Several improvements have been made to the Monte-Carlo neutron detector efficiency code of Stanton to provide improved agreement with several different detector efficiency measurements. The impovements include a re-adjustment of the inelastic cross sections for neutron-induced reactions on carbon, adoption of new light-response functions, use of relativistic kinematics, and exact determination of light deposited by escaping charged particles. The improved calculations agree with measured efficiences for both plastic and liquid hydrocarbon scintillators for neutron energies from 1 MeV to about 300 MeV and for detector thresholds from about 0.1 MeV to 22 MeV equivalent-electron energies; in most cases the agreement is good to within a few percent. The code has been updated to compile under Linux with gfortran, Cygwin with g77, and Windows with Open Watcom. The distribution includes fortran source files, make files, executables, parameter data files, test runs, and a copy of the Nuclear Instruments and Methods paper describing the efficiency code improvemnets (includes paper references).
... Monte-Carlo Neutron Efficiency Code Package (35,526K)
... R.A. Cecil, B.D. Anderson and R. Madey,
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. 161 (1979), p. 439.
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