
FTP and Telnet Package For Small Systems Documentation

-... Program Options

   These  programs may be run under RT-11 and TSX-Plus.  Use the
appropriate file, TSXUCL.INS, XMUCL.INS, or RTUCL.INS to  define
the UCL commands for your particular system.  

   The  program startup options are outlined and typical startup
command files listed.  

File Transfer Client Program

   The  FTPSB  program  provides  reliable data transfer between
cooperating computer systems.  The FTP program  startup  options

  FTPSB [?] [-ehv] [-f filespec] [destination host]
        ?               List this Help Text and Exit FTPSB
        e               Enable Error Message Printing
        f  filespec     Configuration File
        h               FTPSB Help List
        v               Verbose Mode Disabled

   The  destination  host  specification may be the host name or
host ip number.  If the connection is to be made to an alternate
port then follow the name/ip with the port number (decimal).  

   The FTP program supports the following command line options: 

?               print local help information
ascii           set ascii transfer type
bell            toggle command completed beep
binary          set binary transfer type
cd              change remote working directory
close           terminate ftp session
debug           toggle/set debugging mode
delete          delete remote file
                        - inquires if prompting is on
dir             list contents of remote directory
duplicate       duplicate 'send' data packets to force ACK
get             receive file
hash            toggle printing `#' for each
                        1024 bytes transferred
help            print local help information
ls              list contents of remote directory
mkdir           make directory on the remote machine
netdebug        toggle/set network debugging mode
open            connect to remote ftp
passive         enable or disable passive transfer mode
put             send one file
pwd             print working directory on remote machine
quit            terminate ftp session and exit
quote           send arbitrary ftp command
recv            receive file
remotehelp      get help from remote server
rename          rename remote file
rm              delete remote file
rmdir           remove directory on the remote machine
send            send one file
sendport        toggle use of PORT cmd for each data connection
status          show current status
system          query remote system type
type            print a remote file to the screen
user            send new user information
verbose         toggle verbose mode
version         FTPSB-11 version displayed

   The  commands  get,  put, and send allow explicit renaming of
the  files  during  the  transfer  by  specifying  the  optional
destination file name:  

        get/put/send [source name] [destination name]

   The commands put or send can be used to transfer a device im-
age to an image file (must specify binary format):  

        put/send  dev:[-1]  destination-image-file

   The command get can be used to restore a device from an image
file (must specify binary format):  

        get  source-image-file  dev:[-1]

For  RT-11-SJ/SB/FB  the  IND  control  file  FTP.CSM starts the

        .sets cmdlin "-h "+"'p1' 'p2' 'p3' 'p4' 'p5' 'p6'"
        .open sy:tcpfun.com
        .data run TCP:ftpsb.sav
        .data 'cmdlin'

For  RT-11-XB/XM/ZB/ZM  the  IND control file FTP.CXM starts the

        .sets cmdlin "-h "+"'p1' 'p2' 'p3' 'p4' 'p5' 'p6'"
        .open sy:tcpfun.com
        .data r sy:vbgexe.sav
        .data TCP:ftpsb.sav
        .data 'cmdlin'

For TSX-Plus the command file FTP.CTM starts the program:  

        run/single TCP:ftpsb.sav
        -h ^1 ^2 ^3 ^4 ^5 ^6

=> Section Index

Telnet Client Program

   The  TLNTSB  program allows the user to initiate a connection
to a remote host for a terminal session.   The  startup  options
for TELNET are:  

  TLNTSB destination [?] [-eh] [-f filespec]
        ?               List the Help Text and Exit TLNTSB
        e               Enable Error Message Printing
        f  filespec     Configuration File
        h               List the Help Text and Open Connection

   The  destination  host  specification may be the host name or
host ip number.  If the connection is to be made to an alternate
port then follow the name/ip with the port number (decimal).  

   The  TLNTSB  program  supports the following command line op-
tions which are activated by the META character 'control A':  

        M->C    open capture file
        M->D    close capture file
        M->F    FTP [internet address]
        M->H    this help screen
        M->I    type my internet address
        M->K    erase character
        M->O    abort output
        M->Q    are you there?
        M->R    toggle <CR> follow character
        M->S    skip to end of buffer
        M->T    toggle backspace/delete
        M->U    erase line
        M->X    close connection
        M->Y    interrupt process
        M->@    send a true null character

         ^?      abort Telnet session

For  RT-11-SJ/SB/FB  the  IND control file TELNET.CSM starts the

        .sets cmdlin "-h "+"'p1' 'p2' 'p3' 'p4' 'p5' 'p6'"
        .open sy:tcpfun.com
        .data run TCP:tlntsb.sav
        .data 'cmdlin'

For RT-11-XB/XM/ZB/ZM the IND control file TELNET.CXM starts the

        .sets cmdlin "-h "+"'p1' 'p2' 'p3' 'p4' 'p5' 'p6'"
        .open sy:tcpfun.com
        .data r sy:vbgexe.sav
        .data TCP:tlntsb.sav
        .data 'cmdlin'

For TSX-Plus the command file TELNET.CTM starts the program:  

        run/single TCP:tlntsb.sav
        -h ^1 ^2 ^3 ^4 ^5 ^6

=> Section Index

Connect Client Program

   The  CNCTSB  program allows the user to initiate a connection
to a remote RT-11/TSX-Plus host for a  terminal  session.   This
program  is  the  TLNTSB program stripped of all TELNET negotia-
tions and uses a non standard TCP port (27).   The  startup  op-
tions for CNCTSB are:  

  CNCTSB destination [?] [-eh] [-f filespec]
        ?               List the Help Text and Exit CNCTSB
        e               Enable Error Message Printing
        f  filespec     Configuration File
        h               List the Help Text and Open Connection

   The  destination  host  specification may be the host name or
host ip number.  If the connection is to be made to an alternate
port then follow the name/ip with the port number (decimal).  

   The  CNCTSB  program  supports the following command line op-
tions which are activated by the META character 'control A':  

        M->C    open capture file
        M->D    close capture file
        M->F    FTP [internet address]
        M->H    this help screen
        M->I    type my internet address
        M->O    abort output
        M->Q    are you there?
        M->S    skip to end of buffer
        M->X    close connection
        M->Y    interrupt process

         ^?      abort CNCT session

For  RT-11-SJ/SB/FB  the  IND  control  file CNCT.CSM starts the

        .sets cmdlin "-h "+"'p1' 'p2' 'p3' 'p4' 'p5' 'p6'"
        .open sy:tcpfun.com
        .data run TCP:cnctsb.sav
        .data 'cmdlin'

For  RT-11-XB/XM/ZB/ZM  the IND control file CNCT.CXM starts the

        .sets cmdlin "-h "+"'p1' 'p2' 'p3' 'p4' 'p5' 'p6'"
        .open sy:tcpfun.com
        .data r sy:vbgexe.sav
        .data TCP:cnctsb.sav
        .data 'cmdlin'

For TSX-Plus the command file CNCT.CTM starts the program:  

        run/single TCP:cnctsb.sav
        -h ^1 ^2 ^3 ^4 ^5 ^6

=> Section Index

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Last Updated: June 2008