
AS6808 Assembler


   The MC68HC(S)08 processor is a superset of the MC6805 proces-
sors.  The AS6808 assembler supports the HC08, HCS08, 6805,  and
HC05 cores.  

.hc08 Directive 



The .hc08 directive enables processing of only the HC08 specific
mnemonics.  6805/HC05/HCS08 mnemonics  encountered  without  the
.hc08 directive will be flagged with an <o> error.  

   The  .hc08  directive  also  selects the HC08 specific cycles
count output when the -c command line option is specified.  

.hcs08 Directive 



The  .hcs08  directive  enables processing of the HCS08 specific

   The  .hcs08  directive also selects the HCS08 specific cycles
count to be output.

.6805 Directive 



The  .6805  directive  enables  processing of only the 6805/HC05
specific mnemonics.  HC08/HCS08  mnemonics  encountered  without
the .hc08/.hcs08 directives will be flagged with an <o> error.  

   The  .6805  directive also selects the MC6805 specific cycles
count to be output. 

.hc05 Directive 



The  .hc05  directive  enables  processing of only the 6805/HC05
specific mnemonics.  HC08/HCS08  mnemonics  encountered  without
the .hc08/.hcs08 directives will be flagged with an <o> error.  

   The .hc05 directive also selects the MC68HC05/146805 specific
cycles count to be output.

The .__.CPU.  Variable 

   The value of the pre-defined symbol '.__.CPU.' corresponds to
the selected processor type.  The default value is 0 which  cor-
responds  to  the  default  processor type.  The following table
lists the processor types and associated values for  the  AS6808

        Processor Type            .__.CPU. Value
        --------------            --------------
            .hc08                        0
            .hcs08                       1
            .6805                        2
            .hc05                        3

   The  variable  '.__.CPU.'  is by default defined as local and
will not be output to the created .rel file.  The assembler com-
mand line options -g or -a will not cause the local symbol to be
output to the created .rel file.  

   The  assembler  .globl  directive  may  be used to change the
variable type to global causing its definition to be  output  to
the  .rel file.  The inclusion of the definition of the variable
'.__.CPU.' might be a useful means of validating that seperately
assembled  files have been compiled for the same processor type.
The linker will report an error for variables with multiple  non
equal definitions.  


The  following  is  a  list  of  the  68HC(S)08  registers  used
by AS6808:  

        a       -       8-bit accumulator
        x       -       index register  <H:X>
        s       -       stack pointer


   The  following tables list all 68HC(S)08 mnemonics recognized
by the AS6808 assembler.  The designation [] refers to a required
addressing  mode  argument.   The  following  list specifies the
format for each addressing mode supported by AS6808:  

        #data           immediate data
                        byte or word data

        *dir            direct page addressing
                        (see .setdp directive)
                        0 <= dir <= 255 

        ,x              register indexed addressing
                        zero offset

        offset,x        register indexed addressing
                          0 <= offset <= 255   --- byte mode
                        256 <= offset <= 65535 --- word mode
                        (an externally defined offset uses the
                         word mode)

        ,x+             register indexed addressing
                        zero offset with post increment

        offset,x+       register indexed addressing
                        unsigned byte offset with post increment

        offset,s        stack pointer indexed addressing
                          0 <= offset <= 255   --- byte mode
                        256 <= offset <= 65535 --- word mode
                        (an externally defined offset uses the
                         word mode)

        ext             extended addressing

        label           branch label

The terms data, dir, offset, and ext may all be expressions.  

   Note  that  not all addressing modes are valid with every in-
struction, refer to the 68HC(S)08 technical data for valid modes.  

Control Instructions 

        clc             cli             daa             div
        mul             nop             nsa             psha
        pshh            pshx            pula            pulh
        pulx            rsp             rti             rts
        sec             sei             stop            swi
        tap             tax             tpa             tsx
        txa             txs             wait

Bit Manipulation Instructions 

        brset   #data,*dir,label
        brclr   #data,*dir,label

        bset    #data,*dir
        bclr    #data,*dir

Branch Instructions 

        bra     label           brn     label
        bhi     label           bls     label
        bcc     label           bcs     label
        bne     label           beq     label
        bhcc    label           bhcs    label
        bpl     label           bmi     label
        bmc     label           bms     label
        bil     label           bih     label
        bsr     label           bge     label
        blt     label           bgt     label
        ble     label

Complex Branch Instructions 

        cbeqa   [],label
        cbeqx   [],label
        cbeq    [],label
        dbnza   label
        dbnzx   label
        dbnz    [],label

Read-Modify-Write Instructions 

        nega                    negx
        neg     []

        coma                    comx
        com     []

        lsra                    lsrx
        lsr     []

        rora                    rorx
        ror     []

        asra                    asrx
        asr     []

        asla                    aslx
        asl     []

        lsla                    lslx
        lsl     []

        rola                    rolx
        rol     []

        deca                    decx
        dec     []

        inca                    incx
        inc     []

        tsta                    tstx
        tst     []

        clra                    clrx
        clr     []              clrh

        aix     #data

        ais     #data

E.2.6  Register\Memory Instructions 

        sub     []              cmp     []
        sbc     []              cpx     []
        and     []              bit     []
        lda     []              sta     []
        eor     []              adc     []
        ora     []              add     []
        ldx     []              stx     []

Double Operand Move Instruction 

        mov     [],[]

16-Bit <H:X> Index Register Instructions 

        cphx    []
        ldhx    []
        sthx    []

Jump and Jump to Subroutine Instructions 

        jmp     []              jsr     []

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Last Updated: September 2023