The minimum package to get FTP and Telnet loaded onto your computer is included on this single RT-11 logical disk file TCPIPM.DSK. This single logical disk contains the Small System executables (SMLTCP.DSK), documentation (SS.DOC from RTDOC.DSK), and all the pre-built device handlers (DVDSK1.DSK and DVDSK2.DSK). The Small System FTP and Telnet are standalone programs which will function under TSX-Plus and all RT-11 monitors (SJ, SB, FB, XB, XM, ZB, ZM). The logical disk image must be transferred in binary format to your Q-BUS LSI-11 or Unibus PDP-11 machine.
The "TCP/IP Package for TSX-Plus", the "TCP/IP Package for RT-11", and the "FTP and Telnet Package for Small Systems" are distributed as a combined package of 24 RX02 logical floppy disks:
The "TCP/IP Package for TSX-Plus", the "TCP/IP Package for RT-11", and the "FTP and Telnet Package for Small Systems" are available here as 24 individual RX02 sector by sector floppy disk images.
Last Updated: February 2018