
AS8X300 Assembler

   The  AS8X300 assembler supports the 8X300 and 8X305 microcon-
trollers with the basic  syntax  of  the  MCCAP  Microcontroller
Cross  Assembler  Program.   The  8x300 microcontroller has just
eight basic instructions, MOVE, ADD, AND, XOR, XMIT,  NZT,  XEC,
and  JMP.  The 8x305 has two addition instruction mnemonics, XML
and XMR.  Three additional mnemonics are common to the 8X300 and
8X305,  HALT, NOP, and SEL.  These five instructions are derived
from the basic instructions.  

   The  CALL and RTN functionalities are provided by macros con-
tained in the s8xmcros.asm macro library.  These  functions  and
others  in  the  library will be discussed in the following sec-


.8x300 Directive 



The  default microcontroller selection is the 8x300.  The .8x300
directive explicitly selects  coding  for  the  8x300  microcon-

.8x305 Directive 



The  default microcontroller selection is the 8x300.  The .8x305
directive explicitly selects  coding  for  the  8x305  microcon-

.liv Directive 


        .liv    sym     byte,bit,length 

The .liv declaration assigns a symbolic name to a left bank data
field and defines the address (byte), position (bit), and preci-
sion (length) of that variable.  

.riv Directive 


        .riv    sym     byte,bit,length 

The  .riv  declaration  assigns  a symbolic name to a right bank
data field and defines the address (byte), position  (bit),  and
precision (length) of that variable.  

.fdef Directive 


        .fdef   n(v),n(v),...  

The  .fdef  directive  is  used  to  specify  operand fields and
default values for instruction extensions.   The  fields  define
output  bit positions from MSB to LSB.  The directive may define
up to 16 fields with a total length of 16 bits.  The  length  in
bits  (n)  of each field is specified along with the an optional
default field value (v) and an error checking flag (- preceeding
n inhibits error checking).  

.xtnd Directive 


        .xtnd   [area] 

The option to output instruction extension code requires the de-
finition of an extension field by .fdef and  the  invocation  of
.xtnd with a defined area.  The generated extension code will be
placed in the extended code area with the same  address  as  the
assembled  instruction.  Invoking the .xtnd directive without an
area will disable the extension code output.  


   The  macro  library,  s8xmcros.asm,  contains macros defining
functionality not implemented directly into the assembler.  

   The macros are:  

        ORG     space, pgsize  ^/[...]/

        PROC    sub
        ENTRY   sub

        CALL    sub     ^/[...]/
        RTN     ^/[...]/

        CALL_TABLE      area_c, area_x  ^/[...]/

Where  the ^/[...]/ syntax passes the string "[...]" as an argu-
ment of the macro.  



        ORG     space, pgsize   ^/[...]/ 

The  ORG  macro changes the value of the location counter either
conditionally or unconditionally.  The first  form  of  the  ORG

        ORG     address

unconditionally changes the value of the location counter to the
value indicated by "address" which is any  constant,  symbol  or
expression which evaluates to a value between 1 and 8191.  

   The second form of the ORG macro conditionally sets the loca-
tion counter to the next page or segment boundary if  there  are
insufficient locations (space) in the current page (pgsize = 32)
or segment (pgsize = 256).  If there is insufficient space  then
a jump instruction is inserted pointing to the next page/segment

        ORG     space, pgsize  ^/[...]/

The  optional  extended  code, [...], will be output if the jump
instruction is inserted.  

   If  "space" is equal to "pgsize", this statement is an uncon-
ditional alignment to the next boundary of length "pgsize".  



        PROC    sub 

The PROC macro creates the following code:  

        .sbttl  sub:



        ENTRY   sub 

The ENTRY macro creates the following code:  



   The  macro  functions  CALL,  RTN, and CALL_TABLE implement a
subroutine calling convention.  The 8X300/8X305 microcontrollers
donot  have  a stack to save the return addresses for subroutine
calling or subroutine returns.  The subroutine  calling  conven-
tion  uses  register r11 as an index into a table of return jump
addresses created by cooperation between the CALL macro and  the
CALL_TABLE  macro.   The  CALL macro creates a unique return ad-
dress symbol each time the macro  is  invoked.   The  CALL_TABLE
macro creates the return jump table which is appended to the end
of the assembled code.  



        CALL    sub     ^/[...]/ 

The CALL macro creates the following code:  

        xmit    n,r11   [...]
        jmp     sub     [...]

and  a  symbol, .rtn.n which points to the instruction following
the inserted code, where n is 0 for the  first  CALL  invocation
and  is  incremented  by  1 for each successive CALL invocation.
The extended instruction code, [...], is optional.  



        RTN     ^/[...]/ 

The RTN macro creates the following code:  

        jmp     .tbgn.  [...]

where  .tbgn.   is  a label created by the macro CALL_TABLE when
invoked at the end of the assembly.   The  table  return  index,
r11,  will  select the proper return jump address entry from the
jump table created by the CALL_TABLE macro.   The  extended  in-
struction code, [...], is optional.  



        CALL_TABLE      area_c,area_x   ^/[...]/ 

'area_c'  specifies the code area where the return jump table is
to be placed.  'area_x' specifies the code area where the exten-
sion  data  is  to be placed.  CALL_TABLE can be invoked with no
arguments to use the current code and extension  areas  and  the
default extended code.  To create an empty argument use the con-
struct ^// for the argument.  

   The CALL_TABLE macro creates an entry for each CALL macro in-
voked in the assembly program and produces the following code:  

        xec     .+1(r11) [...]
        jmp     .rtn.0  [...]
        jmp     .rtn.1  [...]
        jmp     .rtn.2  [...]
        ... repeating for the
            total number of CALLs


The following is a list of the 8X300 and 8X305 registers used by

    Registers Common To The 8X300 and 8X305
        r0,r1,r2,r3     -       8-bit registers
        aux (= r0)
        ivl (= r7)
        ovf (= r10)
        ivr (= r17)

    Additional Registers Of The 8X305
        r12,r13,r14,    -       8-bit registers

    Register names containing multiple letters
    must be all lower case or all upper case.


   The  following  tables  list  all  8X300  and 8X305 mnemonics
recognized by the AS8X300 assembler.  The following list  speci-
fies the format for each addressing mode supported by AS8X300:  

    Instruction Argument Syntax:

        op      instruction mnemonic

        reg     8X300/8X305 registers

        s       source I/O data feild
                register, .liv or .riv symbol, or constant

        d       desination I/O data feild
                register, .liv or .riv symbol, or constant

        exp8    8-bit value

        exp5    5-bit value

        df      I/O data field (may be optional)

        len     I/O field length (may be optional)

        r       bit positions to rotate (may be optional)

        addr    call or jump address or label

        code    extension field patterns (optional)

The terms reg, s, r, exp8, exp5, df, len, addr, and code may all
be expressions.  

   Note  that  not  all addressing modes may be valid with every
instruction.  Refer to the 8X300/8X305 technical data for  valid

Basic 8X300 and 8X305 Instructions
    MOVE, ADD, AND, XOR - Data Manipulation
        op      s,d             [code]
        op      s(r),d          [code]
        op      s,len,d         [code]

    XMIT - Load Immediate
        XMIT    exp8,reg        [code]
        XMIT    exp5,df,len     [code]

    XDEF - Execute
        XEC     exp8(reg),size          [code]
        XEC     exp5(df,len),size       [code]

    NZT - Non-Zero Transfer
        NZT     reg,exp8        [code]
        NZT     df,len,exp5     [code]

    JMP - Unconditional Jump
        JMP     addr    [code]

Aditional 8X305 Instructions
    XML, XMR - Load Immediate To Left Or Right Bank
        op      immed   [code]

Common Derived Instructions
    SEL, HALT, NOP - Derived Instructions
        SEL     df      [code]
        HALT            [code]
        NOP             [code]

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Last Updated: September 2023