
TCP/IP Package For RT-11 Documentation

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TPFTP:  Tape File Transfer Client Program
        (Program Requires the TCP/IP Package)

  The TPFTP program is a special FTP client program which

	(1)	reads magnetic tape data, encodes the data,
		and transfers the data, by FTP, as a file to
		another computer.

	(2)	receives an encoded data file, by FTP, from
		another computer, decodes the data, and
		creates a magnetic tape.

	The Data Files created or processed by this program
	are encoded 'Magnetic Tape' images:

	(1)	EOF Tape Marks are encoded as a
		32-Bit integer (4-bytes) of value 0.

	(2)	Tape Records are encoded as:

		(a)	Tape Record length as a 32-Bit integer (4-bytes).
		(b)	Tape Record (length bytes)
		(c)	Tape Record length as a 32-Bit integer (4-bytes).

	(3a)	Reading a tape:
			The specified number of sequential EOFs
			designates the End Of Tape (default == 2).
			An EOT Tape Mark read from a tape
			terminates the data transfer.

	(3b)	Creating a tape:
			The completion of the data transfer
			terminates the tape writing.

The TPFTP program  startup  options are:  

  TPFTP [?] [-f filename] [-ghinrv] [destination host]
	     ?		List this Help Text and Exit TPFTP
	     f      Command File
	     h		TPFTP Help List
	     g		Wildcard Expansion Disabled
	     i		Interactive Prompting Off
	     n		AutoLogin Disabled on Connect
	     r		Output Redirection Disabled
	     v		Verbose Mode Disabled

The  destination host specification may be the host name or host
ip number.  If the connection is to be made to an alternate port
then follow the name/ip with the port number (decimal).  

   If  the  work file device, wf:, is not assigned then the pro-
gram will fail to execute the commands mdel, mdir, or mls.  

The TSX startup command file TPFTP.CTM is:

        run/single TCP:tpftp
        -h ^1 ^2 ^3 ^4 ^5 ^6

The RT startup command file TPFTP.CXM is:

        .sets cmdlin "-hb "+"'p1' 'p2' 'p3' 'p4' 'p5' 'p6'"
        .open sy:tcpfun.com
        .data r sy:vbgexe.sav
        .data TCP:tpftp.sav
        .data 'cmdlin'

The TPFTP program supports the following command line options:  

	?		print local help information
	ascii		set ascii transfer type
	bell		toggle command completed beep
	bget		get a file in binary mode
	binary		set binary transfer type
	bput		put a file in binary mode
	bsend		send a file in binary mode
	bye		terminate ftp session and exit
	cd		change remote working directory
	close		terminate ftp session
	debug		toggle/set debugging mode
	delete		delete remote file - inquires if prompting is on
	dir		list contents of remote directory
	get		receive file
	hash		toggle printing `#' for each 1024 bytes transferred
	help		print local help information
	interactive	turn on prompting for multiple commands
	ls		list contents of remote directory
	mdelete		delete multiple files
	mdir		list contents of multiple remote directories
	mkdir		make directory on the remote machine
	mls		list contents of multiple remote directories
	mode		set file transfer mode
	noninteractive	turn off prompting on multiple commands
	open		connect to remote ftp
	passive		enable or disable passive transfer mode
	prompt		toggle interactive prompting on multiple commands
	protect		set protection flag on file
	put		send one file
	pwd		print working directory on remote machine
	quit		terminate ftp session and exit
	quote		send arbitrary ftp command
	recv		receive file
	remotehelp	get help from remote server
	rename		rename remote file
	rm		delete remote file
	rmdir		remove directory on the remote machine
	send		send one file
	sendport	toggle use of PORT cmd for each data connection
	status		show current status
	struct		set file transfer structure
	system		query remote system type
	tpdismount	dismount tape
	tpendcnt	EOF count for end of file marker
	tpignore	toggle ignore magnetic tape read errors
	tpinit		initialize tape
	tpmount		mount tape at BOT
	tprewind	rewind tape to BOT
	tpskpfwd	skip forward past next EOF
	tpskpbck	skip backward to before previous EOF
	tpspcfwd	skip forward past next record/EOF
	tpspcbck	skip backward to before previous record/EOF
	tpunload	unload/rewind tape at end of transfer
	tpweof		write a single EOF
	tpweot		write three EOFs, backup two EOFs
	type		print a remote file to the screen
	unprotect	clear protection flag on file
	user		send new user information
	verbose		toggle verbose mode
	version		program version displayed
	wild		toggle wildcard expansion of local file names
	>   <filespec>  redirect (m)dir or (m)ls response to a file

   The transfer commands bget, get, put, and send require explicit
naming of the file during the transfer by specifying the file name:  

        put/send [local tape dev:] [remote file name]

        bget/get [remote file name] [local tape dev:]

Logical Disk TPFTP.DSK (247K)

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TPTOFL:  Tape <--> Encoded Data File Program
         (Program Does Not Require the TCP/IP Package)

  The TPTOFL program:

        (1)     reads magnetic tape data, encodes the data,
                and transfers the data to a file.

        (2)     reads an encoded data file and
                creates a magnetic tape.

        The Data Files created or processed by this program
        are encoded 'Magnetic Tape' images:

        (1)     EOF Tape Marks are encoded as a
                32-Bit integer (4-bytes) of value 0.

        (2)     Tape Records are encoded as:

                (a)     Tape Record length as a 32-Bit integer (4-bytes).
                (b)     Tape Record (length bytes)
                (c)     Tape Record length as a 32-Bit integer (4-bytes).

        (3a)    Reading a tape:
                        The specified number of sequential EOFs
                        designates the End Of Tape (default == 2).
                        An EOT Tape Mark read from a tape
                        terminates the data transfer.

        (3b)    Creating a tape:
                        The completion of the data transfer
                        terminates the tape writing.

The TPTOFL program  startup  options are:  

  TPTOFL [?] [-f filespec] [-ghinrv] [destination host]
        ?       List this Help Text and Exit TPTOFL
        f       Command File
        h       TPTOFL Help List
        g       Wildcard Expansion Disabled
        i       Interactive Prompting Off
        r       Output Redirection Disabled
        v       Verbose Mode Disabled

The TSX startup command file TPTOTP.CTM is:

        run/single sy:tptofl
        -h ^1 ^2 ^3 ^4 ^5 ^6

The RT startup command file TPTOTP.CXM is:

        .sets cmdlin "-h "+"'p1' 'p2' 'p3' 'p4' 'p5' 'p6'"
        .open sy:tcpfun.com
        .data r sy:vbgexe.sav
        .data sy:tptofl.sav
        .data 'cmdlin'

The TPTOFL program supports the following command line options:  

        ?               print local help information
        bell            toggle command completed beep
        bye             terminate ftp session and exit
        debug           toggle/set debugging mode
        help            print local help information
        home            set default directory to home
        interactive     turn on prompting for multiple commands
        lcd             change local working directory
        ldelete         delete local files
        ldir            list contents of local directory
        lls             list contents of local directory
        lmkdir          make a local directory
        lprotect        set protection flag on local file
        lpwd            show local working directory
        lrename         rename a local file
        lrmdir          remove a local directory
        ltype           print a local file to the screen
        lunprotect      clear protection flag on a local file
        makefile        create encoded file from tape
        maketape        create tape from encoded file
        noninteractive  turn off prompting on multiple commands
        prompt          toggle interactive prompting
        quit            terminate ftp session and exit
        status          show current status
        tpdismount      dismount tape
        tpendcnt        EOF count for end of file marker
        tpignore        toggle ignore magnetic tape read errors
        tpinit          initialize tape
        tpmount         mount tape at BOT
        tprewind        rewind tape to BOT
        tpskpfwd        skip forward past next EOF
        tpskpbck        skip backward to before previous EOF
        tpspcfwd        skip forward past next record/EOF
        tpspcbck        skip backward to before previous record/EOF
        tpunload        unload/rewind tape at end of transfer
        tpweof          write a single EOF
        tpweot          write three EOFs, backup two EOFs
        verbose         toggle verbose mode
        version         program version displayed
        wild            toggle wildcard expansion of local file names

   The transfer commands makefile and maketape require explicit
naming of the file during the transfer by specifying the tape
device and file name:  

        makefile [tape dev:] [file name]

        maketape [file name] [tape dev:]

Logical Disk TPTOFL.DSK (247K)

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Last Updated: June 2009