
AS6809 Assembler


The following is a list of the 6809 registers used by AS6809:  

        a,b     -       8-bit accumulators
        d       -       16-bit accumulator <a:b>
        x,y     -       index registers
        s,u     -       stack pointers
        pc      -       program counter
        cc      -       condition code
        dp      -       direct page


   The  following  tables  list all 6809 mnemonics recognized by
the AS6809 assembler.  The designation [] refers to  a  required
addressing  mode  argument.   The  following  list specifies the
format for each addressing mode supported by AS6809:  

        #data           immediate data
                        byte or word data

        *dir            direct page addressing
                        (see .setdp directive)
                        0 <= dir <= 255 

        label           branch label

        r,r1,r2         registers

        ,-x     ,--x    register indexed

        ,x+     ,x++    register indexed

        ,x              register indexed addressing
                        zero offset

        offset,x        register indexed addressing
                           -16 <= offset <= 15    ---  5-bit
                          -128 <= offset <= -17   ---  8-bit
                            16 <= offset <= 127   ---  8-bit
                        -32768 <= offset <= -129  --- 16-bit
                           128 <= offset <= 32767 --- 16-bit
                        (external definition of offset
                         uses 16-bit mode)

        a,x             accumulator offset indexed addressing

        ext             extended addressing

        ext,pc          pc addressing ( pc <- pc + ext )

        ext,pcr         pc relative addressing
        [,--x]          register indexed indirect

        [,x++]          register indexed indirect

        [,x]            register indexed indirect addressing
                        zero offset

        [offset,x]      register indexed indirect addressing
                          -128 <= offset <= 127   ---  8-bit
                        -32768 <= offset <= -129  --- 16-bit
                           128 <= offset <= 32767 --- 16-bit
                        (external definition of offset
                         uses 16-bit mode)

        [a,x]           accumulator offset indexed
                        indirect addressing

        [ext]           extended indirect addressing

        [ext,pc]        pc indirect addressing
                        ( [pc <- pc + ext] )

        [ext,pcr]       pc relative indirect addressing

The  terms  data, dir, label, offset, and ext may all be expres-

   Note  that  not all addressing modes are valid with every in-
struction, refer to the 6809 technical data for valid modes.  

Inherent Instructions 

        abx             daa
        mul             nop
        rti             rts
        sex             swi
        swi1            swi2
        swi3            sync

Short Branch Instructions 

        bcc     label           bcs     label
        beq     label           bge     label
        bgt     label           bhi     label
        bhis    label           bhs     label
        ble     label           blo     label
        blos    label           bls     label
        blt     label           bmi     label
        bne     label           bpl     label
        bra     label           brn     label
        bvc     label           bvs     label
        bsr     label

Long Branch Instructions 

        lbcc    label           lbcs    label
        lbeq    label           lbge    label
        lbgt    label           lbhi    label
        lbhis   label           lbhs    label
        lble    label           lblo    label
        lblos   label           lbls    label
        lblt    label           lbmi    label
        lbne    label           lbpl    label
        lbra    label           lbrn    label
        lbvc    label           lbvs    label
        lbsr    label

Single Operand Instructions 

        asla            aslb
        asl     []

        asra            asrb
        asr     []

        clra            clrb
        clr     []

        coma            comb
        com     []

        deca            decb
        dec     []

        inca            incb
        inc     []

        lsla            lslb
        lsl     []

        lsra            lsrb
        lsr     []

        nega            negb
        neg     []

        rola            rolb
        rol     []

        rora            rorb
        ror     []

        tsta            tstb
        tst     []

Double Operand Instructions 

        adca    []              adcb    []

        adda    []              addb    []

        anda    []              andb    []

        bita    []              bitb    []

        cmpa    []              cmpb    []

        eora    []              eorb    []

        lda     []              ldb     []

        ora     []              orb     []

        sbca    []              sbcb    []

        sta     []              stb     []

        suba    []              subb    []

D-register Instructions 

        addd    []              subd    []
        cmpd    []              ldd     []
        std     []

Index/Stack Register Instructions 

        cmps    []              cmpu    []
        cmpx    []              cmpy    []

        lds     []              ldu     []
        ldx     []              ldy     []

        leas    []              leau    []
        leax    []              leay    []

        sts     []              stu     []
        stx     []              sty     []

        pshs    r               pshu    r
        puls    r               pulu    r

Jump and Jump to Subroutine Instructions 

        jmp     []              jsr     []

Register - Register Instructions 

        exg     r1,r2           tfr     r1,r2

Condition Code Register Instructions 

        andcc   #data           orcc    #data
        cwai    #data

6800 Compatibility Instructions 

        aba             cba
        clc             cli
        clv             des
        dex             ins
        ldaa    []      ldab    []
        oraa    []      orab    []
        psha            pshb
        pula            pulb
        sba             sec
        sei             sev
        staa    []      stab    []
        tab             tap
        tba             tpa
        tsx             txs

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Last Updated: September 2023