
TCP/IP Package For RT-11 Documentation

-... Client / Server Program Options

Mail (with SMTP) Client Program

   The  MAIL  program provides local and internet mail services.
This program is recommended for systems  not  requiring  a  POP3
server.  The startup options for MAIL are:  

  MAIL [?] [-fp filespec] [-i IP Address] [-z s]
        ?               List the Help Text and Exit MAIL
        f  filespec     Command File
        h               Help list
        i  IP Address   Intermediate Host Name / IP Address
        p  filespec     Specify the Password Filespec
        z  s            Connection Timeout in Seconds

The  Intermediate Host IP option provides a means of routing the
internet mail through another host machine.  The RT-11 MAIL pro-
gram  does  not  support  retry operations if the mail cannot be
delivered, using an intermediate host  supporting  retries  will
provide  this  feature  to the RT-11 MAIL system.  Permission to
use a particular host as a MAIL relay should  be  obtained  from
the  hosts'  system manager.  The option must be specified using
the complete name (an IP address may also be used).   A  typical
invocation follows:  

        -i mail.domain.name

The MAIL program is invoked from the IND control file MAIL.COM: 

        .sets cmdlin "-hpz PAS:paswrd.fil 60 ...
                ... "+"'p1' 'p2' 'p3' 'p4' 'p5' 'p6'"
        .open sy:tcpfun.com
        .data r sy:vbgexe.sav
        .data TCP:mail.sav
        .data 'cmdlin'

The MAIL program supports the following command line options:  

?               print local help information
bye             terminate the MAIL program
copy            copy a message to a file
debug           toggle/set debugging mode
delete          delete a message
dir             list of unread mail messages
exit            terminate the MAIL program
hash            toggle printing `#' during transfers
help            print local help information
home            go to home (initial) directory
index           an index of received mail
interactive     turn on prompting on multiple commands
last            read most recent mail message
lcd             change local working directory
ldelete         delete local files
ldir            list contents of local directory
listmail        list of unread mail messages
lls             list contents of local directory
lprotect        set protection flag on local file
lpwd            show local working directory
lrename         rename a local file
ltype           print a local file to the screen
lunprotect      clear protection flag on a local file
mail            go to mail directory
newmail         count number of new mail messages
noninteractive  turn off prompting on multiple commands
prompt          toggle interactive prompting
                        on multiple commands
quit            terminate the MAIL program
read            read a mail message
scan            scan directory for all mail messages
send [filespec] initiate the sending of a message
status          show current status
user            enter a new user/password access key
verbose         toggle verbose mode
version         MAIL-11 version displayed
wild            toggle wildcard expansion of local file names

Mail  is sent to a local user if only a name is specified and to
a remote machine if the user and IP address are specified.  

Local:          username 

Internet:       username@machine.domain.name 

and RSMTP.SAV make use of the password file to  restrict  access
to  the  mail  system.  A user may have local and/or remote MAIL
access (or no access) depending on the password file parameters. 

   Incoming  mail  may be directed to a users' default directory
or to a specific  mail  directory  (specified  in  the  password
file).   A  typical configuration is to create a mail directory,
SY:MAIL.DSK, and have mail subdirectories for each  user.   Thus
the path SY:/MAIL/USER1/ specifies the users' unique mail direc-
tory and should be specified in the password configuration.  The
local  mail programs MAIL.SAV, MMAIL.SAV, and MAILER.SAV and the
remote mail programs RSMTP.SAV and RPOP3.SAV check the  password
file  to  verify  that the user has the privilege to send or re-
ceive mail via the network and places any received mail  in  the
specified mail directory.  These programs will use/create a mail
index file in the mail directory which is used to keep an  index
of all received mail.  

=> Section Index

Mail (without SMTP) Client Program

   The MMAIL program is a front end interface to the MAILER ser-
vice.  This program is recommended for systems requiring a  POP3
server.  The startup options for MMAIL are:  

  MMAIL [?] [-fp filespec] [-h]
        ?               List the Help Text and Exit MMAIL
        f  filespec     Command File
        h               Help list
        p  filespec     Specify the Password Filespec

The  MAILER  delivery  task must have been started in TCPIP.RUN.
The MAILER actually sends the mail messages produced by MMAIL.  

   The  MMAIL  program  is  invoked  from  the  IND control file

        .sets cmdlin "-hp PAS:paswrd.fil ...
                ... "+"'p1' 'p2' 'p3' 'p4' 'p5' 'p6'"
        .open sy:tcpfun.com
        .data r sy:vbgexe.sav
        .data TCP:mmail.sav
        .data 'cmdlin'

The MMAIL program supports the following command line options:  

?               print local help information
bye             terminate the MMAIL program
copy            copy a message to a file
debug           toggle/set debugging mode
delete          delete a message
dir             list of unread mail messages
exit            terminate the SMAIL program
help            print local help information
home            go to home (initial) directory
index           an index of received mail
interactive     turn on prompting for multiple commands
last            read most recent mail message
lcd             change local working directory
ldelete         delete local files
ldir            list contents of local directory
listmail        list of unread mail messages
lls             list contents of local directory
lprotect        set protection flag on local file
lpwd            show local working directory
lrename         rename a local file
ltype           print a local file to the screen
lunprotect      clear protection flag on a local file
mail            go to mail directory
newmail         count number of new mail messages
noninteractive  turn off prompting for multiple commands
prompt          toggle interactive prompting
                        on multiple commands
quit            terminate the MAIL program
read            read a mail message
scan            scan directory for all mail messages
send [filespec] initiate the sending of a message
status          show current status
user            enter a new user/password access key
version         SMAIL-11 version displayed
wild            toggle wildcard expansion of local file names

Mail  is sent to a local user if only a name is specified and to
a remote machine if the user and IP address are specified.  

Local:          username 

Internet:       username@machine.domain.name 

and RSMTP.SAV make use of the password file to  restrict  access
to  the  mail  system.  A user may have local and/or remote MAIL
access (or no access) depending on the password file parameters. 

   Incoming  mail  may be directed to a users' default directory
or to a specific  mail  directory  (specified  in  the  password
file).   A  typical configuration is to create a mail directory,
SY:MAIL.DSK, and have mail subdirectories for each  user.   Thus
the  path  SY:/MAIL/USER1/  specifies  the  users'  unique  mail
directory and should be specified in the password configuration.
The  local mail programs MAIL.SAV, MMAIL.SAV, and MAILER.SAV and
the remote mail programs RSMTP.SAV and RPOP3.SAV check the pass-
word  file  to verify that the user has the privilege to send or
receive mail via the network and places any received mail in the
specified mail directory.  These programs will use/create a mail
index file in the mail directory which is used to keep an  index
of all received mail.  

=> Section Index

POP3 Server Program

   RPOP3 is a server program for remote access to the RT-11 mail
system via the extended POP3 protocol.  This server supports the
PC  shareware  packages PC Eudora and WinQVT/Net for Windows 3.x
and NT in particular and others using the  POP3  protocol.   The
program startup options are:  

  RPOP3 [?] [-p filespec] [-eqrvyz] [parameters]
        ?       List the Help Text and Exit RPOP3
        e       Enable Monitoring of RPOP3 Transactions
        p       Specify the Password Filespec
        q  n    Specify an Alternate Connection Port
        r       Restart RPOP3 after Disconnect
        v       Verbose Mode
        y  s    Login Timeout in seconds
        z  s    Inactivity Timeout in seconds

If  an  extended  POP3 client is sending mail to the POP3 server
then  the  MAILER  delivery  task  must  have  been  started  in
TCPIP.RUN.  The MAILER actually sends the mail messages produced
by RPOP3.  

   The program may be started interactively (for diagnostic pur-
poses) by the IND control file RPOP3.COM:  

        .sets cmdlin -rpyz PAS:paswrd.fil 15 600 ...
                ... "+"'p1' 'p2' 'p3' 'p4'"
        .open sy:tcpfun.com
        .data r sy:vbgexe.sav
        .data TCP:rpop3.sav
        .data 'cmdlin'

The program is normally started as a system job by the TCPIP.RUN
command file.  When started as a foreground or  system  job  the
program   gets   the   command  line  arguments  from  the  file

        -r -p PAS:paswrd.fil -y 15 -z 600

and RSMTP.SAV make use of the password file to  restrict  access
to  the  mail  system.  A user may have local and/or remote MAIL
access (or no access) depending on the password file parameters. 

   Incoming  mail  may be directed to a users' default directory
or to a specific  mail  directory  (specified  in  the  password
file).   A  typical configuration is to create a mail directory,
SY:MAIL.DSK, and have mail subdirectories for each  user.   Thus
the path SY:/MAIL/USER1/ specifies the users' unique mail direc-
tory and should be specified in the password configuration.  The
local  mail programs MAIL.SAV, MMAIL.SAV, and MAILER.SAV and the
remote mail programs RSMTP.SAV and RPOP3.SAV check the  password
file  to  verify  that the user has the privilege to send or re-
ceive mail via the network and places any received mail  in  the
specified mail directory.  These programs will use/create a mail
index file in the mail directory which is used to keep an  index
of all received mail.  

=> Section Index

Mail Server Program for MMAIL and RPOP3

   MAILER  is  a  backend  program  for  MMAIL  and  RPOP3 which
provides mail delivery to local users and  remote  destinations.
When  MAILER is activated it scans all user mail directories for
files with names similiar to  ml____.nnn  created  by  MMAIL  or
RPOP3.   These files are routed to their respective destinations
and then deleted.  If the mail is not deliverable then the  mes-
sage is directed back to the sender.  

   MAILER  is also a backend program for MAIL, MMAIL, RPOP3, and
RSMTP which provides  mail  forwarding  from  a  local  user  to
another  local  user  or remote destination.  When MAILER is ac-
tivated it scans each user-mail-directory enabled for forwarding
and  sends any received mail to the forwarding address.  After a
successful forward the local mail file is  deleted.   Forwarding
is enabled by specifying a forwarding address in the PASWRD pro-

  MAILER [?] [-p filespec] [-i IP-address] [-z s] [-ev]
        ?               List the Help Text and Exit MAILER
        e               Enable Monitoring of MAILER Transactions
        i  IP-address   Intermediate Host Name / IP Address
        p  filespec     Specify the Password Filespec
        t  n (minutes)  Continuous Scanning Time Interval
        v               Verbose Mode
        z  s            Connection Timeout in Seconds

The  Intermediate Host IP option provides a means of routing the
internet mail through another host machine.  The RT-11 MAIL pro-
gram  does  not  support  retry operations if the mail cannot be
delivered, using an intermediate host  supporting  retries  will
provide  this  feature  to the RT-11 MAIL system.  Permission to
use a particular host as a MAIL relay should  be  obtained  from
the  hosts'  system manager.  The option must be specified using
the complete name (an IP address may also be used).   A  typical
invocation follows:  

        -i mail.domain.name

The  program  may  be started interactively (for diagnostic pur-
poses) by the IND control file MAILER.COM:  

        .sets cmdlin "-pit PAS:paswrd.fil ...
                ... mail.domain.name 15 "+"'p1' 'p2' 'p3' 'p4'"
        .open sy:tcpfun.com
        .data r sy:vbgexe.sav
        .data TCP:mailer.sav
        .data 'cmdlin'

The program is normally started as a system job by the TCPIP.RUN
command file.  When started as a foreground or  system  job  the
program   gets   the   command  line  arguments  from  the  file

        -p PAS:paswrd.fil -t 15 -i mail.domain.name

The  specification  of device wf:  is required by MAILER to tem-
porarily store local mail messages before writing  the  mail  to
the users mail directories.  If wf:  is undefined, inaccessable,
or not initialized then mail will not be delivered.  

and RSMTP.SAV make use of the password file to  restrict  access
to  the  mail  system.  A user may have local and/or remote MAIL
access (or no access) depending on the password file parameters. 

   Incoming  mail  may be directed to a users' default directory
or to a specific  mail  directory  (specified  in  the  password
file).   A  typical configuration is to create a mail directory,
SY:MAIL.DSK, and have mail subdirectories for each  user.   Thus
the path SY:/MAIL/USER1/ specifies the users' unique mail direc-
tory and should be specified in the password configuration.  The
local  mail programs MAIL.SAV, MMAIL.SAV, and MAILER.SAV and the
remote mail programs RSMTP.SAV and RPOP3.SAV check the  password
file  to  verify  that the user has the privilege to send or re-
ceive mail via the network and places any received mail  in  the
specified mail directory.  These programs will use/create a mail
index file in the mail directory which is used to keep an  index
of all received mail.  

=> Section Index

SMTP Server Program

   RSMTP  is  a  server program for remote MAIL into RT-11.  The
program startup options are:  

  RSMTP [?] [-hp filespec] [-eiqrvz] [parameters]
        ?       List the Help Text and Exit RSMTP
        e       Enable Monitoring of all RSMTP Transactions
        h       Specify the Help Filespec
        i  i m  IP Validation and Mask
        p       Specify the Password Filespec
        q  n    Specify an Alternate Connection Port
        r       Restart RSMTP after Disconnect
        v       Verbose Mode
        z  s    Inactivity Timeout in Seconds

The RSMTP help file RSMTP.HLP is of diagnostic use only.  

   The program may be started interactively (for diagnostic pur-
poses) by the IND control file RSMTP.COM:  

        .sets cmdlin "-rpz PAS:paswrd.fil 600 ...
                ... "+"'p1' 'p2' 'p3' 'p4'"
        .open sy:tcpfun.com
        .data r sy:vbgexe.sav
        .data TCP:rsmtp.sav
        .data 'cmdlin'

The program is normally started as a system job by the TCPIP.RUN
command file.  When started as a foreground or  system  job  the
program   gets   the   command  line  arguments  from  the  file

        -r -p PAS:paswrd.fil -z 600

The  specification  of  device wf:  is required by RSMTP to tem-
porarily store incoming mail messages before writing the mail to
the users mail directories.  If wf:  is undefined, inaccessable,
or not initialized then incoming mail will not be delivered.  

and RSMTP.SAV make use of the password file to  restrict  access
to  the  mail  system.  A user may have local and/or remote MAIL
access (or no access) depending on the password file parameters. 

   Incoming  mail  may be directed to a users' default directory
or to a specific  mail  directory  (specified  in  the  password
file).   A  typical configuration is to create a mail directory,
SY:MAIL.DSK, and have mail subdirectories for each  user.   Thus
the path SY:/MAIL/USER1/ specifies the users' unique mail direc-
tory and should be specified in the password configuration.  The
local  mail programs MAIL.SAV, MMAIL.SAV, and MAILER.SAV and the
remote mail programs RSMTP.SAV and RPOP3.SAV check the  password
file  to  verify  that the user has the privilege to send or re-
ceive mail via the network and places any received mail  in  the
specified mail directory.  These programs will use/create a mail
index file in the mail directory which is used to keep an  index
of all received mail.  

=> Section Index

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Last Updated: June 2008