
The "ASxxxx Cross Assembler" Archives

End User License Agreement

   Copyright (C) 1989-2023 Alan R. Baldwin 

   This  program  is  free  software:   you  can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the  terms  of  the  GNU  General  Public
License  as  published  by  the Free Software Foundation, either
version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. 

   This  program is distributed in the hope that it will be use-
ful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even  the  implied  war-
See the GNU General Public License for more details.  

   You  should  have  received  a copy of the GNU General Public
License   along   with    this    program.     If    not,    see

    Archived ASxxxx Cross Assemblers as zipped files.
    (use 'pkunzip -d xxxx.zip' for extraction with MS-DOS)
    (use 'unzip -L -a xxxx.zip' for extraction with Linux)

Archived Versions

   > Update  2024, April     (312K)
  - V 5.50  2023, September (72184K)
   > Update  2022, January   (33K)
   > Update  2021, December  (409K)
   > Update  2021, October   (153K)
   > Update  2021, September (725K)
   > Update  2021, March     (49K)
  - V 5.40  2021, March     (46183K)
  - V 5.30  2019, January   (37270K)
  - V 5.20  2017, January   (25459K)
   > Update  2015, June      (59K)
  - V 5.10  2014, October   (24833K)
   > Update  2013, May       (1338K)
   > Update  2012, August    (1326K)
   > Update  2011, July      (17K)
   > Update  2010, October   (639K)
   > Update  2010, April     (29K)
   > Update  2010, March     (127K)
  - V 5.00  2009, April     (14391K)
   > Update  2008, February  (22K)
   > Update  2007, April     (122K)
   > Update  2006, November  (49K)
   > Update  2006, November  (52K)
   > Patch   2006, July      (11K)
  - V 4.11  2006, June      (8314K)
   > Patch   2006, June      (9K)
   > Patch   2006, June      (54K)
   > Update  2006, May       (7K)
   > Patch   2006, May       (11K)
  - V 4.10  2006, January   (8314K)
   > Patch   2005, January   (6K)
   > Update  2004, August    (595K)
   > Patch   2004, April     (2.5K)
   > Patch   2004, February  (5K)
  - V 4.00  2003, November  (7401K)
   > Update  2002, February  (1.5K)
  - V 3.11  2002, January   (3831K)
  - V 3.10  2001, November  (3936K)
   > Update  2001, November  (2.5K)
  - V 3.00  2000, April     (3620K)
  - V 2.30  2000, April     (3331K)
  - V 2.22  2000, February  (3651K)
  - V 2.21  1999, November  (1666K)
  - V 2.20  1999, July      (2774K)
  - V 2.10  1999, April     (709K)
  - V 2.00  1998, August    (607K)
  - V 1.75  1996, October   (605K)
  - V 1.70  1995, November  (459K)
  - V 1.50  1990, July      (333K)
  - V 1.00  1989, March     (209K)

CUG Versions

  - V 1.50  CUG292.ZIP      (377K)
  - V 1.50  CUG292 1 of 4   (160K)
  - V 1.50  CUG292 2 of 4   (82K)
  - V 1.50  CUG292 3 of 4   (97K)
  - V 1.50  CUG292 4 of 4   (40K)
  - V 1.50+ CUG346 1 of 2   (18K)
  - V 1.50+ CUG346 2 of 2   (75K)
  - V 1.50+ CUG398 1 of 1   (141K)

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Last Updated: April 2024