The 'FTP and Telnet Package for Small Systems' provides stan- dalone FTP and Telnet programs. These programs will run under all RT-11 monitors (SJ, SB, FB, XB, XM, ZB, and ZM) and TSX-Plus. The sources for the 'FTP and Telnet Package for Small Systems' include header, command, C language, and macro files. The DECUS C compiler (with some bug fixes) and AS assembler are included with the software distribution to allow the package to be recompiled from the supplied sources. The requirements are an RT-11 system with 56K bytes of memory and a DEQNA/DELQA (Q-Bus) or DEUNA/DELUA (Unibus) ethernet card with associated transceiver (thick, thin, or CAT-5). Submitted by Alan R. Baldwin, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio 44242
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Last Updated: March 2021
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