
TCP/IP Package For RT-11 Documentation

-... Client / Server Program Options

File Transfer Client Program

   The  FTP  program  provides  reliable  data  transfer between
cooperating computer systems.  The FTP program  startup  options

  FTP [?] [-f filespec] [-p filespec]
        [-ghinrv] [destination host]
        ?               List this Help Text and Exit FTP
        f  filespec     Command File
        g               Wildcard Expansion Disabled
        h               FTP Help List
        i               Interactive Prompting Off
        n               AutoLogin Disabled on Connect
        p  filespec     Specify the Password Filespec
        r               Output Redirection Disabled
        v               Verbose Mode Disabled

The  destination host specification may be the host name or host
ip number.  If the connection is to be made to an alternate port
then follow the name/ip with the port number (decimal).  

   If  the  work file device, wf:, is not assigned then the pro-
gram will fail to execute the commands mget, mdel, or mls.  

   The IND control file FTP.COM starts the program:  

        .sets cmdlin "-hb "+"'p1' 'p2' 'p3' 'p4' 'p5' 'p6'"
        .open sy:tcpfun.com
        .data r sy:vbgexe.sav
        .data TCP:ftp.sav
        .data 'cmdlin'

The FTP program supports the following command line options:  

?               print local help information
ascii           set ascii transfer type
bell            toggle command completed beep
bget            get a file in binary mode
binary          set binary transfer type
bput            put a file in binary mode
bye             terminate ftp session and exit
cd              change remote working directory
close           terminate ftp session
debug           toggle/set debugging mode
delete          delete remote file
                        - inquires if prompting is on
dir             list contents of remote directory
duplicate       enable/disable duplicate packets
get             receive file
hash            toggle printing `#' for each
                        1024 bytes transferred
help            print local help information
home            set default directory to home
interactive     turn on prompting for multiple commands
lcd             change local working directory
ldelete         delete local files
ldir            list contents of local directory
lls             list contents of local directory
lprotect        set protection flag on local file
lpwd            show local working directory
lrename         rename a local file
ls              list contents of remote directory
ltype           print a local file to the screen
lunprotect      clear protection flag on a local file
mdelete         delete multiple files
mdir            list contents of multiple remote directories
mget            get multiple files
mkdir           make directory on the remote machine
mls             list contents of multiple remote directories
mode            set file transfer mode
mput            send multiple files
noninteractive  turn off prompting on multiple commands
open            connect to remote ftp
passive         enable or disable passive transfer mode
prompt          toggle interactive prompting
                        on multiple commands
protect         set protection flag on file
put             send one file
pwd             print working directory on remote machine
quit            terminate ftp session and exit
quote           send arbitrary ftp command
recv            receive file
remotehelp      get help from remote server
rename          rename remote file
rm              delete remote file
rmdir           remove directory on the remote machine
send            send one file
sendport        toggle use of PORT cmd for each data connection
status          show current status
struct          set file transfer structure
system          query remote system type
type            print a remote file to the screen
unprotect       clear protection flag on file
user            send new user information
verbose         toggle verbose mode
version         FTP-11 version displayed
wild            toggle wildcard expansion of local file names
>   <filespec>  redirect (m)dir or (m)ls response to a file

   The commands bget, get, put, and send allow explicit renaming
of the files during the  transfer  by  specifying  the  optional
destination file name:  

        bget/get/put/send [source name] [destination name]

   The commands put or send can be used to transfer a device im-
age to an image file (must specify binary format):  

        put/send  dev:[-1]  destination-image-file

   The commands bget or get can be used to restore a device from
an image file (must specify binary format):  

        bget/get  source-image-file  dev:[-1]

=> Section Index

File Transfer Client Program (little)

   The  FTPL  program  provides  reliable  data transfer between
cooperating computer systems.  FTPL is a stripped version of the
FTP  program  for  use  on  smaller  systems.   The FTPL program
startup options are:  

  FTPL [?] [-ghinv] [destination host]
        ?       List this Help Text and Exit FTPL
        g       Wildcard Expansion Disabled
        h       FTPL Help List
        i       Interactive Prompting Off
        n       AutoLogin Disabled on Connect
        v       Verbose Mode Disabled

The  destination host specification may be the host name or host
ip number.  If the connection is to be made to an alternate port
then follow the name/ip with the port number (decimal).  

   If  the  work file device, wf:, is not assigned then the pro-
gram will fail to execute the commands mget, mdel, or mls.  

   The IND control file FTPL.COM starts the program:  

        .sets cmdlin "-h "+"'p1' 'p2' 'p3' 'p4' 'p5' 'p6'"
        .open sy:tcpfun.com
        .data r sy:vbgexe.sav
        .data TCP:ftpl.sav
        .data 'cmdlin'

The FTPL program supports the following command line options:  

?               print local help information
ascii           set ascii transfer type
bell            toggle command completed beep
bget            get a file in binary mode
binary          set binary transfer type
bput            put a file in binary mode
bye             terminate ftp session and exit
cd              change remote working directory
close           terminate ftp session
debug           toggle/set debugging mode
delete          delete remote file
                        - inquires if prompting is on
dir             list contents of remote directory
duplicate       enable/disable duplicate packets
get             receive file
hash            toggle printing `#' for each
                        1024 bytes transferred
help            print local help information
interactive     turn on prompting for multiple commands
ls              list contents of remote directory
mdelete         delete multiple files
mget            get multiple files
mkdir           make directory on the remote machine
mode            set file transfer mode
mput            send multiple files
noninteractive  turn off prompting on multiple commands
open            connect to remote ftp
passive         enable or disable passive transfer mode
prompt          toggle interactive prompting
                        on multiple commands
put             send one file
pwd             print working directory on remote machine
quit            terminate ftp session and exit
quote           send arbitrary ftp command
recv            receive file
remotehelp      get help from remote server
rename          rename remote file
rm              delete remote file
rmdir           remove directory on the remote machine
send            send one file
sendport        toggle use of PORT cmd for each data connection
status          show current status
struct          set file transfer structure
system          query remote system type
type            print a remote file to the screen
user            send new user information
verbose         toggle verbose mode
version         FTP-11 version displayed
wild            toggle wildcard expansion of local file names

   The commands bget, get, put, and send allow explicit renaming
of the files during the  transfer  by  specifying  the  optional
destination file name:  

        bget/get/put/send [source name] [destination name]

   The commands put or send can be used to transfer a device im-
age to an image file (must specify binary format):  

        put/send  dev:[-1]  destination-image-file

   The commands bget or get can be used to restore a device from
an image file (must specify binary format):  

        bget/get  source-image-file  dev:[-1]

=> Section Index

File Transfer Server Program

   RFTP  is  a  server  program  for  remote  FTP  sessions into
RT-11.  The program startup options are:  

  RFTP [?] [-hmp filespec] [-efqruvwyz] [parameters]
        ?       List the Help Text and Exit RFTP
        e       Enable Monitoring of all RFTP Transactions
	f	Enable file SIZE Command
        h       Specify the Help Filespec
        m       Specify the Message Filespec
        p       Specify the Password Filespec
        q  n    Specify an Alternate Connection Port
        r       Restart RFTP after Disconnect
        u       UNIX Style DIR Command
        v       Verbose Mode
        w       Write Duplicate Packets
        y  s    Login Timeout in seconds
        z  s    Inactivity Timeout in seconds

The  program  may  be started interactively (for diagnostic pur-
poses) by the IND control file RFTP.COM:  

        .sets cmdlin "-rpyz PAS:paswrd.fil 15 600 ...
                ... "+"'p1' 'p2' 'p3' 'p4'"
        .open sy:tcpfun.com
        .data r sy:vbgexe.sav
        .data TCP:rftp.sav
        .data 'cmdlin'

The program is normally started as a system job by the TCPIP.RUN
command file.  When started as a foreground or  system  job  the
program   gets   the   command  line  arguments  from  the  file

        -r -p PAS:paswrd.fil -y 15 -z 600

The  RFTP  help  and  message  files  are  RFTP.HLP and RFTP.MSG
respectively.  The h or m options may be used if these files are
not  on the TCP:  device.  These files are created by the system
manager and are not required.  

   The  -u  option  specifies  that the 'LIST' command returns a
UNIX style directory listing rather than the default RT-11 style
directory  format.   This format is useful if the remote systems
are PC's using one of the window oriented FTP utilities such  as
PROCOMM  V3.0 (DataStorm Technologies).  These utilities use the
unix access-rights string to determine whether the  entries  are
files  or  directories.   The  general  form  for the UNIX style
directory is:  

-rwxrwxrwx   1 system  user       1536 12 Jan 96 file.ext
drwxrwxrwx   1 system  user     512000 01 Mar 96 subdir.dsk

=> Section Index

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Last Updated: June 2008