigned value 

             5.  V   4th  byte of unsigned value 

             6.  p   PCR 1st  byte of relocation value or PCR byte 

             7.  q   PCR 2nd  byte of relocation value 

             8.  P   PCR 3rd  byte of relocation value 

             9.  Q   PCR 4th  byte of relocation value 

            10.  r   1st  byte of relocation value or byte relocation 

            11.  s   2nd  byte of relocation value 

            12.  R   3rd  byte of relocation value 

            13.  S   4th  byte of relocation value 


        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-71

        1.8  SYMBOL TABLE FILE 

           The symbol table has two parts:  

             1.  The alphabetically sorted list of symbols and/or labels
                 defined or referenced in the source program.  

             2.  A  list of the program areas defined during assembly of
                 the source program.  

           The sorted list of symbols and/or labels contains the follow-
        ing information:  

             1.  Program  area  number (none if absolute value or exter-

             2.  The symbol or label 

             3.  Directly assigned symbol is denoted with an (=) sign 

             4.  The  value of a symbol, location of a label relative to
                 the program area base address (=0), or a ****  indicat-
                 ing the symbol or label is undefined.  

             5.  The       characters:       G - global,      L - local,
                 R - relocatable, and X - external.  

           The list of program areas provides the correspondence between
        the program area numbers and the defined program areas, the size
        of the program areas, and the area flags (attributes).  

        1.9  OBJECT FILE 

           The  object  file is an ascii file containing the information
        needed by the linker to bind multiple object modules into a com-
        plete  loadable  memory  image.   The object module contains the
        following designators:  

                        X       Hexadecimal radix
                        D       Decimal radix
                        Q       Octal radix
                        H       Most significant byte first

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-72

                        L       Least significant byte first
                        2       16-Bit Addressing
                        3       24-Bit Addressing
                        4       32-Bit Addressing
                H       Header 
                M       Module
                G       Merge Mode
                B       Bank
                A       Area
                S       Symbol
                T       Object code
                R       Relocation information
                P       Paging information

           Refer to the linker for a detailed description of each of the
        designators and the format of the information contained  in  the
        object file.  

        1.10  HINT FILE 

           The  hint file is an ascii file containing information needed
        by the linker to convert the listing file into a relocated list-
        ing  file.   Each  line in the .hlr file corresponds to a single
        line in the listing file.  The text line usually contains 3 or 4
        parameters  in  the radix selected for the assembler as shown in
        the following table:  

        Line Position:  123456789012
        Octal:           111 222 333
        Decimal:         111 222 333
        Hex:             11 22 33
        Parameter 1 specifies the parameters listed in the line.
        A bit is set for each listing option enabled during the
        assembly of the line.
                BIT 0   - LIST_ERR      Error Code(s)
                BIT 1   - LIST_LOC      Location
                BIT 2   - LIST_BIN      Generated Binary Value(s)
                BIT 3   - LIST_EQT      Assembler Equate Value
                BIT 4   - LIST_CYC      Opcode Cycles
                BIT 5   - LIST_LIN      Line Numbers
                BIT 6   - LIST_SRC      Assembler Source Code

        THE ASSEMBLER                                          PAGE 1-73
        HINT FILE

                BIT 7   - HLR_NLST      Listing Inhibited
        Parameter 2 is the internal assembler listing mode
        value specified for this line during the assembly process:
                0 - NLIST       No listing
                1 - SLIST       Source only
                2 - ALIST       Address only
                3 - BLIST       Address only with allocation
                4 - CLIST       Code
                5 - ELIST       Equate only
                6 - ILIST       IF conditional evaluation
        Parameter 3 is the number of output bytes listed
        for this line.

           The  4th  parameter  is only output if an equate references a
        value in a different area.  The area name is output in the  fol-
        lowing format following the 3 parameters described above:  

        Line Position:  123456789012
        Area Name:       equatearea

           When  the  line number is output to the .hlr file (-r option)
        the line number is prepended to the 3 or 4 parameters  described
        above.   The  line  number is always in decimal in the following

        Line Position:  1234567
        Decimal:          LLLLL

           Thus the four formats (for each radix) that may be present in
        a .hlr file are:  

        Line Position:  123456789012345678901234567890
                         11 22 33
                         11 22 33 equatearea
                          LLLLL 11 22 33
                          LLLLL 11 22 33 equatearea

           The  linker understands these formats without any user inter-

                                    CHAPTER 2

                               THE MACRO PROCESSOR

        2.1  DEFINING MACROS 

           By  using macros a programmer can use a single line to insert
        a sequence of lines into a source program.  

           A  macro  definition is headed by a .macro directive followed
        by the source lines.  The source lines  may  optionally  contain
        dummy arguments.  If such arguments are used, each one is listed
        in the .macro directive.  

           A  macro call is the statement used by the programmer to call
        the macro source program.  It consists of the  macro  name  fol-
        lowed  by  the  real arguments needed to replace the dummy argu-
        ments used in the macro.  

           Macro  expansion  is  the insertion of the macro source lines
        into the main  program.   Included  in  this  insertion  is  the
        replacement of the dummy arguments by the real arguments.  

           Macro  directives provide a means to manipulate the macro ex-
        pansions.  Only one directive is allowed per source line.   Each
        directive  may  have  a  blank  operand  field  or  one  or more
        operands.  Legal  operands  differ  with  each  directive.   The
        macros  and  their  associated  directives  are detailed in this

           Macro  directives  can replace any machine dependent mnemonic
        associated with a specific assembler.  However, the basic assem-
        bler directives cannot be replaced with a macro.  

        THE MACRO PROCESSOR                                     PAGE 2-2

        2.1.1  .macro Directive 

        [label:]        .macro  name, dummy argument list
        where:  label   represents an optional statement label.
                name    represents the user-assigned symbolic
                        name of the macro.  This name  may be
                        any legal symbol and may be used as a
                        label elsewhere in the program.  The
                        macro name is not case sensitive,
                        name, NAME, or nAmE all refer to the
                        same macro.
                ,       represents a legal macro separator
                        (comma, space, and/or tab).
                dummy   represents a number of legal symbols
               argument that may appear anywhere in the body of
                list    the macro definition,  even as a label.
                        These dummy symbols can be used elsewhere
                        in the program with no conflict of
                        definition.  Multiple dummy arguments
                        specified in this directive may be
                        separated by any legal separator.  The
                        detection of a duplicate or an illegal
                        symbol in a dummy argument list
                        terminates the scan and causes a <q>
                        error to be generated.

        A  comment may follow the dummy argument list in a .macro direc-
        tive, as shown below:  

                .macro  abs     a,b     ;Defines macro abs

        The  first  statement  of  a  macro  definition must be a .macro
        directive.  Defining a macro with the same name as  an  existing
        macro will generate an <m> error.  The .mdelete directive should
        be used to delete the previous macro definition before  redefin-
        ing a macro.  

        THE MACRO PROCESSOR                                     PAGE 2-3

        2.1.2  .endm Directive 


        The .endm directive should not have a label.  Because the direc-
        tives .irp, .irpc, and .rept may repeat more than once the label
        will  be  defined multiple times resulting in <m> and/or <p> er-

           The  .endm  directive  may be followed by a comment field, as
        shown below:  

                .endm           ;end of macro

           A  comment  may  follow  the  dummy argument list in a .macro
        directive, as shown below:  

                .macro  typemsg message ;Type a message.
                jsr     typemsg
                .word   message
                .endm                   ;End of typemsg

        The  final  statement  of every macro definition must be a .endm
        directive.  The .endm directive is also used to terminate  inde-
        finite  repeat  blocks and repeat blocks.  A .endm directive en-
        countered outside a macro definition  is  flagged  with  an  <n>

        2.1.3  .mexit Directive 


        The  .mexit directive may be used to terminate a macro expansion
        before the end of the macro is encountered.  This  directive  is
        also  legal  within  repeat blocks.  It is most useful in nested
        macros.  The .mexit directive terminates the  current  macro  as
        though a .endm directive had been encountered.  Using the .mexit
        directive bypasses the complexities of nested conditional direc-
        tives  and  alternate  assembly paths, as shown in the following

        THE MACRO PROCESSOR                                     PAGE 2-4


                .macro  altr    N,A,B
                .if eq,N        ;Start conditional Block
                .mexit          ;Terminate macro expansion
                .endif          ;End of conditional block
                .endm           ;Normal end of macro

        In  an  assembly  where  the  symbol  N is replaced by zero, the
        .mexit directive would assemble the conditional block  and  ter-
        minate  the  macro  expansion.   When macros ar nested, a .mexit
        directive causes an exit to the next higher level of  macro  ex-
        pansion.  A .mexit directive encountered outside a macro defini-
        tion is flagged with an <n> error.  

        2.2  CALLING MACROS 

                [label:]  name  real arguments
        where:  label   represents an optional statement label.
                name    represents the name of the macro, as
                        specified in the macro definition.
                real    represent symbolic arguments which
             arguments  replace the dummy arguments listed
                        in the .macro definition.  When
                        multiple arguments occur, they are
                        separated by any legal separator.
                        Arguments to the macro call are
                        treated as character strings, their
                        usage is determined by the macro

        A  macro  definition  must be established by means of the .macro

        THE MACRO PROCESSOR                                     PAGE 2-5

        directive before the macro can be called and expanded within the
        source program.  

           When a macro name is the same as a user label, the appearance
        of the symbol in the operator field designates the symbol  as  a
        macro  call;   the appearance of the symbol in the operand field
        designates it as a label, as shown below:  

        LESS:   mov     @r0,r1          ;LESS is a label
                bra     LESS            ;LESS is considered a label
                LESS    sym1,sym2       ;LESS is a macro call


           Multiple arguments within a macro must be separated by one of
        the legal separating characters (comma, space, and/or tab).  

           Macro  definition  arguments (dummy) and macro call arguments
        (real) maintain a strict positional relationship.  That is,  the
        first  real  argument in a macro call corresponds with the first
        dummy argument in the macro definition.  

           For  example,  the  following  macro definition and its asso-
        ciated macro call contain multiple arguments:  

                .macro  new     a,b,c
                new     phi,sig,^/C1,C2/

        Arguments which themselves contain separating characters must be
        enclosed  within  the  delimiter  construct  ^/   /  where   the
        character  '/'  may be any character not in the argument string.
        For example, the macro call:  

                new     ^/exg    x,y/,#44,ij

        causes the entire expression 

        THE MACRO PROCESSOR                                     PAGE 2-6

                exg    x,y

        to  replace all occurrences of the symbol a in the macro defini-
        tion.  Real arguments with a macro call  are  considered  to  be
        character  strings  and  are  treated  as a single entity during
        macro expansion.  

           The  up-arrow  (^)  construction also allows another up-arrow
        construction to be passed as part of the  argument.   This  con-
        struction,  for example, could have been used in the above macro
        call, as follows:  

                new     ^!^/exg    x,y/!,#44,ij

        causing the entire string ^/exg    x,y/ to be passed as an argu-

        2.3.1  Macro Nesting 

           Macro  nesting  occurs  where  the expansion of one macro in-
        cludes a call to another macro.  The depth of nesting  is  arbi-
        trarily limited to 20.  

           To  pass  an argument containing legal argument delimiters to
        nested macros, enclose the  argument  in  the  macro  definition
        within  an up-arrow construction, as shown in the coding example
        below.  This extra set of delimiters for each level  of  nesting
        is required in the macro definition, not the in the macro call. 

                .macro  level1  dum1,dum2
                level2  ^/dum1/
                level2  ^/dum2/
                .macro  level2  dum3
                add     #10,z
                push    z

        A call to the level1 macro, as shown below, for example:  

                level1  ^/leaz    0,x/,^/tfr     x,z/

        causes the following macro expansion to occur:  


        THE MACRO PROCESSOR                                     PAGE 2-7

                leaz    0,x
                add     #10,z
                push    z
                tfr     x,z
                add     #10,z
                push    z

        When  macro  definitions are nested, the inner definition cannot
        be called until the outer macro has been  called  and  expanded.
        For example, in the following code:  

                .macro  lv1     a,b
                .macro  lv2     c

        the  lv2 macro cannot be called and expanded until the lv1 macro
        has been expanded.  Likewise, any macro defined within  the  lv2
        macro  definition  cannot  be  called and expanded until lv2 has
        also been expanded.  

        2.3.2  Special Characters in Macro Arguments 

           If  an  argument  does not contain spaces, tabs, or commas it
        may include special  characters  without  enclosing  them  in  a
        delimited construction.  For example:  

                .macro  push    arg
                mov     arg,-(sp)
                push    x+3(%2)

        causes the following code to be generated:  

                mov     x+3(%2),-(sp)


        THE MACRO PROCESSOR                                     PAGE 2-8

        2.3.3  Passing Numerical Arguments as Symbols 

           If the unary operator backslash (\) precedes an argument, the
        macro treats the argument as a numeric value in the current pro-
        gram  radix.   The  ascii characters representing this value are
        inserted in the macro expansion, and their function  is  defined
        in  the context of the resulting code, as shown in the following

                .macro  inc     a,b
                con     a,\b
                b = b + 1
                .macro  con     a,b
        a'b:    .word   4
                c = 0           ;Initialize
                inc     x,c

        The above macro call (inc) would thus expand to:  

                x0:     .word   4

        In  this  expanded  code,  the  label x0:  results from the con-
        catenation  of  two  real  arguments.   The  single  quote   (')
        character  in  the  label a'b:  concatenates the real argument x
        and 0 as they are passed during  the  expansion  of  the  macro.
        This  type  of argument construction is described in more detail
        in a following section.  

           A  subsequent  call to the same macro would generate the fol-
        lowing code:  

                x1:     .word   4

        and  so  on,  for  later  calls.   The two macro definitions are
        necessary because the symbol associated with the dummy  argument
        b (that is, symbol c) cannot be updated in the con macro defini-
        tion, because the character 0 has replaced  c  in  the  argument
        string  (inc  x,c).   In  the  con  macro definition, the number
        passed is treated as a string argument.  (Where the value of the
        real  argument  is 0, only a single 0 character is passed to the
        macro expansion.  

        THE MACRO PROCESSOR                                     PAGE 2-9

        2.3.4  Number of Arguments in Macro Calls 

           A  macro  can  be defined with or without arguments.  If more
        arguments appear in the macro call than in the macro definition,
        a  <q>  error  is  generated.   If fewer arguments appear in the
        macro call than in the macro definition, missing  arguments  are
        assumed to be null values.  The conditional directives .if b and
        .if nb can be used within the macro to detect missing arguments.
        The number of arguments can be determined using the .narg direc-

        2.3.5  Creating Local Symbols Automatically 

           A  label is often required in an expanded macro.  In the con-
        ventional macro facilities thus far described, a label  must  be
        explicitly  specified  as an argument with each macro call.  The
        user must be careful in issuing subsequent  calls  to  the  same
        macro  in  order  avoid duplicating labels.  This concern can be
        eliminated through a feature of the ASxxxx macro  facility  that
        creates a unique symbol where a label is required in an expanded

           ASxxxx  allows temporary symbols of the form n$, where n is a
        decimal integer.  Automatically created symbols are  created  in
        numerical order beginning at 10000$.  

           The  automatic generation of local symbols is invoked on each
        call of a macro whose definition contains a dummy argument  pre-
        ceded  by the question mark (?) character, as shown in the macro
        definition below:  

                .macro  beta    a,?b    ;dummy argument b with ?
                tst     a
                beq     b
                add     #5,a

           A  local symbol is created automatically only when a real ar-
        gument of the macro call is either null or missing, as shown  in
        Example 1 below.  If the real argument is specified in the macro
        call, however, generation of the local symbol is  inhibited  and
        normal argument replacement occurs, as shown in Example 2 below.
        (Examples 1 and 2 are both expansions of the beta macro  defined

        THE MACRO PROCESSOR                                    PAGE 2-10

        Example 1:  Create a Local Symbol for the Missing Argument
                beta    flag    ;Second argument is missing.
                tst     flag
                beq     10000$  ;Local symbol is created.
                add     #5,flag
        Example 2:  Do Not Create a Local Symbol
                beta    r3,xyz
                tst     r3
                beq     xyz
                add     #5,r3

           Automatically created local symbols resulting from the expan-
        sion of a macro, as described above, do not  establish  a  local
        symbol block in their own right.  

           When  a  macro  has several arguments earmarked for automatic
        local symbol generation, substituting a specific label  for  one
        such  argument  risks  assembly errors because the arguments are
        constructed at the point of macro invocation.  Therefor, the ap-
        pearance of a label in the macro expansion will create a new lo-
        cal symbol block.  The new local symbol block could leave  local
        symbol references in the previous block and their symbol defini-
        tions in the new one, causing error codes in the assembly  list-
        ing.   Furthermore  a  later  macro expansion that creates local
        symbols in the new block may duplicate one  of  the  symbols  in
        question,  causing  an additional error code <p> in the assembly

        2.3.6  Keyword Arguments 

        where:  name    represents the dummy argument
                string  represents the real symbolic argument

        The  keyword  argument may not contain embedded argument separa-
        tors unless delimited as described earlier.  


        THE MACRO PROCESSOR                                    PAGE 2-11

           Macros may be defined with, and/or called with, keyword argu-
        ments.  When a keyword argument appears in  the  dummy  argument
        list  of  a  macro  definition, the specified string becomes the
        default real argument at macro call.  When  a  keyword  argument
        appears  in the real argument list of a macro call, however, the
        specified string becomes the real argument for the  dummy  argu-
        ment  that  matches the specified name, whether or not the dummy
        argument was defined with a keyword.  If a match  fails,  a  'q'
        error will be reported.  If it is desired to pass a non-matching
        argument  of  the  keyword  style  then  the  argument  must  be

           A  keyword argument may be specified anywhere in the argument
        list of a macro definition and is part of the positional  order-
        ing  of  macro arguments.  A keyword argument may also be speci-
        fied anywhere in the real argument list of a macro call, but  in
        this  case, does not effect the positional ordering of the argu-

                          1         .list  (me)
                          3         ; MACRO With Dummy Arguments
                          5 .macro  TBL  name  dev="NL",blk=0,flg=3
                          6         .word   blk
                          7         .word   flg
                          8 'name:  .asciz  dev
                          9         .even
                         10 .endm
                         12         ; Invoke Multiple Times
                         14         TBL  NL
        0000 00 00        6         .word   0
        0002 00 03        7         .word   3
        0004 4E 4C 00     8 NL:     .asciz  "NL"
        0008              9         .even
                         16         TBL  DY  dev="DY0"
        0008 00 00        6         .word   0
        000A 00 03        7         .word   3
        000C 44 59 30 00  8 DY:     .asciz  "DY0"
        0010              9         .even
                         18         TBL  RL  dev="RL3",blk=20.
        0010 00 14        6         .word   20.
        0012 00 03        7         .word   3
        0014 52 4C 33 00  8 RL:     .asciz  "RL3"
        0018              9         .even

        THE MACRO PROCESSOR                                    PAGE 2-12

                         20         TBL  DU  dev="DU1",blk=1,flg=7
        0018 00 01        6         .word   1
        001A 00 07        7         .word   7
        001C 44 55 31 00  8 DU:     .asciz  "DU1"
        0020              9         .even

        2.3.7  Concatenation of Macro Arguments 

           The  apostrophe  or  single quote character (') operates as a
        legal delimiting character in macro definitions.  A single quote
        that precedes and/or follows a dummy argument in a macro defini-
        tion is removed, and the substitution of the real  argument  oc-
        curs at that point.  For example, in the following statements:  

                .macro  def     A,B,C
        A'B:    asciz   "C"
                .byte   ''A,''B

        when the macro def is called through the statement:  

                def     x,y,^/V05.00/

        it is expanded, as follows:  

        xy:     asciz   "V05.00"
                .byte   'x,'y

        In  expanding  the  first  line, the scan for the first argument
        terminates upon finding  the  first  apostrophe  (')  character.
        Since A is a dummy argument, the apostrophe (') is removed.  The
        scan then resumes with B;  B is also noted as another dummy  ar-
        gument.  The two real arguments x and y are then concatenated to
        form the label xy:.  The third dummy argument is  noted  in  the
        operand field of the .asciz directive, causing the real argument
        V05.00 to be substituted in this field.  

           When  evaluating  the arguments of the .byte directive during
        expansion of the second line, the scan  begins  with  the  first
        apostrophe (') character.  Since it is neither preceded nor fol-
        lowed by a dummy argument, this apostrophe remains in the  macro
        expansion.   The  scan  then  encounters  the second apostrophe,
        which is followed by a dummy argument and is therefor discarded.
        The scan of argument A is terminated upon encountering the comma
        (,).  The third apostrophe is neither preceded nor followed by a

        THE MACRO PROCESSOR                                    PAGE 2-13

        dummy  argument  and  again remains in the macro expansion.  The
        fourth (and last) apostrophe is followed by another dummy  argu-
        ment and is likewise discarded.  (Four apostrophe (') characters
        were necessary in the macro definition  to  generate  two  apos-
        trophe (') characters in the macro expansion.) 


           The  ASxxxx  assemblers  have  four directives that allow the
        user to determine certain attributes of macro arguments:  .narg,
        .nchr,  .ntyp,  and  .nval.  The use of these directives permits
        selective modifications of a macro expansion, depending  on  the
        nature  of  the  arguments  being  passed.  These directives are
        described below.  

        2.4.1  .narg Directive 

        [label:]        .narg   symbol
        where:  label   represents an optional statement label.
                symbol  represents any legal symbol. This symbol
                        is equated to the number of arguments in
                        the macro call currently being expanded.
                        If a symbol is not specified, the .narg
                        directive is flagged with a <q> error.

        The .narg directive is used to determine the number of arguments
        in the macro call currently being expanded.   Hence,  the  .narg
        directive  can appear only within a macro definition;  if it ap-
        pears elsewhere, an <n> error is generated.  

           The  argument  count  includes null arguments as shown in the

                .macro  pack    A,B,C
                .narg   cnt
                pack    arg1,,arg3

        THE MACRO PROCESSOR                                    PAGE 2-14

                pack    arg1

        When  the  first macro pack is invoked .narg will assign a value
        of three (3) to the number of arguments cnt, which includes  the
        empty  argument.  The second invocation of macro pack has only a
        single argument specified and .narg will assign a value  of  one
        (1) to cnt.  

        2.4.2  .nchr Directive 

        [label:]        .nchr   symbol,string
        where:  label   represents an optional statement label.
                symbol  represents any legal symbol. This symbol
                        is equated to the number of characters in
                        the string of the macro call currently
                        being expanded.  If a symbol is not
                        specified, the .nchr  directive is
                        flagged with a <q> error.
                ,       represents any legal separator (comma,
                        space, and/or tab).
                string  represents a string of printable 7-bit
                        ascii characters.  If the character
                        string contains a legal separator
                        (comma, space and/or tab) the whole
                        string must be delimited using the
                        up-arrow (^) construct ^/    /.
                        If the delimiting characters do not
                        match or if the ending delimiter
                        cannot be detected because of a
                        syntactical error in the character
                        string, the .nchr directive reports
                        a <q> error.

        The .nchr directive, which can appear anywhere in an ASxxxx pro-
        gram, is used to determine the number of characters in a  speci-
        fied  character string.  This directive is useful in calculating
        the length of macro arguments.  

        THE MACRO PROCESSOR                                    PAGE 2-15

        2.4.3  .ntyp Directive 

        [label:]        .ntyp   symbol,arg
        where:  label   represents an optional statement label.
                symbol  represents any legal symbol. The symbol
                        is made absolute and equated to 0 if
                        arg is an absolute value or a non
                        relocatable symbol.  The symbol is made
                        absolute and equated to 1 if arg is a
                        relocatable symbol.  If a symbol is not
                        specified then the .ntyp directive is
                        flagged with a <q> error.
                ,       represents any legal separator (comma,
                        space, and/or tab).
                arg     represents any legal expression or
                        symbol. If arg is not specified
                        then the .ntyp directive is flagged
                        with a <q> error.

        The .ntyp directive, which can appear anywhere in an ASxxxx pro-
        gram, is used to determine the symbol or expression type as  ab-
        solute (0) or relocatable (1).  

        THE MACRO PROCESSOR                                    PAGE 2-16

        2.4.4  .nval Directive 

        [label:]        .nval   symbol,arg
        where:  label   represents an optional statement label.
                symbol  represents any legal symbol. The symbol
                        is equated to the value of arg and made
                        absolute.  If a symbol is not specified
                        then the .nval directive is flagged
                        with a <q> error.
                ,       represents any legal separator (comma,
                        space, and/or tab).
                arg     represents any legal expression or
                        symbol. If arg is not specified
                        then the .nval directive is flagged
                        with a <q> error.

        The .nval directive, which can appear anywhere in an ASxxxx pro-
        gram, is used to determine the value of arg and make the  result
        an absolute value.  


           An  indefinite  repeat block is similar to a macro definition
        with only one dummy argument.  At each expansion  of  the  inde-
        finite  repeat  range, this dummy argument is replaced with suc-
        cessive elements of a real  argument  list.   Since  the  repeat
        directive  and its associated range are coded in-line within the
        source program, this type of macro definition and expansion does
        not require calling the macro by name, as required in the expan-
        sion of the conventional macros previously described.  

           An  indefinite  repeat  block  can  appear  within or outside
        another macro definition, indefinite  repeat  block,  or  repeat
        block.   The  rules specifying indefinite repeat block arguments
        are the same as for specifying macro arguments.  

        THE MACRO PROCESSOR                                    PAGE 2-17

        2.5.1  .irp Directive 

            [label:]    .irp    sym,argument_list
                    (range of indefinite repeat block)
        where:  label   represents an optional statement label.
                sym     represents a dummy argument that is
                        replaced with successive real arguments
                        from the argument list.  If the dummy
                        argument is not specified, the .irp
                        directive is flagged with a <q> error.
                ,       represents any legal separator (comma,
                        space, and/or tab).
          argument_list represents a list of real arguments
                        that are to be used in the expansion
                        of the indefinite repeat range. A real
                        argument may consist of one or more
                        7-bit ascii characters; multiple
                        arguments must be separated by any
                        legal separator (comma, space, and/or
                        tab).  If an argument must contain
                        a legal separator then the up-arrow
                        (_^) construct is require for that
                        argument.  If no real arguments are
                        specified, no action is taken.
                range   represents the block of code to be
                        repeated once for each occurrence of
                        a real argument in the list.  The
                        range may contain other macro
                        definitions, repeat ranges and/or
                        the .mexit directive.
                .endm   indicates the end of the indefinite
                        repeat block range.

        The .irp directive is used to replace a dummy argument with suc-
        cessive real arguments specified  in  an  argument  list.   This

        THE MACRO PROCESSOR                                    PAGE 2-18

        replacement process occurs during the expansion of an indefinite
        repeat block range.  

        2.5.2  .irpc Directive 

            [label:]    .irpc   sym,string
                    (range of indefinite repeat block)
        where:  label   represents an optional statement label.
                sym     represents a dummy argument that is
                        replaced with successive real characters
                        from the argument string.  If the dummy
                        argument is not specified, the .irpc
                        directive is flagged with a <q> error.
                ,       represents any legal separator (comma,
                        space, and/or tab).
                string  represents a list of 7-bit ascii
                        characters.  If the string contains
                        legal separator characters (comma,
                        space, and/or tab) then the up-arrow
                        (_^) construct must delimit the string.
                range   represents the block of code to be
                        repeated once for each occurrence of
                        a real argument in the list.  The
                        range may contain other macro
                        definitions, repeat ranges and/or
                        the .mexit directive.
                .endm   indicates the end of the indefinite
                        repeat block range.

        The .irpc directive is available to permit single character sub-
        stition.  On each iteration of the indefinite repeat range,  the
        dummy  argument  is  replaced  with successive characters in the
        specified string.  

        THE MACRO PROCESSOR                                    PAGE 2-19


           A repeat block is similar to a macro definition with only one
        argument.  The argument specifies the number of times the repeat
        block  is  inserted  into the assembly stream.  Since the repeat
        directive and its associated range are coded in-line within  the
        source program, this type of macro definition and expansion does
        not require calling the macro by name, as required in the expan-
        sion of the conventional macros previously described.  

           A repeat block can appear within or outside another macro de-
        finition, indefinite repeat block, or repeat block.  

        2.6.1  .rept Directive 

            [label:]    .rept   exp
                    (range of repeat block)
        where:  label   represents an optional statement label.
                exp     represents any legal expression.
                        This value controls the number of
                        times the block of code is to be assembled
                        within the program.  When the expression
                        value is less than or equal to zero (0),
                        the repeat block is not assembled.  If
                        this value is not an absolute value, the
                        .rept directive is flagged with an <r>
                range   represents the block of code to be
                        repeated. The range may contain other
                        macro definitions, repeat ranges and/or
                        the .mexit directive.
                .endm   indicates the end of the repeat block

        The  .rept  directive  is  used  to duplicate a block of code, a

        THE MACRO PROCESSOR                                    PAGE 2-20

        certain number of times, in line with other source code.  


           The  .mdelete directive deletes the definitions of the speci-
        fied macro(s).  

        2.7.1  .mdelete Directive 

                .mdelete        name1,name2,...,namen
        where:  name1,  represent legal macro names. When multiple
                name2,  names are specified, they are separated
                ...,    by any legal separator (comma, space, and/or
                namen   tab).


           The invocation of a macro, indefinite repeat block, or repeat
        block has specific implications for .if-.else-.endif  constructs
        and for .list-.nlist directives.  

           At  the  point  a  macro,  indefinite repeat block, or repeat
        block is called the following occurs:  

                1)      The initial .if-.else-.endif
                        state is saved.
                2)      The initial .list-.nlist
                        state is saved.
                3)      The macro, indefinite repeat block,
                        or repeat block is inserted into the
                        assembler source code stream.  All
                        argument substitution is performed
                        at this point.

        When  the  macro  completes and after each pass through an inde-
        finite repeat block or repeat  block  the  .if-.else-.endif  and
        .list-.nlist state is reset to the initial state.  

        THE MACRO PROCESSOR                                    PAGE 2-21

           The  reset of the .if-.else-.endif state means that the invo-
        cation of a macro, indefinite repeat block, or repeat block can-
        not  change the .if-.else-.endif state of the calling code.  For
        example the following code does not change the  .if-.else-.endif
        condition at macro completion:  

                .macro  fnc     A
                  .if nb,^!A!
                    .list (meb)
        code:   fnc

           Within the macro the .if condition becomes false but the con-
        dition is not propagated outside the macro.  

           Similarly,  when  the  .list-.nlist state is changed within a
        macro the change is not propagated outside the macro.  

           The  normal  .if-.else-.endif  processing verifies that every
        .if has a corresponding .endif.  When a macro, indefinite repeat
        block,  or repeat block terminates by using the .mexit directive
        the .if-.endif checking is bypassed  because  all  source  lines
        between the .mexit and .endm directives are skipped.  


           The  basic  .list  directive enables listing of all fields in
        the assembler listing and clears the 'me', 'meb' and  'mel'  op-

           When  a  macro is entered the listing is by default inhibited
        unless the 'me' (enable listing), 'meb' (list  only  binary  and
        location), or 'mel' (enable listing forcing binary and location)
        options have been specified.  The 'me' option simply enables any
        previously  set  listing  options.   The 'meb' option clears all
        listing options and sets the 'bin' and 'loc' options.  The 'mel'
        option enables the previously set listing options and forces the

        THE MACRO PROCESSOR                                    PAGE 2-22

        'bin' and 'loc' options.  If no listing options  have  been  set
        then a list 'me' option will not cause any listing.  

           Within  a  macro the .list/.nlist directives can set or clear
        any of the listing options but listing will only occur when  the
        'me' option is set.  


           Using  the macro facilities of the ASxxxx assemblers a simple
        macro library can be built.  The macro library is built by  com-
        bining individual macros, sets of macros, or include file direc-
        tives into a single file.  Each macro entity is enclosed  within
        a .if/.endif block that selects the desired macro definitions.  

           The  selection  of specific macros to be imported into a pro-
        gram is performed by three macros, .mlib,  .mcall,  and  .mload,
        contained in the file mlib.def.  

        2.10.1  .mlib Macro Directive 

                .mlib   file
        where:  file    represents the macro library file name.
                        If the file name does not include a path
                        then the path of the current assembly
                        file is used.  If the file name (and/or
                        path) contains white space then the
                        path/name must be delimited with the
                        up-arrow (^) construct ^/    /.

        The .mlib directive defines two macros, .mcall and .mload, which
        when invoked will read a file, importing specific macro  defini-
        tions.   Any  previous  .mcall  and/or .mload directives will be
        deleted before the new .mcall and .mload directives are defined. 

           The  .mload  directive  is an internal directive which simply
        includes the macro library file with the listing disabled.  

           The  following  is the mlib.def file which defines the macros
        .mlib, .mcall, and .mload.  


        THE MACRO PROCESSOR                                    PAGE 2-23

        ;*                                              *
        ;*    A simple Macro Library Implementation     *
        ;*                                              *
        ;*              December 2008                   *
        ;*                                              *
        .macro .mlib    FileName
          .if b,^!FileName!
            .error 1    ; File Name Required
          .mdelete      .mcall
          .macro        .mcall  a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h
            .irp sym    ^!a!,^!b!,^!c!,^!d!,^!e!,^!f!,^!g!,^!h!
              .iif nb,^!sym!    .define    .$$.'sym
            .irp sym    ^!a!,^!b!,^!c!,^!d!,^!e!,^!f!,^!g!,^!h!
              .if nb,^!sym!
                .iif ndef,sym'.$$.    .error  1  ; macro not found
                .undefine       .$$.'sym
                .undefine       sym'.$$.
          .endm ;.mcall
          .mdelete      .mload
          .macro        .mload
            .include ^!FileName!
          .endm ;.mload
        .endm   ;.mlib

        2.10.2  .mcall Macro Directive 

                .mcall  macro1,macro2,...,macro8
                macro1, represents from 1 to 8 macro library
                macro2, references to a macro definition or
                ...,    set of macro definitions included in
                macro8  the file specified with the .mlib macro.

        THE MACRO PROCESSOR                                    PAGE 2-24

        As  can  be  seen  from the macro definition of .mlib and .mcall
        shown above, when .mcall is invoked temporary  symbols  are  de-
        fined  for  each macro or macro set that is to be imported.  The
        macro .mload is then invoked to  load  the  macro  library  file
        specified in the call to .mlib.  

           For example, when the following macros are invoked:  

                .mlib   crossasm.sml    ; Cross Assembler Macros
                .mcall  M6809           ; M6809 Macro Group

        The  .mlib  macro  defines the .mload macro to access the system
        macro file crossasm.sml.  Invoking the .mcall  macro  creates  a
        temporary symbol, '.$$.M6809', and then invokes the macro .mload
        to import the system macro file crossasm.sml.   The  file  cros-
        sasm.sml  contains  conditional  statements  that define the re-
        quired macros and creates  a  temporary  symbol  'M6809.$$.'  to
        indicate  the  macro group was found.  If the macro is not found
        an error message is generated.  

           The  following  is a small portion of the crossasm.sml system
        macro file which shows the M6809 macro group:  

                .title  Cross Assembler Macro Library
                ; This MACRO Library is Case Insensitive.
        ; Macro Based 6809 Cross Assembler
        .$.SML.$. =: 0
        .if     idn     a,A
          .iif  def,.$$.m6809   .$.SML.$. = -1
          .iif  def,.$$.m6809   .$.SML.$. = -1
          .iif  def,.$$.M6809   .$.SML.$. =  1
        .iif    lt,.$.SML.$.    .define         m6809.$$.
        .iif    gt,.$.SML.$.    .define         M6809.$$.
        .iif    ne,.$.SML.$.    .include        "m6809.mac"


        THE MACRO PROCESSOR                                    PAGE 2-25


           The  'ascheck'  subdirectory 'macroasm' contains 7 assemblers
        written using only the general macro processing facility of  the
        ASxxxx assemblers:  

                i8085.mac       -  8085 Microprocessor
                m6800.mac       -  6800 Microprocessor
                m6801.mac       -  6801 Microprocessor
                m6804.mac       -  6804 Microprocessor
                m6805.mac       -  6805 Microprocessor
                m6809.mac       -  6809 Microprocessor
                s2650.mac       -  2650 Microprocessor

           These  absolute  macro  cross  assemblers are included to il-
        lustrate the  functionality  of  the  general  macro  processing
        facility  of  the ASxxxx assemblers.  In general they are useful
        examples of actual macro implementations.  

                                    CHAPTER 3

                                   THE LINKER


           ASLINK  is  the  companion  linker for the ASxxxx assemblers.
        The linker supports versions 3.xx, 4.xx, and 5.xx of the  ASxxxx
        assemblers.  Object files from version 3, 4, and 5 may be freely
        mixed while linking.  Note that version 3 object  files  contain
        only a subset of the options available in versions 4 and 5.  

           The  program ASLINK is a general relocating linker performing
        the following functions:  

             1.  Bind multiple object modules into a single memory image 

             2.  Resolve inter-module symbol references 

             3.  Combine  code  belonging to the same area from multiple
                 object files into a single contiguous memory region 

             4.  Search and import object module libraries for undefined
                 global variables 

             5.  Perform   byte   and   word  program  counter  relative
                 (pc or pcr) addressing calculations 

             6.  Define absolute symbol values at link time 

             7.  Define absolute area base address values at link time 

             8.  Produce Intel Hex, Motorola S, or Tandy CoCo Disk Basic
                 output files 


        THE LINKER                                              PAGE 3-2

             9.  Produce a map of the linked memory image 

            10.  Produce  an updated listing file with the relocated ad-
                 dresses and data 


        THE LINKER                                              PAGE 3-3

        3.2  INVOKING ASLINK 

           Starting  ASlink without any arguments provides the following
        option list and then exits:  

        Usage: [-Options] [-Option with arg] file1 [file2 ...]
          -h   or NO ARGUMENTS  Show this help list
          -p   Echo commands to stdout (default)
          -n   No echo of commands to stdout
        Alternates to Command Line Input:
          -c                   ASlink >> prompt input
          -f   file[.lnk]      Command File input
          -k   Library path specification, one per -k
          -l   Library file specification, one per -l
          -a   Area base address=expression
          -b   Bank base address=expression
          -g   Global symbol=expression
        Map format:
          -m   Map output generated as file1[.map]
          -m1    Linker generated symbols included in file1[.map]
          -w   Wide listing format for map file
          -x   Hexadecimal (default)
          -d   Decimal
          -q   Octal
          -i   Intel Hex as file1[.hex]
          -s   Motorola S Record as file1[.s--]
          -t   Tandy CoCo Disk BASIC binary as file1[.bin]
          -*+  -i+/-s+/-t+  Renaming Options  -*+[ ][name][.ext]
            '-*+.ext'      (or)  '-*+  .ext'      ->  file1.ext
            '-*+name'      (or)  '-*+  name'      ->  name[.---]
            '-*+name.ext'  (or)  '-*+  name.ext'  ->   name.ext
          -o   Linked file/library -i/-s/-t output enable (default)
          -v   Linked file/library -i/-s/-t output disable
          -j   NoICE Debug output as file1[.noi]
          -y   SDCDB Debug output as file1[.cdb]
          -u   Update listing file(s) with link data as file(s)[.rst]
        Case Sensitivity:
          -z   Disable Case Sensitivity for Symbols
          -e   or null line terminates input


        THE LINKER                                              PAGE 3-4


             When  ASlink  is  invoked  with  a  single or multiple
             filenames the first filename is  the  output  filename
             and  the  remaining files, if any, are linked together
             into the output filename.  

        Most  sytems  require  the  options to be entered on the command

        aslink [-Options] [-Options with args] file1 [file2 ...]

        Some  systems  may  request  the  arguments  after the linker is
        started at a system specific prompt:  

        argv: [-Options] [-Option with args] file1 [file2 ...]

        The linker commands are explained in some more detail:  

                -h      or NO ARGUMENTS show this help list
                        Simply prints the help list on stdout.
                -c      ASlink >> prompt mode.
                        The ASlink#>> prompt mode reads
                        linker commands from stdin.
                -f      file[.lnk]  Command File Input
                        The command file mode imports linker
                        commands from the specified file
                        (extension must be .lnk), imported
                        -c and -f commands are ignored.  If
                        the directory path, for a file to
                        be linked, is not specified in the
                        command file then the path defaults
                        to the command file directory path.
                -p/-n   enable/disable echoing commands to stdout.
                -i      Intel Hex as file1[.hex]
                -s      Motorola S Record as file1[.s--]

        THE LINKER                                              PAGE 3-5

                -t      Tandy CoCo Disk BASIC binary as file1[.bin]
                -*+   -i+/-s+/-t+ Renaming Options  -o+[ ][name][.ext]
                  '-*+.ext'      (or)  '-*+  .ext'      ->  file1.ext
                  '-*+name'      (or)  '-*+  name'      ->  name[.---]
                  '-*+name.ext'  (or)  '-*+  name.ext'  ->   name.ext
                        The file name and/or extension of the
                        output file may be changed.
                -o      Linked file/library output enabled (default)
                        Specifies that subsequent linked
                        files/libraries will enable object output.
                        (if option -i, -s, or -t was specified)
                -v      Linked file/library output disabled
                        Specifies that subsequent linked
                        files/libraries will disable object output.
                        (if option -i, -s, or -t was specified)
                -z      Disable Case Sensitivity for Symbols
                        Disables the distinction between
                        upper and lower case letters.
                -m      Map output generated as file1[.map]
                        Generate a map file (file1.map). This
                        file contains a list of the symbols
                        (by area) with absolute addresses,
                        sizes of linked areas, and other
                        linking information.
                -m1     Linker generated symbols included in file1[.map]
                        The linker creates internal symbols for
                        each area (area segment) input during
                        the linking process but normally suppresses
                        their inclusion in the map file.  This
                        option enables their inclusion in the
                        map file.
                -w      Wide listing format for map file
                        Specifies that a wide listing format
                        be used for the map file.

        THE LINKER                                              PAGE 3-6

                -x      Hexadecimal (default)
                -d      Decimal
                -q      Octal
                        Specifies the number radix for the map file.
                -u      Update listing file(s) with link data
                        Generate updated listing file(s) derived from
                        the relocated addresses and data from the
                        linker and the hint file (file.hlr) output
                        by the assembler.
                -a      Area base address=expression
                        This specifies an area base address
                        where the expression may contain
                        constants and/or defined symbols
                        from the linked files. (one definition
                        per line in a linker command file.)
                -b      Bank base address=expression
                        This specifies a bank base address
                        where the expression may contain
                        constants and/or defined symbols
                        from the linked files. (one definition
                        per line in a linker command file.)
                -g      Global symbol=expression
                        This specifies the value for the
                        symbol where the expression may contain
                        constants and/or defined symbols
                        from the linked files. (one definition
                        per line in a linker command file.)
                -k      Library path specification, one per -k
                        This specifies one possible path to an
                        object library. More than one path is
                        allowed.  (one definition per line in
                        a linker command file.)
                -l      Library file specification, one per -l
                        This specifies a possible library file.
                        More than one file is allowed.  (one
                        definition per line in a linker command file.)

        THE LINKER                                              PAGE 3-7

                -e      or null line, terminates input
                        This -e option terminates the processing
                        of a linker command file (-f). Any
                        lines remaining in the file are ignored.

           When  using  the command line all options and file(s) must be
        on a single line.  

           When using the -c option (ASlink >>) or a command file [.lnk]
        options should precede the file(s).  The files  may  be  on  the
        same  line  as the options or on a separate line(s) one file per
        line or multiple files separated by spaces or tabs.  The use  of
        multiple  -o and -v options is available only with the interrac-
        tive, ASlink >>, or command file modes.  

        3.3  LIBRARY PATH(S) AND FILE(S) 

           The process of resolving undefined symbols after scanning the
        input object  files  includes  the  scanning  of  object  module
        libraries.   The  linker will search through all combinations of
        the library path specifications (input by the -k option) and the
        library  file  specifications (input by the -l option) that lead
        to an existing library file.  Each library file contains a  list
        (one  file  per  line)  of  modules  included in this particular
        library.  Each existing object module is scanned for a match  to
        the undefined symbol.  The first module containing the symbol is
        then linked with the previous modules to resolve the symbol  de-
        finition.   The  library  object  modules are rescanned until no
        more symbols can be resolved.   The  scanning  algorithm  allows
        resolution  of  back references.  No errors are reported for non
        existent library files or object modules.  

           The  library  file  specification may be formed in one of two

             1.  If  the  library  file  contained an absolute path/file
                 specification  then  this  is   the   object   module's
                 (i.e.  C:\...  or C:/...) 

             2.  If  the  library  file  contains  a  relative path/file
                 specification then the concatenation of  the  path  and
                 this  file  specification  becomes  the object module's
                 (i.e.  \...  or /...) 

        THE LINKER                                              PAGE 3-8

           As  an example, assume there exists a library file termio.lib
        in the syslib directory specifying the following object modules: 

        \6809\io_disk        first object module 
        d:\special\io_comm   second object module 

        and the following parameters were specified to the linker:  

        -k c:\iosystem\    the first path 
        -k c:\syslib\      the second path 

        -l termio          the first library file 
        -l io              the second library file (no such file) 

        The  linker  will attempt to use the following object modules to
        resolve any undefined symbols:  

        c:\syslib\6809\io_disk.rel     (concatenated path/file) 
        d:\special\io_comm.rel         (absolute path/file) 

        all  other path(s)/file(s) don't exist.  (No errors are reported
        for non existent path(s)/file(s).) 


           The  linker  processes  the  files  in  the  order  they  are
        presented.  The first pass through the input files  is  used  to
        define  all  program  areas, the section area sizes, and symbols
        defined or referenced.  Undefined symbols will initiate a search
        of any specified library file(s) and the importing of the module
        containing the symbol definition.  After the first pass  the  -a
        (area  base  address) and the -b (bank base address) definitions
        ,if any, are processed and the areas linked.  

           The  area  linking proceeds by first examining the area types
        ABS, CON, REL, OVR and PAG.  Absolute areas (ABS) from  separate
        object  modules are always overlaid and have been assembled at a
        specific address, these are not normally relocated (if a -a  op-
        tion  is  used  on an absolute area the area will be relocated).
        Relative areas (normally defined as REL|CON) have a base address
        of 0x0000 as read from the object files, the -a option specifies
        the beginning address of  the  area.   All  subsequent  relative
        areas will be concatenated with preceding relative areas.  Where
        specific ordering is desired, the first linker input file should
        have  the area definitions in the desired order.  At the comple-
        tion of the area linking all area  addresses  and  lengths  have
        been  determined.  The areas of type PAG are verified to be on a

        THE LINKER                                              PAGE 3-9

        256 byte boundary and that the length does not exceed 256 bytes.
        Any errors are noted on stderr and in the map file.  

        The  linker  also  automatically  generates two symbols for each
        linked program area:  

            'a_<area>'      The starting address of the area.  

            'l_<area>'      The length of the area.  

        and two symbols for each area segment:  

            'm_<area>_n'    The boundary modulus of the area segment.  

            's_<area>_n'    The starting address of the area segment.  

        The  appended  '_n'  signifies  the area segment number within a
        linked area.  

           These  symbols  are in general only useful diagnostically and
        are not visible externally.  However if the -m1 linker option is
        used these symbols will be output to the map file.  

           Next  the  global symbol definitions (-g option), if any, are
        processed.  The symbol definitions have been delayed until  this
        point because the absolute addresses of all internal symbols are
        known and can be used in the expression calculations.  

           Before  continuing  with the linking process the symbol table
        is scanned to determine if any symbols have been referenced  but
        not defined.  Undefined symbols are listed on the stderr device.
        if a .module directive was included in the  assembled  file  the
        module  making  the reference to this undefined variable will be

           Constants  defined  as global in more than one module will be
        flagged as multiple definitions if their values are not  identi-

           After  the  preceding  processes  are complete the linker may
        output a map file (-m option).  This file provides the following

             1.  Global symbol values and label absolute addresses 

             2.  Defined areas and there lengths 

             3.  Remaining undefined symbols 


        THE LINKER                                             PAGE 3-10

             4.  List of modules linked 

             5.  List of library modules linked 

             6.  List of -a, -b and -g definitions 

           The final step of the linking process is performed during the
        second pass of the input files.  As the xxx.rel files  are  read
        the code is relocated by substituting the physical addresses for
        the referenced symbols and areas and may  be  output  in  Intel,
        Motorola, or Tandy CoCo Disk Basic formats.  The number of files
        linked and symbols defined/referenced is limited by the  proces-
        sor  space  available to build the area/symbol lists.  If the -u
        option is specified then the listing files (file.lst) associated
        with  the  relocation  files  (file.rel) are scanned and used to
        create a new file (file.rst) which has all  addresses  and  data
        relocated to their final values.  

           The  -o/-v  options  allow the simple creation of loadable or
        overlay modules.  Loadable and overlay modules normally need  to
        be  linked  with  a  main module(s) to resolve external symbols.
        The -o/-v options can be used to enable object  output  for  the
        loadable  or overlay module(s) and suppress the object code from
        the linked main module(s).  The -o/-v  options  can  be  applied
        repeatedly  to specify a single linked file, groups of files, or
        libraries for object code inclusion or suppression.  

        THE LINKER                                             Page 3-11

        3.5  ASXXXX VERSION 5.XX (4.XX) LINKING 

           The  linkers'  input  object file is an ascii file containing
        the information needed by the linker  to  bind  multiple  object
        modules into a complete loadable memory image.  

        The object module contains the following designators:  

                        X       Hexadecimal radix
                        D       Decimal radix
                        Q       Octal radix
                        H       Most significant byte first
                        L       Least significant byte first
                        2       16-Bit Addressing
                        3       24-Bit Addressing
                        4       32-Bit Addressing
                H       Header 
                M       Module
                G       Merge Mode
                B       Bank
                A       Area
                S       Symbol
                T       Object code
                R       Relocation information
                P       Paging information

        3.5.1  Object Module Format 

           The   first   line   of   an   object   module  contains  the
        [XDQ][HL][234] format specifier  (i.e.   XH2  indicates  a  hex-
        adecimal  file  with  most significant byte first and 16-bit ad-
        dressing) for the following designators.  


        THE LINKER                                             PAGE 3-12

        3.5.2  Header Line 

                H aa areas gg global symbols 

           The  header  line  specifies  the number of areas(aa) and the
        number of global symbols(gg) defined or referenced in  this  ob-
        ject module segment.  

        3.5.3  Module Line 

                M name 

           The  module  line  specifies  the module name from which this
        header segment was assembled.  The module line will  not  appear
        if the .module directive was not used in the source program.  

        3.5.4  Merge Mode Line 

                G nn ii 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 

           The  mode  structure  contains  the specification (or partial
        specification) of one of the assemblers' merge  modes.   Sixteen
        bits  may  be  specified  on a single line.  Each assembler must
        specify at least one merge mode.  The merging specification  al-
        lows  arbitrarily defined active bits and bit positions.  The 32
        element arrays are indexed from 0 to 31.  Index 0 corresponds to
        bit  0,  ...,  and  31 corresponds to bit 31 of a normal integer

             1.   nn is merge mode number 

             2.   ii is the beginning bit position of the following data 

             3.   00 ...  merge mode bit elements 

                    The value of the element specifies if the normal in-
                    teger bit is active (bit <7> is set, 0x80) and  what
                    destination  bit  (bits  <4:0>,  0  -  31) should be
                    loaded with this normal integer bit.  


        THE LINKER                                             PAGE 3-13

        3.5.5  Bank Line 

                B name base nn size nn map nn flags nn fsfx string 

           The  B  line  defines a bank identifier as name.  A bank is a
        structure containing a collection of areas.  The bank is treated
        as  a  unique linking structure separate from other banks.  Each
        bank can have a unique base  address  (starting  address).   The
        size  specification  may  be  used to signal the overflow of the
        banks' allocated space.  The Linker combines all areas  included
        within  a  bank  as  separate from other areas.  The code from a
        bank may be output to a unique file by specifying the File  Suf-
        fix  parameter  (fsfx).   This allows the separation of multiple
        data and code segments into  isolated  output  files.   The  map
        parameter  is  for  NOICE processing.  The flags indicate if the
        parameters have been set.  

        3.5.6  Area Line 

                A label size ss flags ff [bank bb] [bndry mm] 

           The  area  line  defines the area label, the size (ss) of the
        area in bytes, the area  flags  (ff),  the  optional  [bank  bb]
        specifies  the  bank  this area is a member of, and the optional
        [bndry mm] which specifies the boundary modulus  for  this  area
        segment.  The area flags specify the ABS, REL, CON, OVR, and PAG

                OVR/CON  (0x04/0x00 i.e.  bit position 2) 

                ABS/REL  (0x08/0x00 i.e.  bit position 3) 

                PAG      (0x10 i.e.  bit position 4) 

           The  bank label is optional and only specified if the area is
        to be included within a bank.  

           When  this area (area segment) is linked and their is a boun-
        dary modulus specified then the code/data beginning address will
        be  increased to match the boundary modulus.  This will also in-
        crease the area (area segment) size by the same amount.  


        THE LINKER                                             PAGE 3-14

        3.5.7  Symbol Line 

                S name Defnnnn 


                S name Refnnnn 

           The symbol line defines (Def) or references (Ref) the identi-
        fier name with the value nnnn.  The defined value is relative to
        the  current area base address.  References to constants and ex-
        ternal global symbols will always appear before the  first  area
        definition.  References to external symbols will have a value of

        3.5.8  T Line 

                T xx xx nn nn nn nn nn ...  

           The  T  line contains the assembled code output by the assem-
        bler with xx xx being the offset address from the  current  area
        base address and nn being the assembled instructions and data in
        byte format.  (xx xx and nn nn can be 2, 3, or 4 bytes as speci-
        fied by the .REL file header.) 

        3.5.9  R Line 

                R 0 0 nn nn n1 n2 xx xx ...  

           The R line provides the relocation information to the linker.
        The nn nn value is the current area index, i.e.  which area  the
        current  values  were  assembled.  Relocation information is en-
        coded in groups of 4 bytes:  

             1.  n1 is the relocation mode and object format.  
                 1.  bits <1:0> specify the number of bytes to output 
                 2.  bits <2:3> normal(0x00) /   MSB   (0x0C) 
                                signed(0x04) / unsigned(0x08) 
                 3.  bit 4  normal(0x00)/page   '0' (0x10) reference 
                 4.  bit 5  normal(0x00)/page 'nnn' (0x20) reference 
                            PAGX mode if both bits are set (0x30) 
                 5.  bit 6  normal(0x00)/PC relative(0x40) relocation 
                 6.  bit 7  relocatable area(0x00)/symbol(0x80) 

             2.  n2 is a byte index and a merge mode index 

        THE LINKER                                             PAGE 3-15

                 1.  bits <3:0>  are a byte index into the corresponding
                     (i.e.  preceding) T line data (i.e.  a  pointer  to
                     the data to be updated by the relocation).  
                 2.  bits <7:4> are an index into a selected merge mode.
                     Currently mode 0 simply specifies to  use  standard
                     byte processing modes and merging is ignored.  

             3.  xx xx  is the area/symbol index for the area/symbol be-
                 ing referenced.  the corresponding area/symbol is found
                 in the header area/symbol lists.  

        The groups of 4 bytes are repeated for each item requiring relo-
        cation in the preceding T line.  

        3.5.10  P Line 

                P 0 0 nn nn n1 n2 xx xx 

           The  P  line provides the paging information to the linker as
        specified by a .setdp directive.  The format of  the  relocation
        information is identical to that of the R line.  The correspond-
        ing T line has the following information:  
                T xx xx aa aa bb bb 

           Where  aa aa is the area reference number which specifies the
        selected page area and bb bb is the base address  of  the  page.
        bb bb will require relocation processing if the 'n1 n2 xx xx' is
        specified in the P line.  The linker will verify that  the  base
        address is on a 256 byte boundary and that the page length of an
        area defined with the PAG type is not larger than 256 bytes.  

           The  linker  defaults any direct page references to the first
        area defined in the input REL file.  All ASxxxx assemblers  will
        specify the _CODE area first, making this the default page area. 


        THE LINKER                                             PAGE 3-16

        3.5.11  24-Bit and 32-Bit Addressing 

           When  24-bit  or  32-bit  addressing is specified in the file
        format line [XDQ][HL][234] then the S and T Lines have  modified
                S name Defnnnnnn                        (24-bit)
                S name Refnnnnnn                        (24-bit)
                T xx xx xx nn nn nn nn nn ...           (24-bit)
                S name Defnnnnnnnn                      (32-bit)
                S name Refnnnnnnnn                      (32-bit)
                T xx xx xx xx nn nn nn nn nn ...        (32-bit)

           The  multibyte  formats for byte data replace the 2-byte form
        for 16-bit data with 3-byte or 4-byte data for 24-bit or  32-bit
        data  respectively.  The 2nd byte format (also named MSB) always
        uses the second byte of the 2, 3, or 4-byte data.  

        3.5.12  ASlink V5.xx (V4.xx) Error Messages 

           The linker provides detailed error messages allowing the pro-
        grammer to quickly find the errant code.   As  the  linker  com-
        pletes  pass 1  over  the  input  file(s)  it  reports  any page
        boundary or page length errors as follows:  

        ?ASlink-Warning-Paged Area PAGE0 Boundary Error
        ?ASlink-Warning-Paged Area PAGE0 Length Error

        where PAGE0 is the paged area.  

           Also  during  Pass   1  any bank size (length) errors will be
        reported as follows:  

        ?ASlink-Warning-Size limit exceeded in bank BANK
        where BANK is the bank name.  

           During  Pass  two the linker reads the T, R, and P lines per-
        forming the necessary relocations and  outputting  the  absolute
        code.  Various errors may be reported during this process 

        THE LINKER                                             PAGE 3-17

        The P line processing can produce only one possible error:  

        ?ASlink-Warning-Page Definition Boundary Error
                 file        module      pgarea    pgoffset
          PgDef  t6809l      t6809l      PAGE0         0001

        The error message specifies the file and module where the .setdp
        direct was issued and indicates  the  page  area  and  the  page
        offset value determined after relocation.  

        The R line processing produces various error messages:  

        ?ASlink-Warning-Signed value error
        ?ASlink-Warning-Unsigned value error
        ?ASlink-Warning-Byte PCR relocation error
        ?ASlink-Warning-Word PCR relocation error
        ?ASlink-Warning-3-Byte PCR relocation error
        ?ASlink-Warning-4-Byte PCR relocation error
        ?ASlink-Warning-Page0 relocation error
        ?ASlink-Warning-PageN relocation error
        ?ASlink-Warning-PageX relocation error
        ?ASlink-Warning-Signed Merge Bit Range error
        ?ASlink-Warning-Unsigned/Overflow Merge Bit Range error

        These  error  messages  also specify the file, module, area, and
        offset within the area of the code referencing (Refby)  and  de-
        fining (Defin) the symbol:  

        ?ASlink-Warning-Signed value error for symbol  two56
                 file        module      area        offset
          Refby  t           Pagetest    PROGRAM     0006
          Defin  t           Pagetest    DIRECT      0100

        If the symbol is defined in the same module as the reference the
        linker is unable to report the symbol name.  The assembler list-
        ing  file(s) should be examined at the offset from the specified
        area to locate the offending code.  

           The errors are:  

             1.  The  Signed value error indicates an indexing value ex-
                 ceeded the maximum negative or maximum  positive  value
                 for the current variable size.  

             2.  The  Unsigned  value  error indicates an indexing value
                 was greater than maximum positive value for the current
                 variable size.  


        THE LINKER                                             PAGE 3-18

             3.  The  byte PCR error is caused by exceeding the pc rela-
                 tive byte branch range.  

             4.  The  word PCR error is caused by exceeding the pc rela-
                 tive word branch range.  

             5.  The  3-byte PCR error is caused by exceeding the pc re-
                 lative 3-byte branch range.  

             6.  The  4-byte PCR error is caused by exceeding the pc re-
                 lative 4-byte branch range.  

             7.  The  Page0  error is generated if the direct page vari-
                 able is not in the page0 range of 0 to 255.  

             8.  The  PageN  error is generated if the direct page vari-
                 able is not within the Nth page range of 0 to 255.  

             9.  The  PageX  error is generated if the direct page vari-
                 able is not within the extended page range.  

            10.  The  Signed Merge Bit Range error indicates an indexing
                 value exceeded the maximum negative or maximum positive
                 value for the current signed merge variable size.  

            11.  The  Unsigned/Overflow  Merge Bit Range error indicates
                 an indexing value was  greater  than  maximum  positive
                 value for the current unsigned merge variable size.  


        THE LINKER                                             Page 3-19


           The  linkers'  input  object file is an ascii file containing
        the information needed by the linker  to  bind  multiple  object
        modules into a complete loadable memory image.  

        The object module contains the following designators:  

                        X       Hexadecimal radix
                        D       Decimal radix
                        Q       Octal radix
                        H       Most significant byte first
                        L       Least significant byte first
                        2       16-Bit Addressing
                        3       24-Bit Addressing
                        4       32-Bit Addressing
                H       Header 
                M       Module
                A       Area
                S       Symbol
                T       Object code
                R       Relocation information
                P       Paging information

        3.6.1  Object Module Format 

           The   first   line   of   an   object   module  contains  the
        [XDQ][HL][234] format specifier  (i.e.   XH2  indicates  a  hex-
        adecimal  file  with  most significant byte first and 16-bit ad-
        dressing) for the following designators.  


        THE LINKER                                             PAGE 3-20

        3.6.2  Header Line 

                H aa areas gg global symbols 

           The  header  line  specifies  the number of areas(aa) and the
        number of global symbols(gg) defined or referenced in  this  ob-
        ject module segment.  

        3.6.3  Module Line 

                M name 

           The  module  line  specifies  the module name from which this
        header segment was assembled.  The module line will  not  appear
        if the .module directive was not used in the source program.  

        3.6.4  Area Line 

                A label size ss flags ff 

           The  area  line  defines the area label, the size (ss) of the
        area in bytes, and the area flags (ff).  The area flags  specify
        the ABS, REL, CON, OVR, and PAG parameters:  

                OVR/CON  (0x04/0x00 i.e.  bit position 2) 

                ABS/REL  (0x08/0x00 i.e.  bit position 3) 

                PAG      (0x10 i.e.  bit position 4) 

        3.6.5  Symbol Line 

                S name Defnnnn 


                S name Refnnnn 

           The symbol line defines (Def) or references (Ref) the identi-
        fier name with the value nnnn.  The defined value is relative to
        the  current area base address.  References to constants and ex-
        ternal global symbols will always appear before the  first  area
        definition.  References to external symbols will have a value of


        THE LINKER                                             PAGE 3-21

        3.6.6  T Line 

                T xx xx nn nn nn nn nn ...  

           The  T  line contains the assembled code output by the assem-
        bler with xx xx being the offset address from the  current  area
        base address and nn being the assembled instructions and data in
        byte format.  

        3.6.7  R Line 

                R 0 0 nn nn n1 n2 xx xx ...  

           The R line provides the relocation information to the linker.
        The nn nn value is the current area index, i.e.  which area  the
        current  values  were  assembled.  Relocation information is en-
        coded in groups of 4 bytes:  

             1.  n1  is  the  relocation mode and object format, for the
                 adhoc extension modes refer to asxxxx.h or aslink.h 
                 1.  bit 0  word(0x00)/byte(0x01) 
                 2.  bit 1  relocatable area(0x00)/symbol(0x02) 
                 3.  bit 2  normal(0x00)/PC relative(0x04) relocation 
                 4.  bit 3  1-byte(0x00)/2-byte(0x08) object format 
                 5.  bit 4  signed(0x00)/unsigned(0x10) byte data 
                 6.  bit 5  normal(0x00)/page   '0'(0x20) reference 
                 7.  bit 6  normal(0x00)/page 'nnn'(0x40) reference 
                 8.  bit 7  LSB byte(0x00)/MSB byte(0x80) 

             2.  n2  is  a byte index into the corresponding (i.e.  pre-
                 ceding) T line data (i.e.  a pointer to the data to  be
                 updated  by  the  relocation).   The T line data may be
                 1-byte or  2-byte  byte  data  format  or  2-byte  word

             3.  xx xx  is the area/symbol index for the area/symbol be-
                 ing referenced.  the corresponding area/symbol is found
                 in the header area/symbol lists.  

        The groups of 4 bytes are repeated for each item requiring relo-
        cation in the preceding T line.  


        THE LINKER                                             PAGE 3-22

        3.6.8  P Line 

                P 0 0 nn nn n1 n2 xx xx 

           The  P  line provides the paging information to the linker as
        specified by a .setdp directive.  The format of  the  relocation
        information is identical to that of the R line.  The correspond-
        ing T line has the following information:  
                T xx xx aa aa bb bb 

           Where  aa aa is the area reference number which specifies the
        selected page area and bb bb is the base address  of  the  page.
        bb bb will require relocation processing if the 'n1 n2 xx xx' is
        specified in the P line.  The linker will verify that  the  base
        address is on a 256 byte boundary and that the page length of an
        area defined with the PAG type is not larger than 256 bytes.  

           The  linker  defaults any direct page references to the first
        area defined in the input REL file.  All ASxxxx assemblers  will
        specify the _CODE area first, making this the default page area. 

        3.6.9  24-Bit and 32-Bit Addressing 

           When  24-bit  or  32-bit  addressing is specified in the file
        format line [XDQ][HL][234] then the S and T Lines have  modified
                S name Defnnnnnn                        (24-bit)
                S name Refnnnnnn                        (24-bit)
                T xx xx xx nn nn nn nn nn ...           (24-bit)
                S name Defnnnnnnnn                      (32-bit)
                S name Refnnnnnnnn                      (32-bit)
                T xx xx xx xx nn nn nn nn nn ...        (32-bit)

           The  multibyte  formats for byte data replace the 2-byte form
        for 16-bit data with 3-byte or 4-byte data for 24-bit or  32-bit
        data  respectively.  The 2nd byte format (also named MSB) always
        uses the second byte of the 2, 3, or 4-byte data.  


        THE LINKER                                             PAGE 3-23

        3.6.10  ASlink V3.xx Error Messages 

           The linker provides detailed error messages allowing the pro-
        grammer to quickly find the errant code.   As  the  linker  com-
        pletes  pass 1  over  the  input  file(s)  it  reports  any page
        boundary or page length errors as follows:  

        ?ASlink-Warning-Paged Area PAGE0 Boundary Error
        ?ASlink-Warning-Paged Area PAGE0 Length Error

        where PAGE0 is the paged area.  

           During  Pass  two the linker reads the T, R, and P lines per-
        forming the necessary relocations and  outputting  the  absolute
        code.  Various errors may be reported during this process 
        The P line processing can produce only one possible error:  

        ?ASlink-Warning-Page Definition Boundary Error
                 file        module      pgarea      pgoffset
          PgDef  t6809l      t6809l      PAGE0       0001

        The error message specifies the file and module where the .setdp
        direct was issued and indicates  the  page  area  and  the  page
        offset value determined after relocation.  

        The R line processing produces various errors:  

        ?ASlink-Warning-Byte PCR relocation error for symbol  bra2
        ?ASlink-Warning-Unsigned Byte error for symbol  two56
        ?ASlink-Warning-Page0 relocation error for symbol  ltwo56
        ?ASlink-Warning-Page Mode relocation error for symbol  two56
        ?ASlink-Warning-Page Mode relocation error
        ?ASlink-Warning-2K Page relocation error
        ?ASlink-Warning-512K Page relocation error

        These  error  messages  also specify the file, module, area, and
        offset within the area of the code referencing (Refby)  and  de-
        fining (Defin) the symbol:  

        ?ASlink-Warning-Unsigned Byte error for symbol  two56
                 file        module      area        offset
          Refby  t6800l      t6800l      DIRECT      0015
          Defin  tconst      tconst      .  .ABS.    0100


        THE LINKER                                             PAGE 3-24

        If the symbol is defined in the same module as the reference the
        linker is unable to report the symbol name.  The assembler list-
        ing  file(s) should be examined at the offset from the specified
        area to locate the offending code.  

           The errors are:  

             1.  The  byte PCR error is caused by exceeding the pc rela-
                 tive byte branch range.  

             2.  The Unsigned byte error indicates an indexing value was
                 negative or larger than 255.  

             3.  The  Page0  error is generated if the direct page vari-
                 able is not in the page0 range of 0 to 255.  

             4.  The page mode error is generated if the direct variable
                 is not within the current direct page (6809).  

             5.  The  2K  Page  relocation  error  is  generated  if the
                 destination is not within the current  2K  page  (8051,

             6.  The  512K  Page  relocation  error  is generated if the
                 destination  is  not  within  the  current  512K   page


        THE LINKER                                             Page 3-25


           The hint file is an ascii file containing information to help
        the linker convert the listing file  into  a  relocated  listing
        file.   Each  line in the .hlr file corresponds to a single line
        in the listing file.  The text line  usually  contains  3  or  4
        parameters  in  the radix selected for the assembler as shown in
        the following table:  

        Line Position:  123456789012
        Octal:           111 222 333
        Decimal:         111 222 333
        Hex:             11 22 33
        Parameter 1 specifies the parameters listed in the line.
        A bit is set for each listing option enabled during the
        assembly of the line.
                BIT 0   - LIST_ERR      Error Code(s)
                BIT 1   - LIST_LOC      Location
                BIT 2   - LIST_BIN      Generated Binary Value(s)
                BIT 3   - LIST_EQT      Assembler Equate Value
                BIT 4   - LIST_CYC      Opcode Cycles
                BIT 5   - LIST_LIN      Line Numbers
                BIT 6   - LIST_SRC      Assembler Source Code
                BIT 7   - HLR_NLST      Listing Inhibited
        Parameter 2 is the internal assembler listing mode
        value specified for this line during the assembly process:
                0 - NLIST       No listing
                1 - SLIST       Source only
                2 - ALIST       Address only
                3 - BLIST       Address only with allocation
                4 - CLIST       Code
                5 - ELIST       Equate only
                6 - ILIST       IF conditional evaluation
        Parameter 3 is the number of output bytes listed
        for this line.

           The  4th  parameter  is only output if an equate references a
        value in a different area.  The area name is output in the  fol-
        lowing format following the 3 parameters described above:  

        Line Position:  123456789012

        THE LINKER                                             PAGE 3-26

        Area Name:       equatearea

           When the line number is present it is prepended to the 3 or 4
        parameters described  above.   The  line  number  is  always  in
        decimal in the following format:  

        Line Position:  1234567
        Decimal:          LLLLL

           Thus the four formats (for each radix) that may be present in
        a .hlr file are:  

        Line Position:  123456789012345678901234567890
                         11 22 33
                         11 22 33 equatearea
                          LLLLL 11 22 33
                          LLLLL 11 22 33 equatearea

           The  linker understands these formats without any user inter-

           If  a  hint  file  does not exist then the linker attempts to
        convert the list file to a relocated list file using some  basic
        assumptions  about the parameters listed in each line.  The con-
        version without a hint file  requires  at  least  these  listing
        parameters:   LOC,  BIN,  MEB, and ME.  The 'equate' values will
        not be updated.  

        THE LINKER                                             Page 3-27


        Record Mark Field    -  This  field  signifies  the  start  of a
                                record, and consists of an  ascii  colon

        Record Length Field  -  This   field   consists   of  two  ascii
                                characters which indicate the number  of
                                data   bytes   in   this   record.   The
                                characters are the result of  converting
                                the  number  of  bytes  in binary to two
                                ascii characters, high digit first.   An
                                End  of  File  record contains two ascii
                                zeros in this field.  

        Load Address Field   -  This  field  consists  of the four ascii
                                characters which result from  converting
                                the binary value of the address in which
                                to begin loading this record.  The order
                                is as follows:  

                                    High digit of high byte of address. 
                                    Low digit of high byte of address.  
                                    High digit of low byte of address.  
                                    Low digit of low byte of address.  

                                In an End of File record this field con-
                                sists of either four ascii zeros or  the
                                program  entry address.  (Note:  The use
                                of the end of file record to  specify  a
                                start  address for a 16-Bit addresses is
                                not part of the official Intel  specifi-

        Record Type Field    -  This  field  identifies the record type,
                                which is either 0 for data, 1 for an End
                                of  File, or 5 for an Extended Start Ad-
                                dress record.  It consists of two  ascii
                                characters,  with  the high digit of the
                                record type first, followed by  the  low
                                digit of the record type.  

        Data Field           -  This  field consists of the actual data,
                                converted to two ascii characters,  high
                                digit first.  There are no data bytes in
                                the standard End of File record.  

        Checksum Field       -  The  checksum  field is the 8 bit binary
                                sum of the record length field, the load

        THE LINKER                                             PAGE 3-28

                                address  field,  the  record type field,
                                and the data field.  This  sum  is  then
                                negated  (2's  complement) and converted
                                to  two  ascii  characters,  high  digit

        THE LINKER                                             Page 3-29

        3.9  MOTOROLA S1-S9 OUTPUT FORMAT (16-BIT) 

        Record Type Field    -  This  field  signifies  the  start  of a
                                record and identifies the record type as

                                    Ascii S1 - Data Record 
                                    Ascii S9 - End of File Record 

        Record Length Field  -  This  field  specifies the record length
                                which includes the  address,  data,  and
                                checksum   fields.   The  8  bit  record
                                length value is converted to  two  ascii
                                characters, high digit first.  

        Load Address Field   -  This  field  consists  of the four ascii
                                characters which result from  converting
                                the binary value of the address in which
                                to begin loading this record.  The order
                                is as follows:  

                                    High digit of high byte of address. 
                                    Low digit of high byte of address.  
                                    High digit of low byte of address.  
                                    Low digit of low byte of address.  

                                In an End of File record this field con-
                                sists of either four ascii zeros or  the
                                program entry address.  

        Data Field           -  This  field consists of the actual data,
                                converted to two ascii characters,  high
                                digit first.  There are no data bytes in
                                the End of File record.  

        Checksum Field       -  The  checksum  field is the 8 bit binary
                                sum of the record length field, the load
                                address field, and the data field.  This
                                sum is then  complemented  (1's  comple-
                                ment)   and   converted   to  two  ascii
                                characters, high digit first.  

        THE LINKER                                             Page 3-30

        3.10  MOTOROLA S2-S8 OUTPUT FORMAT (24-BIT) 

        Record Type Field    -  This  field  signifies  the  start  of a
                                record and identifies the record type as

                                    Ascii S2 - Data Record 
                                    Ascii S8 - End of File Record 

        Record Length Field  -  This  field  specifies the record length
                                which includes the  address,  data,  and
                                checksum   fields.   The  8  bit  record
                                length value is converted to  two  ascii
                                characters, high digit first.  

        Load Address Field   -  This  field  consists  of  the six ascii
                                characters which result from  converting
                                the binary value of the address in which
                                to begin loading this record.  The order
                                is as follows:  

                                    High digit of 3rd byte of address.  
                                    Low digit of 3rd byte of address.  
                                    High digit of high byte of address. 
                                    Low digit of high byte of address.  
                                    High digit of low byte of address.  
                                    Low digit of low byte of address.  

                                In an End of File record this field con-
                                sists of either six ascii zeros  or  the
                                program entry address.  

        Data Field           -  This  field consists of the actual data,
                                converted to two ascii characters,  high
                                digit first.  There are no data bytes in
                                the End of File record.  

        Checksum Field       -  The  checksum  field is the 8 bit binary
                                sum of the record length field, the load
                                address field, and the data field.  This
                                sum is then  complemented  (1's  comple-
                                ment)   and   converted   to  two  ascii
                                characters, high digit first.  

        THE LINKER                                             Page 3-31

        3.11  MOTOROLA S3-S7 OUTPUT FORMAT (32-BIT) 

        Record Type Field    -  This  field  signifies  the  start  of a
                                record and identifies the record type as

                                    Ascii S3 - Data Record 
                                    Ascii S7 - End of File Record 

        Record Length Field  -  This  field  specifies the record length
                                which includes the  address,  data,  and
                                checksum   fields.   The  8  bit  record
                                length value is converted to  two  ascii
                                characters, high digit first.  

        Load Address Field   -  This  field  consists of the eight ascii
                                characters which result from  converting
                                the binary value of the address in which
                                to begin loading this record.  The order
                                is as follows:  

                                    High digit of 4th byte of address.  
                                    Low digit of 4th byte of address.  
                                    High digit of 3rd byte of address.  
                                    Low digit of 3rd byte of address.  
                                    High digit of high byte of address. 
                                    Low digit of high byte of address.  
                                    High digit of low byte of address.  
                                    Low digit of low byte of address.  

                                In an End of File record this field con-
                                sists of either eight ascii zeros or the
                                program entry address.  

        Data Field           -  This  field consists of the actual data,
                                converted to two ascii characters,  high
                                digit first.  There are no data bytes in
                                the End of File record.  

        Checksum Field       -  The  checksum  field is the 8 bit binary
                                sum of the record length field, the load
                                address field, and the data field.  This
                                sum is then  complemented  (1's  comple-
                                ment)   and   converted   to  two  ascii
                                characters, high digit first.  

        THE LINKER                                             Page 3-32


        Record Preamble      -  This  field  is either $00 (for start of
                                new record) or $FF (for last  record  in

        Record Length Field  -  This  field specifies the number of data
                                bytes which follows the  address  field.
                                The  length  is  in  binary  MSB  to LSB

                                    16-Bit Length - 2-bytes 
                                    24-Bit Length - 3-bytes 
                                    32-Bit Length - 4-bytes 

        Load Address Field   -  This field consists of the address where
                                the record will be loaded  into  memory.
                                The  address  is  in  binary  MSB to LSB

                                    16-Bit Address - 2-bytes 
                                    24-Bit Address - 3-bytes 
                                    32-Bit Address - 4-bytes 

        Data Field           -  This field consists of the actual binary

           After  the  last  code  segment,  a final record like the one
        above is placed.  In this final segment, the Record Preamble  is
        $FF, the Record Length Field is $0000 and the Load Address Field
        is the execution address.  

                                    CHAPTER 4

                           BUILDING ASXXXX AND ASLINK

           The assemblers and linker have been successfully compiled for
        Linux, DOS, and various flavors of Windows using the Linux  GCC,
        the Cygwin environment, the DJGPP environment, and the graphical
        user   interfaces   and    command    line    environments    of
        MS Visual C++ V6.0,  MS Visual Studio 2005,  2010,  2013,  2015,
        2019  and  2022,  Open Watcom V1.9,   Symantec C/C++ V7.2,   and
        Turbo C 3.0.  

           Makefiles  for  Linux,  Cygwin,  DJGPP,  project  files and a
        makefile for Turbo C and pseudo makefiles and project files  for
        VC6,  VS2005,  VS2010,  VS2013,  VS2015,  VS2019,  VS2022,  Open
        Watcom, and Symantec are available to build all  the  assemblers
        and the linker.  

           Unpack  the  asxv5p50.zip  file into an appropriate directory
        using the utility appropriate to your environment.  For  DOS  or
        Windows  the following command line will unpack the distribution
        zip file:  

                pkunzip -d asxv5p50.zip

        The  distribution  file  has  been  packed with DOS style end of
        lines (CR/LF), and UPPER CASE file names.  The Linux  make  file
        assumes  all  lower  case directories and file names.  For Linux
        the unpacking utility you choose should have an option to  force
        all  lower  case  directories / file names and convert the ascii
        files to local format.  On most systems  the  following  command
        should do the trick:  

                unzip -L -a asxv5p50.zip

        Some systems may require a -LL option to force all lower case.  


        BUILDING ASXXXX AND ASLINK                              Page 4-2

           The  distribution  will  be  unpacked into the base directory
        'asxv5pxx' which will contain source directories for  each  sup-
        ported  processor  (as6800, asz80, ...), the machine independent
        source (asxxsrc), the linker source (linksrc), and  the  miscel-
        laneous  sources  (asxxmisc).  Other directories include the do-
        cumentation  (asxdoc),  test  file  directory   (asxtst),   html
        documentation  (asxhtml),  NoICE  support files (noice), various
        debug monitors that can be assembled with the ASxxxx  assemblers
        (asmasm), the project directory (project) which contains two ap-
        plications, (PHS) uses the AS6809 assembler and (MFM)  uses  the
        AS89LP assembler, and the packaging directory (zipper).  


           The  Linux  build  directory is /asxv5pxx/asxmak/linux/build.
        The makefile in this directory is compatible with the Linux  GNU
        make and GCC.  The command 

                make clean

        will  remove  all  the  current  executable  files  in directory
        /asxv5pxx/asxmak/linux/exe and all the compiled  object  modules
        from the /asxv5pxx/asxmak/linux/build directory.  

           The command 

                make all

        will compile and link all the ASxxxx assemblers, the ASlink pro-
        gram, and the utility programs asxscn, asxcnv, and s19os9.   The
        make  file  can  make a single program by invoking make with the
        specific assembler, linker, or utility you wish to build:  

                make aslink


        BUILDING ASXXXX AND ASLINK                              PAGE 4-3


           The  Cygwin build directory is \asxv5pxx\asxmak\cygwin\build.
        The makefile in this directory is compatible with the Cygwin GNU
        make and GCC.  The command 

                make clean

        will  remove  all  the  current  executable  files  in directory
        \asxv5pxx\asxmak\cygwin\exe and all the compiled object  modules
        from the \asxv5pxx\asxmak\cygwin\build directory.  The command 

                make all

        will compile and link all the ASxxxx assemblers, the ASlink pro-
        gram, and the utility programs asxscn, asxcnv, and s19os9.   The
        make  file  can  make a single program by invoking make with the
        specific assembler, linker, or utility you wish to build:  

                make aslink


           The  DJGPP  build  directory is \asxv5pxx\asxmak\djgpp\build.
        The makefile in this directory is compatible with the DJGPP  GNU
        make and GCC.  The command 

                make clean

        will  remove  all  the  current  executable  files  in directory
        \asxv5pxx\asxmak\djgpp\exe and all the compiled  object  modules
        from the \asxv5pxx\asxmak\djgpp\build directory.  The command 

                make all

        will compile and link all the ASxxxx assemblers, the ASlink pro-
        gram, and the utility programs asxscn, asxcnv, and s19os9.   The
        make  file  can  make a single program by invoking make with the
        specific assembler, linker, or utility you wish to build:  

                make aslink


        BUILDING ASXXXX AND ASLINK                              PAGE 4-4


           The  Borland  product  is  available in the Borland Turbo C++
        Suite which contains C++ Builder 1.0, Turbo C++ 4.5 for  Windows
        and  Turbo C++ 3.0 for DOS.  The DOS IDE will install and run on
        x86 (16 or 32 bit) versions of Windows (not x64 versions).  

        4.4.1  Graphical User Interface 

           Each   ASxxxx   Assembler  has  two  project  specific  files
        (*.dsk and *.prj)     located      in      the      subdirectory
        \asxv5pxx\asxmak\turboc30\build.    You   must  enter  the  .prj
        filename into the Turbo C++ IDE:  enter Options->Directories and
        change  the  include and output directories to match your confi-
        guration.  After these changes have been made you will  be  able
        to compile the selected project.  These changes must be manually
        entered for each project.  

        4.4.2  Command Line Interface 

           Before  the  command line interface can be used you must per-
        form the steps outlined in the 'Graphical  User  Interface'  in-
        structions above for each project you wish to build.  

           Open      a      command     prompt     window     in     the
        \asxv5pxx\asxmak\turboc30\build directory.  Assuming the Turbo C
        compiler  has been installed in the default location (C:\TC) the
        file _setpath.bat will set the PATH variable.  If  this  is  not
        the case then the line 


        must  be changed to match your environment.  The compiled object
        code      modules      will      be      placed      in      the
        \asxv5pxx\asxmak\turboc30\build\  directory  and  the executable
        files will be placed in the \asxv5pxx\asxmak\turboc30\exe direc-

           The command 

                make all


        BUILDING ASXXXX AND ASLINK                              PAGE 4-5

        will compile and link all the ASxxxx assemblers, the ASlink pro-
        gram, and the utility programs asxscn, asxcnv, and s19os9.   The
        make  file  can  make a single program by invoking make with the
        specific assembler, linker, or utility you wish to build:  

                make aslink

        The Turbo C make utility uses the information in the correspond-
        ing .prj and .dsk files to compile and link the programs.  

           The file _makeall.bat found in the directory can also be used
        to invoke the Turbo C command line compiler.   The  _makeall.bat
        file calls the _setpath.bat file to set the path to the compiler
        directories in the environment variable PATH  and  then  invokes
        'make all'.  


        4.5.1  Graphical User Interface 

           Each  ASxxxx Assembler has a VC6 project file (*.dsw) located
        in a subdirectory of \asxv5pxx\asxmak\vc6\build.   Simply  enter
        this project filename into the VC6 IDE and build/rebuild the as-

        4.5.2  Command Line Interface 

           Open      a      command     prompt     window     in     the
        \asxv5pxx\asxmak\vc6\build directory.  The file  make.bat  found
        in the directory can be used to invoke the VC6 command line com-
        piler.  The make.bat file assumes that the Visual  C++  compiler
        has  been installed in the default location.  If this is not the
        case then the line 

        SET MS$DEV="C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\

        must  be changed to match your environment.  The compiled object
        code      modules      will      be      placed      in      the
        \asxv5pxx\asxmak\vc6\build\as----\release directory and the exe-
        cutable files will be  placed  in  the  \asxv5pxx\asxmak\vc6\exe

        BUILDING ASXXXX AND ASLINK                              PAGE 4-6

           The command 

                make all

        will compile and link all the ASxxxx assemblers, the ASlink pro-
        gram, and the utility programs asxscn, asxcnv, and s19os9.   The
        make  file  can  make a single program by invoking make with the
        specific assembler, linker, or utility you wish to build:  

                make aslink

        The  VC6  command line compiler uses the information in the cor-
        responding .dsw/.dsp files to compile and link the programs.  

           The  command  'make clean' is not required or valid as a make
        of anything does a complete rebuild of the program.  


        4.6.1  Graphical User Interface 

           Each  ASxxxx  Assembler  has a VS2005 project file (*.vcproj)
        located in a subdirectory of \asxv5pxx\asxmak\vs05\build.   Sim-
        ply  enter  this  project  filename  into  the  VS2005  IDE  and
        build/rebuild the assembler.  

        4.6.2  Command Line Interface 

           Open      a      command     prompt     window     in     the
        \asxv5pxx\asxmak\vs05\build directory.  The file make.bat  found
        in  the  directory can be used to invoke the VS2005 command line
        compiler.  The make.bat file assumes that the  Visual  C++  com-
        piler  has  been  installed in the default location.  If this is
        not the case then the line 

        SET VC$BUILD="C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\

        must  be changed to match your environment.  The compiled object

        BUILDING ASXXXX AND ASLINK                              PAGE 4-7

        code      modules      will      be      placed      in      the
        \asxv5pxx\asxmak\vs05\build\as----\release directory and the ex-
        ecutable files will be placed in  the  \asxv5pxx\asxmak\vs05\exe

           The command 

                make all

        will compile and link all the ASxxxx assemblers, the ASlink pro-
        gram, and the utility programs asxscn, asxcnv, and s19os9.   The
        make  file  can  make a single program by invoking make with the
        specific assembler, linker, or utility you wish to build:  

                make aslink

        The  VS2005  command  line  compiler uses the information in the
        corresponding .vcproj file to compile and link the programs.  

           The  command  'make clean' is not required or valid as a make
        of anything does a complete rebuild of the program.  


        4.7.1  Graphical User Interface 

           Each  ASxxxx  Assembler has a VS2010 project file (*.vcxproj)
        located in a subdirectory of \asxv5pxx\asxmak\vs10\build.   Sim-
        ply  enter  this  project  filename  into  the  VS2010  IDE  and
        build/rebuild the assembler.  


        BUILDING ASXXXX AND ASLINK                              PAGE 4-8

        4.7.2  Command Line Interface 

           Open      a      command     prompt     window     in     the
        \asxv5pxx\asxmak\vs10\build directory.  The file make.bat  found
        in  the  directory can be used to invoke the VS2010 command line
        compiler.  The make.bat file assumes that the  Visual  C++  com-
        piler  has  been  installed in the default location.  If this is
        not the case then the line 

        call "c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\

        must  be changed to match your environment.  The compiled object
        code      modules      will      be      placed      in      the
        \asxv5pxx\asxmak\vs10\build\as----\release directory and the ex-
        ecutable files will be placed in  the  \asxv5pxx\asxmak\vs10\exe

           The command 

                make all

        will compile and link all the ASxxxx assemblers, the ASlink pro-
        gram, and the utility programs asxscn, asxcnv, and s19os9.   The
        make  file  can  make a single program by invoking make with the
        specific assembler, linker, or utility you wish to build:  

                make aslink

        The  VS2010  command  line  compiler uses the information in the
        corresponding .vcxproj file to compile and link the programs.  

           The  command  'make clean' is not required or valid as a make
        of anything does a complete rebuild of the program.  


        BUILDING ASXXXX AND ASLINK                              PAGE 4-9


        4.8.1  Graphical User Interface 

           Each  ASxxxx  Assembler has a VS2013 project file (*.vcxproj)
        located in a subdirectory of \asxv5pxx\asxmak\vs13\build.   Sim-
        ply  enter  this  project  filename  into  the  VS2013  IDE  and
        build/rebuild the assembler.  

        4.8.2  Command Line Interface 

           Open      a      command     prompt     window     in     the
        \asxv5pxx\asxmak\vs13\build directory.  The file make.bat  found
        in  the  directory can be used to invoke the VS2013 command line
        compiler.  The make.bat file assumes that the  Visual  C++  com-
        piler  has  been  installed in the default location.  If this is
        not the case then the line 

        call "c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\

        must  be changed to match your environment.  The compiled object
        code      modules      will      be      placed      in      the
        \asxv5pxx\asxmak\vs13\build\as----\release directory and the ex-
        ecutable files will be placed in  the  \asxv5pxx\asxmak\vs13\exe

           The command 

                make all

        will compile and link all the ASxxxx assemblers, the ASlink pro-
        gram, and the utility programs asxscn, asxcnv, and s19os9.   The
        make  file  can  make a single program by invoking make with the
        specific assembler, linker, or utility you wish to build:  

                make aslink

        The  VS2013  command  line  compiler uses the information in the
        corresponding .vcxproj file to compile and link the programs.  


        BUILDING ASXXXX AND ASLINK                             PAGE 4-10

           The  command  'make clean' is not required or valid as a make
        of anything does a complete rebuild of the program.  


        4.9.1  Graphical User Interface 

           Each  ASxxxx  Assembler has a VS2015 project file (*.vcxproj)
        located in a subdirectory of \asxv5pxx\asxmak\vs15\build.   Sim-
        ply  enter  this  project  filename  into  the  VS2015  IDE  and
        build/rebuild the assembler.  

        4.9.2  Command Line Interface 

           Open      a      command     prompt     window     in     the
        \asxv5pxx\asxmak\vs15\build directory.  The file make.bat  found
        in  the  directory can be used to invoke the VS2015 command line
        compiler.  The make.bat file assumes that the  Visual  C++  com-
        piler  has  been  installed in the default location.  If this is
        not the case then the line 

        call "c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\

        must  be changed to match your environment.  The compiled object
        code      modules      will      be      placed      in      the
        \asxv5pxx\asxmak\vs15\build\as----\release directory and the ex-
        ecutable files will be placed in  the  \asxv5pxx\asxmak\vs15\exe

           The command 

                make all

        will compile and link all the ASxxxx assemblers, the ASlink pro-
        gram, and the utility programs asxscn, asxcnv, and s19os9.   The
        make  file  can  make a single program by invoking make with the
        specific assembler, linker, or utility you wish to build:  

                make aslink

        BUILDING ASXXXX AND ASLINK                             PAGE 4-11

        The  VS2015  command  line  compiler uses the information in the
        corresponding .vcxproj file to compile and link the programs.  

           The  command  'make clean' is not required or valid as a make
        of anything does a complete rebuild of the program.  


        4.10.1  Graphical User Interface 

           Each  ASxxxx  Assembler has a VS2019 project file (*.vcxproj)
        located in a subdirectory of \asxv5pxx\asxmak\vs19\build.   Sim-
        ply  enter  this  project  filename  into  the  VS2019  IDE  and
        build/rebuild the assembler.  

        4.10.2  Command Line Interface 

           Open      a      command     prompt     window     in     the
        \asxv5pxx\asxmak\vs19\build directory.  The file make.bat  found
        in  the  directory can be used to invoke the VS2019 command line
        compiler.  The make.bat file assumes that the  Visual  C++  com-
        piler  has  been  installed in the default location.  If this is
        not the case then the lines 

        SET MSBUILD="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio
        call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio

        must  be changed to match your environment.  The compiled object
        code      modules      will      be      placed      in      the
        \asxv5pxx\asxmak\vs19\build\as----\release directory and the ex-
        ecutable files will be placed in  the  \asxv5pxx\asxmak\vs19\exe


        BUILDING ASXXXX AND ASLINK                             PAGE 4-12

           The command 

                make all

        will compile and link all the ASxxxx assemblers, the ASlink pro-
        gram, and the utility programs asxscn, asxcnv, and s19os9.   The
        make  file  can  make a single program by invoking make with the
        specific assembler, linker, or utility you wish to build:  

                make aslink

        The  VS2019  command  line  compiler uses the information in the
        corresponding .vcxproj file to compile and link the programs.  

           The  command  'make clean' is not required or valid as a make
        of anything does a complete rebuild of the program.  


        4.11.1  Graphical User Interface 

           Each  ASxxxx  Assembler has a VS2022 project file (*.vcxproj)
        located in a subdirectory of \asxv5pxx\asxmak\vs22\build.   Sim-
        ply  enter  this  project  filename  into  the  VS2022  IDE  and
        build/rebuild the assembler.  

        4.11.2  Command Line Interface 

           Open      a      command     prompt     window     in     the
        \asxv5pxx\asxmak\vs22\build directory.  The file make.bat  found
        in  the  directory can be used to invoke the VS2022 command line
        compiler.  The make.bat file assumes that the  Visual  C++  com-
        piler  has  been  installed in the default location.  If this is
        not the case then the lines 

        SET MSBUILD="C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio
        call "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio

        BUILDING ASXXXX AND ASLINK                             PAGE 4-13

        must  be changed to match your environment.  The compiled object
        code      modules      will      be      placed      in      the
        \asxv5pxx\asxmak\vs22\build\as----\release directory and the ex-
        ecutable files will be placed in  the  \asxv5pxx\asxmak\vs22\exe

           The command 

                make all

        will compile and link all the ASxxxx assemblers, the ASlink pro-
        gram, and the utility programs asxscn, asxcnv, and s19os9.   The
        make  file  can  make a single program by invoking make with the
        specific assembler, linker, or utility you wish to build:  

                make aslink

        The  VS2022  command  line  compiler uses the information in the
        corresponding .vcxproj file to compile and link the programs.  

           The  command  'make clean' is not required or valid as a make
        of anything does a complete rebuild of the program.  


        4.12.1  Graphical User Interface 

           Each ASxxxx Assembler has a set of project files (.prj, .tgt,
        .mk,   .mk1,   and   .lk1)   located   in    the    subdirectory
        \asxv5pxx\asxmak\watcom\build.   You  will have to edit the pro-
        ject files to match your local file locations.  


        BUILDING ASXXXX AND ASLINK                             PAGE 4-14

        4.12.2  Command Line Interface 

           Open      a      command     prompt     window     in     the
        \asxv5pxx\asxmak\watcom\build directory.   Assuming  the  Watcom
        compiler  has been installed in the default location (C:\WATCOM)
        the file _setpath.bat will set the PATH variable.   If  this  is
        not the case then the line 


        must  be changed to match your environment.  The compiled object
        code      modules      will      be      placed      in      the
        \asxv5pxx\asxmak\watcom\build\   directory  and  the  executable
        files will be placed in the  \asxv5pxx\asxmak\watcom\exe  direc-

           The command 

                make all

        will compile and link all the ASxxxx assemblers, the ASlink pro-
        gram, and the utility programs asxscn, asxcnv, and s19os9.   The
        make  file  can  make a single program by invoking make with the
        specific assembler, linker, or utility you wish to build:  

                make aslink

        The  Watcom command line compiler wmake.exe uses the information
        in the corresponding project files to compile and link the  pro-

           The file _makeall.bat found in the directory can also be used
        to invoke the Watcom command line  compiler.   The  _makeall.bat
        file calls the _setpath.bat file to set the path to the compiler
        directories in the environment variable PATH  and  then  invokes
        'make all'.  

           The  command  'make clean' is not required or valid as a make
        of anything does a complete rebuild of the program.  


        BUILDING ASXXXX AND ASLINK                             PAGE 4-15


           The  Symantec  product is no longer available but is included
        for historical reasons (the final version, 7.5,  was  introduced
        in  1996).   The  product had an excellent graphical user inter-
        face, built in editor, project manager, and supported  DOS,  Ex-
        tended  DOS  (the  executable  contained a built in DOS extender
        which was rendered unusable in Windows 2000, after service  pack
        2, or in Windows XP), Win95, and Windows NT.  

        4.13.1  Graphical User Interface 

           Each  ASxxxx Assembler has a series of project specific files
        (*.bro, *.def, *.dpd, *.lnk, *.mak, *.opn, and *.prj) located in
        in  the  subdirectory \asxv5pxx\asxmak\symantec\build.  You must
        enter the .prj filename into the Symantec IDE  and  then  select
        Project->Settings->Directories  and  change the include, target,
        and compiler output directories  to  match  your  configuration.
        After  these  changes have been made you will be able to compile
        the selected project.  These changes must  be  manually  entered
        for each project.  

        4.13.2  Command Line Interface 

           Before  the  command line interface can be used you must per-
        form the steps outlined in the 'Graphical  User  Interface'  in-
        structions above for each project you wish to build.  

           Open      a      command     prompt     window     in     the
        \asxv5pxx\asxmak\symantec\build directory.   The  file  make.bat
        found  in  the directory can be used to invoke the Symantec com-
        mand line compiler.  The make.bat file assumes that the path  to
        the  compiler  directories has been set in the environment vari-
        able PATH.  Assuming the Symantec compiler has been installed in
        the  default location (C:\SC) the file _setpath.bat will set the
        PATH variable.  If this is not the case then the line 


        must  be changed to match your environment.  The compiled object
        code      modules      will      be      placed      in      the
        \asxv5pxx\asxmak\symantec\build  directory  and  the  executable
        files will be placed in the \asxv5pxx\asxmak\symantec\exe direc-

        BUILDING ASXXXX AND ASLINK                             PAGE 4-16

           The command 

                make all

        will compile and link all the ASxxxx assemblers, the ASlink pro-
        gram, and the utility programs asxscn, asxcnv, and s19os9.   The
        make  file  can  make a single program by invoking make with the
        specific assembler, linker, or utility you wish to build:  

                make aslink

        The  Symantec  make utility , smake.exe, uses the information in
        the corresponding .mak files to compile and link the programs.  

           The file _makeall.bat found in the directory can also be used
        to invoke the Symantec command line compiler.  The  _makeall.bat
        file calls the _setpath.bat file to set the path to the compiler
        directories in the environment variable PATH  and  then  invokes
        'make all'.  


           Each  of  the  build  directories have two maintenance files:
        _prep.bat and _clean.bat.  The command file  _prep.bat  prepares
        the particular compiler directories for distribution by removing
        all exteraneous files but keeping  the  final  compiled  execut-
        ables.   The  _clean.bat command file performs the same function
        as _prep.bat and removes the compiled executables.  


           The  downloadable executables have restrictions determined by
        the compiler and the end point operating system.  

           The  following  table can be used to select a specific set of
        executables based on your operating system and bitness.  


        BUILDING ASXXXX AND ASLINK                             PAGE 4-17

                                             Windows 2003
                         Win7-10     Win7-8   Windows XP    DOS
                        [64-Bit]    [32 Bit]   [32 Bit]   [16 Bit]
                           ---        ---        ---        ---
            cygwin          *          *          *
            djgpp                      *          *
            symantec                   *          *
            turboc30                   *          *          *
            vc6             *          *          *
            vs05            *          *          *
            vs10            *          *          *
            vs13            *          *
            vs15            *          *
            vs19            *          *
            vs22            *          *
            watcom          *          *
                 (The DJGPP, Symantec, and Watcom compilers
                  can create DOS compatible executables.)

           The  linux  executables are 64 bit and by default the bitness
        of the system on which they were compiled.  To  compile  32  bit
        executables  on a 64 bit system edit the makefile to include the
        -m32 option as follows:  

                CCOPT=  -O3 -m32
                LDOPT=  -m32

           and recompile the assemblers and linker.  

                                   APPENDIX A

                           ASXSCN LISTING FILE SCANNER

           The  program  ASXSCN  is  a debugging utility program used to
        verify ASxxxx assembler code generation.  The program may be in-
        voked with any of the following options:  

                Usage: [-dqx234i] file
                  d    decimal listing
                  q    octal   listing
                  x    hex     listing (default)
                  2    16-Bit  address (default)
                  3    24-Bit  address
                  4    32-Bit  address
                  i    ignore relocation flags
                  c    comment starts at last ';'

           Select  one of the -d, -q, or -x options to match the listing
        file format and select only one of the -2, -3, or -4 options  to
        match  the  addressing range of the listing file.  The -i option
        inhibits the verification  of  the  assembler  relocation  flags
        generated by the ASxxxx assemblers -f or -ff options.  

           Each  source assembly line selected for verification must in-
        clude the expected output code in the comment field of the line.
        The  default  expects  verification code to follow the first ';'
        encountered in the line.  Use the -c option to specify that  the
        verification code follows the last ';' on the line.  The follow-
        ing has been extracted from the ASF2MC8 test file tf2mc8.asm:  

                reti            ; 30
                call  ext       ; 31s12r34
                subc  a         ; 32
                subcw a         ; 33
                subc  a,#v22    ; 34r22
                subc  a,*dir    ; 35*33

        ASXSCN LISTING FILE SCANNER                             Page A-2

                subc  a,@ix+off ; 36r44
                subc  a,@ep     ; 37

        The  r,  s,  and * are specific address relocation flags created
        when the -ff option is specified with any ASxxxx assembler.  

           Invoking the assembler:  

                asf2mc8 -gloaxff tf2mc8

        produces a listing file:  

        033B 30          677    reti            ; 30
        033C 31s12r34    678    call  ext       ; 31s12r34
        033F 32          679    subc  a         ; 32
        0340 33          680    subcw a         ; 33
        0341 34r22       681    subc  a,#v22    ; 34r22
        0343 35*33       682    subc  a,*dir    ; 35*33
        0345 36r44       683    subc  a,@ix+off ; 36r44
        0347 37          684    subc  a,@ep     ; 37

           The  expected code can be compared with the generated code by
        invoking the scanning program:  

                asxscn tf2mc8.lst
                0 code difference(s) found in file tf2mc8.lst

        The assembled code can also be linked:  

                aslink -u ...options... t2fc8

        to create an updated listing file:  

        033B 30          677    reti            ; 30
        033C 31 12 34    678    call  ext       ; 31s12r34
        033F 32          679    subc  a         ; 32
        0340 33          680    subcw a         ; 33
        0341 34 22       681    subc  a,#v22    ; 34r22
        0343 35 33       682    subc  a,*dir    ; 35*33
        0345 36 44       683    subc  a,@ix+off ; 36r44

        which resolves all relocations and removes the relocation flags.
        This file can also be verified:  

                asxscn -i tf2mc8.rst
                0 code difference(s) found in file tf2mc8.rst


        ASXSCN LISTING FILE SCANNER                             Page A-3

           The  verification  of  both  the .lst and .rst files from the
        same assembler test file requires careful definition of external
        variables  so  that  the  assembler  listing file and the linker
        listing file have the same code values.  

                                   APPENDIX B

                            ASXCNV LISTING CONVERTER

           The  program  ASXCNV  is  a debugging utility program used to
        create an assembler file with verification  data.   The  program
        may be invoked with any of the following options:  

                Usage: [-dqx234n#] file
                  d    decimal listing
                  q    octal   listing
                  x    hex     listing (default)
                  2    16-Bit  address (default)
                  3    24-Bit  address
                  4    32-Bit  address
                  n#   cycle digits (2-4) (default = 2)

           Select  one of the -d, -q, or -x options to match the listing
        file format, select only one of the -2, -3,  or  -4  options  to
        match  the  addressing  range  of the listing file, and use -n#,
        where # is 2,3, or 4, to specify the  number  of  cycle  digits.
        The defaults are hex listing, 16-Bit addressing, and 2 cycle di-

           Each source assembly line which creates output data will have
        the data appended to the source line as a comment.  The appended
        comment will contain the relocation codes if they are present in
        the listing file.  Any existing comment  on  the  line  will  be

           Given an existing listing file, a.lst, containing:  

        033B 30          677    reti
        033C 31s12r34    678    call  ext
        033F 32          679    subc  a
        0340 33          680    subcw a
        0341 34r22       681    subc  a,#v22

        ASXCNV LISTING CONVERTER                                Page B-2

        0343 35*33       682    subc  a,*dir
        0345 36r44       683    subc  a,@ix+off
        0347 37          684    subc  a,@ep

        A  converted  listing  file  can  be created using the following

                asxcnv -d2 a.lst

        The  created output file, a.out, is a new assembly file now con-
        tain the verification data in the comments:  

                reti            ; 30
                call  ext       ; 31s12r34
                subc  a         ; 32
                subcw a         ; 33
                subc  a,#v22    ; 34r22
                subc  a,*dir    ; 35*33
                subc  a,@ix+off ; 36r44
                subc  a,@ep     ; 37

                                   APPENDIX C

                            S19OS9 CONVERSION UTILITY

        C.1  BACKGROUND 

           OS9  is  an  Operating System for the TRS-80/Tandy Color Com-
        puters based on the 6809/6309 processors.  The open source  ver-
        sion  of  the  OS9 operating system is NitrOS-9 and is available

            The NitrOS-9 Project
        The s19os9 utility package contains the following:
           1)  OS9  definition files and an  OS9 assembler module
               which creates the OS9 header, code and data areas,
               and the module CRC block:
                    os9_mod.def       OS9 Module Definitions
                    os9_sys.def       OS9 Sytem  Definitions
                    os9_mod.asm       OS9 Module Begin / End Code
           2)  a program, s19os9, to post-process  assembled  OS9
               modules from S19 format into  binary  OS9  modules
               with the appropriate  header  checksum  and module
               CRC values calculated.

           The  file os9_mod.def contains module definitions used in the
        header of OS9 binary files and was  derived  from  the  NitrOS-9
        file os9_mod.def.  


        S19OS9 CONVERSION UTILITY                               PAGE C-2

           The  file  os9_sys.def contains system definitions pertaining
        to system service request codes, system reserved calls, I/O ser-
        vice  request  calls,  file  access modes, signal codes, get/put
        status codes, module offsets, and error codes.   This  file  was
        derived from the NitrOS-9 file os9defs.a.  


           This  section describes how to create an OS9 module using the
        files os9_mod.def, os9_sys.def, and os9_mod.asm.  

           When  creating  an OS9 module certain parameters are required
        by the os9_mod.asm file to create the appropriate headers.   The
        list of supported parameters is listed here:  

           Basic Header:
               .define OS9_ModNam,     "Module_Name"
               .define OS9_Typ,        "Type_Value"
               .define OS9_Lng,        "Language_Value"
               .define OS9_Att,        "Attributes_Value"
               .define OS9_Rev,        "Revision_Value"
           General Parameters:
               .define OS9_ModExe,     "Module Entry Point Offset"
               .define OS9_ModMem,     "Module Permanent Storage"
           Device Driver Parameters:
               .define OS9_Mod,        "Module Mode"
           Descriptor Parameters:
               .define OS9_FMN,        "Device Driver Name Label"
               .define OS9_DDR,        "Device Driver Name Label"
               .define OS9_AbsAdr02,   "Device Absolute Address <23:16>"
               .define OS9_AbsAdr01,   "Device Absolute Address <15:08>"
               .define OS9_AbsAdr00,   "Device Absolute Address <07:00>"
               .define OS9_Opt,        "Descriptor Option"
               .define OS9_DType,      "Descriptor Data Type"

           The  OS9 Module file os9_mod.asm supports the creation of the
        following simple module types:  

          SYSTM         -       System Module
          PRGRM         -       Program Module

        S19OS9 CONVERSION UTILITY                               PAGE C-3

          SBTRN         -       Subroutine Module
          DRIVR         -       Device Driver Module
          FLMGR         -       File Manager Module
          DEVIC         -       Device Descriptor Module

           The  following code shows the steps required when creating an
        OS9 program using the os9_mod.asm file.  os9_mod.asm  loads  the
        os9_mod.def  and  os9_sys.def files, defines the software inter-
        rupt macro os9, and creates  the  os9  program  header  and  crc

        C.2.1  Step 1:  Define Header Values 

                ; Step 1:
                ; Use the .define assembler directive
                ; to insert the parameters into the
                ; os9_mod.asm's header structure.
                ;       Note:   See the file os9_mod.asm for
                ;               parameter names and definitions.
                .title          List Program
                .sbttl          Header Definitions
                .define OS9_ModNam,     "LSTNAM"
                .define OS9_Typ,        "PRGRM"
                .define OS9_Lng,        "OBJCT"
                .define OS9_Att,        "REENT"
                .define OS9_Rev,        "1"
                .define OS9_ModExe,     "LSTENT"
                .define OS9_ModMem,     "LSTMEM"

        C.2.2  Step 2:  Create The Module Header 

                ; Step 2:
                ; Set the symbol OS9_Module equal to 1
                ; and .include the file os9_mod.asm.
                OS9_Module = 1          ; OS9 Module Begin (==1)
        ;       .include        "os9_mod.asm"
                .include        "os9_mod.asm"

        S19OS9 CONVERSION UTILITY                               PAGE C-4

           With  OS9_Module = 1  the following code is inserted into the
        code stream:  

                .define os9,    "swi2   .byte"  ; os9 macro
                ; Include OS9 Definition Files
                ; os9_sys.def Listing Disabled
                .include        "os9_sys.def"
                ; os9_mod.def Listing Disabled
                .include        "os9_mod.def"
                ; Define The OS9 Module Bank and Areas.
                ; Place the module program code in area OS9_Module
                ; and the module data in area OS9_Data.
                .bank   OS9_Module      (BASE=0,FSFX=_OS9)
                .area   OS9_Module      (REL,CON,BANK=OS9_Module)
                .bank   OS9_Data        (BASE=0,FSFX=_DAT)
                .area   OS9_Data        (REL,CON,BANK=OS9_Data)
                .area   OS9_Module
                OS9_ModBgn = .
                .byte   OS9_ID0, OS9_ID1
                                ; OS9 Module Sync Bytes
                .word   OS9_ModEnd - OS9_ModBgn
                                ; Length (Includes 3 CRC Bytes)
                .word   OS9_ModNam - OS9_ModBgn
                                ; Offset to Module Name String
                .byte   OS9_Typ | OS9_Lng
                                ; Type / Language
                .byte   OS9_Att | OS9_Rev
                                ; Attributes / Revision
                .byte   0xFF
                                ; Header Parity
                .word   OS9_ModExe - OS9_ModBgn
                                ; Execution Entry Offset

        S19OS9 CONVERSION UTILITY                               PAGE C-5

                .word   OS9_ModMem
                                ; Storage Requirement
                ;       OS9_ModData
                                ; Module Data

        C.2.3  Step 3:  Allocate Storage 

           The  next  step  is to add the program data storage space for
        the program.  Note that the space is only allocated here and  no
        initialization is done.  

                ;  LIST UTILITY COMMAND
                ;  Syntax: list <pathname>
                ; Step 3:
                ; Allocate the storage in .area OS9_Data
                .area   OS9_Data
                ; STATIC STORAGE OFFSETS 
                BUFSIZ  .equ    200     ; size of input buffer
                Base = .
        IPATH = . - Base
                .rmb    1               ; input path number
        PRMPTR = . - Base
                .rmb    2               ; parameter pointer
        BUFFER = . - Base
                .rmb    BUFSIZ          ; allocate line buffer
                .rmb    200             ; allocate stack
                .rmb    200             ; room for parameter list
        LSTMEM = . - Base


        S19OS9 CONVERSION UTILITY                               PAGE C-6

        C.2.4  Step 4:  Insert The Program Code 

           Once  the data storage space has been allocated then the pro-
        gram code is added to .area OS9_Module:  

                ; Step 4:
                ; Insert the Module Code into .area OS9_Module
                .area   OS9_Module
        LSTNAM: .strs   "List"          ; String with last byte
                                        ; or'd with 0x80
        LSTENT: stx     *PRMPTR         ; save parameter ptr
                lda     #READ.          ; select read access mode
                os9     I$OPEN          ; open input file
                bcs     LIST50          ; exit if error
                sta     *IPATH          ; save input path number
                stx     *PRMPTR         ; save updated param ptr
        LIST20: lda     *IPATH          ; load input path number
                leax    *BUFFER,U       ; load buffer pointer
                ldy     #BUFSIZ         ; maximum bytes to read
                os9     I$READLN        ; read line of input
                bcs     LIST30          ; exit if error
                lda     #1              ; load std. out. path #
                os9     I$WRITLN        ; output line
                bcc     LIST20          ; Repeat if no error
                bra     LIST50          ; exit if error
        LIST30: cmpb    #E$EOF          ; at end of file?
                bne     LIST50          ; branch if not
                lda     *IPATH          ; load input path number
                os9     I$CLOSE         ; close input path
                bcs     LIST50          ; ..exit if error
                ldx     *PRMPTR         ; restore parameter ptr
                lda     ,X
                cmpa    #0x0D           ; End of parameter line?
                bne     LSTENT          ; ..no, list next file
        LIST50: os9     F$EXIT          ; ... terminate


        S19OS9 CONVERSION UTILITY                               PAGE C-7

        C.2.5  Step 5:  End Assembly By Inserting CRC 

                ; Step 5:
                ; Set the symbol OS9_Module equal to 0
                ; and .include the file os9_mod.asm.
                OS9_Module = 0          ; OS9 Module End (==0)
        ;       .include        "os9_mod.asm"
                .include        "os9_mod.asm"

           With  OS9_Module = 0  the following code is the last code in-
        serted into the code stream:  

                .area   OS9_Module
                ; The 3-Byte Module CRC
                .byte   OS9_CRC0, OS9_CRC1, OS9_CRC2
                OS9_ModEnd = .          ; End of OS9 Module


           Once you have assembled your module into an .S19 file use the
        program s19os9 to create the binary OS9 module file.  

        The  program s19os9 is invoked from the command line:
                s19os9 mod.s19 -o mod.bin

           where  mod.s19  is  the input S19 file and mod.bin is the OS9
        binary output file.  

           The conversion utility s19os9 reads the .S19 file into an in-
        ternal buffer (48K bytes maximum).  As each line  is  read  from
        the  .S19  file  the  record length, address, data, and checksum
        values are processed checking for invalid characters and a valid

           After  the .S19 file has been loaded into the internal buffer
        the OS9 module is checked for correct length, and the OS9 Module
        ID,  OS9 Initial Header Checksum, and OS9 Initial Module CRC are

        S19OS9 CONVERSION UTILITY                               PAGE C-8

        verified.  After these parameters have been checked then the ac-
        tual  header  checksum  and module CRC values are calculated and
        replace the Initial Module Checksum and CRC values.  The  final-
        ized module is then written to the file mod.bin.  

                                   APPENDIX D

                                  RELEASE NOTES

                        ASxxxx/ASlink version 5.50 is
                      considered a major release version.

                          M A J O R   C H A N G E S


           The assembler command argument structure has changed.  Previ-
        ous versions specified that the first file of a multifile  argu-
        ment was the output file.  This has been changed:  


           The output file name and/or extension can be changed by using
        the -o+ naming  option.   When  the  object  file  extension  is
        changed  from  the  default .rel then the linker input file must
        explicitly specify the extension.  

           Additional 'Pass 2' scans to resolve mutilevel forward refer-
        ences are available using the -n option.  

           The temporary hex radix prefix '$$' has been changed to '$@'.
        The decimal point, '.', following decimal  digits  is  now  con-
        sidered a temporary decimal radix.  

           The string ascii, ascis, and asciz directives can now include
        byte values.  


        RELEASE NOTES                                           Page D-2

           The following new assembler directives have been added:  

                .psharea        save and restore area contexts
                .poparea        to/from a 16 element stack
                .trace          trace insert, include, assembler
                .ntrace         files, macros, and repeat macros
                .dl and .long   create 4-byte values
                .blkl           allocate 4-byte blocks
                                (only in specific assemblers)

        THE LINKER

           The  linker command argument structure has changed.  Previous
        versions specified that the first file of a  multifile  argument
        was the output file.  This has been changed:  


           The  output hex format now uses the generally accepted format
        for Intel Hex.  In addition, the default output file name and/or
        extension  for  the Intel, Motorola, or Tandy linked code can be
        changed with the extended -i+/-s+/-t+ renaming options.  

           The  previous linker command line -b option, set base address
        of area, has been changed to the -a option.  

           The  redefined  command  line option -b now sets the base ad-
        dress of a bank.  

                .area   A       (bank=BankA)
                .bank   BankA   (base=0x100)
                .area   B       (bank=BankB)
                .bank   BankB   (base=0x200)
            -a A=0x1000
                        sets the start address of area A to 0x1000
                        (this overrides any bank calculated address)
            -b BankB=0x4000
                        sets the start address of BankB to 0x4000
                        (this overrides any defined base address)

        RELEASE NOTES                                           Page D-3

           Version  5.5  consolidates  all the updates since version 5.4
        which includes the addition of nine assemblers:  

                AS4040          (supports the 4004)
                AS68CF          (ColdFire)
                AS68K           (68000, 68008, 68010, and 68020)
                ASPDP11         (with EIS, FIS, FPP, and CIS)
                ASRS08          (reduced version of the HCS08)

           A much updated ASGB assembler is now more compatible with the
        instruction syntax found in the SDCC Gameboy assembler.  

           The  internals  of  the AS6500 assembler have been updated to
        use  core  functionality  unavailable  when  the  assembler  was
        originally written.  

        2022_01_17 Version 5.40 Update 5
           UPDATE_02, UPDATE_03, AND UPDATE_04
           An update is performed by merging the update directories
           with the asxv5pxx directories.  New files will be added
           and changed files will be replaced.
             1) Addressing mode errors fixed in the
                AS78K0 and AS78K0S assemblers.
             2) Test files for the AS78K0 and AS78K0S
                assemblers are updated.
           You must recompile the AS78K0 and AS78K0S
           assemblers to incorporate the update. 

        2021_12_16 Version 5.40 Update 4
           This update brings the assembler and linker to version 5.44
           There is NO version 5.43

        RELEASE NOTES                                           Page D-4

           An update is performed by merging the update directories
           with the asxv5pxx directories.  New files will be added
           and changed files will be replaced.
             1) New Assembler: ASRS08 supports the Freescale/NXP
                               RS08 series of microprocessors.
             2) Updates to build files.
             3) Documentation updated.
           You must recompile the ASxxxx Assemblers and Linker
        to incorporate the update.xxx  

        2021_10_25 Version 5.40 Update 3
           This update brings the assembler and linker to version 5.42
             2) Assembler and Linker errors are now reported in a
                more consistent manner.
             2) Assembler and Linker exit codes have been updated.
             3) Corrected the handling of the -h option in aslink.
             4) Fix the ascop8 test file tcop8.asm
             5) Miscellaneous build and cleanup file corrections
           Assembler and Linker files modified:
             asdata.c, asmain.c, asout.c, assym.c, and asxxxx.h
             lkarea.c, lkbank.c, kkeval.c, lkhead.c, lklex.c, lklibr.c,
             lkmain.c, lkroc.c, lkrloc3.c, lkrloc4.c, lksym.c, and
           You must recompile the ASxxxx Assemblers and Linker
        to incorporate the update.xxx  


        RELEASE NOTES                                           Page D-5

        2021_09_01 Version 5.40 Update 2
           This update brings the assembler and linker to version 5.41
           Includes: 2021_05_11 Version 5.40 Update 1
           and the following:
             asmain    - 'cnt' variable changed to 'a_uint' type.
             asxxxx.h  - Version 5.41
             lklist.c  - linking errors now reported in .rst file
             lkrloc4.c - corrected problem in reported error location
             lkrloc3.c - "
             aslink.h  - Version 5.41
             s8xmch.c  - line 351 changed to
                         if ((v2 == 0x07) | (v2 == 0x0F)) {
           New Assemblers:
             as4040    - Intel 4040 and 4004
             ascop4    - National Semiconductor COP400 Series Of
             ascop8    - National Semiconductor COP800 Series Of
           Updates to build/make files, assembler test files, and do-

        2021_05_11 Version 5.40 Update 1
           AS78K0 and AS78K0S -
           Instructions CMP, XOR, AND, OR, ADD, SUB, ADDC, SUBC, and XCH
           with register to register operations of the form Rn,Rn
           failed to report an error if one of the arguments was not A.
           Instruction MOVW with an addressing mode of SADDRP failed to
           report an ODD address as an error.
             Note: An externally defined SADDRP address which is ODD
                   will not be reported as an error by the assembler
                   or the linker.


        RELEASE NOTES                                           Page D-6

                        Asxxxx/ASlink version 5.40 is
                      considered a major release version.

        March 2021 Version 5.40
           (1)  Added a new assembler:
                AS89LP, which supports the AT89LP series of
                advanced 8051 clones with extensions.
                SFR files and a Macro Library are included.
           (2)  A rewrite of the AS6816 assembler to provide
                full 20 bit addressing and fixes to the code
           (3)  ASZ80 assembler has been updated to support the
                8085 and 8080 using the Z80 syntax.
           (4)  AS8085 assembler has been updated to support
                the 8080.
           (5)  Assemblers flagging <# and ># as syntax errors
                have been fixed to be equivalent to #< and #>.
           (6)  Added the .incbin directive to allow verbatim
                inclusion of a byte stream.
           (7)  Added extended error reporting to all assemblers
                for most <a>, <o>, and <q> errors.
           (8)  Fixed bug in macro processor related to
                missing or malformed arguments.
           (9)  Update sections of code using strncpy() giving
                errors when compiled with GCC 10.2.0 (no other
                compiler flagged this code with an error).

        2019_03_10 Version 5.30 Update 1
           This  update  for  Version  5.30  of the  ASxxxx Cross
        Assemblers includes fixes for the following errors:
           (1)  The as78k0 assembler had numerous register
                'H' and 'L' errors which have been corrected.
           (2)  The linker reported the wrong version and has
                been corrected.

        RELEASE NOTES                                           Page D-7

        January 2019 Version 5.3
           (1)  Added new assemblers:
                as78k0, as8008, as8008s, as8x300, and asz280
           (2)  General assembler updates
                added -i to insert assember lines before input files
                fixed .macro listing options
                fixes related to <q> errors and the -bb option
                fix the escape processing of the '\' character
                .include file location illustrations
           (3)  General linker updates
                fix library path file strings
                rewrite of .lst to .rst translation
           (4)  Assembler specific fixes
                changed 2-byte code to 1-byte code definition
                Corrected bug in "sel" instruction in .8041 mode.
                Corrected documentation for asf2mc processor types.
                Fixed missing machine type variable definition
                Fixed 'tris' instruction
                Included add/addw/sub/subw sp,#byte modes.
                Added the int opcode.  Cleaned up st8addr.c
                addressing mode comments and code.

        January 2017 Version 5.20
           (1)  Completed the functionality for propagating
                the boundary specifications .odd, .even, and
                .bndry processed during assembly to the linker.
           (2)  Restored the correct functionality of the
                .org directive in areas of REL type.
           (3)  Added Intel Hex legacy start address record
                type 1 as an option.

        RELEASE NOTES                                           Page D-8

        Summary  of changes/additions to the ASxxxx Assemblers from Ver-
        sion 5.11 to Version 4.11.  

        2015_06_27 Version 5.10 Update 1
           This update for Version 5.10 of the ASxxxx Cross
        Assemblers includes fixes for the following errors:
           (1)  The as6500 assembler incorrectly assembled
                cpx # and cpy # instructions.
           (2)  An error in asmain.c inhibited the listing of
                all .if.. assembly directives.

        2014_10_31 Version 5.10
           (1)  Rewrite of listing to relocated listing translation
                code in the assembler and the linker base code.
                The Assemblers now create a .lst to .rst hint file
                with the extension .hlr (when both .lst and .rel
                files are created by the assembler).
           (2)  Add as6100 assembler (Intersil IM6100 / Harris HM6100)
           (3)  Add as78k0s assembler (Renesas/NEC 78K/0S) 

        2013_05_12 Version 5.00 Update 6
           This  update  for  Version  5.00  of the  ASxxxx Cross
        Assemblers rolls up updates 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 with fixes
        for the following:
           (1)  Fix asscmp assembler (pre-increment on fetch).
           (2)  Fix aslink error reporting for PC relative modes.

        2012_08_01 Version 5.00 Update 5

        RELEASE NOTES                                           Page D-9

        Update_05 for the ASxxxx Assembler and Linker Version 5.00
        (use 'pkunzip -d u05500.zip' for extraction with MS-DOS)
        (use 'unzip -L -a u05500.zip' for extraction with Linux)
               See the note about merging
               this update with the
               asxv5pxx distribution.
           This  update  for  Version  5.00  of the  ASxxxx Cross
        Assemblers rolls up updates 1, 2, 3, and 4 with the addition of
        a new assembler and fixes:
           (1)  A new cross assembler for the Fairchild
                F8 microprocessor (or Mostek 3870).
           (2)  Minor syntactical changes for ANSI C compatibility,
                fix type conversion warnings, and update the
                various build, make, and test files.
           Update 4 Items
           (1)  The AS8048 base opcode value for the JMPP
                instruction should be B3 and NOT 83.
           (2)  The AS8051 assembler calculates incorrect
                offsets when using the program counter, ".",
                as a destination in the instructions having
                a PC-Relative addressing mode.  These
                instructions include: jbc, jb, jbn, jc,
                jnc, jz, jnz, cjne, and djnz.
           Update 3 Items
           (1)  A new cross assembler for the Fairchild
                F8 microprocessor (or Mostek 3870).
           (2)  Minor syntactical changes for ANSI C compatibility,
                fix type conversion warnings, and update the
                various build, make, and test files.
           (3)  New cross assemblers for STMicroelectronics
                ST6, ST7, and STM8 microprocessors.
           (4)  An ASlink list file update error fix (-u option)
                causing some errors not to be inserted into the
                created .rst file.

        RELEASE NOTES                                          Page D-10

           (5)  An additional ASxxxx assembler option (-v) which
                enables checking for out of range signed / unsigned
                values in symbol equates and arithmetic operations.
                This option has some ambiguities as internally the
                assemblers use unsigned arithmetic for calculations.
                (e.g. for a 2-byte machine -32768 and 32768 are both
                represented as 0x8000)
           Update 2 Items
           (1)  When using the assembler directive .end to specify
                the code entry address the assembler fails to set
                the variable .__.END. as a global.  Therefor the
                value of .__.END. is not passed to the linker and
                the start address frame is always zero.
           (2)  The linker will fail to create a start address frame
                when there is no code generated within the area/bank
                referenced by the .__.END. variable.
           Update 1 Items
           (1)  The newest versions of gcc (and perhaps other
                compilers) give warnings about missing arguments
                in the fprintf() function.  This update replaces
                fprintf(arg1, arg2) with fprintf(arg1, "%s", arg2)
                in each affected line of code.
           (2)  The newest versions of gcc (and perhaps other
                compilers) have defined 'getline' as a standard
                function in 'stdio.h'.  This conflicts with the
                function 'getline()' in the ASxxxx package.
                All references to 'getline()' have been changed
                to 'nxtline()'.
           Before merging the asxv5pxx directory and subdirectories with
        the V5.00 distribution the following files/directories must be

        RELEASE NOTES                                          Page D-11

        2011_07_24 Version 5.00 Update 4
           This  update  for  Version  5.00  of the  ASxxxx Cross
        Assemblers includes fixes for the following errors:
           (1)  The AS8048 base opcode value for the
                JMPP instruction should be B3 and NOT 83.
           (2)  The AS8051 assembler calculates incorrect
                offsets when using the program counter, ".",
                as a destination in the instructions having
                a PC-Relative addressing mode.  These
                instructions include: jbc, jb, jbn, jc,
                jnc, jz, jnz, cjne, and djnz.

        2010_10_31 Version 5.00 Update 3
           This  update  for  Version  5.00  of the  ASxxxx Cross
        Assemblers rolls up updates 1 and 2 with the addition of
        three new assemblers and fixes:
           (1)  New cross assemblers for STMicroelectronics
                ST6, ST7, and STM8 microprocessors.
           (2)  An ASlink list file update error fix (-u option)
                causing some errors not to be inserted into the
                created .rst file.
           (3)  An additional ASxxxx assembler option (-v) which
                enables checking for out of range signed / unsigned
                values in symbol equates and arithmetic operations.
                This option has some ambiguities as internally the
                assemblers use unsigned arithmetic for calculations.
                (e.g. for a 2-byte machine -32768 and 32768 are both
                represented as 0x8000)
           Update 2 Items
           (1)  When using the assembler directive .end to specify
                the code entry address the assembler fails to set
                the variable .__.END. as a global.  Therefor the
                value of .__.END. is not passed to the linker and
                the start address frame is always zero.

        RELEASE NOTES                                          Page D-12

           (2)  The linker will fail to create a start address frame
                when there is no code generated within the area/bank
                referenced by the .__.END. variable.
           Update 1 Items
           (1)  The newest versions of gcc (and perhaps other
                compilers) give warnings about missing arguments
                in the fprintf() function.  This update replaces
                fprintf(arg1, arg2) with fprintf(arg1, "%s", arg2)
                in each affected line of code.
           (2)  The newest versions of gcc (and perhaps other
                compilers) have defined 'getline' as a standard
                function in 'stdio.h'.  This conflicts with the
                function 'getline()' in the ASxxxx package.
                All references to 'getline()' have been changed
                to 'nxtline()'.

        2010_04_01 Version 5.00 Update 2
           This  update  for  Version  5.00  of the  ASxxxx Cross
        Assemblers includes fixes for the following errors:
           (1)  When using the assembler directive .end to specify
                the code entry address the assembler fails to set
                the variable .__.END. as a global.  Therefor the
                value of .__.END. is not passed to the linker and
                the start address frame is always zero.
           (2)  The linker will fail to create a start address frame
                when there is no code generated within the area/bank
                referenced by the .__.END. variable.

        2010_03_03 Version 5.00 Update 1
           This  update  for  Version  5.00  of the  ASxxxx Cross
        Assemblers includes fixes for the following errors:
           (1)  The newest versions of gcc (and perhaps other
                compilers) give warnings about missing arguments
                in the fprintf() function.  This update replaces
                fprintf(arg1, arg2) with fprintf(arg1, "%s", arg2)

        RELEASE NOTES                                          Page D-13

                in each affected line of code.
           (2)  The newest versions of gcc (and perhaps other
                compilers) have defined 'getline' as a standard
                function in 'stdio.h'.  This conflicts with the
                function 'getline()' in the ASxxxx package.
                All references to 'getline()' have been changed
                to 'nxtline()'.

        2009_04_01 (Version 5.00)

           Added  a general purpose macro processor to the ASxxxx assem-

           Added  true (t), false (f), and true or false (tf) condition-
        als to the  .if / .else / .endif  construct.   The  conditionals
        .ift,  .iff,  and .iftf allow replacement of the .else directive
        making the .if / .endif construct more readable.  

        e.g.    .ift    if condition is true

           An  alternate  .if  construction has been added to the ASxxxx

        e.g.    .if    eq,...   if argument == 0

           The  immediate  conditional statements have been added to the
        ASxxxx  assemblers.   These   conditionals   can   replace   the
        .if / ... / .endif construct for a single assembler source line: 

        e.g.    .iifeq  arg     label:  .word   0x1234

           The alternate immediate conditional statements have also been
        added to the ASxxxx assemblers:  

        e.g.    .iif    eq,arg  label:  .word   0x1234

           The  listing  options  for the ASxxxx assemblers has been up-
        dated to enable/disable any of the following parameters from be-
        ing output to a generated listing file:  


        RELEASE NOTES                                          Page D-14

            err         error codes
            loc         code location
            bin         assembler binary code
            eqt         symbolic equates / if evaluations
            cyc         machine cycles
            lin         assembler source line number
            src         assembler source code
            pag         paging control
            lst         listing of .list / .nlist
            md          macro definition
            me          macro expansion
            meb         macro expansion binary code
            !           sets the listing mode to
                        !(.list) or !(.nlist) before
                        applying the sublist options
        e.g.    .nlist  (lst,pag)       ; disable .list/.nlist listing
                                        ; and pagination

           The  NOT parameter, !, is used to set the listing mode to the
        opposite sense of the .list or .nlist directive.  For example:  

            .nlist (!)  is equivalent to .list and
            .list  (!)  is equivalent to .nlist

        To enable listing and simultaneously disable the cycle count use
        the directive:  

            .nlist  (!,cyc)

        or  if  you  wish  to suppress the listing of the .list / .nlist

            .nlist              ; disables all listing
            .nlist  (!,lst)     ; enables  all listing except
                                : .list (...) and .nlist

           Normally  the  .list  and .nlist directives are not evaluated
        when encountered within a FALSE conditional block.  This default
        behavior  can  be  modified by specifying a non zero argument in
        the .list or .nlist directive:  

            .nlist   1,(!,lst)  ; enables listing even within
                                ; a FALSE conditional block


        RELEASE NOTES                                          Page D-15

           The .bndry assembler directive has been added to ASxxxx.  The
        .bndry directive changes the  current  location  address  to  be
        evenly divisible by a specified integer value.  

        e.g.    .org    0
                .bndry  4
                ; . == 0
                .org    1
                .bndry  4
                ; . == 4

           Added the Cypress PSoc (M8C) ASM8C assembler
           to ASxxxx.
           Added the 8048 (8021, 8022, and 8041) AS8048
           assembler to Asxxxx.
           Added the SC/MP ASSCMP assembler to ASxxxx.

        RELEASE NOTES                                          Page D-16

        2008_02_03 (Version 4.11 Update 4)
           An update to the AS2650 assembler to
           fix the following errors:
           1)  The indexed addressing mode generates invalid
               code by using the first argument register as
               the index register: (addr = 0x1234)
                   loda    r0,[addr,r1]          0C F2 34
                           this should give      0D F2 34
           2)  The index addressing mode did not generate
               an addressing error when the first argument
               register was not r0:
                   stra    r1,[addr,r2]  should give an <a>
                           error, the source must be r0
                   loda    r2,[addr,r3]  should give an <a>
                           error, the destination must be r0
           3)  The S2650 auto increment and decrement indexing 
               modes always perform the register update before
               the register is used. i.e. +Rn or -Rn.  The
               assembler now accepts +Rn or Rn+ as meaning
               pre-increment and -Rn or Rn- as meaning
           The AS2650 assembler tstscn files have been updated
           for testing the assemblers.
        2007_10_21 (Version 4.11 Fix)
           In the AS6816 assembler the instruction ANDP gives
           wrong object code. Changed from 37 2A  to  37 3A.

        RELEASE NOTES                                          Page D-17

        2007_04_01 (Version 4.11 Update 3)
           An update to the ASPIC assembler and
           associated fix to ASLINK:
           1)  Change the pic addressing to lo/hi from hi/lo
               byte ordering.
           2)  The update fixes an error in the pic17 series
               LCALL instruction.
           3)  A rewrite of the pic18 series assembler to change
               the PC addressing from 1 per 16-bit word to 1 per
               8-bit byte and add the extended instruction set.
           4)  Modify the Linker Merge Mode processing to take into
               account the discarded low order bits for PC Relative
           5)  New  tstscn files for testing the assemblers.
        2006_11_01 (Version 4.11 Optional Update 2)
           1)  OS9  definition files and an  OS9 assembler module
               which creates the OS9 header, code and data areas,
               and the module CRC block:
                    os9_mod.def       OS9 Module Definitions
                    os9_sys.def       OS9 Sytem  Definitions
                    os9_mod.asm       OS9 Module Begin / End Code
           2)  a program, s19os9, to post-process  assembled  OS9
               modules in  S19  format into  binary  OS9  modules
               with the appropriate  header  checksum  and module
               CRC values calculated.
           3)  new  make  and  project files which may be used to
               compile the s19os9 program.

        RELEASE NOTES                                          Page D-18

        2006_11_01 (Version 4.11 Optional Update 01)
           The .list  and  .nlist  directives  are  now  modified
           by .if / .else / .endif  processing  so  that they are
           active only in a TRUE clause.
           The  .page  and  .include  directives are now modified
           by the .list and .nlist  directives so that pagination
           occurs only when listing is active.
           The new  default functionality for the  .list,  .nlist
           and .page directives may  be  modified by including an
           optional argument  in the  directive as shown here for
           the .list directive:
              .list    arg
           a non-zero argument invokes the directive irrespective
           of the .if / .else / .endif status.
        2006_07_26 (Version 4.11 Patch 01)
           The  assembly  of  a  direct  page  instruction with a
           numeric  constant  causes a program  crash when a .rel
           file is created. e.g.:
                andb    *0x02
           The  use  of  a  symbolic  constant  or  symbol plus a
           a constant compiles normally.
                val = 0x02
                andb    *val
                andb    *extern+0x01
           The assemblers effected are:

        RELEASE NOTES                                          Page D-19

           Summary  of  changes/additions  to the ASxxxx Assemblers from
        Version 4.10 to Version 4.11.  

             1.  Incorporated  the patches contained in p01410.zip which
                 corrected a coding error that affected BANKS containing
                 multiple ABS areas or mixed AREA types.  

             2.  Incorporated  the patches contained in p02410.zip which
                 corrected improper use of  R_USGN  in  most  addressing
                 modes  in AS6500.  This caused unexpected <a> errors in
                 V4.xx because of the ASxxxx core change to  32-bit  in-
                 tegers and arithmetic.  

             3.  Incorporated  the patches contained in p03410.zip which
                 corrected errors in the  .local  and  .globl  assembler
                 directive  processing  routine that introduced unwanted
                 side effects for variable and symbol definition  files.
                 These  effects included improper definitions and incor-
                 rect error warnings.  

             4.  The  following  new subdirectories and their files have
                 been added to the asxtst directory:  

                  *  areabank     Area and Bank Processing Test 
                     This  directory  contains  several  test  programs:
                     ts.asm (single file - multiple areas), tm1.asm  and
                     tm2.asm  (multiple  file  -  multiple  areas),  and
                     tbm.asm, tbm1.asm, and tbm2.asm ( multiple  file  -
                     multiple  areas  within  a  bank) and several other
                     files which verify the  correct  operation  of  the
                     linker  when used with a single linked file, multi-
                     ple linked files having no  banking,  and  multiple
                     linked  files  with banking.  These reference files
                     show in detail how the .area and  .bank  directives
                     work together.  

                  *  equtst       Equate Processing Test 
                     This  directory  contains a test file for verifying
                     the operation of the .globl, .local, .equ, .gblequ,
                     and  .lclequ  directives  and  the  =,  ==,  and =:

                  *  inctst       Nested Include File Test 

                  *  itst         Include File Error Reporting Test 


        RELEASE NOTES                                          Page D-20

             5.  Incorporated  the updates contained in u01410.zip which
                 added 10 undocumented 8085 instructions to  the  AS8085

           Summary  of  changes/additions  to the ASxxxx Assemblers from
        Version 4.00 to Version 4.10.  

             1.  Added new assemblers for the Zilog EZ80, Zilog Z8, Sig-
                 netics 2650, and Fujitsu F2MC8(L,FX) processors.  

             2.  Added the processor cycle count option (-c) to all pro-

             3.  Several   of  the  assemblers  (ASZ80,  ASRAB,  AS6805,
                 AS6808, AS6812, ASF2MC8, ...) now  support  subsets  or
                 supersets  of  their basic opcodes by the use of assem-
                 bler specific directives.  

             4.  Added .ifeq, .ifne, .iflt, .ifgt, .ifle, and .ifge con-
                 ditional assembly directives.  

             5.  Added  support  for the Tandy Color Computer Disc Basic
                 binary file format to ASLINK.  

             6.  Problem:  
                 When  an area size is equal to the 'address space size'
                 the size parameter is reported as 0.  (A normal  condi-
                 tion  caused  by  address rollover to 0.) Aslink inter-
                 preted this as a 0 size.  

                 A  new area 'Output Code Flag' bit was defined to indi-
                 cate when data is  defined  in  an  area.   ASxxxx  and
                 Aslink  have  been updated to set and process this area
                 flag bit.  

             7.  Problem:  
                 The  use  of  the .end assembler directive in an Asxxxx
                 assembler would cause Aslink  to  output  the  optional
                 start address in all output files.  

                 Updated  Aslink  to  output  the optional start address
                 only in the output file associated with  the  area/bank

        RELEASE NOTES                                          Page D-21

                 containing the .end directive.  

             8.  Problem:  
                 Aslink  creates  output  files for banks with no output

                 Aslink  now  deletes  any created output file for banks
                 with no data.  

             9.  Incorporated  the  patches  contained in p01400.zip for
                 files t1802.asm and 1802pst.c to correct for  an  error
                 in  the  opcodes  generated  for  the  BM,  BL, and BNF

            10.  Incorporated  the  patches  contained in p02400.zip for
                 file ds8adr.c to correct for an  error  in  the  direct
                 page addressing mode of AS8xCxxx.  

            11.  Incorporated  the  patches  contained in p03400.zip for
                 file rabmch.c to correct for an error in the processing
                 of the "ret cc" instruction.  

            12.  Made many corrections to internal code comments.  


                                   APPENDIX E


        Contributing Authors:
        Marko Makela                            First Author:   AS6500
        Marko dot Makela at Helsinki dot Fi
        John L. Hartman                         First Author:   AS8051
        noice at noicedebugger dot com          ASxxxx Internals
        G. Osborn               Contributed To:    LKS19.C and LKIXX.C
        gary at s-4 dot com
        Ken Hornstein           Contributed To:       Object Libraries
        kenh at cmf dot nrl dot navy dot mil
        Bill McKinnon                           CoAuthor:       AS8XCXXX
        w_mckinnon at conknet dot com
        Roger Ivie                              First Author:   ASGB
        ivie at cc dot usu dot edu
        Sebastion Reidel                Updating and Adding alternate
        sdcc at basxto dot de           instruction formats found in
                                        in the SDCC Gameboy assembler.
        Uwe Stellar                             First Author:   AS740
        Uwe dot Steller at t-online dot de
        Shugen Chen                             First Author:   AS1802
        schen at devry dot edu
        Edgar Puehringer                        First Author:   AS61860
        edgar_pue at yahoo dot com
        Ulrich Raich / Razaq Ijoduola           First Authors:  ASRAB
        Ulrich dot Raich at cern dot ch

        CONTRIBUTORS                                            Page E-2

        Patrick Head                            First Author:   ASEZ80
        patrick at phead dot net
        Boisy G. Pitre           Tandy Color Computer Disk Basic Binary
        boisy at boisypitre dot com                     .ifxx directives
        Mike McCarty                    Processor Cycle Count Option
        mike dot mccarty at sbcglobal dot net
        Mengjin Su                      PIC18Fxxx Extended Instructions
        msu at micron dot com
        Carl Rash                       Visual Studio 2010 Project Files
        crash at triad dot rr dot com
        John Coffman                            First Author:   ASZ280
        johninsd at gmail dot com
        Mike Naberezny             Suggestions and Debugging:   AS78K0
        mike at naberezny dot com
        Mike Bezera                     Extensive Debugging:    AS6816
        mikebezera at gmail dot com
        Nick Downing                            First Author:   ASPDP11
        nick @ ndcode dot org
        Nick Downing                            First Author:   AS68K
        nick @ ndcode dot org
          And thanks to all those who took the time to
        send bug reports, suggest changes, or simply
        sent a note of encouragement.  These were and
        are greatly appreciated.  Thank you.

                                   APPENDIX F

                                 NOTES AND TIPS

           In  no  particular order are some notes and tips on using the
        ASxxxx assemblers that users have asked about.  


           Sometimes  it  is  convenient  to  give  alternate names to a
        processor's registers to improve readability or make  your  code
        more descriptive.  

           For  almost  all the assemblers the registers are defined in-
        ternally and do not have a value.   This  means  that  using  an
        equate statement will fail:  

                iptr .equ R3  /  iptr = R3

        and will give a <u>, undefined, error.  

           Use the .define directive to specify the alternate name for a

                .define   keyword   ^/string/
                .define   iptr   ^/R3/

           The  assembler, when it finds the key word 'iptr', will first
        replace the string 'iptr' with 'R3' and then process  the  line.
        (Note that the keyword must start with a letter.) 


        NOTES AND TIPS                                          PAGE F-2

        F.2  AREAS AND BANKS 

           The  .area  and .bank directives are just a means of organiz-
        ing, ordering, combining, and placing code where you want it.  

           An  example  might  be the construction of an area which con-
        tains addresses of messages and an area containing the messages.
        In this case define an area which will only contain the base ad-
        dress of the address table, the second will contain the list  of
        addresses, and the third which will contain the messages.  

                .area   msgbas          ; Message address base
                .area   msgadr          ; Message addresses
                .area   msgs            ; Messages

           Then insert message addresses in area msgaddr and messages in
        area msgs:  

                .area   msgbas          ; Base of msgadr table
                .area   msgadr
                .word   msg01           ; Address of message 1
                .word   msg02           ; Address of message 2
                .area   msgs
        msg01:  .asciz  "Message Number 1"
        msg02:  .asciz  "Message Number 2"
                .area   MyCode          ; Reselect Code Area

           (Note:   be  sure  to  reselect the code area you want before
        continuing with your coding.) 

           At any further point in your source code you can insert addi-
        tional messages in the table by simply repeating the process:  


        NOTES AND TIPS                                          PAGE F-3

                .area   msgadr
                .word   msg03           ; Address of message 3
                .area   msgs
        msg03:  .asciz  "Message Number 3"
                .area   MyCode          ; Reselect Code Area

        with the message addresses and messages appended to the previous
        entries.  (Note that the label msgadr, which is the beginning of
        the address table, is required to be presented to the linker be-
        fore area msgadr.) 

           This  procedure can be replicated as needed and also in other
        assembly files.  The ordering will be defined by  the  order  in
        which  the  individually assembled modules are linked.  This may
        be especially useful when  linking  optional  modules  and  want
        their messages included in the same dispatch table.  

           It  will be easier to manage your areas by creating an assem-
        bly file which contains the ordering of your code and  including
        it  in  all your assembly files or assemble this definition file
        and make it the first file when linking your project.  

           In  this  example the definition file should contain the fol-
        lowing three areas:  

                .area   msgbas          ; Message Base
                .area   msgadr          ; Message Addresses
                .area   msgs            ; Messages

           The  bank  directive  allows  the programmer to position code
        anywhere in the address space of the processor.  Suppose  it  is
        desired  to  place  the message tables at location 0x6000 in the
        processor address space.  The bank directives might be:  

                .bank   MsgTbl  (Base=0x6000)

        and  the  area  definitions  should be changed to place the code
        into the specific bank:  

        NOTES AND TIPS                                          PAGE F-4

                .area   msgbas  (Bank=MsgTbl)   ; Message Base
                .area   msgadr  (Bank=MsgTbl)   ; Message Addresses
                .area   msgs    (Bank=MsgTbl)   ; Messages

           One  should  note that by using a definition file, which con-
        tains all the area/bank options, all other assembly  files  need
        only .area directives with the area name.  


           The  default  actions  when the .include directive is invoked

                1)  Interrupt current assembly processing
                2)  Start a New Page
                3)  Assemble include file statements
                4)  Start a New Page
                5)  Continue assembling where interrupted

           To  inhibit  the  'Start  a  New Page' steps when including a
        file, insert the appropriate listing directives as shown in this

                .nlist                          ; Inhibits Pagination
                .include    "area.def"          ; Include the File
                .list                           ; Restart Listing

           Because the .nlist directive also applies to the include file
        you must place an appropriate .list  directive  in  the  include
        file.   At completion of the include file processing listing au-
        tomatically reverts to the .nlist mode and pagination  is  again
        suppressed.  The .list directive then restores normal listing as
        assembly processing continues.  

        NOTES AND TIPS                                          PAGE F-5


             If  the assembled include file generates output object
             code and a .rst file is going to  be  created  by  the
             linker,  then  the assembler listing file must include
             the .list options (loc,bin) for regular code or  (meb)
             for  macro  generated  code.   Failure  to include all
             generated code in the  listing  file  will  result  in
             translation errors in the .rst file.  

           When inserting an included file using the above technique and
        there is no listing directive within the file, then the  result-
        ing  assembler listing file will show no indication the file was
        actually included.  .list and .nlist are never shown in the out-
        put  listing file.  To indicate the file was included, using the
        example Area/Bank definition file, one might list a single  line
        description of the inclusion by inserting these lines in the in-
        cluded file.  

                .list   (!,src)
        ;       area.def        Areas/Banks             Defined

           Then the result of 

                .nlist                          ; Inhibits Pagination
                .include    "area.def"          ; Include the File
                .list                           ; Restart Listing

        will be a single line in the assembly listing:  

        ;       area.def        Areas/Banks             Defined


           When  building  a project there is always the decision to as-
        semble multiple files together on the command line, use the .in-
        clude directive to insert assembly files into the project, or to
        assemble files  separately  and  then  combine  them  using  the

           When coding reusable modules it may be more convenient to as-
        semble these modules separately.  However this also  requires  a
        method  to  define  the  global  entry  points  and data for the

        NOTES AND TIPS                                          PAGE F-6

        calling program.  The following  technique  allows  any  of  the
        three methods described to be used.  

           The  module  is designed in such a way that it can be used as
        an independent module, included module, and a globals definition
        file.   The  first step is to open a file, perhaps 'fnctns.asm',
        inhibit listing, and create a macro which holds all  the  global

                .macro  fnctns.globals
                  .globl   func1        ; function 1
                  .globl   func2        ; function 2
                  .globl   inpval       ; input variable
                  .globl   outval       ; ouput variable

           Next  add  code  that invokes just the globals or the globals
        and the module's code.  Do this  by  using  a  conditional  that
        checks  if a specific label has been defined.  As an example use
        the string "_fnctns" as the label that must be defined.  

                .ifdef  "_fnctns"
                  ...                   ; module code

           This  file can be assembled as a separate module or as an in-
        cluded file in the project.  If the project is built by  linking
        this  module with other modules then any module which references
        the functions or variables in the module "fnctns.asm" will  need
        these to be defined.  Add this code to any module using the mod-
        ule "fnctns".  


        NOTES AND TIPS                                          PAGE F-7

                .define   "_fnctns"             ; key word
                .nlist                          ; Inhibits Pagination
                .include  "fnctns.asm"          ; Include the File
                .list                           ; Restart Listing

        This  results  in  only the globals being defined for the module

                                   APPENDIX AA

                                ASCHECK ASSEMBLER

           The  ASxxxx assembler ASCHECK is used to test the machine in-
        dependent features of the ASxxxx assemblers.  The  source  files
        for  the ASCHECK assembler are also useful as a template for the
        development of a new ASxxxx assembler.  

           The  ASCHECK  assembler has all the ASxxxx directives enabled
        for testing all features of the assemblers.  

        ASCHECK ASSEMBLER                                      Page AA-2

        AA.1  .opcode DIRECTIVE 


                .opcode    n 

        The  .opcode  directive creates a single byte of code having the
        value n and having cycle counts defined in the following table: 

        /*--*--* 0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  A  B  C  D  E  F */
        /*--*--* -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - */
        /*00*/   0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10,11,12,13,14,15,
        /*10*/  UN, 1,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,
        /*20*/  UN,UN, 2,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,
        /*30*/  UN,UN,UN, 3,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,
        /*40*/  UN,UN,UN,UN, 4,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,
        /*50*/  UN,UN,UN,UN,UN, 5,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,
        /*60*/  UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN, 6,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,
        /*70*/  UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN, 7,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,
        /*80*/  UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN, 8,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,
        /*90*/  UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN, 9,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,
        /*A0*/  UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,10,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,
        /*B0*/  UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,11,UN,UN,UN,UN,
        /*C0*/  UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,12,UN,UN,UN,
        /*D0*/  UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,13,UN,UN,
        /*E0*/  UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,14,UN,
        /*F0*/  UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,UN,15

        The  UN symbols indicate 'undefined cycles' where no cycle count
        will be output.  

                                   APPENDIX AB

                                AS1802 ASSEMBLER


           Thanks  to  Shujen  Chen  for  his contribution of the AS1802
        cross assembler.  

                Shujen Chen
                DeVry University
                Tinley Park, IL
                schen at tp dot devry dot edu

        AB.2  1802 REGISTER SET 

        The following is a list of the 1802 registers used by AS1802:  

                r0-r15  -       8-bit registers
                sp      -       register r2
                pc      -       register r3
                call    -       register r4
                return  -       register r5
                argr    -       register r6


        AS1802 ASSEMBLER                                       PAGE AB-2
        1802 INSTRUCTION SET

        AB.3  1802 INSTRUCTION SET 

           The  following  tables  list all 1802 mnemonics recognized by
        the AS1802 assembler.  The designation [] refers to  a  required
        addressing  mode  argument.   The  following  list specifies the
        format for each addressing mode supported by AS1802:  

                #data           immediate data
                                byte or word data
                expr            expression
                Rn              register addressing
                label           branch label

        The terms data, expr, and label may be expressions.  

           Note  that  not all addressing modes are valid with every in-
        struction, refer to the 1802 technical data for valid modes.  

        AB.3.1  1802 Inherent Instructions 

                adc             add             and
                dis             idl             irx
                ldx             ldxa            lsdf
                lsie            lskp            lsnf
                lsnq            lsnz            lsq
                lsz             mark            nop
                or              req             ret
                rshl            rshr            sav
                sd              sdb             seq
                shl             shlc            shr
                shrc            skp             sm
                smb             stxd            xor

        AS1802 ASSEMBLER                                       PAGE AB-3
        1802 INSTRUCTION SET

        AB.3.2  1802 Short Branch Instructions 

                b1      label           b2      label
                b3      label           b4      label
                bdf     label           bge     label
                bl      label           bm      label
                bn1     label           bn2     label
                bn3     label           bn4     label
                bnf     label           bnq     label
                bnz     label           bpz     label
                bq      label           br      label
                bz      label           nbr     label

        AB.3.3  1802 Long Branch Instructions 

                lbdf    label           lbnf    label
                lbnq    label           lbnz    label
                lbq     label           lbr     label
                lbz     label           nlbr    label

        AB.3.4  1802 Immediate Instructions 

                adci    #data           adi     #data
                ani     #data           ldi     #data
                ori     #data           sdbi    #data
                sdi     #data           smbi    #data
                smi     #data           xri     #data

        AB.3.5  1802 Register Instructions 

                dec     Rn              ghi     Rn
                glo     Rn              inc     Rn
                lda     Rn              ldn     Rn
                phi     Rn              plo     Rn
                sep     Rn              sex     Rn
                str     Rn


        AS1802 ASSEMBLER                                       PAGE AB-4
        1802 INSTRUCTION SET

        AB.3.6  1802 Input and Output Instructions 

                inp     expr
                out     expr

        AS1802 ASSEMBLER                                       PAGE AB-5
        1802 INSTRUCTION SET

        AB.3.7  CDP1802 COSMAC Microprocessor Instruction Set Summary 

        |                                                              |
        |                                                              |
        |                             RCA                              |
        |                                                              |
        |               1     88888      000      22222                |
        |              11    8     8    0   0    2     2               |
        |               1    8     8   0   0 0        2                |
        |               1     88888    0  0  0     222                 |
        |               1    8     8   0 0   0    2                    |
        |               1    8     8    0   0    2                     |
        |              111    88888      000     2222222               |
        |                                                              |
        |    CDP1802 COSMAC Microprocessor Instruction Set Summary     |
        |                                                              |
        |                                                              |
        |                                                              |
        |                                                              |
        |Written by     Jonathan Bowen                                 |
        |               Programming Research Group                     |
        |               Oxford University Computing Laboratory         |
        |               8-11 Keble Road                                |
        |               Oxford OX1 3QD                                 |
        |               England                                        |
        |                                                              |
        |               Tel +44-865-273840                             |
        |                                                              |
        |Created        August 1981                                    |
        |Updated        April 1985                                     |
        |Issue          1.3                Copyright (C) J.P.Bowen 1985|

        AS1802 ASSEMBLER                                       PAGE AB-6
        1802 INSTRUCTION SET

        |                                                              |
        |             CDP1802 COSMAC Microprocessor Pinout             |
        |                                                              |
        |                    _________    _________                    |
        |                  _|         \__/         |_                  |
        |       --> CLOCK |_|1                   40|_| Vdd             |
        |            ____  _|                      |_  ____            |
        |        --> WAIT |_|2                   39|_| XTAL -->        |
        |           _____  _|                      |_  ______          |
        |       --> CLEAR |_|3                   38|_| DMA IN <--      |
        |                  _|                      |_  _______         |
        |           <-- Q |_|4                   37|_| DMA OUT <--     |
        |                  _|                      |_  _________       |
        |         <-- SC1 |_|5                   36|_| INTERRUPT <--   |
        |                  _|                      |_  ___             |
        |         <-- SC0 |_|6                   35|_| MWR <--         |
        |             ___  _|                      |_                  |
        |         <-- MRD |_|7                   34|_| TPA -->         |
        |                  _|                      |_                  |
        |      <--> BUS 7 |_|8                   33|_| TPB -->         |
        |                  _|                      |_                  |
        |      <--> BUS 6 |_|9                   32|_| MA7 -->         |
        |                  _|                      |_                  |
        |      <--> BUS 5 |_|10       1802       31|_| MA6 -->         |
        |                  _|                      |_                  |
        |      <--> BUS 4 |_|11                  30|_| MA5 -->         |
        |                  _|                      |_                  |
        |      <--> BUS 3 |_|12                  29|_| MA4 -->         |
        |                  _|                      |_                  |
        |      <--> BUS 2 |_|13                  28|_| MA3 -->         |
        |                  _|                      |_                  |
        |      <--> BUS 1 |_|14                  27|_| MA2 -->         |
        |                  _|                      |_                  |
        |      <--> BUS 0 |_|15                  26|_| MA1 -->         |
        |                  _|                      |_                  |
        |             Vcc |_|16                  25|_| MA0 -->         |
        |                  _|                      |_  ___             |
        |          <-- N2 |_|17                  24|_| EF1 <--         |
        |                  _|                      |_  ___             |
        |          <-- N1 |_|18                  23|_| EF2 <--         |
        |                  _|                      |_  ___             |
        |          <-- N0 |_|19                  22|_| EF3 <--         |
        |                  _|                      |_  ___             |
        |             Vss |_|20                  21|_| EF4 <--         |
        |                   |______________________|                   |
        |                                                              |
        |                                                              |

        AS1802 ASSEMBLER                                       PAGE AB-7
        1802 INSTRUCTION SET

        |Mnem. |Op|F|Description                 |Notes                |
        |ADC   |74|*|Add with Carry              |{DF,D}=mx+D+DF       |
        |ADCI i|7C|*|Add with Carry Immediate    |{DF,D}=mp+D+DF,p=p+1 |
        |ADD   |F4|*|Add                         |{DF,D}=mx+D          |
        |ADI  i|FC|*|Add Immediate               |{DF,D}=mp+D,p=p+1    |
        |AND   |F2|*|Logical AND                 |D={mx}&D             |
        |ANI  i|FA|*|Logical AND Immediate       |D={mp}&D,p=p+1       |
        |B1   a|34|-|Branch if EF1               |If EF1=1 BR else NBR |
        |B2   a|35|-|Branch if EF2               |If EF2=1 BR else NBR |
        |B3   a|36|-|Branch if EF3               |If EF3=1 BR else NBR |
        |B4   a|37|-|Branch if EF4               |If EF4=1 BR else NBR |
        |BDF  a|33|-|Branch if DF                |If DF=1 BR else NBR  |
        |BGE  a|33|-|Branch if Greater or Equal  |See BDF              |
        |BL   a|38|-|Branch if Less              |See BNF BR else NBR  |
        |BM   a|38|-|Branch if Minus             |See BNF              |
        |BN1  a|3C|-|Branch if Not EF1           |If EF1=0 BR else NBR |
        |BN2  a|3D|-|Branch if Not EF2           |If EF2=0 BR else NBR |
        |BN3  a|3E|-|Branch if Not EF3           |If EF3=0 BR else NBR |
        |BN4  a|3F|-|Branch if Not EF4           |If EF4=0 BR else NBR |
        |BNF  a|38|-|Branch if Not DF            |If DF=0 BR else NBR  |
        |BNQ  a|39|-|Branch if Not Q             |If Q=0 BR else NBR   |
        |BNZ  a|3A|-|Branch if D Not Zero        |If D=1 BR else NBR   |
        |BPZ  a|33|-|Branch if Positive or Zero  |See BDF              |
        |BQ   a|31|-|Branch if Q                 |If Q=1 BR else NBR   |
        |BR   a|30|-|Branch                      |pl=mp                |
        |BZ   a|32|-|Branch if D Zero            |If D=0 BR else NBR   |
        |DEC  r|2N|-|Decrement register N        |n=n-1                |
        |DIS   |71|-|Disable                     |{X,P}=mx,x=x+1,IE=0  |
        |GHI  r|9N|-|Get High register N         |D=nh                 |
        |GLO  r|8N|-|Get Low register N          |D=nl                 |
        |IDL   |00|-|Idle (wait for DMA or int.) |Bus=m0               |
        |INC  r|1N|-|Increment register N        |n=n+1                |
        |INP  d|6N|-|Input (N=d+8=9-F)           |mx=Bus,D=Bus,Nlines=d|
        |IRX   |60|-|Increment register X        |x=x+1                |
        |LBDF a|C3|-|Long Branch if DF           |If DF=1 LBR else LNBR|
        |LBNF a|C8|-|Long Branch if Not DF       |If DF=0 LBR else LNBR|
        |LBNQ a|C9|-|Long Branch if Not Q        |If Q=0 LBR else LNBR |
        |LBNZ a|CA|-|Long Branch if D Not Zero   |If D=1 LBR else LNBR |

        AS1802 ASSEMBLER                                       PAGE AB-8
        1802 INSTRUCTION SET

        |Mnem. |Op|F|Description                 |Notes                |
        |LBQ  a|C1|-|Long Branch if Q            |If Q=1 LBR else LNBR |
        |LBR  a|C0|-|Long Branch                 |p=mp                 |
        |LBZ  a|C2|-|Long Branch if D Zero       |If D=0 LBR else LNBR |
        |LDA  r|4N|-|Load advance                |D=mn,n=n+1           |
        |LDI  i|F8|-|Load Immediate              |D=mp,p=p+1           |
        |LDN  r|0N|-|Load via N (except N=0)     |D=mn                 |
        |LDX   |F0|-|Load via X                  |D=mx                 |
        |LDXA  |72|-|Load via X and Advance      |D=mx,x=x+1           |
        |LSDF  |CF|-|Long Skip if DF             |If DF=1 LSKP else NOP|
        |LSIE  |CC|-|Long Skip if IE             |If IE=1 LSKP else NOP|
        |LSKP  |C8|-|Long Skip                   |See NLBR             |
        |LSNF  |C7|-|Long Skip if Not DF         |If DF=0 LSKP else NOP|
        |LSNQ  |C5|-|Long Skip if Not Q          |If Q=0 LSKP else NOP |
        |LSNZ  |C6|-|Long Skip if D Not Zero     |If D=1 LSKP else NOP |
        |LSQ   |CD|-|Long Skip if Q              |If Q=1 LSKP else NOP |
        |LSZ   |CE|-|Long Skip if D Zero         |If D=0 LSKP else NOP |
        |MARK  |79|-|Push X,P to stack  (T={X,P})|m2={X,P},X=P,r2=r2-1 |
        |NBR   |38|-|No short Branch (see SKP)   |p=p+1                |
        |NLBR a|C8|-|No Long Branch (see LSKP)   |p=p+2                |
        |NOP   |C4|-|No Operation                |Continue             |
        |OR    |F1|*|Logical OR                  |D={mx}vD             |
        |ORI  i|F9|*|Logical OR Immediate        |D={mp}vD,p=p+1       |
        |OUT  d|6N|-|Output (N=d=1-7)            |Bus=mx,x=x+1,Nlines=d|
        |PLO  r|AN|-|Put Low register N          |nl=D                 |
        |PHI  r|BN|-|Put High register N         |nh=D                 |
        |REQ   |7A|-|Reset Q                     |Q=0                  |
        |RET   |70|-|Return                      |{X,P}=mx,x=x+1,IE=1  |
        |RSHL  |7E|*|Ring Shift Left             |See SHLC             |
        |RSHR  |76|*|Ring Shift Right            |See SHRC             |

        AS1802 ASSEMBLER                                       PAGE AB-9
        1802 INSTRUCTION SET

        |Mnem. |Op|F|Description                 |Notes                |
        |SAV   |78|-|Save                        |mx=T                 |
        |SDB   |75|*|Subtract D with Borrow      |{DF,D}=mx-D-DF       |
        |SDBI i|7D|*|Subtract D with Borrow Imm. |{DF,D}=mp-D-DF,p=p+1 |
        |SD    |F5|*|Subtract D                  |{DF,D}=mx-D          |
        |SDI  i|FD|*|Subtract D Immediate        |{DF,D}=mp-D,p=p+1    |
        |SEP  r|DN|-|Set P                       |P=N                  |
        |SEQ   |7B|-|Set Q                       |Q=1                  |
        |SEX  r|EN|-|Set X                       |X=N                  |
        |SHL   |FE|*|Shift Left                  |{DF,D}={DF,D,0}<-    |
        |SHLC  |7E|*|Shift Left with Carry       |{DF,D}={DF,D}<-      |
        |SHR   |F6|*|Shift Right                 |{D,DF}=->{0,D,DF}    |
        |SHRC  |76|*|Shift Right with Carry      |{D,DF}=->{D,DF}      |
        |SKP   |38|-|Short Skip                  |See NBR              |
        |SMB   |77|*|Subtract Memory with Borrow |{DF,D}=D-mx-{~DF}    |
        |SMBI i|7F|*|Subtract Mem with Borrow Imm|{DF,D}=D-mp-~DF,p=p+1|
        |SM    |F7|*|Subtract Memory             |{DF,D}=D-mx          |
        |SMI  i|FF|*|Subtract Memory Immediate   |{DF,D}=D-mp,p=p+1    |
        |STR  r|5N|-|Store via N                 |mn=D                 |
        |STXD  |73|-|Store via X and Decrement   |mx=D,x=x-1           |
        |XOR   |F3|*|Logical Exclusive OR        |D={mx}.D             |
        |XRI  i|FB|*|Logical Exclusive OR Imm.   |D={mp}.D,p=p+1       |
        |      |  |-|Interrupt action            |T={X,P},P=1,X=2,IE=0 |
        |      |??| |8-bit hexadecimal opcode                          |
        |      |?N| |Opcode with register/device in low 4/3 bits       |
        |      |  |-|DF flag unaffected                                |
        |      |  |*|DF flag affected                                  |

        AS1802 ASSEMBLER                                      PAGE AB-10
        1802 INSTRUCTION SET

        |Arguments  |                     Notes                        |
        | mn        |Register addressing                               |
        | mx        |Register-indirect addressing                      |
        | mp        |Immediate addressing                              |
        | R( )      |Stack addressing (implied addressing)             |
        | D         |Data register (accumulator, 8-bit)                |
        | DF        |Data Flag (ALU carry, 1-bit)                      |
        | I         |High-order instruction digit (4-bit)              |
        | IE        |Interrupt Enable (1-bit)                          |
        | N         |Low-order instruction digit (4-bit)               |
        | P         |Designates Program Counter register (4-bit)       |
        | Q         |Output flip-flop (1-bit)                          |
        | R         |1 of 16 scratchpad Registers(16-bit)              |
        | T         |Holds old {X,P} after interrupt (X high, 8-bit)   |
        | X         |Designates Data Pointer register (4-bit)          |
        | mn        |Memory byte addressed by R(N)                     |
        | mp        |Memory byte addressed by R(P)                     |
        | mx        |Memory byte addressed by R(X)                     |
        | m?        |Memory byte addressed by R(?)                     |
        | n         |Short form for R(N)                               |
        | nh        |High-order byte of R(N)                           |
        | nl        |Low-order byte of R(N)                            |
        | p         |Short form for R(P)                               |
        | pl        |Low-order byte of R(P)                            |
        | r?        |Short form for R(?)                               |
        | x         |Short form for R(X)                               |
        | R(N)      |Register specified by N                           |
        | R(P)      |Current program counter                           |
        | R(X)      |Current data pointer                              |
        | R(?)      |Specific register                                 |

        AS1802 ASSEMBLER                                      PAGE AB-11
        1802 INSTRUCTION SET

        |Arguments  |                     Notes                        |
        | a         |Address expression                                |
        | d         |Device number (1-7)                               |
        | i         |Immediate expression                              |
        | n         |Expression                                        |
        | r         |Register (hex digit or an R followed by hex digit)|
        | +         |Arithmetic addition                               |
        | -         |Arithmetic subtraction                            |
        | *         |Arithmetic multiplication                         |
        | /         |Arithmetic division                               |
        | &         |Logical AND                                       |
        | ~         |Logical NOT                                       |
        | v         |Logical inclusive OR                              |
        | .         |Logical exclusive OR                              |
        | <-        |Rotate left                                       |
        | ->        |Rotate right                                      |
        | { }       |Combination of operands                           |
        | ?         |Hexadecimal digit (0-F)                           |
        | -->       |Input pin                                         |
        | <--       |Output pin                                        |
        | <-->      |Input/output pin                                  |

                                   APPENDIX AC

                                AS2650 ASSEMBLER

        AC.1  2650 REGISTER SET 

        The following is a list of the 2650 registers used by AS2650:  

                r0,r1   -       8-bit accumulators

        AC.2  2650 INSTRUCTION SET 

           The  following  tables  list all 2650 mnemonics recognized by
        the AS2650 assembler.  The designation [] refers to  a  required
        addressing  mode  argument.   The designation CC refers to a re-
        quired condition code argument:   .eq.,  .gt.,  .lt.,  .un.,  or
        value  of 0-3.  The following list specifies the format for each
        addressing mode supported by AS2650:  

                #data           immediate byte data
                r0,r1,r2,r3     registers
                addr            location/branch address
                [addr]     or   indirect addressing
                [addr,r0]  or   register indexed
                @addr,r0        indirect addressing
                [addr,-r0] or   autodecrement register indexed
                @addr,-r0       indirect addressing

        AS2650 ASSEMBLER                                       PAGE AC-2
        2650 INSTRUCTION SET

                [addr,r0+] or   autoincrement register indexed
                @addr,r0+       indirect addressing
                .eq.            CC: equal               (== 0)
                .gt.            CC: greater than        (== 1)
                .lt.            CC: less than           (== 2)
                .un.            CC: unconditional       (== 3)

        The terms data, label, and addr may all be expressions.  

           Note  that  not all addressing modes are valid with every in-
        struction, refer to the 2650 technical data for valid modes.  

        AC.2.1  Load / Store Instructions 

                lodz    r               lodi    #data
                lodr    []              loda    []
                stoz    r
                stor    []              stoa    []

        AC.2.2  Arithmetic / Compare Instructions 

                addz    r               addi    #data
                addr    []              adda    []
                subz    r               subi    #data
                subr    []              suba    []
                comz    r               comi    #data
                comr    []              coma    []
                dar     r

        AC.2.3  Logical / Rotate Instructions 

                andz    r               andi    #data
                andr    []              anda    []
                iorz    r               iori    #data
                iorr    []              iora    []
                eorz    r               eori    #data
                eorr    []              eora    []
                rrr     r

        AS2650 ASSEMBLER                                       PAGE AC-3
        2650 INSTRUCTION SET

                rrl     r

        AC.2.4  Condition Code Branches 

                bctr    CC,[]           bcta    CC,[]
                bcfr    CC,[]           bcfa    CC,[]
                bstr    CC,[]           bsta    CC,[]
                bsfr    CC,[]           bsta    CC,[]

        AC.2.5  Register Test Branches 

                brnr    r,[]            brna    r,[]
                birr    r,[]            bira    r,[]
                bdrr    r,[]            bdra    r,[]
                bsnr    r,[]            bsna    r,[]

        AC.2.6  Branches (to Subroutines) / Returns 

                bxa     []              bsxa    []
                zbrr    []              zbsr    []
                retc    CC              rete    CC

        AC.2.7  Input / Output 

                redc    r               wrtc    r
                redd    r               wrtd    r
                rede    r,addr          wrte    r,addr


        AS2650 ASSEMBLER                                       PAGE AC-4
        2650 INSTRUCTION SET

        AC.2.8  Miscellaneos 

                halt                    nop
                tmi     r,#data

        AC.2.9  Program Status 

                lpsl                    lpsu
                spsl                    spsu
                cpsl    #data           cpsu    #data
                ppsl    #data           ppsu    #data
                tpsl    #data           tpsu    #data

                                   APPENDIX AD

                                AS4040 ASSEMBLER

           The  AS4040  assembler  supports  the 4040 microprocessor in-
        struction set and can be configured to support only  the  subset
        of instructions used by the 4004 microprocessor.  


        AD.1.1  .4040 Directive 



        The  .4040  directive specifies that the assembler recognize the
        complete 4040 instruction set.  This is the default  instruction
        set recognized by the as4040 assembler.  

        AD.1.2  .4004 



        The  .4004 directive specifies that the assembler recognize only
        the subset of  the  4040  instructions  available  on  the  4004
        microprocessor.   The  unsupported  instructions will be flagged
        with an 'o' error during assembly.  


        AS4040 ASSEMBLER                                       PAGE AD-2

        AD.1.3  The .__.CPU.  Variable 

           The  assembler  variable  .__.CPU.   is  set  to indicate the
        specific processor selected:  

                        .__.CPU.     Processor
                        --------     ---------
                           0            4040
                           1            4004

           The  variable  '.__.CPU.'  is by default defined as local and
        will not be output to the created .rel file.  The assembler com-
        mand  line  options -g or -a will not cause the local symbols to
        be output to the created .rel file.  

           The  assembler  .globl  directive  may  be used to change the
        variable type to global causing its definition to be  output  to
        the  rel  file.  The inclusion of the definition of the variable
        '.__.CPU.' might be a useful means of validating that separately
        assembled  files have been compiled for the same processor type.
        The linker will report an error for variables with multiple  non
        equal definitions.  

        AD.2  4040/4004 REGISTER SET 

        The  following  is  a  list  of  the 4040/4004 registers used by

                r0,  r1,  r2,  r3,         -  4-bit registers
                r4,  r5,  r6,  r7,
                r8,  r9,  r10, r11,
                r12, r13, r14, r15
                rp0<r0:r1>,   rp1<r2,r3>   -  8-bit register pairs
                rp2<r4:r5>,   rp3<r6:r7>
                rp4<r8:r9>,   rp5<r10:r11>
                rp6<r12:r13>, rp7<r14:r15>

        AS4040 ASSEMBLER                                       PAGE AD-3
        4040/4004 REGISTER SET

        AD.3  4004/4040 INSTRUCTION SET 

            Instruction Argument Syntax:
                Rn      registers R0 - R15
                        or a value in the range 0 to 15
                RPn     register pairs RP0 - RP7
                        or a value in the range 0 to 7
                #data   immediate 4-bit or 8-bit data
                addr    call, jump address, or label
                cc      condition code forms
                    Mnemonic    Binary    Jump Condition
                    --------    ------    --------------                
                    nc           0000     no condition
                    tz, t0       0001     test equals zero
                    tn, t1       1001     test equals one
                    cn, c1       0010     carry equals one
                    cz, c0       1010     carry equals zero
                    az, a0       0100     accumulator equals zero
                    an, nza      1100     accumulator not zero
                        any single mnemonic 
                or      any ored combination of
                                tz, cn, az, t0, c1, and a0
                or      any ored combination of
                                tn, cz, an, t1, c0, and nza
                or      any value in the range 0 to 15
                        are valid condition code arguments.
                        The mnemonics listed above are predefined
                        such that a mixed argument like cz|az will
                        report an 'a' error during assembly.

        The terms data and addr may be expressions.  

           Note  that  not  all addressing modes may be valid with every
        instruction.  Refer to the 4040/4004 technical  data  for  valid

           The  following tables list the mnemonics and arguments recog-
        nized by the AS4040 assembler.  The  extended  instructions  are
        available only in the 4040 microprocessor.  


        AS4040 ASSEMBLER                                       PAGE AD-4
        4004/4040 INSTRUCTION SET

        AD.3.1  4040/4004 Instructions 

            Machine Instructions
                nop             (No Operation)
                jcn   cc,addr   (Jump On Condition, Current Page)
                fim   RPn,#data (Fetch Immediate To RPn)
                src   RPn       (Send Address From RPn)
                fin   RPn       (Fetch Indirect From ROM Into RPn)
                jin   RPn       (Jump Indirect RPn)
                jun   addr      (Jump Unconditional To ROM Address)
                jms   addr      (Jump To Subroutine ROM Address)
                inc   Rn        (Increment Rn)
                isz   Rn, addr  (Increment Rn, Jump If Rn != 0)
                add   Rn        (Add Rn To A With Carry)
                sub   Rn        (Subtract Rn From A With Borrow)
                ld    Rn        (Load A With Rn)
                xch   Rn        (A <--> Rn)
                bbl   #data     (Branch Back 1 Level, Load A With data)
                ldm   #data     (Load A With data)
            Input/Output And RAM Instructions
                wrm             (A -> Selected RAM Character)
                wmp             (A -> Selected RAM Output Port)
                wrr             (A -> Selected ROM Output Port)
                wpm             (A -> Selected RAM Half Byte)
                wr0             (A -> Selected RAM Character 0)
                wr1             (A -> Selected RAM Character 1)
                wr2             (A -> Selected RAM Character 2)
                wr3             (A -> Selected RAM Character 3)
                sbm             (A <- (A - Slctd RAM Char With Borrow))
                rdm             (A <- Selected RAM Character)
                rdr             (A <- Selected ROM Input Port)
                adm             (A <- (A + Slctd RAM Char With Carry))
                rd0             (A <- Selected RAM Character 0)
                rd1             (A <- Selected RAM Character 1)
                rd2             (A <- Selected RAM Character 2)
                rd3             (A <- Selected RAM Character 3)
            Accumulator Group Instructions
                clb             (A <- 0, C <- 0)
                clc             (C <- 0)
                iac             (A <- (A + 1))
                cmc             (Complement Carry)
                cma             (Complement Accumulator)
                ral             (Rotate A,C Left)
                rar             (Rotate A,C Right)
                tcc             (Tranfer C To Accumulator, Clear C)
                dac             (A <- (A - 1))
                tcs             (Transfer Carry Subtract, Clear C)

        AS4040 ASSEMBLER                                       PAGE AD-5
        4004/4040 INSTRUCTION SET

                stc             (Set Carry)
                daa             (Decimal Adjust Accumulator)
                kbp             (Keyboard Process)
                dcl             (Designate Command Line)

        AD.3.2  4040 Specific Instructions 

                hlt             (Halt)
                bbs             (Branch Back From Interrupt)
                lcr             (A <- Command Register)
                or4             (A <- (R4 or A))
                or5             (A <- (R5 or A))
                an6             (A <- (R6 and A))
                an7             (A <- (R7 and A))
                db0             (Designate ROM Bank 0)
                db1             (Designate ROM Bank 1)
                sb0             (Select Index Register Bank 0, 0 - 7)
                sb1             (Select Index Register Bank 1, 0* - 7*)
                ein             (Enable Interrupt)
                din             (Disable Interrupt)
                rpm             (Read Program Memory)

        AD.3.3  Extended Conditional Jump Instructions 

                jtz  addr  -  jump if test zero
                jtn  addr  -  jump if test not zero
                jto  addr  -  jump if test one
                jcz  addr  -  jump if carry/link zero
                jnc  addr  -  jump if no carry
                jco  addr  -  jump if carry/link one
                joc  addr  -  jump on carry
                jaz  addr  -  jump if accumulator equal to zero
                jnz  addr  -  jump if accumulator non zero
                jan  addr  -  jump if accumulator non zero

                                   APPENDIX AE

                                 AS430 ASSEMBLER

        AE.1  MPS430 REGISTER SET 

        The following is a list of the MPS430 registers used by AS430:  

        Sixteen 16-bit registers provide adddress, data, and
        special functions:
                pc  /   r0      -       program counter
                sp  /   r1      -       stack pointer
                sr  /   r2      -       status register
                cg1 /   r2      -       constant generator 1
                cg2 /   r3      -       constant generator 2
                        r4      -       working register r4
                        r5      -       working register r5
                        r14     -       working register r14
                        r15     -       working register r15

        AS430 ASSEMBLER                                        PAGE AE-2


           The  following  list specifies the format for each addressing
        mode supported by AS430:  

        Source/Destination Operand Addressing Modes
        As/Ad   Addressing Mode Syntax  Description
        -----   --------------- ------  -----------
        00/0    Register mode   Rn      Register contents are operand.
        01/1    Indexed mode    X(Rn)   (Rn + X) points to the operand,
                                        X is stored in the next word.
        01/1    Symbolic mode   ADDR    (PC + X) points to the operand,
                                        X is stored in the next word,
                                        Indexed mode X(PC) is used.
        01/1    Absolute mode   &ADDR   The word following the
                                        instruction, contains the
                                        absolute address.
        10/-    Indirect        @Rn     Rn is used as a pointer to the
                register mode           operand.
        11/-    Indirect        @Rn+    Rn is used as a pointer to the
                autoincrement           operand. Rn is incremented
        11/-    Immediate mode  #N      The word following the
                                        instruction contains the
                                        immediate constant N. Indirect
                                        autoincrement mode @PC+ is used.

        The terms ADDR, X and N may all be expressions.  

           Note  that  not all addressing modes are valid with every in-
        struction, refer to the MPS430 technical data for valid modes.  

        AS430 ASSEMBLER                                        PAGE AE-3

        AE.2.1  MPS430 Instruction Mnemonics 

        The following table lists all MPS430 family mnemonics recognized
        by the AS430 assembler.  The designations src and dst  refer  to
        required source and/or destination addressing mode arguments.  

        * ADC[.W];ADC.B  dst        dst + C -> dst
          ADD[.W];ADD.B  src,dst    src + dst -> dst
          ADDC[.W];ADDC.B           src,dst src + dst + C -> dst
          AND[.W];AND.B  src,dst    src .and. dst -> dst
          BIC[.W];BIC.B src,dst     .not.src .and. dst -> dst
          BIS[.W];BIS.B src,dst     src .or. dst -> dst
          BIT[.W];BIT.B src,dst     src .and. dst
        * BR dst                Branch to .......
        * BRANCH dst            Branch to .......
          CALL dst              PC+2 -> stack, dst -> PC
        * CLR[.W];CLR.B dst     Clear destination
        * CLRC                  Clear carry bit
        * CLRN                  Clear negative bit
        * CLRZ                  Clear zero bit
          CMP[.W];CMP.B src,dst     dst - src
        * DADC[.W];DADC.B dst       dst + C -> dst (decimal)
          DADD[.W];DADD.B src,dst   src + dst + C -> dst (decimal)
        * DEC[.W];DEC.B dst     dst - 1 -> dst
        * DECD[.W];DECD.B dst   dst - 2 -> dst
        * DINT                  Disable interrupt
        * EINT                  Enable interrupt
        * INC[.W];INC.B dst     dst + 1 -> dst
        * INCD[.W];INCD.B dst   dst + 2 -> dst
        * INV[.W];INV.B dst     Invert destination
          JC/JHS Label          Jump to Label if Carry-bit is set
          JEQ/JZ Label          Jump to Label if Zero-bit is set
          JGE Label             Jump to Label if (N .XOR. V) = 0
          JL Label              Jump to Label if (N .XOR. V) = 1
          JMP Label             Jump to Label unconditionally
          JN Label              Jump to Label if Negative-bit is set
          JNC/JLO Label         Jump to Label if Carry-bit is reset
          JNE/JNZ Label         Jump to Label if Zero-bit is reset
          MOV[.W];MOV.B src,dst     src -> dst
        * NOP                   No operation

        AS430 ASSEMBLER                                        PAGE AE-4

        * POP[.W];POP.B dst     Item from stack, SP+2 -> SP
          PUSH[.W];PUSH.B src   SP - 2 -> SP, src -> @SP
          RETI                  Return from interrupt
                                    TOS -> SR, SP + 2 -> SP
                                    TOS -> PC, SP + 2 -> SZP
        * RET                   Return from subroutine
                                    TOS -> PC, SP + 2 -> SP
        * RLA[.W];RLA.B dst     Rotate left arithmetically
        * RLC[.W];RLC.B dst     Rotate left through carry
          RRA[.W];RRA.B dst     MSB -> MSB . ....LSB -> C
          RRC[.W];RRC.B dst     C -> MSB . ......LSB -> C
        * SBC[.W];SBC.B dst     Subtract carry from destination
        * SETC                  Set carry bit
        * SETN                  Set negative bit
        * SETZ                  Set zero bit
          SUB[.W];SUB.B src,dst     dst + .not.src + 1 -> dst
          SUBC[.W];SUBC.B src,dst   dst + .not.src + C -> dst
          SBB[.W];SBB.B src,dst     dst + .not.src + C -> dst
          SWPB dst              swap bytes
          SXT dst               Bit7 -> Bit8 ........ Bit15
        * TST[.W];TST.B dst     Test destination
          XOR[.W];XOR.B src,dst     src .xor. dst -> dst
                Note: Asterisked Instructions
                Asterisked (*) instructions are emulated.
                They are replaced with coreinstructions
                by the assembler.

                                   APPENDIX AF

                                AS6100 ASSEMBLER


           The IM6100 (Intersil) and HM6100 (Harris) microprocessors are
        12-bit word addressable machines having three 12-bit program ac-
        cessible  registers  and one single bit register.  These are the
        Accumulator (AC), MQ Register (MQ), Program  Counter  (PC),  and
        the Link (L) respectively.  

           The  6100  is basically a clone of the Digital Equipment Cor-
        poration PDP-8E minicomputer  architecture.   This  architecture
        predates  all  microprocessors  and labeled the bits from 0 (the
        most significant) to 11 (the least significant) rather than from
        least to most significant.  The actual labeling is arbitrary and
        the as6100 assembler uses the now more common labeling.  

           The  output  generated from the assembler/linker is two bytes
        per word ordered as MSB then LSB with the upper 4  bits  of  the
        MSB always zero.  


           Because  the  6100  microprocessor  has  no  concept of bytes
        several of the cross assembler directives have  their  operation
        changed to reflect the 12-Bit nature of the microprocessor.  

        These are:
                .byte           (.db and .fcb are aliases)
                                output an 8-Bit value
                                into a 12-bit word
                .word           (.dw and .fdb are aliases)

        AS6100 ASSEMBLER                                       PAGE AF-2

                                output a 12-Bit value
                                into a 12-Bit word
                .ascii          (.asciz and ascis also)
                                output a sequence of 8-Bit
                                characters in 12-bit words

           A double precision integer (24-Bits) mnemonic has been added: 

                .dubl           (.4byte and .quad are aliases)
                                output a 24-Bit value
                                into two 12-bit words

           Two  new  directives  have  been  added  to  implement  6-bit
        character string operations.  The characters A-Z and  [/]^_  are
        masked  to values of 0x01 to 0x1F, the characters a-z are masked
        to values of 0x01 to 0x1A, and the characters from  ' '  (space)
        to  '?'  are masked to 0x20 to 0x3F.  All other ascii characters
        become a space (0x20).  

        These are:
                .text           output upto two characters per 12-bit
                .textz          output upto two characters per 12-bit
                                followed by a 6-bit zero value.


           The  6100  microprocessor  memory architecture consists of 32
        pages each having 128 words for  a  total  of  4096  addressable
        words.   The  6100  instruction set allows direct access only to
        the current page and to page 0.  Three machine  specific  direc-
        tives  provide  differing  methods  to  select  the memory page.
        These directives are:  


        AS6100 ASSEMBLER                                       PAGE AF-3

        AF.3.1  .setpg 


                .setpg          ; . = next page boundary
                .setpg  N       ; . = Nth page boundary
        where:  N       is the page number from 0 to 31

           The .setpg directive is used to set the current program loca-
        tion counter to a specific 128 word page boundary or to the next
        128  word  page boundary and inform the assembler/linker of this

        AF.3.2  .mempn 


                .mempn N        ; . = Nth page boundary
        where:  N       is the page number from 0 to 31

           The .mempn directive is used to set the current program loca-
        tion counter to a specific 128 word page boundary and inform the
        assembler/linker of this boundary.  

        AF.3.3  .mempa 


                .mempa A        ; . = A (a page boundary)
        where:  A       is a 128 word page address boundary

           The .mempa directive is used to set the current program loca-
        tion counter to a specific page boundary address and inform  the
        assembler/linker of this boundary.  


        AS6100 ASSEMBLER                                       PAGE AF-4
        6100 INSTRUCTION SET 

        AF.4  6100 INSTRUCTION SET 

           The  following  tables  list all 6100 family mnemonics recog-
        nized by the AS6100 assembler.  The instruction set is described
        in 3 major groupings:  Basic Instructions, Operate Microinstruc-
        tions, and IOT Instructions.  

        AF.4.1  Basic Instructions 

           The basic instructions are:  

                and     Logical AND
                tad     Binary ADD
                isz     Increment and skip if zero
                dca     Deposit and clear AC
                jms     Jump to subroutine
                jmp     Jump

           These instructions have two paging addressing modes:  

                addr            current page address
                *addr           page 0 address

        which  can  be  combined with an indirect mode signified by an i
        argument or enclosing brackets []:  

                i addr          indirect current page
                i *addr         indirect page 0
                [*addr] or *[addr]

        The  6100  implements  an auto-increment mode when accessing ad-
        dresses 0x08 - 0x0F in page 0 by incrementing  the  contents  of
        the location before using the value as an address.  


        AS6100 ASSEMBLER                                       PAGE AF-5
        6100 INSTRUCTION SET 

        AF.4.2  Operate Instructions 

           The  operate  instructions are split into three groups of mu-
        tually exclusive micro operations.  The single  micro  operation
        in common with all three groups is:  

                CLA     Clear Accumulator

        AF.4.2.1  Group 1 Operate Instructions  - 

           The  group  1 microinstructions are used primarily to perform
        logical operations on the contents of the accumulator and link: 

                CLL     Clear Link
                CMA     Complement Accumulator
                CML     Complement Link
                IAC     Increment Accumulator
                RAL     Rotate Accumulator Left
                RTL     Rotate Two Left
                RAR     Rotate Accumulator Right
                RTR     Rotate Two Right
                BSW     Byte Swap

        A group 1 microinstruction can contain one or all of the mnemon-
        ics CLA, CLL, CMA, CML, IAC, but only one of the RAL, RTL,  RAR,
        RTR,  or BSW mnemonics (RAL, RTL, RAR, RTR, and BSW are mutually

           The  NOP  (No  Operation) functionality can be implemented in
        all three operate instruction groups but is specified by the as-
        sembler as a group 1 instruction.  

           Several  common  group 1 operations have been given their own

                NOP     NO Operation
                CIA     Complement and Increment Accumulator
                GLT     Get Link
                STA     Set Accumulator


        AS6100 ASSEMBLER                                       PAGE AF-6
        6100 INSTRUCTION SET 

        AF.4.2.2  Group 2 Operate Instructions  - 

           The  group 2 microinstructions are used primarily to test the
        contents of the accumulator and/or link and  then  conditionally
        skip the next sequential instruction:  

                HLT     Halt
                OSR     Or With Switch Register
                SKP     Skip
                SNL     Skip On Non-Zero Link
                SZL     Skip On Zero Link
                SZA     Skip On Zero Accumulator
                SNA     Skip On Non-Zero Accumulator
                SMA     Skip On Minus Accumulator
                SPA     Skip On Plus Accumulator

        A group 2 microinstruction can contain one or all of the mnemon-
        ics CLA, HLT, OSR, but only one of the SKP, SNL, SZL, SZA,  SNA,
        SMA, or SPA mnemonics (SKP, SNL, SZL, SZA, SNA, SMA, and SPA are
        mutually exclusive).  

           One common group 2 operation has been given its own mnemonic: 

                LAS     Load Accumulator With Switch Register

        AF.4.2.3  Group 3 Operate Instructions  - 

           The  group  3 microinstructions perform logical operations on
        the contents of AC and MQ.  

                MQL     MQ Register Load
                MQA     MQ Register Into Accumulator

        A group 3 microinstruction can contain one or all of the mnemon-
        ics CLA, MQL, and MQA.  

           Several  common  group 3 operations have been given their own

                SWP     Swap Accumulator and MQ Register
                CAM     Clear Accumulator and MQ Register
                ACL     Clear Accumulator and Load
                        MQ Register into Accumulator


        AS6100 ASSEMBLER                                       PAGE AF-7
        6100 INSTRUCTION SET 

        AF.4.2.4  Group Errors  - 

           The 6100 assembler has three additional error codes which oc-
        cur when the group 1, 2, or 3 operations are mixed.   The  error
        code  will  be  <1>, <2>, or <3> based upon the first group type
        encountered followed by any other type of group operation.   The
        CLA operation is valid with all groups and does not cause an er-
        ror code to be generated.  

        AF.4.3  Input/Output (IOT) Instructions 

           The  input/output  transfer  instructions are used to control
        the operation of peripherals and  transfer  data  between  peri-
        pherals and the 6100 microprocessor.  Of the lower 9 bits of the
        instruction used for device selection and control typically  the
        3  LSBs  are  the  I/O  operation  bits and the remaining 6 bits
        select the peripheral device.  

                IOT     DEV,CMND
                where DEV is the device select code and
                CMND is the command code.

        Specifying  a  device select code of zero in the IOT instruction
        allows the user program to control the  interrupt  mechanism  of
        the 6100 microprocessor.  These instructions are:  

                SKON    Skip If Interrupt On
                ION     Interrupt Turn On
                IOF     Interrupt Turn Off
                SRQ     Skip If Int Request
                GTF     GetFlags
                RTF     Return Flags
                SGT     Defined By Device Logic
                CAF     Clear All Flags

                                   APPENDIX AG

                                AS61860 ASSEMBLER


           Thanks  to  Edgar  Puehringer  for  his  contribution  of the
        AS61860 cross assembler.  

                Edgar Peuhringer
                edgar_pue at yahoo dot com

        AG.2  61860 REGISTER SET 

        The  SC61860  from  Sharp has 96 bytes of internal RAM which are
        used as registers and hardware stack.  The last  four  bytes  of
        the  internal  RAM  are  special  purpose registers (I/O, timers
        ...).  Here is a list of the 61860 registers:  

                Reg     Address         Common use
                ---     -------         ----------
                i, j    0, 1            Length of block operations
                a, b    2, 3            Accumulator       
                xl, xh  4, 5            Pointer for read operations
                yl, yh  6, 7            Pointer for write operations
                k - n   8 - 0x0b        General purpose (counters ...)
                  -     0x0c - 0x5b     Stack
                ia      0x5c            Inport A
                ib      0x5d            Inport B
                fo      0x5e            Outport F
                cout    0x5f            Control port

           Other  parts of the 61860 are the 16 bit program counter (pc)
        and 16 bit data pointer (dp).  The ALU has a carry flag (c)  and

        AS61860 ASSEMBLER                                      PAGE AG-2
        61860 REGISTER SET

        a zero flag (z).  There is an internal register d which can't be
        accessed with machine instructions.  It is filled from  i  or  j
        when executing block operations.  

           In addition there are three 7 bit registers p, q, and r which
        are used to address the internal RAM (r is the stack pointer,  p
        and q are used for block operations).  


           The  AS61860  cross  assembler has two (2) processor specific
        assembler directives which are used for the etc mnemonic  (which
        is a kind of a built-in switch/case statement):  

                .default        A 16 bit address (same as .dw)
                .case           One byte followed by a 16 bit address
        Here is an example how this should be used (cut from a lst
           022B 7A 05 02 18         614         PTC     0x05,   CONT16
           022F 69                  615         DTC
           0230 4C 01 25            616         .CASE   0x4C,   SLOADI
           0233 4D 01 2F            617         .CASE   0x4D,   SMERGI
           0236 51 01 D2            618         .CASE   0x51,   QUITI   
           0239 53 00 CD            619         .CASE   0x53,   LLISTI
           023C 56 01 D5            620         .CASE   0x56,   VERI
           023F 01 D1               621         .DEFAULT        CONT9

        AG.4  61860 INSTRUCTION SET 

           The  following  tables list all 61860 family mnemonics recog-
        nized by the AS61860 assembler.  Most of the mnemonics are  con-
        verted  into  8  bit  machine instructions with no argument or a
        one- or two-byte argument.  There are some exceptions for this: 

                Mnemonic        Description
                --------        -----------
                jp              2 bit instruction, 6 bit argument
                cal             3 bit instruction, 13 bit argument
                ptc *)          1 byte instruction, 3 byte argument
                dtc *)          1 byte instruction, n bytes argument
                *) Not mentioned in the CPU specification from Sharp

        AS61860 ASSEMBLER                                      PAGE AG-3
        61860 INSTRUCTION SET 

        AG.4.1  Load Immediate Register 

                LII n           (n --> I)
                LIJ n
                LIA n
                LIB n
                LIP n
                LIQ n
                LIDP nm
                LIDL n          (DL is the low byte of DP)
                LP              (One byte version of LIP)
                RA              (Same as LIA 0, but only one byte)
                CLRA            (synonym for RA)

        AG.4.2  Load Accumulator 

                LDP             (P --> A)
                LDM             ((P) --> A)
                LDD             ((DP) --> A)

        AG.4.3  Store Accumulator 

                STP             (A --> P)
                STD             (A --> (DP))

        AG.4.4  Move Data 

                MVDM            ((P) --> (DP))
                MVMD            ((DP) --> (P))


        AS61860 ASSEMBLER                                      PAGE AG-4
        61860 INSTRUCTION SET 

        AG.4.5  Exchange Data 

                EXAB            (A <--> B)
                EXAM            (A <--> (P))

        AG.4.6  Stack Operations 

                PUSH            (R - 1 --> R, A --> (R))
                POP             ((R) --> A, R + 1 --> R)
                LEAVE           (0 --> (R))

        AG.4.7  Block Move Data 

                MVW             ((Q) --> (P), I+1 bytes)
                MVB             ((Q) --> (P), J+1 bytes)
                MVWD            ((DP) --> (P), I+1 bytes)
                MVBD            ((DP) --> (P), J+1 bytes)
                DATA            ((B,A) --> (P), I+1 bytes,
                                reads CPU ROM also)

        AG.4.8  Block Exchange Data 

                EXW             ((Q) <--> (P), I+1 bytes)
                EXB             ((Q) <--> (P), J+1 bytes)
                EXWD            ((DP) <--> (P), I+1 bytes)
                EXBD            ((DP) <--> (P), J+1 bytes)

        AS61860 ASSEMBLER                                      PAGE AG-5
        61860 INSTRUCTION SET 

        AG.4.9  Increment and Decrement 

                INCP            (P + 1 --> P)
                IX              (X + 1 --> X, X --> DP)
                INCM *)
                DECM *)
                INCN *)
                DECN *)
                *) Not mentioned in the CPU specification from Sharp

        AG.4.10  Increment/Decrement with Load/Store 

                IXL             (Same as IX plus LDD)
                IYS             (Same as IY plus STD)


        AS61860 ASSEMBLER                                      PAGE AG-6
        61860 INSTRUCTION SET 

        AG.4.11  Fill 

                FILM            (A --> (P), I+1 bytes)
                FILD            (A --> (DP), I+1 bytes)

        AG.4.12  Addition and Subtraction 

                ADIA n          (A + n --> A)
                SBIA n
                ADIM n          ((P) + n --> (P))
                SBIM n
                ADM n           ((P) + A --> (P))
                SBM n
                ADCM n          ((P) + A --> (P), with carry)
                ADB             (like ADM, but 16 bit)
                ADN             (like ADM, BCD addition, I+1 bytes)
                ADW             ((P) + (Q) --> (P), BCD, I+1 bytes)

        AG.4.13  Shift Operations 

                SRW             (shift I+1 bytes in (P) 4 bits right)
                SR              (shift A 1 bit, with carry)
                SWP             (exchange low and high nibble of A)

        AG.4.14  Boolean Operations 

                ANIA n          (A & n --> A)
                ORIA n
                ANIM n          ((P) & n --> (P))
                ORIM n
                ANID n          ((DP) & n --> (DP))
                ORID n
                ANMA            ((P) & A --> (P))

        AS61860 ASSEMBLER                                      PAGE AG-7
        61860 INSTRUCTION SET 

        AG.4.15  Compare 

                CPIA n          (A - n --> c,z)
                CPIM n          ((P) - n --> c,z)
                CPMA            ((P) - A --> c,z)
                TSIA n          (A & n --> z)
                TSIM n          ((P) & n --> z)
                TSID n          ((DP) & n --> z)
                TSIP            ((P) & A --> z)

        AG.4.16  CPU Control 

                SC              (Set carry)
                NOPW            (no op)
                WAIT n          (wait 6+n cycles)
                WAITJ           (wait 5+4*I cycles)
                CUP             (synonym for WAITJ)

        AG.4.17  Absolute Jumps 

                JP nm
                JPZ nm          (on zero)
                JPNZ nm
                JPC nm
                JPNC nm
                PTC/DTC         (see 'Processor Specific Directives')
                PTJ/DTJ         (synonym for PTD/DTC)
                CPCAL/DTLRA     (synonym for PTC/DTC)
                CASE1/CASE2     (synonym for PTC/DTC)
                SETT/JST        (synonym for PTC/DTC)

        AS61860 ASSEMBLER                                      PAGE AG-8
        61860 INSTRUCTION SET 

        AG.4.18  Relative Jumps 

           These  operations  handle  a  jump relative to PC forward and
        back with  a  maximum  distance  of  255  byte.   The  assembler
        resolves 16 bit addresses to to 8 bit relative adresses.  If the
        target address is to far away, an error will be generated.  Note
        that relative jumps need 1 byte less than absolute jumps.  

                JRP nm
                JRZP nm
                JRNZP nm        (jump relative non zero plus direction)
                JRCP nm
                JRNCP nm
                JRM nm
                JRZM nm
                JRNZM nm
                JRCM nm         (jump relative on carry minus direction)
                JRNCM nm
                LOOP nm         (decrements (R) and makes a JRNCM)

        AG.4.19  Calls 

                CALL nm
                CAL nm          (nm must be <= 0x1fff,
                                1 byte less code than CALL)

        AG.4.20  Input and output 

                INA             (IA --> A)
                OUTF            (A --> FO)
                OUTC            (control port)
                TEST n          (timers, pins & n --> z)


        AS61860 ASSEMBLER                                      PAGE AG-9
        61860 INSTRUCTION SET 

        AG.4.21  Unknown Commands 

                READ            ((PC+1) -> A)
                READM           ((PC+1) -> (P))
                WRIT            (???)

                                   APPENDIX AH

                                AS6500 ASSEMBLER


           Thanks  to  Marko  Makela  for his contribution of the AS6500
        cross assembler.  

                Marko Makela
                Sillitie 10 A
                01480 Vantaa
                Internet: Marko dot Makela at Helsinki dot Fi
                EARN/BitNet: msmakela at finuh

           Several  additions and modifications were made to his code to
        support the following families of 6500 processors:  

                (1)     650X and 651X processor family
                (2)     65F11 and 65F12 processor family
                (3)     65C00/21 and 65C29 processor family
                (4)     65C02, 65C102, and 65C112 processor family

           The  instruction  syntax of this cross assembler contains two
        peculiarities:  (1) the addressing indirection is denoted by the
        square  brackets, [], or parenthesis, (), and (2) the `bbrx' and
        `bbsx' instructions are written `bbr0 memory,label'.  

        AS6500 ASSEMBLER                                       PAGE AH-2

        AH.2  .enabl and .dsabl Directives 


                .enabl (arg1, arg2, ...) 
                .dsabl (arg1, arg2, ...) 

        where:  arg1, arg2, ...    represent one or more
                                   of the following options
                autodpcnst   Automatic Direct Paging For Constants
                autodpsmbl   Automatic Direct Paging For Symbols

           autodpcnst:   controls  whether constants within the range of
        0x0000-0x00FF (paging region) or external are automatically  as-
        sembled  as  paged  variables.   The  paging area must have been
        specified for this  option  to  take  effect.   The  default  is

           autodpsmbl:   controls  whether  symbols  within the range of
        0x0000-0x00FF (paging region) or external are automatically  as-
        sembled  as  paged  variables.   The  paging area must have been
        specified for this  option  to  take  effect.   The  default  is

        AH.3  .dpgbl Directive 


                .dpgbl arg1, arg2, ...  

                    Where the arguments are labels or
                    symbols with values that are in the
                    0x0000-0x00FF direct page.  If the
                    page area has not been specified
                    then the arguments are defined as
                    being in the current area.


        AS6500 ASSEMBLER                                       PAGE AH-3
        6500 REGISTER SET

        AH.4  6500 REGISTER SET 

        The following is a list of the 6500 registers used by AS6500:  

                a       -       8-bit accumulator
                x,y     -       index registers

        AH.5  6500 INSTRUCTION SET 

           The  following  list specifies the format for each addressing
        mode supported by AS6500:  

                #data           immediate data
                                byte or word data
                *dir            direct page addressing
                                (see .setdp directive)
                                0 <= dir <= 255 
                offset,x        indexed addressing
                offset,y        indexed addressing
                                address = (offset + (x or y))
                [offset,x] or   pre-indexed indirect addressing
                (offset,x)      0 <= offset <= 255
                                address = contents of location
                                    (offset + (x or y)) mod 256
                [offset],y or   post-indexed indirect addressing
                (offset),y      address = contents of location at offset
                                    plus the value of the y register
                [address] or    indirect addressing
                ext             extended addressing
                label           branch label
                address,label   direct page memory location
                                branch label
                                bbrx and bbsx instruction addressing

        The  terms data, dir, offset, address, ext, and label may all be


        AS6500 ASSEMBLER                                       PAGE AH-4
        6500 INSTRUCTION SET

           Note  that  not all addressing modes are valid with every in-
        struction, refer to the 65xx technical data for valid modes.  

        AH.5.1  Processor Specific Directives 

           The  AS6500  cross  assembler has four (4) processor specific
        assembler directives which  define  the  target  65xx  processor

                .r6500          Core 650X and 651X family (default)
                .r65f11         Core plus 65F11 and 65F12
                .r65c00         Core plus 65C00/21 and 65C29
                .r65c02         Core plus 65C02, 65C102, and 65C112

        AH.5.2  65xx Core Inherent Instructions 

           The  following  tables  list all 6500 family mnemonics recog-
        nized by the AS6500 assembler.  The designation [] refers  to  a
        required addressing mode argument.  

                brk                     clc
                cld                     cli
                clv                     dex
                dey                     inx
                iny                     nop
                pha                     php
                pla                     plp
                rti                     rts
                sec                     sed
                sei                     tax
                tay                     tsx
                txa                     txs


        AS6500 ASSEMBLER                                       PAGE AH-5
        6500 INSTRUCTION SET

        AH.5.3  65xx Core Branch Instructions 

                bcc     label           bhs     label
                bcs     label           blo     label
                beq     label           bmi     label
                bne     label           bpl     label
                bvc     label           bvs     label

        AH.5.4  65xx Core Single Operand Instructions 

                asl     []
                dec     []
                inc     []
                lsr     []
                rol     []
                ror     []

        AH.5.5  65xx Core Double Operand Instructions 

                adc     []
                and     []
                bit     []
                cmp     []
                eor     []
                lda     []
                ora     []
                sbc     []
                sta     []

        AH.5.6  65xx Core Jump and Jump to Subroutine Instructions 

                jmp     []              jsr     []

        AH.5.7  65xx Core Miscellaneous X and Y Register Instructions 

                cpx     []
                cpy     []
                ldx     []
                stx     []
                ldy     []
                sty     []

        AS6500 ASSEMBLER                                       PAGE AH-6
        6500 INSTRUCTION SET

        AH.5.8  65F11 and 65F12 Specific Instructions 

                bbr0    [],label                bbr1    [],label
                bbr2    [],label                bbr3    [],label
                bbr4    [],label                bbr5    [],label
                bbr6    [],label                bbr7    [],label
                bbs0    [],label                bbs1    [],label
                bbs2    [],label                bbs3    [],label
                bbs4    [],label                bbs5    [],label
                bbs6    [],label                bbs7    [],label
                rmb0    []                      rmb1    []
                rmb2    []                      rmb3    []
                rmb4    []                      rmb5    []
                rmb6    []                      rmb7    []
                smb0    []                      smb1    []
                smb2    []                      smb3    []
                smb4    []                      smb5    []
                smb6    []                      smb7    []

        AH.5.9  65C00/21 and 65C29 Specific Instructions 

                bbr0    [],label                bbr1    [],label
                bbr2    [],label                bbr3    [],label
                bbr4    [],label                bbr5    [],label
                bbr6    [],label                bbr7    [],label
                bbs0    [],label                bbs1    [],label
                bbs2    [],label                bbs3    [],label
                bbs4    [],label                bbs5    [],label
                bbs6    [],label                bbs7    [],label
                bra     label
                phx                             phy
                plx                             ply
                rmb0    []                      rmb1    []
                rmb2    []                      rmb3    []
                rmb4    []                      rmb5    []
                rmb6    []                      rmb7    []
                smb0    []                      smb1    []
                smb2    []                      smb3    []
                smb4    []                      smb5    []
                smb6    []                      smb7    []

        AS6500 ASSEMBLER                                       PAGE AH-7
        6500 INSTRUCTION SET

        AH.5.10  65C02, 65C102, and 65C112 Specific Instructions 

                bbr0    [],label                bbr1    [],label
                bbr2    [],label                bbr3    [],label
                bbr4    [],label                bbr5    [],label
                bbr6    [],label                bbr7    [],label
                bbs0    [],label                bbs1    [],label
                bbs2    [],label                bbs3    [],label
                bbs4    [],label                bbs5    [],label
                bbs6    [],label                bbs7    [],label
                bra     label
                phx                             phy
                plx                             ply
                rmb0    []                      rmb1    []
                rmb2    []                      rmb3    []
                rmb4    []                      rmb5    []
                rmb6    []                      rmb7    []
                smb0    []                      smb1    []
                smb2    []                      smb3    []
                smb4    []                      smb5    []
                smb6    []                      smb7    []
                stz     []
                trb     []
                tsb     []

           Additional  addressing  modes for the following core instruc-
        tions are also available with the 65C02, 65C102, and 65C112 pro-

                adc     []                      and     []
                cmp     []                      eor     []
                lda     []                      ora     []
                sbc     []                      sta     []
                bit     []                      jmp     []
                dec     []                      inc     []

                                   APPENDIX AI

                                AS6800 ASSEMBLER

        AI.1  6800 REGISTER SET 

        The following is a list of the 6800 registers used by AS6800:  

                a,b     -       8-bit accumulators
                x       -       index register

        AI.2  6800 INSTRUCTION SET 

           The following tables list all 6800/6802/6808 mnemonics recog-
        nized by the AS6800 assembler.  The designation [] refers  to  a
        required addressing mode argument.  The following list specifies
        the format for each addressing mode supported by AS6800:  

                #data           immediate data
                                byte or word data
                *dir            direct page addressing
                                (see .setdp directive)
                                0 <= dir <= 255 
                ,x              register indirect addressing
                                zero offset
                offset,x        register indirect addressing
                                0 <= offset <= 255
                ext             extended addressing
                label           branch label


        AS6800 ASSEMBLER                                       PAGE AI-2
        6800 INSTRUCTION SET

        The  terms  data, dir, offset, ext, and label may all be expres-

           Note  that  not all addressing modes are valid with every in-
        struction, refer to the 6800 technical data for valid modes.  

        AI.2.1  Inherent Instructions 

                aba                     cba
                clc                     cli
                clv                     daa
                des                     dex
                ins                     inx
                nop                     rti
                rts                     sba
                sec                     sei
                sev                     swi
                tab                     tap
                tba                     tpa
                tsx                     txs
                psha                    pshb
                psh a                   psh b
                pula                    pulb
                pul a                   pul b

        AI.2.2  Branch Instructions 

                bra     label           bhi     label
                bls     label           bcc     label
                bhs     label           bcs     label
                blo     label           bne     label
                beq     label           bvc     label
                bvs     label           bpl     label
                bmi     label           bge     label
                blt     label           bgt     label
                ble     label           bsr     label

        AS6800 ASSEMBLER                                       PAGE AI-3
        6800 INSTRUCTION SET

        AI.2.3  Single Operand Instructions 

                asla                    aslb
                asl a                   asl b
                asl     []
                asra                    asrb
                asr a                   asr b
                asr     []
                clra                    clrb
                clr a                   clr b
                clr     []
                coma                    comb
                com a                   com b
                com     []
                deca                    decb
                dec a                   dec b
                dec     []
                inca                    incb
                inc a                   inc b
                inc     []
                lsla                    lslb
                lsl a                   lsl b
                lsl     []
                lsra                    lsrb
                lsr a                   lsr b
                lsr     []
                nega                    negb
                neg a                   neg b
                neg     []
                rola                    rolb
                rol a                   rol b
                rol     []
                rora                    rorb
                ror a                   ror b
                ror     []
                tsta                    tstb
                tst a                   tst b
                tst     []

        AS6800 ASSEMBLER                                       PAGE AI-4
        6800 INSTRUCTION SET

        AI.2.4  Double Operand Instructions 

                adca    []              adcb    []
                adc a   []              adc b   []
                adda    []              addb    []
                add a   []              add b   []
                anda    []              andb    []
                and a   []              and b   []
                bita    []              bitb    []
                bit a   []              bit b   []
                cmpa    []              cmpb    []
                cmp a   []              cmp b   []
                eora    []              eorb    []
                eor a   []              eor b   []
                ldaa    []              ldab    []
                lda a   []              lda b   []
                oraa    []              orab    []
                ora a   []              ora b   []
                sbca    []              sbcb    []
                sbc a   []              sbc b   []
                staa    []              stab    []
                sta a   []              sta b   []
                suba    []              subb    []
                sub a   []              sub b   []

        AI.2.5  Jump and Jump to Subroutine Instructions 

                jmp     []              jsr     []


        AS6800 ASSEMBLER                                       PAGE AI-5
        6800 INSTRUCTION SET

        AI.2.6  Long Register Instructions 

                cpx     []
                lds     []              sts     []
                ldx     []              stx     []

                                   APPENDIX AJ

                                AS6801 ASSEMBLER

        AJ.1  .hd6303 DIRECTIVE 



        The  .hd6303 directive enables processing of the HD6303 specific
        mnemonics not included in  the  6801  instruction  set.   HD6303
        mnemonics  encountered  without  the  .hd6303  directive will be
        flagged with an <o> error.  

        AJ.2  6801 REGISTER SET 

        The following is a list of the 6801 registers used by AS6801:  

                a,b     -       8-bit accumulators
                d       -       16-bit accumulator 
                x       -       index register

        AJ.3  6801 INSTRUCTION SET 

           The following tables list all 6801/6803/6303 mnemonics recog-
        nized by the AS6801 assembler.  The designation [] refers  to  a
        required addressing mode argument.  The following list specifies
        the format for each addressing mode supported by AS6801:  

                #data           immediate data
                                byte or word data
                *dir            direct page addressing

        AS6801 ASSEMBLER                                       PAGE AJ-2
        6801 INSTRUCTION SET

                                (see .setdp directive)
                                0 <= dir <= 255 
                ,x              register indirect addressing
                                zero offset
                offset,x        register indirect addressing
                                0 <= offset <= 255
                ext             extended addressing
                label           branch label

        The  terms  data, dir, offset, ext, and label may all be expres-

           Note  that  not all addressing modes are valid with every in-
        struction, refer to  the  6801/6303  technical  data  for  valid

        AJ.3.1  Inherent Instructions 

                aba             abx
                cba             clc
                cli             clv
                daa             des
                dex             ins
                inx             mul
                nop             rti
                rts             sba
                sec             sei
                sev             swi
                tab             tap
                tba             tpa
                tsx             txs

        AS6801 ASSEMBLER                                       PAGE AJ-3
        6801 INSTRUCTION SET

        AJ.3.2  Branch Instructions 

                bra     label           brn     label
                bhi     label           bls     label
                bcc     label           bhs     label
                bcs     label           blo     label
                bne     label           beq     label
                bvc     label           bvs     label
                bpl     label           bmi     label
                bge     label           blt     label
                bgt     label           ble     label
                bsr     label

        AJ.3.3  Single Operand Instructions 

                asla            aslb            asld
                asl a           asl b           asl d
                asl     []
                asra            asrb
                asr a           asr b
                asr     []
                clra            clrb
                clr a           clr b
                clr     []
                coma            comb
                com a           com b
                com     []
                deca            decb
                dec a           dec b
                dec     []
                eora            eorb
                eor a           eor b
                eor     []
                inca            incb
                inc a           inc b
                inc     []
                lsla            lslb            lsld
                lsl a           lsl b           lsl d
                lsl     []
                lsra            lsrb            lsrd

        AS6801 ASSEMBLER                                       PAGE AJ-4
        6801 INSTRUCTION SET

                lsr a           lsr b           lsr d
                lsr     []
                nega            negb
                neg a           neg b
                neg     []
                psha            pshb            pshx
                psh a           psh b           psh x
                pula            pulb            pulx
                pul a           pul b           pul x
                rola            rolb
                rol a           rol b
                rol     []
                rora            rorb
                ror a           ror b
                ror     []
                tsta            tstb
                tst a           tst b
                tst     []

        AS6801 ASSEMBLER                                       PAGE AJ-5
        6801 INSTRUCTION SET

        AJ.3.4  Double Operand Instructions 

                adca    []      adcb    []
                adc a   []      adc b   []
                adda    []      addb    []      addd    []
                add a   []      add b   []      add d   []
                anda    []      andb    []
                and a   []      and b   []
                bita    []      bitb    []
                bit a   []      bit b   []
                cmpa    []      cmpb    []
                cmp a   []      cmp b   []
                ldaa    []      ldab    []
                lda a   []      lda b   []
                oraa    []      orab    []
                ora a   []      ora b   []
                sbca    []      sbcb    []
                sbc a   []      sbc b   []
                staa    []      stab    []
                sta a   []      sta b   []
                suba    []      subb    []      subd    []
                sub a   []      sub b   []      sub d   []

        AJ.3.5  Jump and Jump to Subroutine Instructions 

                jmp     []      jsr     []


        AS6801 ASSEMBLER                                       PAGE AJ-6
        6801 INSTRUCTION SET

        AJ.3.6  Long Register Instructions 

                cpx     []      ldd     []
                lds     []      ldx     []
                std     []      sts     []
                stx     []

        AJ.3.7  6303 Specific Instructions 

                aim     #data, []       eim     #data, []
                oim     #data, []       tim     #data, []
                xgdx            slp

                                   APPENDIX AK

                                AS6804 ASSEMBLER

           Requires the .setdp directive to specify the ram area.  

        AK.1  6804 REGISTER SET 

        The following is a list of the 6804 registers used by AS6804:  

                x,y     -       index registers

        AK.2  6804 INSTRUCTION SET 

           The  following  tables  list all 6804 mnemonics recognized by
        the AS6804 assembler.  The designation [] refers to  a  required
        addressing  mode  argument.   The  following  list specifies the
        format for each addressing mode supported by AS6804:  

                #data           immediate data
                                byte or word data
                ,x              register indirect addressing
                dir             direct addressing
                                (see .setdp directive)
                                0 <= dir <= 255
                ext             extended addressing
                label           branch label

        The  terms data, dir, and ext may be expressions.  The label for
        the short branchs beq, bne, bcc, and bcs must not be external.  


        AS6804 ASSEMBLER                                       PAGE AK-2
        6804 INSTRUCTION SET

           Note  that  not all addressing modes are valid with every in-
        struction, refer to the 6804 technical data for valid modes.  

        AK.2.1  Inherent Instructions 

                coma            decx
                decy            incx
                incy            rola
                rti             rts
                stop            tax
                tay             txa
                tya             wait

        AK.2.2  Branch Instructions 

                bne     label           beq     label
                bcc     label           bcs     label

        AK.2.3  Single Operand Instructions 

                add     []
                and     []
                cmp     []
                dec     []
                inc     []
                lda     []
                sta     []
                sub     []

        AK.2.4  Jump and Jump to Subroutine Instructions 

                jsr     []
                jmp     []


        AS6804 ASSEMBLER                                       PAGE AK-3
        6804 INSTRUCTION SET

        AK.2.5  Bit Test Instructions 

                brclr   #data,[],label
                brset   #data,[],label
                bclr    #label,[]
                bset    #label,[]

        AK.2.6  Load Immediate data Instruction 

                mvi     [],#data

        AK.2.7  6804 Derived Instructions 

                bam     label
                bap     label
                bxmi    label
                bxpl    label
                bymi    label
                bypl    label
                ldxi    #data
                ldyi    #data

                                   APPENDIX AL

                              AS68(HC)05 ASSEMBLER

        AL.1  .6805 DIRECTIVE 



        The  .6805 directive selects the MC6805 specific cycles count to
        be output.  

        AL.2  .hc05 DIRECTIVE 



        The  .hc05 directive selects the MC68HC05/146805 specific cycles
        count to be output.  

        AL.3  THE .__.CPU.  VARIABLE 

           The value of the pre-defined symbol '.__.CPU.' corresponds to
        the selected processor type.  The default value is 0 which  cor-
        responds  to  the  default  processor type.  The following table
        lists the processor types and associated values  for  the  ASZ80

                Processor Type            .__.CPU. Value
                --------------            --------------
                    .6805                        0
                    .hc05                        1

        AS68(HC)05 ASSEMBLER                                   PAGE AL-2
        THE .__.CPU.  VARIABLE

           The  variable  '.__.CPU.'  is by default defined as local and
        will not be output to the created .rel file.  The assembler com-
        mand line options -g or -a will not cause the local symbol to be
        output to the created .rel file.  

           The  assembler  .globl  directive  may  be used to change the
        variable type to global causing its definition to be  output  to
        the  .rel file.  The inclusion of the definition of the variable
        '.__.CPU.' might be a useful means of validating that separately
        assembled  files have been compiled for the same processor type.
        The linker will report an error for variables with multiple  non
        equal definitions.  

        AL.4  6805 REGISTER SET 

        The following is a list of the 6805 registers used by AS6805:  

                a       -       8-bit accumulator
                x       -       index register

        AL.5  6805 INSTRUCTION SET 

           The  following  tables  list all 6805 mnemonics recognized by
        the AS6805 assembler.  The designation [] refers to  a  required
        addressing  mode  argument.   The  following  list specifies the
        format for each addressing mode supported by AS6805:  

                #data           immediate data
                                byte or word data
                *dir            direct page addressing
                                (see .setdp directive)
                                0 <= dir <= 255 
                ,x              register indirect addressing
                                zero offset
                offset,x        register indirect addressing
                                  0 <= offset <= 255   --- byte mode
                                256 <= offset <= 65535 --- word mode
                                (an externally defined offset uses the
                                 word mode)
                ext             extended addressing

        AS68(HC)05 ASSEMBLER                                   PAGE AL-3
        6805 INSTRUCTION SET

                label           branch label

        The terms data, dir, offset, and ext may all be expressions.  

           Note  that  not all addressing modes are valid with every in-
        struction, refer to the 6805 technical data for valid modes.  

        AL.5.1  Control Instructions 

                clc             cli
                nop             rsp
                rti             rts
                sec             sei
                stop            swi
                tax             txa

        AL.5.2  Bit Manipulation Instructions 

                brset   #data,*dir,label
                brclr   #data,*dir,label
                bset    #data,*dir
                bclr    #data,*dir

        AL.5.3  Branch Instructions 

                bra     label           brn     label
                bhi     label           bls     label
                bcc     label           bcs     label
                bne     label           beq     label
                bhcc    label           bhcs    label
                bpl     label           bmi     label
                bmc     label           bms     label
                bil     label           bih     label
                bsr     label

        AS68(HC)05 ASSEMBLER                                   PAGE AL-4
        6805 INSTRUCTION SET

        AL.5.4  Read-Modify-Write Instructions 

                nega            negx
                neg     []
                coma            comx
                com     []
                lsra            lsrx
                lsr     []
                rora            rorx
                ror     []
                asra            asrx
                asr     []
                lsla            lslx
                lsl     []
                rola            rolx
                rol     []
                deca            decx
                dec     []
                inca            incx
                inc     []
                tsta            tstx
                tst     []
                clra            clrx
                clr     []

        AL.5.5  Register\Memory Instructions 

                sub     []              cmp     []
                sbc     []              cpx     []
                and     []              bit     []
                lda     []              sta     []
                eor     []              adc     []
                ora     []              add     []
                ldx     []              stx     []

        AS68(HC)05 ASSEMBLER                                   PAGE AL-5
        6805 INSTRUCTION SET

        AL.5.6  Jump and Jump to Subroutine Instructions 

                jmp     []              jsr     []

                                   APPENDIX AM

                             AS68(HC[S])08 ASSEMBLER


           The MC68HC(S)08 processor is a superset of the MC6805 proces-
        sors.  The AS6808 assembler supports the HC08, HCS08, 6805,  and
        HC05 cores.  

        AM.1.1  .hc08 Directive 



        The .hc08 directive enables processing of only the HC08 specific
        mnemonics.  6805/HC05/HCS08 mnemonics  encountered  without  the
        .hc08 directive will be flagged with an <o> error.  

           The  .hc08  directive  also  selects the HC08 specific cycles
        count to be output.  


        AS68(HC[S])08 ASSEMBLER                                PAGE AM-2

        AM.1.2  .hcs08 Directive 



        The  .hcs08  directive  enables processing of the HCS08 specific

           The  .hcs08  directive also selects the HCS08 specific cycles
        count to be output.  

        AM.1.3  .6805 Directive 



        The  .6805  directive  enables  processing of only the 6805/HC05
        specific mnemonics.  HC08/HCS08  mnemonics  encountered  without
        the .hc08/.hcs08 directives will be flagged with an <o> error.  

           The  .6805  directive also selects the MC6805 specific cycles
        count to be output.  

        AM.1.4  .hc05 Directive 



        The  .hc05  directive  enables  processing of only the 6805/HC05
        specific mnemonics.  HC08/HCS08  mnemonics  encountered  without
        the .hc08/.hcs08 directives will be flagged with an <o> error.  

           The .hc05 directive also selects the MC68HC05/146805 specific
        cycles count to be output.  


        AS68(HC[S])08 ASSEMBLER                                PAGE AM-3

        AM.1.5  The .__.CPU.  Variable 

           The value of the pre-defined symbol '.__.CPU.' corresponds to
        the selected processor type.  The default value is 0 which  cor-
        responds  to  the  default  processor type.  The following table
        lists the processor types and associated values for  the  AS6808

                Processor Type            .__.CPU. Value
                --------------            --------------
                    .hc08                        0
                    .hcs08                       1
                    .6805                        2
                    .hc05                        3

           The  variable  '.__.CPU.'  is by default defined as local and
        will not be output to the created .rel file.  The assembler com-
        mand line options -g or -a will not cause the local symbol to be
        output to the created .rel file.  

           The  assembler  .globl  directive  may  be used to change the
        variable type to global causing its definition to be  output  to
        the  .rel file.  The inclusion of the definition of the variable
        '.__.CPU.' might be a useful means of validating that separately
        assembled  files have been compiled for the same processor type.
        The linker will report an error for variables with multiple  non
        equal definitions.  

        AM.2  68HC(S)08 REGISTER SET 

        The  following  is  a  list  of  the 68HC(S)08 registers used by

                a       -       8-bit accumulator
                x       -       index register  
                s       -       stack pointer


        AS68(HC[S])08 ASSEMBLER                                PAGE AM-4

        AM.3  68HC(S)08 INSTRUCTION SET 

           The  following tables list all 68HC(S)08 mnemonics recognized
        by the AS6808 assembler.  The designation []  refers  to  a  re-
        quired  addressing  mode argument.  The following list specifies
        the format for each addressing mode supported by AS6808:  

                #data           immediate data
                                byte or word data
                *dir            direct page addressing
                                (see .setdp directive)
                                0 <= dir <= 255 
                ,x              register indexed addressing
                                zero offset
                offset,x        register indexed addressing
                                  0 <= offset <= 255   --- byte mode
                                256 <= offset <= 65535 --- word mode
                                (an externally defined offset uses the
                                 word mode)
                ,x+             register indexed addressing
                                zero offset with post increment
                offset,x+       register indexed addressing
                                unsigned byte offset with post increment
                offset,s        stack pointer indexed addressing
                                  0 <= offset <= 255   --- byte mode
                                256 <= offset <= 65535 --- word mode
                                (an externally defined offset uses the
                                 word mode)
                ext             extended addressing
                label           branch label

        The terms data, dir, offset, and ext may all be expressions.  

           Note  that  not all addressing modes are valid with every in-
        struction, refer to  the  68HC(S)08  technical  data  for  valid

        AS68(HC[S])08 ASSEMBLER                                PAGE AM-5

        AM.3.1  Control Instructions 

                clc             cli             daa             div
                mul             nop             nsa             psha
                pshh            pshx            pula            pulh
                pulx            rsp             rti             rts
                sec             sei             stop            swi
                tap             tax             tpa             tsx
                txa             txs             wait

        AM.3.2  Bit Manipulation Instructions 

                brset   #data,*dir,label
                brclr   #data,*dir,label
                bset    #data,*dir
                bclr    #data,*dir

        AM.3.3  Branch Instructions 

                bra     label           brn     label
                bhi     label           bls     label
                bcc     label           bcs     label
                bne     label           beq     label
                bhcc    label           bhcs    label
                bpl     label           bmi     label
                bmc     label           bms     label
                bil     label           bih     label
                bsr     label           bge     label
                blt     label           bgt     label
                ble     label

        AM.3.4  Complex Branch Instructions 

                cbeqa   [],label
                cbeqx   [],label
                cbeq    [],label
                dbnza   label
                dbnzx   label
                dbnz    [],label

        AS68(HC[S])08 ASSEMBLER                                PAGE AM-6

        AM.3.5  Read-Modify-Write Instructions 

                nega                    negx
                neg     []
                coma                    comx
                com     []
                lsra                    lsrx
                lsr     []
                rora                    rorx
                ror     []
                asra                    asrx
                asr     []
                asla                    aslx
                asl     []
                lsla                    lslx
                lsl     []
                rola                    rolx
                rol     []
                deca                    decx
                dec     []
                inca                    incx
                inc     []
                tsta                    tstx
                tst     []
                clra                    clrx
                clr     []              clrh
                aix     #data
                ais     #data

        AS68(HC[S])08 ASSEMBLER                                PAGE AM-7

        AM.3.6  Register\Memory Instructions 

                sub     []              cmp     []
                sbc     []              cpx     []
                and     []              bit     []
                lda     []              sta     []
                eor     []              adc     []
                ora     []              add     []
                ldx     []              stx     []

        AM.3.7  Double Operand Move Instruction 

                mov     [],[]

        AM.3.8  16-Bit  Index Register Instructions 

                cphx    []
                ldhx    []
                sthx    []

        AM.3.9  Jump and Jump to Subroutine Instructions 

                jmp     []              jsr     []

                                   APPENDIX AN

                                AS6809 ASSEMBLER

        AN.1  6809 REGISTER SET 

        The following is a list of the 6809 registers used by AS6809:  

                a,b     -       8-bit accumulators
                d       -       16-bit accumulator 
                x,y     -       index registers
                s,u     -       stack pointers
                pc      -       program counter
                cc      -       condition code
                dp      -       direct page

        AN.2  6809 INSTRUCTION SET 

           The  following  tables  list all 6809 mnemonics recognized by
        the AS6809 assembler.  The designation [] refers to  a  required
        addressing  mode  argument.   The  following  list specifies the
        format for each addressing mode supported by AS6809:  

                #data           immediate data
                                byte or word data
                *dir            direct page addressing
                                (see .setdp directive)
                                0 <= dir <= 255 
                label           branch label
                r,r1,r2         registers

        AS6809 ASSEMBLER                                       PAGE AN-2
        6809 INSTRUCTION SET

                ,-x     ,--x    register indexed
                ,x+     ,x++    register indexed
                ,x              register indexed addressing
                                zero offset
                offset,x        register indexed addressing
                                   -16 <= offset <= 15    ---  5-bit
                                  -128 <= offset <= -17   ---  8-bit
                                    16 <= offset <= 127   ---  8-bit
                                -32768 <= offset <= -129  --- 16-bit
                                   128 <= offset <= 32767 --- 16-bit
                                (external definition of offset
                                 uses 16-bit mode)
                a,x             accumulator offset indexed addressing
                ext             extended addressing
                ext,pc          pc addressing ( pc <- pc + ext )
                ext,pcr         pc relative addressing
                [,--x]          register indexed indirect
                [,x++]          register indexed indirect
                [,x]            register indexed indirect addressing
                                zero offset
                [offset,x]      register indexed indirect addressing
                                  -128 <= offset <= 127   ---  8-bit
                                -32768 <= offset <= -129  --- 16-bit
                                   128 <= offset <= 32767 --- 16-bit
                                (external definition of offset
                                 uses 16-bit mode)
                [a,x]           accumulator offset indexed
                                indirect addressing
                [ext]           extended indirect addressing
                [ext,pc]        pc indirect addressing
                                ( [pc <- pc + ext] )

        AS6809 ASSEMBLER                                       PAGE AN-3
        6809 INSTRUCTION SET

                [ext,pcr]       pc relative indirect addressing

        The  terms  data, dir, label, offset, and ext may all be expres-

           Note  that  not all addressing modes are valid with every in-
        struction, refer to the 6809 technical data for valid modes.  

        AN.2.1  Inherent Instructions 

                abx             daa
                mul             nop
                rti             rts
                sex             swi
                swi1            swi2
                swi3            sync

        AN.2.2  Short Branch Instructions 

                bcc     label           bcs     label
                beq     label           bge     label
                bgt     label           bhi     label
                bhis    label           bhs     label
                ble     label           blo     label
                blos    label           bls     label
                blt     label           bmi     label
                bne     label           bpl     label
                bra     label           brn     label
                bvc     label           bvs     label
                bsr     label

        AS6809 ASSEMBLER                                       PAGE AN-4
        6809 INSTRUCTION SET

        AN.2.3  Long Branch Instructions 

                lbcc    label           lbcs    label
                lbeq    label           lbge    label
                lbgt    label           lbhi    label
                lbhis   label           lbhs    label
                lble    label           lblo    label
                lblos   label           lbls    label
                lblt    label           lbmi    label
                lbne    label           lbpl    label
                lbra    label           lbrn    label
                lbvc    label           lbvs    label
                lbsr    label

        AS6809 ASSEMBLER                                       PAGE AN-5
        6809 INSTRUCTION SET

        AN.2.4  Single Operand Instructions 

                asla            aslb
                asl     []
                asra            asrb
                asr     []
                clra            clrb
                clr     []
                coma            comb
                com     []
                deca            decb
                dec     []
                inca            incb
                inc     []
                lsla            lslb
                lsl     []
                lsra            lsrb
                lsr     []
                nega            negb
                neg     []
                rola            rolb
                rol     []
                rora            rorb
                ror     []
                tsta            tstb
                tst     []

        AS6809 ASSEMBLER                                       PAGE AN-6
        6809 INSTRUCTION SET

        AN.2.5  Double Operand Instructions 

                adca    []              adcb    []
                adda    []              addb    []
                anda    []              andb    []
                bita    []              bitb    []
                cmpa    []              cmpb    []
                eora    []              eorb    []
                lda     []              ldb     []
                ora     []              orb     []
                sbca    []              sbcb    []
                sta     []              stb     []
                suba    []              subb    []

        AN.2.6  D-register Instructions 

                addd    []              subd    []
                cmpd    []              ldd     []
                std     []

        AS6809 ASSEMBLER                                       PAGE AN-7
        6809 INSTRUCTION SET

        AN.2.7  Index/Stack Register Instructions 

                cmps    []              cmpu    []
                cmpx    []              cmpy    []
                lds     []              ldu     []
                ldx     []              ldy     []
                leas    []              leau    []
                leax    []              leay    []
                sts     []              stu     []
                stx     []              sty     []
                pshs    r               pshu    r
                puls    r               pulu    r

        AN.2.8  Jump and Jump to Subroutine Instructions 

                jmp     []              jsr     []

        AN.2.9  Register - Register Instructions 

                exg     r1,r2           tfr     r1,r2

        AN.2.10  Condition Code Register Instructions 

                andcc   #data           orcc    #data
                cwai    #data

        AS6809 ASSEMBLER                                       PAGE AN-8
        6809 INSTRUCTION SET

        AN.2.11  6800 Compatibility Instructions 

                aba             cba
                clc             cli
                clv             des
                dex             ins
                ldaa    []      ldab    []
                oraa    []      orab    []
                psha            pshb
                pula            pulb
                sba             sec
                sei             sev
                staa    []      stab    []
                tab             tap
                tba             tpa
                tsx             txs

                                   APPENDIX AO

                                AS6811 ASSEMBLER

        AO.1  68HC11 REGISTER SET 

        The following is a list of the 68HC11 registers used by AS6811: 

                a,b     -       8-bit accumulators
                d       -       16-bit accumulator 
                x,y     -       index registers

        AO.2  68HC11 INSTRUCTION SET 

           The  following tables list all 68HC11 mnemonics recognized by
        the AS6811 assembler.  The designation [] refers to  a  required
        addressing  mode  argument.   The  following  list specifies the
        format for each addressing mode supported by AS6811:  

                #data           immediate data
                                byte or word data
                *dir            direct page addressing
                                (see .setdp directive)
                                0 <= dir <= 255 
                ,x              register indirect addressing
                                zero offset
                offset,x        register indirect addressing
                                0 <= offset <= 255
                ext             extended addressing
                label           branch label

        AS6811 ASSEMBLER                                       PAGE AO-2

        The terms data, dir, offset, and ext may all be expressions.  

           Note  that  not all addressing modes are valid with every in-
        struction, refer to the 68HC11 technical data for valid modes.  

        AO.2.1  Inherent Instructions 

                aba             abx
                aby             cba
                clc             cli
                clv             daa
                des             dex
                dey             fdiv
                idiv            ins
                inx             iny
                mul             nop
                rti             rts
                sba             sec
                sei             sev
                stop            swi
                tab             tap
                tba             tpa
                tsx             txs
                wai             xgdx
                psha            pshb
                psh a           psh b
                pshx            pshy
                psh x           psh y
                pula            pulb
                pul a           pul b
                pulx            puly
                pul x           pul y

        AS6811 ASSEMBLER                                       PAGE AO-3

        AO.2.2  Branch Instructions 

                bra     label           brn     label
                bhi     label           bls     label
                bcc     label           bhs     label
                bcs     label           blo     label
                bne     label           beq     label
                bvc     label           bvs     label
                bpl     label           bmi     label
                bge     label           blt     label
                bgt     label           ble     label
                bsr     label

        AS6811 ASSEMBLER                                       PAGE AO-4

        AO.2.3  Single Operand Instructions 

                asla            aslb            asld
                asl a           asl b           asl d
                asl     []
                asra            asrb
                asr a           asr b
                asr     []
                clra            clrb
                clr a           clr b
                clr     label
                coma            comb
                com a           com b
                com     []
                deca            decb
                dec a           dec b
                dec     []
                inca            incb
                inc a           inc b
                inc     []
                lsla            lslb            lsld
                lsl a           lsl b           lsl d
                lsl     []
                lsra            lsrb            lsrd
                lsr a           lsr b           lsr d
                lsr     []
                nega            negb
                neg a           neg b
                neg     []
                rola            rolb
                rol a           rol b
                rol     []
                rora            rorb
                ror a           ror b
                ror     []
                tsta            tstb
                tst a           tst b
                tst     []

        AS6811 ASSEMBLER                                       PAGE AO-5

        AO.2.4  Double Operand Instructions 

                adca    []              adcb    []
                adc a   []              adc b   []
                adda    []      addb    []      addd    []
                add a   []      add b   []      add d   []
                anda    []              andb    []
                and a   []              and b   []
                bita    []              bitb    []
                bit a   []              bit b   []
                cmpa    []              cmpb    []
                cmp a   []              cmp b   []
                eora    []              eorb    []
                eor a   []              eor b   []
                ldaa    []              ldab    []
                lda a   []              lda b   []
                oraa    []              orab    []
                ora a   []              ora b   []
                sbca    []              sbcb    []
                sbc a   []              sbc b   []
                staa    []              stab    []
                sta a   []              sta b   []
                suba    []      subb    []      subd    []
                sub a   []      sub b   []      sub d   []

        AO.2.5  Bit Manupulation Instructions 

                bclr    [],#data
                bset    [],#data
                brclr   [],#data,label
                brset   [],#data,label

        AS6811 ASSEMBLER                                       PAGE AO-6

        AO.2.6  Jump and Jump to Subroutine Instructions 

                jmp     []              jsr     []

        AO.2.7  Long Register Instructions 

                cpx     []              cpy     []
                ldd     []              lds     []
                ldx     []              ldy     []
                std     []              sts     []
                stx     []              sty     []

                                   APPENDIX AP

                             AS68(HC[S])12 ASSEMBLER


           The   AS6812  assembler  supports  the  68HC(S)12  series  of
        microprocessors which includes  the  68HC(S)8xx  and  68HC(S)9xx

        AP.1.1  .hc12 Directive 



        The  .hc12 directive selects the HC12 core specific cycles count
        to be output.  

        AP.1.2  .hcs12 Directive 



        The  .hcs12  directive  selects  the  HCS12 core specific cycles
        count to be output.  


        AS68(HC[S])12 ASSEMBLER                                PAGE AP-2

        AP.1.3  The .__.CPU.  Variable 

           The value of the pre-defined symbol '.__.CPU.' corresponds to
        the selected processor type.  The default value is 0 which  cor-
        responds  to  the  default  processor type.  The following table
        lists the processor types and associated values for  the  AS6812

                Processor Type            .__.CPU. Value
                --------------            --------------
                    .hc12                        0
                    .hcs12                       1

           The  variable  '.__.CPU.'  is by default defined as local and
        will not be output to the created .rel file.  The assembler com-
        mand line options -g or -a will not cause the local symbol to be
        output to the created .rel file.  

           The  assembler  .globl  directive  may  be used to change the
        variable type to global causing its definition to be  output  to
        the  .rel file.  The inclusion of the definition of the variable
        '.__.CPU.' might be a useful means of validating that separately
        assembled  files have been compiled for the same processor type.
        The linker will report an error for variables with multiple  non
        equal definitions.  

        AP.2  68HC(S)12 REGISTER SET 

        The  following  is  a  list  of  the 68HC(S)12 registers used by

                a,b     -       8-bit accumulators
                d       -       16-bit accumulator 
                x,y     -       index registers
                sp,s    -       stack pointer
                pc      -       program counter
                ccr,cc  -       condition code register


        AS68(HC[S])12 ASSEMBLER                                PAGE AP-3

        AP.3  68HC(S)12 INSTRUCTION SET 

           The  following tables list all 68HC(S)12 mnemonics recognized
        by the AS6812 assembler.  The designation []  refers  to  a  re-
        quired  addressing  mode argument.  The following list specifies
        the format for each addressing mode supported by AS6812:  

                #data           immediate data
                                byte or word data
                ext             extended addressing
                pg              memory page number
                *dir            direct page addressing
                                (see .setdp directive)
                                0 <= dir <= 255 
                label           branch label
                r,r1,r2         registers
                -x      x-      register indexed, pre or
                ,-x     ,x-     post autodecrement by 1
                n,-x    n,x-    register indexed, pre or
                                post autodecrement by 1 - 8
                +x      x+      register indexed, pre or
                ,+x     ,x+     post autoincrement by 1
                n,+x    n,x+    register indexed, pre or
                                post autoincrement by 1 - 8
                offset,x        register indexed addressing
                                   -16 <= offset <= 15    ---  5-bit
                                  -256 <= offset <= -17   ---  9-bit
                                    16 <= offset <= 255   ---  9-bit
                                -32768 <= offset <= -257  --- 16-bit
                                   256 <= offset <= 32767 --- 16-bit
                                (external definition of offset
                                 uses 16-bit mode)
                [offset,x]      register indexed indirect addressing
                                -32768 <= offset <= 32767 --- 16-bit
                [,x]            register indexed indirect addressing

        AS68(HC[S])12 ASSEMBLER                                PAGE AP-4

                                zero offset
                a,x             accumulator offset indexed addressing
                [d,x]           d accumulator offset indexed
                                indirect addressing

        The  terms  data, dir, label, offset, and ext may all be expres-

           Note  that  not all addressing modes are valid with every in-
        struction, refer to  the  68HC(S)12  technical  data  for  valid

        AP.3.1  Inherent Instructions 

                aba             bgnd            cba
                daa             dex             dey
                ediv            edivs           emul
                emuls           fdiv            idiv
                idivs           inx             iny
                mem             mul             nop
                psha            pshb            pshc
                pshd            pshx            pshy
                pula            pulb            pulc
                puld            pulx            puly
                rev             revw            rtc
                rti             rts             sba
                stop            swi             tab
                tba             wai             wav

        AS68(HC[S])12 ASSEMBLER                                PAGE AP-5

        AP.3.2  Short Branch Instructions 

                bcc     label           bcs     label
                beq     label           bge     label
                bgt     label           bhi     label
                bhis    label           bhs     label
                ble     label           blo     label
                blos    label           bls     label
                blt     label           bmi     label
                bne     label           bpl     label
                bra     label           brn     label
                bvc     label           bvs     label
                bsr     label

        AP.3.3  Long Branch Instructions 

                lbcc    label           lbcs    label
                lbeq    label           lbge    label
                lbgt    label           lbhi    label
                lbhis   label           lbhs    label
                lble    label           lblo    label
                lblos   label           lbls    label
                lblt    label           lbmi    label
                lbne    label           lbpl    label
                lbra    label           lbrn    label
                lbvc    label           lbvs    label

        AP.3.4  Branch on Decrement, Test, or Increment 

                dbeq    r,label         dbne    r,label
                ibeq    r,label         ibne    r,label
                tbeq    r,label         tbne    r,label

        AP.3.5  Bit Clear and Set Instructions 

                bclr    [],#data
                bset    [],#data


        AS68(HC[S])12 ASSEMBLER                                PAGE AP-6

        AP.3.6  Branch on Bit Clear or Set 

                brclr   [],#data,label
                brset   [],#data,label

        AP.3.7  Single Operand Instructions 

                asla            aslb
                asl     []
                asra            asrb
                asr     []
                clra            clrb
                clr     []
                coma            comb
                com     []
                deca            decb
                dec     []
                inca            incb
                inc     []
                lsla            lslb
                lsl     []
                lsra            lsrb
                lsr     []
                nega            negb
                neg     []
                rola            rolb
                rol     []
                rora            rorb
                ror     []
                tsta            tstb
                tst     []

        AS68(HC[S])12 ASSEMBLER                                PAGE AP-7

        AP.3.8  Double Operand Instructions 

                adca    []              adcb    []
                adda    []              addb    []
                anda    []              andb    []
                bita    []              bitb    []
                cmpa    []              cmpb    []
                eora    []              eorb    []
                ldaa    []      <=>     lda     []
                ldab    []      <=>     ldb     []
                oraa    []      <=>     ora     []
                orab    []      <=>     orb     []
                sbca    []              sbcb    []
                staa    []      <=>     sta     []
                stab    []      <=>     stb     []
                suba    []              subb    []

        AP.3.9  Move Instructions 

                movb    [],[]           movw    [],[]

        AP.3.10  D-register Instructions 

                addd    []              subd    []
                cpd     []      <=>     cmpd    []
                ldd     []              std     []

        AS68(HC[S])12 ASSEMBLER                                PAGE AP-8

        AP.3.11  Index/Stack Register Instructions 

                cps     []      <=>     cmps    []
                cpx     []      <=>     cmpx    []
                cpy     []      <=>     cmpy    []
                lds     []
                ldx     []              ldy     []
                leas    []
                leax    []              leay    []
                sts     []
                stx     []              sty     []

        AP.3.12  Jump and Jump/Call to Subroutine Instructions 

                call    [],pg
                jmp     []              jsr     []

        AP.3.13  Other Special Instructions 

                emacs   []
                emaxd   []              emaxm   []
                emind   []              eminm   []
                etbl    []
                maxa    []              maxm    []
                mina    []              minm    []
                tbl     []              trap    #data

        AP.3.14  Register - Register Instructions 

                exg     r1,r2           sex     r1,r2
                tfr     r1,r2


        AS68(HC[S])12 ASSEMBLER                                PAGE AP-9

        AP.3.15  Condition Code Register Instructions 

                andcc   #data           orcc    #data

        AP.3.16  M68HC11 Compatibility Mode Instructions 

                abx             aby             clc
                cli             clv             des
                ins             sec             sei
                sev             tap             tpa
                tsx             tsy             txs
                tys             xgdx            xgdy

                                   APPENDIX AQ

                                AS6816 ASSEMBLER

        AQ.1  68HC16 REGISTER SET 

        The following is a list of the 68HC16 registers used by AS6816: 

                a,b     -       8-bit accumulators
                d       -       16-bit accumulator 
                e       -       16-bit accumulator
                x,y,z   -       index registers
                k       -       address extension register
                s       -       stack pointer
                ccr     -       condition code

        AQ.2  68HC16 INSTRUCTION SET 

           The  following tables list all 68HC16 mnemonics recognized by
        the AS6816 assembler.  The designation [] refers to  a  required
        addressing  mode  argument.   The  following  list specifies the
        format for each addressing mode supported by AS6816:  

                #data           immediate data
                                byte or word data
                #xo,#yo         local immediate data (mac / rmac)
                label           branch label
                r               register
                ,x              zero offset register indexed addressing

        AS6816 ASSEMBLER                                       PAGE AQ-2

                offset,x        register indexed addressing
                                     0 <= offset <= 255   ---  8-bit
                                -32768 <= offset <= -1    --- 16-bit
                                   256 <= offset <= 32767 --- 16-bit
                                (external definition of offset
                                 uses 16-bit mode)
                offset,x8       unsigned 8-bit offset indexed addressing
                offset,x16      signed 16-bit offset indexed addressing
                e,x             accumulator offset indexed addressing
                ext             extended addressing
                bank            64K bank number (jmp / jsr)

        The  terms data, label, offset, bank, and ext may all be expres-

           Note  that  not all addressing modes are valid with every in-
        struction, refer to the 6816 technical data for valid modes.  

        AQ.2.1  Instruction Notes 

           Several  instructions  have  argument  conditions that can be
        confusing to the uninitiated.  The AIS, AIX, AIY, AIZ, ADDD, and
        ADDE instructions have 8 and 16 bit immediate forms:  

                AIS     ii              and
                AIS     jjkk

        Where  each  argument  is  sign extended to 20 bits.  This means
        that the 8 bit value is between -128 and  +127  and  the  16 bit
        value  is between -32768 and +32765.  The assembler checks for a
        constant argument with a value from -128 to +127 and  emits  the
        8 bit  opcode and signed 8 bit value.  This implies that that an
        argument  0xFC, often used to specify a value of -4 when dealing
        with  8 bit  arguments,  is not -4 but +252.  The assembler will
        emit the 16 bit opcode and the value 0x00FC, not  what  was  ex-

        AS6816 ASSEMBLER                                       PAGE AQ-3

        AQ.2.2  Inherent Instructions 

                aba             abx             aby             abz
                ace             aced            ade             adx
                ady             adz             aex             aey
                aez             bgnd            cba             daa
                ediv            edivs           emul            emuls
                fdiv            fmuls           idiv            ldhi
                lpstop          mul             nop             psha
                pshb            pshmac          pula            pulb
                pulmac          rtr             rts             sba
                sde             sted            swi             sxt
                tab             tap             tba             tbek
                tbsk            tbxk            tbyk            tbzk
                tde             tdmsk           tdp             ted
                tedm            tekb            tem             tmer
                tmet            tmxed           tpa             tpd
                tskb            tsx             tsy             tsz
                txkb            txs             txy             txz
                tykb            tys             tyx             tyz
                tzkb            tzs             tzx             tzy
                wai             xgab            xgde            xgdx
                xgdy            xgdz            xgex            xgey

        AQ.2.3  Push/Pull Multiple Register Instructions 

                pshm    r,...           pulm    r,...

        AQ.2.4  Short Branch Instructions 

                bcc     label           bcs     label
                beq     label           bge     label
                bgt     label           bhi     label
                bhis    label           bhs     label
                ble     label           blo     label
                blos    label           bls     label
                blt     label           bmi     label
                bne     label           bpl     label
                bra     label           brn     label
                bvc     label           bvs     label
                bsr     label

        AS6816 ASSEMBLER                                       PAGE AQ-4

        AQ.2.5  Long Branch Instructions 

                lbcc    label           lbcs    label
                lbeq    label           lbge    label
                lbgt    label           lbhi    label
                lbhis   label           lbhs    label
                lble    label           lblo    label
                lblos   label           lbls    label
                lblt    label           lbmi    label
                lbne    label           lbpl    label
                lbra    label           lbrn    label
                lbvc    label           lbvs    label
                lbsr    label

        AQ.2.6  Bit Manipulation Instructions 

                bclr    [],#data
                bset    [],#data
                brclr   [],#data,label
                brset   [],#data,label

        AS6816 ASSEMBLER                                       PAGE AQ-5

        AQ.2.7  Single Operand Instructions 

                asla                    aslb
                asld                    asle
                asl     []              aslw    []
                asra                    asrb
                asrd                    asre
                asr     []              asrw    []
                clra                    clrb
                clrd                    clre
                clr     []              clrw    []
                coma                    comb
                comd                    come
                com     []              comw    []
                deca                    decb
                dec     []              decw    []
                inca                    incb
                inc     []              incw    []
                lsla                    lslb
                lsld                    lsle
                lsl     []              lslw    []
                lsra                    lsrb
                lsrd                    lsre
                lsr     []              lsrw    []
                nega                    negb
                negd                    nege
                neg     []              negw    []
                rola                    rolb
                rold                    role
                rol     []              rolw    []
                rora                    rorb
                rord                    rore
                ror     []              rorw    []
                tsta                    tstb

        AS6816 ASSEMBLER                                       PAGE AQ-6

                tsta                    tste
                tst     []              tstw    []

        AQ.2.8  Double Operand Instructions 

                adca    []              adcb    []
                adcd    []              adce    []
                adda    []              addb    []
                addd    []              adde    []
                ais     []              aix     []
                aiy     []              aiz     []
                anda    []              andb    []
                andd    []              ande    []
                bita    []              bitb    []
                cmpa    []              cmpb    []
                cpd     []              cpe     []
                eora    []              eorb    []
                eord    []              eore    []
                ldaa    []              ldab    []
                ldd     []              lde     []
                oraa    []              orab    []
                ord     []              ore     []
                sbca    []              sbcb    []
                sbcd    []              sbce    []
                staa    []              stab    []
                std     []              ste     []
                suba    []              subb    []
                subd    []              sube    []

        AS6816 ASSEMBLER                                       PAGE AQ-7

        AQ.2.9  Index/Stack Register Instructions 

                cps     []              cpx     []
                cpy     []              cpz     []
                lds     []              ldx     []
                ldy     []              ldz     []
                sts     []              stx     []
                sty     []              stz     []

        AQ.2.10  Jump and Jump to Subroutine Instructions 

                jmp     bank,[]         jsr     bank,[]

        AQ.2.11  Condition Code Register Instructions 

                andp    #data           orp     #data

        AQ.2.12  Multiply and Accumulate Instructions 

                mac     #data           rmac    #data
                mac     #xo,#yo         rmac    #xo,#yo

                                   APPENDIX AR

                                AS68CF ASSEMBLER

           The  ColdFire assembler, AS68CF, supports the instruction set
        as described in the Freescale CFPRM Rev 3  (C)  03/2005  manual.
        Additional  instructions have been added to ColdFire as the core
        has matured.  Many are included in this version  of  the  assem-

           This  assembler does not support cycle counts per instruction
        as the ColdFire is available in chip or IP Core form.  


        AR.1.1  .setdp Directive 


                .setdp [base [,area]] 

           The  .setdp  directive is used to inform the assembler of the
        current direct page region and the  offset  address  within  the
        selected area.  The normal invocation methods are:  

                .area   DIRECT  (PAG)
                .setdp  #,DIRECT


        AS68CF ASSEMBLER                                       PAGE AR-2

           AS68CF  has  two  paging regions, the first 32K bytes and the
        last 32K bytes of the 32-bit addressing space.   The  paged  ad-
        dressing      ranges      are      0x00000000-0x00007FFF     and
        0xFFFF8000-0xFFFFFFFF.  Define a different area for each of  the

                .area   LOPAGE  (PAG)
                .setdp  0x00000000,LOPAGE
                .area   HIPAGE  (PAG)
                .setdp  0xFFFF8000,HIPAGE

           These  two regions must both be linked with a base address of
        0x00000000 to position them so that  instructions  can  use  the
        16-bit  short  forms  to  access these regions.  Explicit direct
        page addressing is invoked by using the '*' prefix to a label or
        symbol.  Automatic direct page addressing can be invoked by ena-
        bling the autodpcnst (Automatic Direct  Page  Constants)  and/or
        the autodpsmbl (Automatic Direct Page Symbols) options.  

           The  assembler  verifies  that  any  local variable used in a
        direct variable reference is located in one of these areas.  Lo-
        cal  variable  and  constant  value  direct access addresses are
        checked to be within the paging address ranges.  The linker will
        check  all  external direct page relocations to verify that they
        are within the correct area.  

           External  global  references are normally specified using the
        .globl directive.  However the two paging areas of AS68K require
        additional  information  for  the  external references.  This is
        done by the directives .lodpgbl and .hidpgbl.  

        AR.1.2  .lodpgbl Directive 


                .lodpgbl arg1, arg2, ...  

                    Where the arguments are labels or
                    symbols with values that are in the
                    0x00000000-0x00007FFF direct page.
                    If the low page area has not been
                    specified then the arguments are
                    defined as being in the current area.


        AS68CF ASSEMBLER                                       PAGE AR-3

        AR.1.3  .hidpgbl Directive 


                .hidpgbl arg1, arg2, ...  

                    Were the arguments are labels or
                    symbols with values that are in the
                    0xFFFF8000-0xFFFFFFFF direct page.
                    If the high page area has not been
                    specified then the arguments are
                    defined as being in the current area.

        AR.1.4  .flt16, .flt32, and .flt64 

           There are three supported floating point formats available in
        the AS68CF assembler  where arg1, arg2, ...   represent  one  or
        more floating-point numbers.  

                .flt16 arg1, arg2, ...  

                    .flt16 causes one word of storage
                    to be generated for each argument.
                Word: 16-Bit Floating Point Format:
                15      14     7        6     0
                 S      EEEEEEEE        MMMMMMM
                        Mantissa  (7 bits)
                        Exponent  (8 bits) Biased
                        Sign      (1 bit)

        AS68CF ASSEMBLER                                       PAGE AR-4


                .flt32 arg1, arg2, ...  

                    .flt32 causes two words of storage
                    to be generated for each argument.
                Single: 32-Bit Floating Point:
                31      30    23        22        0
                 S      EEEEEEEE        MMM.....MMM
                        Mantissa  (23 bits)
                        Exponent  (8 bits) Biased
                        Sign      (1 bit)

                .flt64 arg1, arg2, ...  

                    .flt64 generates 4 words of storage
                    for each argument.
                Double: 64-Bit Floating Point
                63      62       52     51        0
                 S      EEEEEEEEEEE     MMM.....MMM
                        Mantissa  (52 bits)
                        Exponent  (11 bits) Biased
                        Sign      (1 bit)

           The arguments are evaluated and the results are stored in the
        object module.  Unlike the .word directive only the sign  opera-
        tors   (+)   and  (-)  may  be  used  in  the  evaluation  of  a
        floating-point argument.  No arithmetic operations  are  allowed
        in the floating-point argument.  

           A floating-point number is represented by a string of decimal
        digits.  The string (which can be a single digit in length)  may
        contain  an optional decimal point and may be followed by an op-
        tional exponent indicator in the form of 'E' or 'e' followed  by
        a  signed  decimal integer exponent.  The number may not contain
        embedded blanks, tabs, or angle brackets and may not be  an  ex-

           The  AS68CF assembler returns a value of the appropriate size
        and precision via one of  the  floating-point  directives.   The
        values  returned  may be truncated or rounded as selected by the
        '.enabl (fpt)' or '.dsabl (fpt)' respectively.  

        AS68CF ASSEMBLER                                       PAGE AR-5

           Floating-point numbers are normally rounded.  That is, when a
        floating-point number exceeds the limits of the field  in  which
        it is to be stored, the high-order bit of the unretained portion
        is added to the low-order bit of the retained portion.  

        AR.1.5  ^F - The Temporary Floating-Point Operator 



           ^F  is  a unary operator for numeric control which allows you
        to specify an  argument  that  is  either  a  1-word  or  2-word
        floating-point number.  For example, the following statement:  

                A:      MOVE.W  #^F3.7,D0

        creates an immediate 1-word floating-point number containing the
        value 3.7 formatted as shown in the .flt16 description in a pre-
        vious section.  

        The following statement:  

                B:      MOVE.L  #^F3.7,D0

        creates an immediate 2-word floating-point number containing the
        value 3.7 formatted as shown in the .flt32 description in a pre-
        vious section.  

           The ^F operator is only allowed in an instruction.  

        AS68CF ASSEMBLER                                       PAGE AR-6

        AR.1.6  .enabl and .dsabl 


                .enabl (arg1, arg2, ...) 
                .dsabl (arg1, arg2, ...) 

        where:  arg1, arg2, ...    represent one or more
                                   of the following options
                alt          Allow Alternate Instructions
                autodpcnst   Automatic Direct Paging For Constants
                autodpsmbl   Automatic Direct Paging For Symbols
                mac          Multiply-Accumulate Unit
                emac         Extended Multiply-Accumulate Unit
                flt          Floating Point Instructions
                fpt          Floating-Point Truncation

        alt:  controls whether the automatic translation of instructions
        to alternate instruction  forms  is  enabled.   The  default  is
        enabled.  The following translations may be performed:  

                MOVE [],An  ->  MOVEA [],An
                MOVE #,Dn   ->  MOVEQ #,Dn  (#: -128 to +127)
                ADD Dn,An   ->  ADDA Dn,An
                ADD #,Dn    ->  ADDI #,Dn
                ADD #,Dn    ->  ADDQ #,Dn   (#: 1 to 8)
                AND #,Dn    ->  ANDI #,Dn
                CMP [],An   ->  CMPA [],An
                CMP #,Dn    ->  CMPI #,Dn
                EOR #,[]    ->  EORI #,[]
                OR #,Dn     ->  ORI #,Dn
                SUB [],An   ->  SUBA [],An
                SUB #,Dn    ->  SUBI #,Dn
                SUB #,Dn    ->  SUBQ #,Dn   (#: 1 to 8)

        autodpcnst:  controls whether instructions without length quali-
        fies, .B, .W, .L, can automatically use  short  forms  when  the
        constants  are  within  the ranges of 0x00000000-0x00007FFF (low
        paging region) or 0xFFFF8000-0xFFFFFFFF (high paging region)  or
        are  external globals.  The paging regions must have been speci-
        fied for this option to take effect.  The default is enabled.  

        AS68CF ASSEMBLER                                       PAGE AR-7

        autodpsmbl:  controls whether instructions without length quali-
        fies, .B, .W, .L, can automatically use  short  forms  when  the
        symbols are within the ranges of 0x00000000-0x00007FFF (low pag-
        ing region) or 0xFFFF8000-0xFFFFFFFF (high paging region) or are
        external  globals.   The paging regions must have been specified
        for this option to take effect.  The default is enabled.  

        mac:   controls whether the multiply-accumulate instructions are
        assembled.  Normally disabled.  

        emac:   controls  whether  the  extended multiply-accumulate in-
        structions are assembled.  Normally disabled.  

        flt:   controls  whether  floating-point  instructions  are  as-
        sembled.  Normally disabled.  

        fpt:   controls  whether  floating-point  truncation  is active.
        Normal mode is fpt disabled and rounding is enabled.  

           Note  that  'mac' and 'emac' are mutually exclusive, enabling
        one disables the other.  


           The  following  is  a  list of the ColdFire registers used by
        AS68CF.  Eight 32-bit data  registers  provide  data  as  bytes,
        words,  and longs.  Eight address registers provide addresses as
        words or longs.  Other  registers  include  the  32-bit  program
        counter  and  the  8-bit status register.  The control registers
        are not described in this document.  

        AS68CF ASSEMBLER                                       PAGE AR-8

            Data Registers
                |- Long ---------------------------|
                                 |- Word-----------|
                                          |- Byte -|
                 31            16 15     8 7      0
                |-               |        |       -| D0
                |-               |        |       -| D1
                |-               |        |       -| D2
                |-               |        |       -| D3
                |-               |        |       -| D4
                |-               |        |       -| D5
                |-               |        |       -| D6
                |-               |        |       -| D7

        AS68CF ASSEMBLER                                       PAGE AR-9

            Address Registers
                |- Long --------------------------|
                                 |- Word----------|
                 31            16 15             0
                |-               |               -| A0
                |-               |               -| A1
                |-               |               -| A2
                |-               |               -| A3
                |-               |               -| A4
                |-               |               -| A5
                |-               |               -| A6
                |-       User Stack Pointer      -|
                |----------------|----------------| A7 / SP
                |-    Supervisor Stack Pointer   -|

                 31                             0
                |-       Program Counter         |
                Status Register| System |  User  |

        AS68CF ASSEMBLER                                      PAGE AR-10


         Mode   Register   Syntax           Addressing Mode     
         -----  --------  --------    ----------------------------
          000    Reg #       Dn       Data Reg Dir
          001    Reg #       An       Addr Reg Dir
          010    Reg #      (An)      Addr Reg Ind
          011    Reg #      (An)+     Addr Reg Ind w/Postinc
          100    Reg #     -(An)      Addr Reg Ind w/Predec
          101    Reg #      d16(An)   Addr Reg Ind w/Disp
                     or    (d16,An)
          110    Reg #    d8(An,Rn)   Addr Reg Ind w/Disp w/Index
                     or  (d8,An,Rn)
          111     000        xxx      Absolute Short
                     or     (xxx).W
          111     001       xxxxx     Absolute Long
                     or    (xxxxx).L
          111     010       d16(PC)   Prog Ctr Ind w/Disp
                     or    (d16,PC)
          111     011     d8(PC,Rn)   Prog Ctr Ind w/Disp w/Index
                     or  (d8,PC,Rn)
          111     100       #xxx      Immediate
                     or    #(xxx).W   Short Immediate
                     or    #(xxx).L   Long Immediate
                Where Rn is An or Dn
                Note that Rn supports Rn.W and Rn.L forms and
                an optional scale factor of *1, *2, or *4 when
                the addressing mode is d8(An,Rn) or d8(PC,Rn)
                The following short forms are also supported:
                        @An     <==>    (An)
                        @An+    <==>    (An)+
                       -@An     <==>   -(An)

        AS68CF ASSEMBLER                                      PAGE AR-11


           The  following tables list all the instructions found in this
        implementation of the ColdFire assembler.  The (.B,.W,.L)  indi-
        cates  an  instruction  has  byte,  word,  and  long forms.  The
        brackets '[]' indicate one of the  described  addressing  modes.
        Note that most instructions do not support all addressing modes,
        see the appropriate data sheets for allowed modes.  

           For  Instructions having multiple sizes the assembler automa-
        tically selects an appropriate size or a  default  size  if  the
        size  suffix  is  blank.   This most often defaults to using the
        word form.  For those instructions with only a single  size  the
        sizing suffix is optional.  

           The  ColdFire  instructions  have  a  maximum length of three
        words (48 bits).  This limits instructions to specific  address-
        ing  modes.   Double  operand  instructions  will report certain
        pairs of addressing modes as illegal if  the  total  instruction
        size exceeds the three word limit.  
                Ry      Source Register (Dy or Ay)
                Rx      Destination Register (Dx or Ax)
                CRy     Source Control Register
                CRx     Destination Control Register
                Dw      Second Destination Register
                Dc      First Compare Register
                Du      Second Compare Register
                []y     Source Addressing Mode
                []x     Destination Addressing Mode
                #       A Source Number

        AS68CF ASSEMBLER                                      PAGE AR-12

        AR.4.1  MOVE Instructions 

                MOVE (.B,.W,.L) []y,[]x Source To Destination
                MOVE (.W)       CCR,Dx  From Condition Code Register
                MOVE (.B)       Dy,CCR  To Condition Code Register
                MOVE (.B)       #,CCR   To Condition Code Register
                MOVE (.W)       SR,[]x  From Status Register
                MOVE (.W)       []y,SR  To Status Register
                MOVE (.L)       USP,Ax  From User Stack Pointer
                MOVE (.L)       Ay,USP  To User Stack Pointer
                MOVEA (.W,.L)   []y,Ax  To Address Register
                MOVEC (.L)      Ry,CRx  To Control register
                MOVEM (.W,.L) Rlist,[]x From Registers In List
                MOVEM (.W,.L) []y,Rlist To Registers In List
                MOVEQ (.L)       #,[]x  Signed 8-Bit # To Destination
                MOV3Q (.L)       #,[]x  -1,1-7 3-Bit # To Destination
                MVS   (.B,.W)   []y,Dx  Move With Sign Extend To Long
                MVZ   (.B,.W)   []y,Dx  Move With Zero Fill To Long

        AR.4.2  Double Operand 

                ADD  (.L)       []y,Dx  ADD Source To Destination
                ADD  (.L)       Dy,[]x  ADD Source To Destination
                ADDA (.L)       []y,Ax  ADD Source To An
                ADDX (.L)       Dy,Dx   ADD Source and X (Carry)
                                        To Destination
                AND  (.L)       []y,Dx  AND Source With Dn
                AND  (.L)       Dy,[]x  AND Dn With Destination
                                        or Rn > [] Upper Bound, TRAP
                CMP  (.B,.W,.L) []y,[]x Destination - Source, Set CCs
                CMPA (.W,.L)    []y,Ax  Compare Source With An
                DIVS (.W,.L)    []y,Dx  Signed Destination/Source
                DIVU (.W,.L)    []y,Dx  UnSigned Destination/Source
                EOR  (.L)       Dy,[]x  XOR Source With Destination
                MULS (.W,.L)    []y,Dx  Signed Source*Destination
                MULU (.W,.L)    []y,Dx  UnSigned Source*Destination
                OR   (.L)       []y,[]x Source ORed With Destination
                SUB  (.L)       []y,Dx  Subtract Source From Dn
                SUB  (.L)       Dy,[]x  Subtract Source From Destination
                SUBA (.L)       []y,Ax  Subtract Source From An
                SUBX (.L)       Dy,Dx   Subtract Source and X (Carry)
                                        From Destination

        AS68CF ASSEMBLER                                      PAGE AR-13

        AR.4.3  Immediate Instructions 

                ADDI (.L)        #,[]x  ADD Immediate To Destination
                ADDQ (.L)        #,[]x  ADD 1-8 To Destination
                ANDI (.L)        #,[]x  AND Immediate To Destination
                CMPI (.B,.W,.L)  #,[]x  CMP Immediate With Destination
                EORI (.L)        #,[]x  XOR Immediate With Destination
                ORI  (.L)        #,[]x  OR  Immediate With Destination
                SUBI (.L)        #,[]x  SUB Immediate From Destination
                SUBQ (.L)        #,[]x  SUB 1-8 From Destination

        AR.4.4  Single Operand 

                CLR  (.B,.W,.L)   []x   Clear Destination
                EXT  (.W,.L)      Dx    Extend Byte To Word
                                        or Word To Long
                EXTB (.L)         Dx    Extend Byte To Long
                NEG  (.L)         Dx    Negate Destination
                NEGX (.L)         Dx    Negate Dest. With X (Carry)
                NOT  (.L)         Dx    Complement Destination
                TST  (.B,.W,.L)   []x   Test Destination

        AR.4.5  Shift And Rotate 

                ASR  (.L)       Dy,Dx   Arithmetic Shift Right
                ASR  (.L)       #,Dx    Arithmetic Shift Right
                ASL  (.L)       Dy,Dx   Arithmetic Shift Left
                ASL  (.L)       #,Dx    Arithmetic Shift Left
                LSR  (.L)       Dy,Dx   Logical Shift Right
                LSR  (.L)       #,Dx    Logical Shift Right
                LSL  (.L)       Dy,Dx   Logical Shift Left
                LSL  (.L)       #,Dx    Logical Shift Left

        AS68CF ASSEMBLER                                      PAGE AR-14

        AR.4.6  Bit Manipulation 

                BCHG (.B,.L)    Dy,[]x  Test Bit And Change
                BCHG (.B,.L)     #,[]x
                BCLR (.B,.L)    Dy,[]x  Test A Bit And Clear
                BCLR (.B,.L)     #,[]x
                BSET (.B,.L)    Dy,[]x  Test A Bit And Set
                BSET (.B,.L)     #,[]x
                BTST (.B,.L)    Dy,[]x  Test A Bit
                BTST (.B,.L)     #,[]x
                BITREV  (.L)    Dy      Bit Reverse Register
                BYTEREV (.L)    Dy      Byte Reverse Register
                SWAP (.W)       Dx      Swap Words
                TAS  (.B)       []x     Test And Set An Operand

        AR.4.7  Branch On Condition Instructions 

           The  short  (.S)  branch instructions have a range of -126 to
        +129 bytes relative to the address of  the  branch  instruction.
        The  word  (.W)  branch  instructions have a range of -32,766 to
        +32,769 bytes relative to the address of the branch instruction.
        The instruction argument is normally an address.  

           BCC  label  Carry Clear        BLS  label  Lower Or Same
           BCS  label  Carry Set          BLT  label  Less Than
           BEQ  label  Equal              BMI  label  Minus
           BGE  label  Greater Or Equal   BNE  label  Not Equal
           BGT  label  Greater Than       BPL  label  Plus
           BHI  label  Higher             BVC  label  Overflow Clear
           BLE  label  Less Or Equal      BVS  label  Overflow Set
           BHS  label  Higher Or Same     BLO  label  Lower Than
           BRA  label  Branch Always
           BSR  label  Branch To Subroutine

           Branch  instructions  without .S, .W, or .L are automatically
        sized according to the branch range.  External branches  without
        .S or .W are always .L sized.  

        AS68CF ASSEMBLER                                      PAGE AR-15

        AR.4.8  Set According To Condition 

           The Condition is tested and if True the addressed byte is set
        to all 1s else the addressed byte is set to all 0s.  

                SCC (.B)    []x Carry Clear
                SHS (.B)    []x Higher Or Same (SCC)
                SLS (.B)    []x Lower Or Same
                SCS (.B)    []x Carry Set
                SLO (.B)    []x Lower (SCS)
                SLT (.B)    []x Less Than
                SEQ (.B)    []x Equal
                SMI (.B)    []x Minus
                SF  (.B)    []x False
                SNE (.B)    []x Not Equal
                SGE (.B)    []x Greater Or Equal
                SPL (.B)    []x Plus
                SGT (.B)    []x Greater Than
                ST  (.B)    []x True
                SHI (.B)    []x Higher
                SVC (.B)    []x Overflow Clear
                SLE (.B)    []x Less Or Equal
                SVS (.B)    []x Overflow Set

        AR.4.9  Trap False 

                TPF             PC + 2 -> PC, Opcode Only
                TPF.W           PC + 4 -> PC, Opcode Only
                TPF.L           PC + 6 -> PC, Opcode Only
                TPF (.W,.L)  #  Autoselect TPF.W or TPF.L
                TPF.W   #       PC + 4 -> PC, Opcode + Word
                TPF.L   #       PC + 6 -> PC, Opcode + Long

        AS68CF ASSEMBLER                                      PAGE AR-16

        AR.4.10  Other Instructions 

                JMP             []y     Jump To Location
                JSR             []y     Jump To Subroutine
                LEA  (.L)       []y,Ax  Load Effective Address
                PEA  (.L)       []y     Push Effective Address
                Push And Possibly Invalidate Cache
                CPUSHL          dc,(Ax) Data Cache
                CPUSHL          ic,(Ax) Instruction Cache
                CPUSHL          bc,(Ax) Both Caches
                FF1  (.L)       Dx      Find First 1 In Register
                HALT                    Halt The CPU
                ILLEGAL                 Illegal Instruction Exception
                INTOUCH         (Ay)    Instruction Fetch Touch
                LINK            Ay,#    Link And Allocate
                NOP                     No Operation
                PULSE                   Generate Unique
                                        Processor Status
                REMS (.L)    []y,Dw:Dx  Signed Divide Remainder
                REMU (.L)    []y,Dw:Dx  Unsigned Divide Remainder
                RTE                     Return From Exception
                RTS                     Return From Subroutine
                SATS (.L)       []x     Signed Saturate
                STRLDSR (.W)    #       Store/Load Status Register
                STOP            #       Load Status Register And Stop
                TRAP            #       Trap To Vector (0-15)
                UNLK            Ax      Load Stack Pointer, Pop Stack
                WDDATA (.B,.W,.L)  []y  Write To Debug Data
                WDEBUG (.L)     []y     Write Debug Control Register

        AR.4.11  Undocumented Instructions 

           The following instructions may have been restored in more re-
        cent versions of the Coldfire core.  

                CAS     Dc,Du,[]y       Compare And Swap With Operand
                CAS2    Dc1:Dc2,Du1:Du2,(Ry1):(Ry2)
                CHK  (.W,.L)    []y,Dx  Dn < 0 or Dn > [], TRAP
                CHK2 (.B.,W,.L) []y,Rx  Rn < [] Lower Bound
                CMP2 (.B,.W,.L) []y,Rx  Upper/Lower Bounds Check


        AS68CF ASSEMBLER                                      PAGE AR-17


           The syntax:  Arguments within { } are options.  

                Ry      Source Register (Dy or Ay)
                Rx      Destination Register (Dx or Ax)
                Rw      Load Destination Register (Dw or Aw)
                {U,L}   U For Upper Word, L For Lower Word
                {<<,>>} << For Product<<1
                        >> For Product>>1
                {&}     ANDed With MASK Register

        AR.5.1  Multiply-Accumulate Operations 

                Multiply Accumulate
                MAC (.W)    Ry.{U,L},Rx.{U,L}{<<,>>}
                MAC (.L)    Ry,Rx{<<,>>}
                Multiply Accumulate With Load
                MAC (.W)    Ry.{U,L},Rx.{U,L}{<<,>>},[]y{&},Rw
                MAC (.L)    Ry,Rx{<<,>>},[]y{&},Rw
                Multiply Subtract
                MSAC (.W)   Ry.{U,L},Rx.{U,L}{<<,>>}
                MSAC (.L)   Ry,Rx{<<,>>}
                Multiply Subtract With Load
                MSAC (.W)   Ry.{U,L},Rx.{U,L}{<<,>>},[]y{&},Rw
                MSAC (.L)   Ry,Rx{<<,>>},[]y{&},Rw

        AS68CF ASSEMBLER                                      PAGE AR-18

        AR.5.2  Move Operations 

                MOVE (.L)   ACC,Rx      Move From Accumulator
                MOVE (.L)   Ry,ACC      Move To Accumulator
                MOVE (.L)   #,ACC
                MOVE (.L)   MACSR,Rx    Move From MAC CSR
                MOVE (.L)   Ry,MACSR    Move To MAC CSR
                MOVE (.L)   #,MACSR
                MOVE (.L)   MASK,Rx     Move From MASK
                MOVE (.L)   Ry,MASK     Move To MASK
                MOVE (.L)   #,MASK
                MOVE (.L)   MACSR,CCR   Move From MACSR To CCR


           The syntax:  Arguments within { } are options.  

                ACCy    Source FP Accumulator
                ACCx    Destination FP Accumulator
                ACCw    Second Destination FP Accumulator
                Ry      Source Register (Dy or Ay)
                Rx      Destination Register (Dx or Ax)
                Rw      Load Destination Register (Dw or Aw)
                {U,L}   U For Upper Word, L For Lower Word
                {<<,>>} << For Product<<1
                        >> For Product>>1
                {&}     ANDed With MASK Register

        AS68CF ASSEMBLER                                      PAGE AR-19

        AR.6.1  Multiply-Accumulate Operations 

                Multiply Accumulate
                MAC (.W)    Ry.{U,L},Rx.{U,L}{<<,>>}
                MAC (.L)    Ry,Rx{<<,>>}
                Multiply Accumulate With Load
                MAC (.W)    Ry.{U,L},Rx.{U,L}{<<,>>},[]y{&},Rw
                MAC (.L)    Ry,Rx{<<,>>},[]y{&},Rw
                Multiply Subtract
                MSAC (.W)   Ry.{U,L},Rx.{U,L}{<<,>>},ACCx
                MSAC (.L)   Ry,Rx{<<,>>},ACCx
                Multiply Subtract With Load
                MSAC (.W)   Ry.{U,L},Rx.{U,L}{<<,>>},[]y{&},Rw,ACCx
                MSAC (.L)   Ry,Rx{<<,>>},[]y{&},Rw,ACCx
                Multiply And Add To First Accumulator
                Add To Second Accumulator
                MAAAC (.W)  Ry.{U,L},Rx.{U,L}{<<,>>},ACCx,ACCw
                MAAAC (.L)  Ry,Rx{<<,>>},ACCx,ACCw
                Multiply And Add To First Accumulator
                Subtract From Second Accumulator
                MASAC (.W)  Ry.{U,L},Rx.{U,L}{<<,>>},ACCx,ACCw
                MASAC (.L)  Ry,Rx{<<,>>},ACCx,ACCw
                Multiply And Subtract From First Accumulator
                Add To Second Accumulator
                MSAAC (.W)  Ry.{U,L},Rx.{U,L}{<<,>>},ACCx,ACCw
                MSAAC (.L)  Ry,Rx{<<,>>},ACCx,ACCw
                Multiply And Subtract From First Accumulator
                Subtract From Second Accumulator
                MSSAC (.W)  Ry.{U,L},Rx.{U,L}{<<,>>},ACCx,ACCw
                MSSAC (.L)  Ry,Rx{<<,>>},ACCx,ACCw

        AS68CF ASSEMBLER                                      PAGE AR-20

        AR.6.2  Move Operations 

                MOVCLR (.L)   ACCy,Rx   Move From Accumulator
                                        And Clear Accumulator
                MOVE (.L)    ACCy,Rx    Move From Accumulator
                MOVE (.L)    Ry,ACCx    Move To Accumulator
                MOVE (.L)    #,ACCx
                MOVE (.L)  ACCext01,Rx  Move From Accumulator
                                        0 And 1 Extensions
                MOVE (.L)  Ry,ACCext01  Move To Accumulator
                                        0 And 1 Extensions
                MOVE (.L)  #,ACCext01   Move To Accumulator
                                        0 And 1 Extensions
                MOVE (.L)  ACCext23,Rx  Move From Accumulator
                                        2 And 3 Extensions
                MOVE (.L)  Ry,ACCext23  Move To Accumulator
                                        2 And 3 Extensions
                MOVE (.L)  #,ACCext23   Move To Accumulator
                                        2 And 3 Extensions
                MOVE (.L)    MACSR,Rx   Move From The MACSR
                MOVE (.L)    Ry,MACSR   Move To The MACSR
                MOVE (.L)    #,MACSR
                MOVE (.L)    MASK,Rx    Move From The MASK
                MOVE (.L)    Ry,MASK    Move To The MASK
                MOVE (.L)    #,MASK
                MOVE (.L)    ACCy,ACCx  Copy An Accumulator
                MOVE (.L)    MACSR,CCR  Move From The MACSR
                                        To The CCR


           The  floating  point instruction set for the ColdFire is sum-
        marized in this section.  

           The floating point selection options:  

            .enabl (flt)   Enable Floating Point
            .enabl (fpt)   Enable Floating Point Truncation


        AS68CF ASSEMBLER                                      PAGE AR-21

           The  following  sections describe the floating point instruc-
        tions separated into these instruction groups:  

                Data Movement
                Dyadic Operations
                Monadic Operations
                Program Control
                System Control

           The  tables contain the operand syntax and the operand format
        which is summarized here:  

                FPy     A floating point SRC register (FP0-FP7)
                FPx     A floating point DST register (FP0-FP7)
                FPcr    A Floating point Control Register
                []y     SRC addressing mode
                []x     DST addressing mode

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