
FTP and Telnet Package For Small Systems Documentation

-... Software Installation

   The  FTP and Telnet Package components should be installed as
described  in  the  following  sections.   The  ethernet  device
handler  specific to your particular hardware configuration must
be copied to the RT-11 system device.  The logical name  assign-
ments used by the package are:  

     1.  TCP:   Location of programs and configuration file.  

     2.  ENx:   Selected device driver units 0-3.  

   The  FTP and Telnet Package for Small Systems executables are
found on logical disk SSDSK1.DSK.  The required device  handlers
are found on the logical disk DVRDSK.DSK.  


   The  FTP  and  Telnet  package may be installed in one of the
following three configurations:  

1)  Install All Files on System Device 

   All  command  files  and programs are copied directly to your
system disk.  Assign SY:  to TCP:.  This configuration  installs
9 files (and 320 blocks) on your system disk.  

2)  Install Only Command Files on System Device 

   Create  a  seperate  logical disk (TCP:) for the programs and
copy only the command files to the system directory.  This  will
install 3 files (and 3 blocks) on your system device.  

3)  Install All Files on a Logical Disk 

   Create  a  seperate  logical  disk (TCP:) for the package and
copy all the files to this disk.  

=> Section Index

Software Components

   The   following   annotated   list  summarizes  the  software

1.  FTP Client 
   1.  FTP.CSM          FTP IND control file (SJ/SB/FB) 
   2.  FTP.CXM          FTP IND control file (XB/XM/ZB/ZM) 
   3.  FTP.CTM          FTP command file (TSX) 
   4.  FTPSB.SAV        FTP client program 

2.  Telnet Client 
   1.  TELNET.CSM       TELNET IND control file (SJ/SB/FB) 
   2.  TELNET.CXM       TELNET IND control file (XB/XM/ZB/ZM) 
   3.  TELNET.CTM       TELNET command file (TSX) 
   4.  TLNTSB.SAV       TELNET client program 

3.  CNCT Client 
   1.  CNCT.CSM         CNCT IND control file (SJ/SB/FB) 
   2.  CNCT.CXM         CNCT IND control file (XB/XM/ZB/ZM) 
   3.  CNCT.CTM         CNCT command file (TSX) 
   4.  CNCTSB.SAV       CNCT client program 

4.  Miscellaneous Files 
   1.  TCPIP.CFG        Configuration file 
   2.  RTUCL.INS        UCL commands for RT-11 SJ/SB/FB 
   3.  XMUCL.INS        UCL commands for RT-11 XB/XM/ZB/ZM 
   4.  TSXUCL.INS       UCL commands for TSX-Plus 
   5.  TCPIP.RT         TCPIP.RUN for RT-11 SJ/SB/FB 
   6.  TCPIP.XM         TCPIP.RUN for RT-11 XB/XM/ZB/ZM 
   7.  TCPIP.TSX        TCPIP.RUN for TSX-Plus 

=> Section Index

Configuration File

   Each of the programs, FTPSB, TLNTSB, and CNCTSB, requires the
configuration file TCPIP.CFG which defines  all  the  parameters
required  to  configure  the  programs for network access.  Note
that TCP/IP services, tasks, and session logging  are  commented
out as these are not support.  

#  Example host file for TCP/IP server
#  This file is free form
#  Separators are any char <32, 'space' and '='
#  Comments are preceeded by #
#  The form is keyword=value for each parameter.
#  The first set of parameters refer to the whole program's defaults.
#  These parameter values can be in any order.
#  Following this are the individual machine specs.
#  If the first machine is name "default", then it contains default
#  values for the rest of the machines.
#       These options are specified for this host machine:
#       myname=____.____.____   # my internet name
#       myip=___.___.___.___    # host machines's IP number
#           =BOOTP              # to use BOOTP to get host info
#           =RARP               # to use RARP to get IP number
#       netmask=___.___.___.___ # subnetting mask
#       domain=____.____        # default domain for lookup
#       nndomto=____            # timeout for domain lookups
#       nnretry=____            # number of retries for lookup
#       nnarpto=____            # timeout for ARPs
#       nndto=____              # timeout for data layer
#       nnpkt=____              # TCPIP upper limit packets per transq
#                               # nnpkt=1, requires ACK for each packet
#       nnwin=____              # TCPIP upper limit window size
#       nnseg=____              # TCPIP upper limit input segment size
#       nnmtu=____              # TCPIP upper limit output transfer size
#       service=___,___,_____   # TCPIP services specification
#       task=___,___,_____      # TCPIP task specification
#       logsession=__________   # TCPIP session logging filespec
#       These are the options which may be specified for each
#       individual machine specification:
#       name=____               # name of session (required)
#       host=____               # full name of host computer
#       hostip=___.___.___.___  # IP number of host
#       port=____               # specify initial connection port
#       nameserver=____         # name server level
#       gateway=____            # gateway level
#       retrans=____            # initial retransmit timeout
#       contime=____            # opening connection timeout
#       mwin=____               # advertized window size for this host
#       mseg=____               # maximum advertized input segment size
#       mtu=____                # maximum output transfer size
#       delete=backspace        # value to use for character deletion
#       crmap=4.3BSDCRNUL       # for 4.3BSD null CR
#       duplex=half             # for half duplex TELNET connections
#       copyfrom=____           # copy parameters from this name
myip=        # required, this machine's IP number
netmask=   # subnetting mask
domain="domain.name"    # domain name search path

                        # affects machines on your local network
nnwin=512               # limit advertized window (nnwin == mwin)
nndomto=5               # domain timeout
nnretry=4               # number of retries
nnarpto=2               # arp timeout in seconds
nnpkt=1                 # send only 1 packet(s) per transq

#  The following line specifies the TCPIP logging file
#  which will contain information for each session
#               FTP / FTPL / RFTP
#               MAIL / RSMTP / RPOP3 / MAILER / MMAIL
#               RHTTP / RGOPH / RAUTH
#               RLPD / LPRINT / LPQRM / LLPQRM
#               NTSND / PMON

# logsession=LOG:tcpip.log[100]

#  The following are services supported by TCPIP.
#  Each entry contains the listen port, maximum number of
#  sessions and the name of the command file to initiate
#  the service.

service=21,2,TCP:rftp.srv       # remote ftp server
service=23,2,TCP:rtelnt.srv     # remote telnet server
service=25,2,TCP:rsmtp.srv      # remote smtp server (task: -t 1)
service=27,2,TCP:rcnct.srv      # remote cnct server
service=70,2,TCP:rgoph.srv      # remote gopher server
service=80,4,TCP:rhttp.srv      # remote http server
service=110,2,TCP:rpop3.srv     # remote pop3 server (task: -t 1)
service=113,2,TCP:rauth.srv     # remote auth server
service=515,2,TCP:rlpd.srv      # remote lpd server  (task: -t 2)

#  The following specify the tasks that may be initiated by TCPIP.
#  Each entry contains the taskid number, timer interval in seconds
#  (zero means not an automatically started task), and the name
#  of the command file to initiate the service.  These tasks donot
#  have to be related to TCPIP programs, however a TCPIP program
#  can use the TASKCLASS to start a specific task. The selected
#  task will be scheduled by TCPIP and only one (1) copy of the
#  the task will be allowed to run.  Additional requests to start
#  the task will be queued as a single request to rerun the task
#  at the completion of the currently executing task.

#task=1,0,sy:mailer.srv # mmail / pop3      mail delivery agent
#task=2,0,sy:lprint.srv # rlpd / llpqrm     printing delivery agent
#  Following are individual machine specifications
#  Gateways are used in the order that they appear in the file
#  Nameservers rotate, #1, #2, #3, #1, #2 when a request fails
#  The machine named "default" contains the fields which are
#  automatically filled in for later hosts
name=default            # Session name, "default" is a reserved name
                        # Not a real machine, default parameters only
delete=delete           # Assume mostly non-UNIX connections

#  The following entries affect the tuning of
#       TCP connections to this host.
#  They should be set by the network administrator who is familiar
#       with the requirements of your specific network.

contime=12              # timeout in seconds to try connection
                        #   before returning error to user
retrans=5               # starting retransmit time out in seconds
mtu=512                 # maximum transmit unit in bytes
                        #   outgoing packet size
                        #   MIN = 128, DEFAULT = 512, MAX = 512
mseg=512                # largest segment we can receive
                        #   whatever the hardware can take
                        #   MIN = 128, DEFAULT = 512, MAX = 512
mwin=512                # most bytes we can receive without ACK
                        #   = TCP window size
                        #   MIN = 128, DEFAULT = 512, MAX = 512
                        #   larger isn't always better

#  Below this line, most of the communication parameters are obtained
#   from the "default" host entry.
#  Machine names, IP addresses, and special communication parameters
#   are present when needed.

name=mygateway          hostip=

name=nameserver         hostip=

name=alpha              host=alpha.domain.name

# If during TCPIP startup you get the error Sreadhosts() error 2,
# you probably have exceeded the memory limits of the machine.
#       (1)     reduce the number of machine definitions above
#       (2) or  donot use session logging
# Sesion logging and Debugging should not be simultaneously enabled.

   The  program  needs  to  know  the  ip address(number) of the
machine to which it is connecting.  If the TCPIP.CFG  file  does
not  contain  the  named machines' ip number then it will make a
request to the specified name server to obtain the  machines  ip
number.   If  a name server is not specified then the connection
cannot be made using the machines name (place the machines  name
and ip address in the configuration file).  If the ip address is
given as the input to the client program rather  than  the  name
then a domain name lookup is not required.  

=> Section Index

Installation in Detail

   Complete  the  hardware  installation  as  described  in  the
chapter titled Hardware Installation.  

   Under RT-11 or TSX-Plus the most convenient installation is: 

1.  Copy the .SAV files from the distribution disk SMLTCP.DSK to

2.  Copy the command files from the distribution disk SMLTCP.DSK
    to SY:  
    1.  RT-11 (SJ/SB/FB):  files *.CSM 
    2.  RT-11 (XB/XM/ZB/ZM):  files *.CXM 
    3.  TSX-Plus:  files *.CTM 

3.  Copy  the configuration file TCPIP.CFG from the distribution
    disk SMLTCP.DSK to SY:.  

4.  Copy  the  UCL  command  file  from  the  distribution  disk
    SMLTCP.DSK to SY:  
    1.  RT-11 (SJ/SB/FB):  file RTUCL.INS 
    2.  RT-11 (XB/XM/ZB/ZM):  file XMUCL.INS 
    3.  TSX-Plus:  file TSXUCL.INS 

5.  Copy the system specific TCPIP.___ file to SY:TCPIP.RUN.  
    1.  RT-11 (SJ/SB/FB):  file TCPIP.RT 
    2.  RT-11 (XB/XM/ZB/ZM):  file TCPIP.XM 
    3.  TSX-Plus:  file TCPIP.TSX 

6.  Install UCL commands:  
    1.  RT-11 (SJ/SB/FB):  Type '$@RTUCL.INS' 
    2.  RT-11 (XB/XM/ZB/ZM):  Type '$@XMUCL.INS' 
    3.  TSX-Plus:  Installation is in TCPIP.TSX 

7.  Verify  that  your system was sysgened for timer support and
    no error logging.  If not, then perform a system  generation
    or rebuild the device handlers to your requirements.  

8.  Copy and rename the appropriate device handler from the log-
    ical disks  DVDSK1.DSK  or  DVDSK2.DSK  to  SY:.   (See  the
    chapter on device handlers for more information on selecting
    the appropriate device handler.) 

9.  Install  the  handler  using the 'install' command or reboot
    the system and verify the handler was installed.  

10.  Edit  the  file  SY:TCPIP.RUN  to  assign  TCP:,  load  the
    appropriate device handler (RT-11 only) and assign units 0-3
    of the device handler to EN0-3.  

11.  Edit  the  file  SY:TCPIP.CFG for your configuration.  Your
    machine's name and IP address are required and the  specifi-
    cation of a name server and gateway may be required for your

12.  Type  '$@SY:TCPIP.RUN'  to load the handler.  (You may wish
    to add the line '$@SY:TCPIP.RUN' to your RT-11 startup  com-
    mand file or your TSX-Plus LINEx.TSX file.) 

13.  Attempt to FTP or Telnet to a local computer using only the
    IP number of that computer.  (verifies connections are  pos-

14.  Attempt  to  FTP  or  Telnet  to a local computer using the
    computer's name.  The computer's name and  IP  address  must
    not  be  in  the  TCPIP.CFG  file.   (verifies that the name
    server entry is correct) 

15.  Attempt  to  FTP  or  Telnet to a machine not on your local
    network.  If you use the machine's name then the name server
    must  be working or the machine's name and IP number must be
    in the configurataion file TCPIP.CFG.   (verifies  that  the
    gateway entry is correct) 

=> Section Index

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Last Updated: June 2008