
AS6100 Assembler


   The IM6100 (Intersil) and HM6100 (Harris) microprocessors are
12-bit word addressable machines having three 12-bit program ac-
cessible  registers  and one single bit register.  These are the
Accumulator (AC), MQ Register (MQ), Program  Counter  (PC),  and
the Link (L) respectively.  

   The  6100  is basically a clone of the Digital Equipment Cor-
poration PDP-8E minicomputer  architecture.   This  architecture
predates  all  microprocessors  and labeled the bits from 0 (the
most significant) to 11 (the least significant) rather than from
least  to  most  significant.  The actual labelling is arbitrary
and the as6100 assembler uses the now more common labelling.  

   The  output  generated from the assembler/linker is two bytes
per word ordered as MSB then LSB with the upper 4  bits  of  the
MSB always zero.  


   Because  the  6100  microprocessor  has  no  concept of bytes
several of the cross assembler directives have  their  operation
changed to reflect the 12-Bit nature of the microprocessor.  

These are:
        .byte           (.db and .fcb are aliases)
                        output an 8-Bit value
                        into a 12-bit word
        .word           (.dw and .fdb are aliases)
                        output a 12-Bit value
                        into a 12-Bit word
        .ascii          (.asciz and ascis also)
                        output a sequence of 8-Bit
                        characters in 12-bit words

   A double precision integer (24-Bits) mnemonic has been added: 

        .dubl           (.4byte and .quad are aliases)
                        output a 24-Bit value
                        into two 12-bit words

   Two  new  directives  have  been  added  to  implement  6-bit
character string operations.  The characters A-Z and  [/]^_  are
masked  to values of 0x01 to 0x1F, the characters a-z are masked
to values of 0x01 to 0x1A, and the characters from  ' '  (space)
to  '?'  are masked to 0x20 to 0x3F.  All other ascii characters
become a space (0x20).  

These are:
        .text           output upto two characters per 12-bit
        .textz          output upto two characters per 12-bit
                        followed by a 6-bit zero value.


   The  6100  microprocessor  memory architecture consists of 32
pages each having 128 words for  a  total  of  4096  addressable
words.   The  6100  instruction set allows direct access only to
the current page and to page 0.  Three machine  specific  direc-
tives  provide  differing  methods  to  select  the memory page.
These directives are:  



        .setpg          ; . = next page boundary
        .setpg  N       ; . = Nth page boundary

where:  N       is the page number from 0 to 31

   The .setpg directive is used to set the current program loca-
tion counter to a specific 128 word page boundary or to the next
128  word  page boundary and inform the assembler/linker of this



        .mempn N        ; . = Nth page boundary

where:  N       is the page number from 0 to 31

   The .mempn directive is used to set the current program loca-
tion counter to a specific 128 word page boundary and inform the
assembler/linker of this boundary.  



        .mempa A        ; . = A (a page boundary)

where:  A       is a 128 word page address boundary

   The .mempa directive is used to set the current program loca-
tion counter to a specific page boundary address and inform  the
assembler/linker of this boundary.  


   The  following  tables  list all 6100 family mnemonics recog-
nized by the AS6100 assembler.  The instruction set is described
in 3 major groupings:  Basic Instructions, Operate Microinstruc-
tions, and IOT Instructions.  

Basic Instructions 

   The basic instructions are:  

        and     Logical AND
        tad     Binary ADD
        isz     Increment and skip if zero
        dca     Deposit and clear AC
        jms     Jump to subroutine
        jmp     Jump

   These instructions have two paging addressing modes:  

        addr            current page address
        *addr           page 0 address

which  can  be  combined with an indirect mode signified by an i
argument or enclosing brackets []:  

        i addr          indirect current page

        i *addr         indirect page 0
        [*addr] or *[addr]

The  6100  implements  an auto-increment mode when accessing ad-
dresses 0x08 - 0x0F in page 0 by incrementing  the  contents  of
the location before using the value as an address.  

Operate Instructions 

   The  operate  instructions are split into three groups of mu-
tually exclusive micro operations.  The single  micro  operation
in common with all three groups is:  

        CLA     Clear Accumulator

Group 1 Operate Instructions  - 

   The  group  1 microinstructions are used primarily to perform
logical operations on the contents of the accumulator and link: 

        CLL     Clear Link
        CMA     Complement Accumulator
        CML     Complement Link
        IAC     Increment Accumulator

        RAL     Rotate Accumulator Left
        RTL     Rotate Two Left
        RAR     Rotate Accumulator Right
        RTR     Rotate Two Right
        BSW     Byte Swap

A group 1 microinstruction can contain one or all of the mnemon-
ics CLA, CLL, CMA, CML, IAC, but only one of the RAL, RTL,  RAR,
RTR,  or BSW mnemonics (RAL, RTL, RAR, RTR, and BSW are mutually

   The  NOP  (No  Operation) functionality can be implemented in
all three operate instruction groups but is specified by the as-
sembler as a group 1 instruction.  

   Several  common  group 1 operations have been given their own

        NOP     NO Operation
        CIA     Complement and Increment Accumulator
        GLT     Get Link
        STA     Set Accumulator

Group 2 Operate Instructions  - 

   The  group 2 microinstructions are used primarily to test the
contents of the accumulator and/or link and  then  conditionally
skip the next sequential instruction:  

        HLT     Halt
        OSR     Or With Switch Register

        SKP     Skip
        SNL     Skip On Non-Zero Link
        SZL     Skip On Zero Link
        SZA     Skip On Zero Accumulator
        SNA     Skip On Non-Zero Accumulator
        SMA     Skip On Minus Accumulator
        SPA     Skip On Plus Accumulator

A group 2 microinstruction can contain one or all of the mnemon-
ics CLA, HLT, OSR, but only one of the SKP, SNL, SZL, SZA,  SNA,
SMA, or SPA mnemonics (SKP, SNL, SZL, SZA, SNA, SMA, and SPA are
mutually exclusive).  

   One common group 2 operation has been given its own mnemonic: 

        LAS     Load Accumulator With Switch Register

Group 3 Operate Instructions  - 

   The  group  3 microinstructions perform logical operations on
the contents of AC and MQ.  

        MQL     MQ Register Load
        MQA     MQ Register Into Accumulator

A group 3 microinstruction can contain one or all of the mnemon-
ics CLA, MQL, and MQA.  

   Several  common  group 3 operations have been given their own

        SWP     Swap Accumulator and MQ Register
        CAM     Clear Accumulator and MQ Register
        ACL     Clear Accumulator and Load
                MQ Register into Accumulator

Group Errors  - 

   The 6100 assembler has three additional error codes which oc-
cur when the group 1, 2, or 3 operations are mixed.   The  error
code  will  be  <1>, <2>, or <3> based upon the first group type
encountered followed by any other type of group operation.   The
CLA operation is valid with all groups and does not cause an er-
ror code to be generated.  

Input/Output (IOT) Instructions 

   The  input/output  transfer  instructions are used to control
the operation of peripherals and  transfer  data  between  peri-
pherals and the 6100 microprocessor.  Of the lower 9 bits of the
instruction used for device selection and control typically  the
3  LSBs  are  the  I/O  operation  bits and the remaining 6 bits
select the peripheral device.  

        IOT     DEV,CMND

        where DEV is the device select code and
        CMND is the command code.

Specifying  a  device select code of zero in the IOT instruction
allows the user program to control the  interrupt  mechanism  of
the 6100 microprocessor.  These instructions are:  

        SKON    Skip If Interrupt On
        ION     Interrupt Turn On
        IOF     Interrupt Turn Off
        SRQ     Skip If Int Request
        GTF     GetFlags
        RTF     Return Flags
        SGT     Defined By Device Logic
        CAF     Clear All Flags

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Last Updated: September 2023